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CAT Puts Brakes On DTAC 3G Launch


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CAT puts brakes on DTAC 3G launch

By Usanee Mongkolporn

The Nation


CAT Telecom chief executive officer Jirayuth Rungsrithong said the agency would advise Total Access Communication (DTAC) to wait for a reply from the Office of the Attorney-General before launching commercial third-generation services.

He added that DTAC's clinching of a permit last month from the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to install and use a 3G wireless broadband network did not mean DTAC could go ahead with its stated plan to launch it in August. The cellular operator needs to wait for the Office of the Attorney-General to inform CAT if DTAC can launch 3G commercial services under a CAT concession, he said.

A source from DTAC complained that CAT had kept the firm waiting for more than two years for the nod to launch 3G commercial services. The source added that if the OAG gave DTAC the okay, CAT might try to delay the plan further. CAT has allowed DTAC to launch 3G services on a trial basis.

Advanced Info Service is expected to launch commercial 3G services next week, while CAT soft-launched its own commercial 3G services this week.

On Thursday, DTAC announced that it would commercially launch 3G wireless broadband services in Bangkok in mid-August. The launch will be based on an NTC permit.

DTAC has earmarked Bt1.2 billion for the two-phase network upgrade this year using 1,220 base stations. It has completed the initial upgrade in Bangkok of 400 stations at a cost of Bt350 million. The addition of 800 more sites to cover all of Bangkok and 20 other provinces is expected to be completed this year.

DTAC also plans to increase the number of 3G base stations to 2,000 in 2012, which will cost Bt750 million for an additional 780 base stations in 40 provinces. If its board approves this third phase, it is expected to start in the first quarter of next year.


-- The Nation 2011-07-23

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It's just amazing how governmental or semi-govermental agencies work in this country. Delay, wait for the last minute to provide notice, etc. I expect DTAC will go operational with their 3G although maybe a little later than expected. TIT.

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It all makes sense. Look at the history.

First CAT sues the government about the 3G bid and succeeds.

Then CAT teems up with True to launch their own 3G

Then True sues DTac for violation the FBA

Then CAT sues DTac for launching their own 3G

CAT does not want any competitors and will do ANYTHING to stop others than itself and True to start 3G.

I just wait for CAT and True to merge and then attack AIS, building a monopoly, like the one True has already in satellite TV.

Edited by dominique355
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even if they were to have released it 2 years ago, it would still be running sub par etc.

its like watching kids fight over who gets to play dr while the patients lose...see what i did there? lose patients..patience..lol. no?

leave em to it i say.


i'll get my dad to beat ur dad up.

Edited by edgarfriendly
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The government and government agencies hate competition and is only interested in their own benefits. Government and government agencies are NOT interested in what is best for the people.

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The government and government agencies hate competition and is only interested in their own benefits. Government and government agencies are NOT interested in what is best for the people.

CAT and TOT should be closed down - they are absolutely useless - always have been. Substandard service - totally overpriced! Let real foreign competition in and they will be out of business within only a few years - the Thai consumers will benefit - better service and lower prices will be the result of real competition.

Currently traveling in Europe I am amazed what deals are on offer here for the consumers - "all in one" rates for mobile communication , wireless internet, real high-speed internet - real "cable" digital HD TV at incredible low prices for far more superior products than CAT or TOT or True can ever dream about!

While they are still trying to protect their monopolies here in Thailand and arguing over 3G licenses - the rest of the world is already considering 3G an out-dated technology – when will the Thai people ever wake up and find out that they are constantly taken to the cleaners by not standing up to the out-dated xenophobic policies of out-dated corrupt leaders.

By the way – I almost spit out my coffee this morning when I saw Thailand’s latest advert on CNN - the phrase “ Thailand – where reliability is a tradition!” was to much to take in early in the morning!

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The government and government agencies hate competition and is only interested in their own benefits. Government and government agencies are NOT interested in what is best for the people.

CAT and TOT should be closed down - they are absolutely useless - always have been. Substandard service - totally overpriced! Let real foreign competition in and they will be out of business within only a few years - the Thai consumers will benefit - better service and lower prices will be the result of real competition.

Currently traveling in Europe I am amazed what deals are on offer here for the consumers - "all in one" rates for mobile communication , wireless internet, real high-speed internet - real "cable" digital HD TV at incredible low prices for far more superior products than CAT or TOT or True can ever dream about!

While they are still trying to protect their monopolies here in Thailand and arguing over 3G licenses - the rest of the world is already considering 3G an out-dated technology – when will the Thai people ever wake up and find out that they are constantly taken to the cleaners by not standing up to the out-dated xenophobic policies of out-dated corrupt leaders.

By the way – I almost spit out my coffee this morning when I saw Thailand's latest advert on CNN - the phrase " Thailand – where reliability is a tradition!" was to much to take in early in the morning!

post or send me in email that link please. I want to email that all over the place to my friends. :P

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The government and government agencies hate competition and is only interested in their own benefits. Government and government agencies are NOT interested in what is best for the people.

CAT and TOT should be closed down - they are absolutely useless - always have been. Substandard service - totally overpriced! Let real foreign competition in and they will be out of business within only a few years - the Thai consumers will benefit - better service and lower prices will be the result of real competition.

Currently traveling in Europe I am amazed what deals are on offer here for the consumers - "all in one" rates for mobile communication , wireless internet, real high-speed internet - real "cable" digital HD TV at incredible low prices for far more superior products than CAT or TOT or True can ever dream about!

While they are still trying to protect their monopolies here in Thailand and arguing over 3G licenses - the rest of the world is already considering 3G an out-dated technology – when will the Thai people ever wake up and find out that they are constantly taken to the cleaners by not standing up to the out-dated xenophobic policies of out-dated corrupt leaders.

By the way – I almost spit out my coffee this morning when I saw Thailand’s latest advert on CNN - the phrase “ Thailand – where reliability is a tradition!” was to much to take in early in the morning!

It's reliably unreliable.

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CAT stands for Cut all Telephones. It is a rotten agencies that does not act in the interest of Thai people but only in the interest of that of the Democrat Party. Their biggest Sponsor Charoen Pokhand is after all the only beneficiary with TRUE if DTAC is not allowed to use 3G. Good news though for the Thai military around Preah Vihar. The Cambodians do have 3G for almost a decade now.

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"The Cambodians do have 3G for almost a decade now."

Really???? A decade is 10 years. 3g started in Cambodia 2006 so 5 years AND Hun Sen ALMOST banned it before it's launch. But later changed to no video calling.

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"The Cambodians do have 3G for almost a decade now."

Really???? A decade is 10 years. 3g started in Cambodia 2006 so 5 years AND Hun Sen ALMOST banned it before it's launch. But later changed to no video calling.

4G is being installed in Phnom Penh right now, yet they still are fighting over that stale old bone of 3G here. They could jump directly to 4G here, but of course, that would require logical thought.

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I come from Canada where we used to have government phone networks. They were OK but not great. about 15 years ago they opened up the whole country to competition in the telecom market and the competitors took away a lot of customers by giving better service at better prices. Now long distance calls are 1/10 of the old price and the government phone companies have to keep up. They are now like the new boys on the block. Bundled services for far less than before and better service when you go to their offices. Phone hookup same day now - before 14-30 days. Thais need to wake up and kick these useless ---holes out. Start a class action lawsuit and sue the heads of CAT and TRUE. Maybe then they will wakeup and give the customers the service they are due.

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I come from Canada where we used to have government phone networks. They were OK but not great. about 15 years ago they opened up the whole country to competition in the telecom market and the competitors took away a lot of customers by giving better service at better prices. Now long distance calls are 1/10 of the old price and the government phone companies have to keep up. They are now like the new boys on the block. Bundled services for far less than before and better service when you go to their offices. Phone hookup same day now - before 14-30 days. Thais need to wake up and kick these useless ---holes out. Start a class action lawsuit and sue the heads of CAT and TRUE. Maybe then they will wakeup and give the customers the service they are due.

Nice thought, but unless we see a seismic shift in the way this country works it's not going to happen any time soon.

TIT, where corruption is rampant (and widely accepted) and "little" people who make too much noise tend to disappear.

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3G has been available for over 10 years. Why does Thailand not wake up to the fact it lags even the most bent banana republic in Africa?

As for TOT and CAT send them the way of all dinosaurs and the government will save a fortune. There is nothing for them to do except rob the public.

If Mrs Jingluck wants to earn medals and save money at the same time this should be the first item on her agenda. The only problem is that her brother might object since he established this corrupt illegal relationship in the first place.....

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CAT stands for Cut all Telephones. It is a rotten agencies that does not act in the interest of Thai people but only in the interest of that of the Democrat Party. Their biggest Sponsor Charoen Pokhand is after all the only beneficiary with TRUE if DTAC is not allowed to use 3G. Good news though for the Thai military around Preah Vihar. The Cambodians do have 3G for almost a decade now.

CP is not a 'sponsor' of a government agency.

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It all makes sense. Look at the history.

First CAT sues the government about the 3G bid and succeeds.

Then CAT teems up with True to launch their own 3G

Then True sues DTac for violation the FBA

Then CAT sues DTac for launching their own 3G

CAT does not want any competitors and will do ANYTHING to stop others than itself and True to start 3G.

I just wait for CAT and True to merge and then attack AIS, building a monopoly, like the one True has already in satellite TV.

Sounds like a selective memory to me.... few other dates missing, but then again, they dont support the image your trying to create.

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Honestly other than farangs on tv crying about 3g thailand has no use for it, brag all you want about cambo having it but I havent seen a great leap forward in business because of it there, and most khmers cant afford it anyway. Any companies in bkk(center of the universe)that have a use for high speed net already have dedicated connections (international access) that are fast enough for their data needs. The only benefit for thais would be faster streaming youtube vids and facebook cause thats all 99.9% of thais use the net for. And do you really think you will get anymore bandwidth or better service with it here ? think again it will be the same crap service you get now with so called high speed internet in thailand.

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Honestly other than farangs on tv crying about 3g thailand has no use for it, brag all you want about cambo having it but I havent seen a great leap forward in business because of it there, and most khmers cant afford it anyway. Any companies in bkk(center of the universe)that have a use for high speed net already have dedicated connections (international access) that are fast enough for their data needs. The only benefit for thais would be faster streaming youtube vids and facebook cause thats all 99.9% of thais use the net for. And do you really think you will get anymore bandwidth or better service with it here ? think again it will be the same crap service you get now with so called high speed internet in thailand.

Cambodia has a much higher percentage of 20-30 y.o. visitors than Thailand. Visitors in this age group also stay for longer periods, than in Thailand. This would not be the case if Cambodia didn't have good internet services in their major tourist areas. Indeed, this is the biggest complaint I have heard from visitors to Thailand in this age group-the internet is poor here, especially wireless. NGO's are a massive business in Cambodia. Since the visiting NGO volunteers virtually all come from the "developed" countries, and are mostly in the 20-30 y.o. range, these visitors to Cambodia are used to hi quality wireless services. 3G in Cambodia is fast, reliable, and with 4G coming, that country's wireless services will get even better. So maybe there hasn't been a "great leap forward in business because of it there", but 3G has definitely helped maintain higher visitor levels since the world economy hit the crapper. If you want 20-30 y.o. tourists from developed countries, you must have fast wireless internet, pure and simple.

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The Cambodians do have 3G for almost a decade now.

Absolutely...3G in Cambodia: lightning speed unlimited for $5 p/m, I tether from my iPhone to iPad and laptop, all my Internet taken care of...for 150 baht.

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