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"Retirement" Extension Experience July 22, 2011

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mojako,I am greatly impressed with your detailed report,even down to the cost of taxi!! I have another kind of visa extension,but I could not help going on reading..If it isn`t rude and if you feel like it,could you tell me what your occupation was?Just curious....

I have a graduate degree in engineering and used to be Engineering Services Manager in a corporation. So I guess capturing detail to paper is almost automatic with me after all of those years. I also worked in a Japanese corporation for a while and they are VERY detail orientated in their requirements. They are very successful but there is a lot of pressure working with them.

I guessed it had to be something like that,thanks for your answer!!

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Did mine today in Udon, based on retirement. In and out in 15 minutes I couldnt believe it. My fastest time ever.

No questions other than asking if the amount on my Embassy letter was monthly. He gave me a new reporting date (90day) from today.

Friendly relaxed, chatty in all a pleasurable experience.

Did my retirement ext yesterday at Udon Thani sane as you---------lovely smiling and talking lady.Took original and 2 copies of everything.She kept all the pages of passport i copied but handed me back all the rest including 2nd photo.Even asked me to write my name and phone No on a card [nothing sinister or sexual in this] My wife was sitting next to me and talking freely. She pointed out to me my next reporting date,put card in her top pocket and said she would phone me the day before report day. Goodbye,have a nice day !!! WOW

Udon Thani is No 1------------------------------------ Dougal

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Just did the extention on my retirement visa today and was in and out in less than an hour!! Was the only farang there and hit perfect timing! I am glad I can go to this office outside Bangkok as I always get great service, and women remember me, so I must have left some kind of impression, and also helper her with an error on her computer, so acts of kindness helps!

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Two questions please:

Why is the OP mention BOTH 65k/m AND 800k. Isn't the one or the other?

I have address in Nong Khai (soon to be Bueng Kan), but it is moer convenient to try to renew the extention in Udon. Is this OK, or must you apply in the jangwat of your 90 days address report.

Thank you.

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Two questions please:

Why is the OP mention BOTH 65k/m AND 800k. Isn't the one or the other?

I have address in Nong Khai (soon to be Bueng Kan), but it is moer convenient to try to renew the extention in Udon. Is this OK, or must you apply in the jangwat of your 90 days address report.

Thank you.

I am the "OP". I used the 65,000 method instead of the 800,000 method or a combination of the two. But there were three forms the officer had us sign as mentioned: "(10) We signed three forms they had (800,000 requirement, current address and phone #, agreement to obey immigration laws.)"

I guess the "800,000" form is just one of the standard forms they have you sign, even though using the 65,000 method. I don't know why this is, unless it is to warn me about the rules for the 800,000 deposit in case I want to use that method next year?

Edited by mojaco
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  • 3 months later...


We are both U.S. citizens, 53 and 62 years old. We each have a retirement extension. His retires in Dec., mine (wife) expires in March, both obtained with affidavit method for the first time last. year.

This time we are considering submitting extension with wife as dependent. I only have copy of marriage certificate, not original. Do they wish to see original also? I will proceed to have copy translated. Also, what type of visa did your wife have going in? Thanks so much


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