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Disappearing Farang?


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Farang becoming an extinct species? I was just in Central Festival and it's nothing but Indians and Russians in there these days.

And the bar scene? Seems like every bar is closing down and half deserted. I know it's low season, but this is simply awful. I can't tell you how many bars I've seen that have closed, are under the wrecking ball, or just dead quiet now.

What happened? :huh:

Are the western economies that bad? Couldn't be. Surely... :huh:

I've been coming here since 2006 and in the last 2 years this place has gone straight downhill.

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Depends on one's point of view I suppose...but "[going] straight downhill"...not so sure. The Central Beach Mall is a big imporvement in my view to the tacky rows of beer-bars it replaced. The same goes for lots of other more upscale hotels, condos, and restos/stores that have displaced other sex-related busiesses around town.

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seems ok to me, westrern economires in a very bad way, exchange rate poor ans other destinations offering better value for the money. have not noticed to many bars closing, they are usually reopened straight away.

must admit i have been ex pat for 10 years but like many others thinking of relocating else where in Asia where i feel my money would be better appreciated, and not have all the hassle of visa's and farang cannot do this and cannot do that. they killed the goose that laid the golden egg

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seems ok to me, westrern economires in a very bad way, exchange rate poor ans other destinations offering better value for the money. have not noticed to many bars closing, they are usually reopened straight away.

must admit i have been ex pat for 10 years but like many others thinking of relocating else where in Asia where i feel my money would be better appreciated, and not have all the hassle of visa's and farang cannot do this and cannot do that. they killed the goose that laid the golden egg

NaRak,, being an expat here for 23++ years I can only say, your money is appreciated but you don't have any, that's the way I see you. And I'm going to be sick of all "farangs" like you who moan about .. killing the goose that laid the golden egg... grow up man and do your thing and don't complain, because first of all, this is Thailand meaning Thai peoples country and not yours, they make their own rules and not rules you are looking for, it's just ridiculous what 90% of you guys are complaining about instead making up their own life here...

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like the T Rex they die out eventually.....

I have been womdering the same thing....Where are the Farrang ?

Well between 3 and 15 years ago lots of Europeans came here for cheap holidays sunshine and sex....you cannot avoid the truth....about the sex thing..

many found all three...and many stayed on with a Thai girlfriend / wife and bought into the dream....

the dream turned sour for some...scammed ripped off and taken to the cleaners many have bailed out, word is out in the public domain / internet ... So now added to the crumbling Euro economy the Land of Smile (singular / grammer pomblem ...sic ) and a Tourist Board with no conception about marketing ....offering cheap package holidays to Indians Chinese and Soviet Bloc nations you have the situation you have now....and increasingly what is called the High Season...gets narrower every year - before It was between November and March - Now....Mid December to February

Many Farrang that got married have settled down in gated villages on the dark side or live up country so you will never see them trawling around Beach Road in mass bands any more...

Buts thats just my take on it...

Empty Bars....sure and more and more being built and always a mug to try and take over where someone else has failed.

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>I've been coming here since 2006 and in the last 2 years this place has gone straight downhill.

Sigh. Well, it's time for the annual "Dying Pattaya" thread that rolls around in the low season as inevitably as the annual "Hate Songkran" thread in March.

Every low season is the worst ever seen.

Here's last year's, where it was discussed extensively with the usual arguments; nothing can be said now that wasn't already said:

And an antidote thread, rightly pointing out that Pattaya is still growing and doing quite well, was started here:

The highlight of the thread was of course one of my posts replying to a typical anti-progress, anti-globalist, utopian post by Tejas:

Enjoy. I don't see any need for this thread as it is totally redundant.

Edited by JSixpack
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Indians are referred to as 'Kaek',

arabs as kaek arab

for anyone else to the west of the map it's falang

Japanese is jippon, chinese is gene.

Agree with the 'disappearing farang theme' is based on wishful thinking based on the economic principles of supply & demand

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A taxi driver in Rome told me the place was going downhill, too. He said, "You shoulda been here 2000 years ago, it was really something!"

Nice one, Johnny.

I suppose you could replace taxi with tuk-tuk and say the same about Pattaya. :D

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A taxi driver in Rome told me the place was going downhill, too. He said, "You shoulda been here 2000 years ago, it was really something!"

Nice one, Johnny.

I suppose you could replace taxi with tuk-tuk and say the same about Pattaya. :D

Comments by the real estate developer worshipers organization aside, it is clear to me that the off season is getting longer each year and the high season seems shorter. Lots of places have closed. Yes, many farangs have left for better places (ten year trend). The place is losing much of its former sanook factor. It really was much better 20 years ago. Even 10 years ago it was much better. No, I do not see a shift to an "upscale" type of place. I see an increasing number of shop owners hurting as the city officials and real estate develops continue to try to create something that they will never be able to create. Yes, you do see more Russians and Indians and others from the Middle East now. Unfortunately, with the recent election in Thailand and the global economic disaster waiting to happen, it is likely the House of Cards will fall. When? I do not know. Your guess is as good as mine.

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seems ok to me, westrern economires in a very bad way, exchange rate poor ans other destinations offering better value for the money. have not noticed to many bars closing, they are usually reopened straight away.

must admit i have been ex pat for 10 years but like many others thinking of relocating else where in Asia where i feel my money would be better appreciated, and not have all the hassle of visa's and farang cannot do this and cannot do that. they killed the goose that laid the golden egg

NaRak,, being an expat here for 23++ years I can only say, your money is appreciated but you don't have any, that's the way I see you. And I'm going to be sick of all "farangs" like you who moan about .. killing the goose that laid the golden egg... grow up man and do your thing and don't complain, because first of all, this is Thailand meaning Thai peoples country and not yours, they make their own rules and not rules you are looking for, it's just ridiculous what 90% of you guys are complaining about instead making up their own life here...

Of course we know all this which does not mean that some rules and regulations can be annoying

like e.g. censorship of the internet or this 90 day rule. I think there is a widespread feeling of Thais

do as we like or get lost which is easy to say for them even if it means lighting your bedroom brighter

than the sun with advertising light, having a shootrange just around the corner or whatever because

if you have a suggestion for alternative destination say it.

Actually there is none. That LOS is in the tourist industry dating back to the Vietnam war

gives it a lead over any other country considering factors like farang-compatibility, climate and a mad

running realestate sector. And of course most of us loathe the thought of going back to the country

of origin taking into acount a mentality we discover when looking in the mirror or of course the climate

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Sorry I think Pattaya is getting better.

I don't mourn the absence of large groups of tatooed, head shaven lager louts trawling the sois of Pattaya.

A few skanky beer bars being knocked down is no biggie either it is not as if there is any shortage of bars in Pattaya.

There are a lot more amenities in Pattaya than there ever was 5 or 10 years ago and all the better Pattaya is for it.

Why anyone would care what nationality other tourists are amazes me.

Maybe the OP should go back to his home country where he can find people like him...narrow minded bigots!

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seems ok to me, westrern economires in a very bad way, exchange rate poor ans other destinations offering better value for the money. have not noticed to many bars closing, they are usually reopened straight away.

must admit i have been ex pat for 10 years but like many others thinking of relocating else where in Asia where i feel my money would be better appreciated, and not have all the hassle of visa's and farang cannot do this and cannot do that. they killed the goose that laid the golden egg

NaRak,, being an expat here for 23++ years I can only say, your money is appreciated but you don't have any, that's the way I see you. And I'm going to be sick of all "farangs" like you who moan about .. killing the goose that laid the golden egg... grow up man and do your thing and don't complain, because first of all, this is Thailand meaning Thai peoples country and not yours, they make their own rules and not rules you are looking for, it's just ridiculous what 90% of you guys are complaining about instead making up their own life here...

Of course we know all this which does not mean that some rules and regulations can be annoying

like e.g. censorship of the internet or this 90 day rule. I think there is a widespread feeling of Thais

do as we like or get lost which is easy to say for them even if it means lighting your bedroom brighter

than the sun with advertising light, having a shootrange just around the corner or whatever because

if you have a suggestion for alternative destination say it.

Actually there is none. That LOS is in the tourist industry dating back to the Vietnam war

gives it a lead over any other country considering factors like farang-compatibility, climate and a mad

running realestate sector. And of course most of us loathe the thought of going back to the country

of origin taking into acount a mentality we discover when looking in the mirror or of course the climate

My view is that there are probably more Farang in Pattaya today than there has ever been. The place is evolving like all places. In Pattaya's case from a former US serviceman's RnR spot in the 60s/early 70s to a play area for Middle East construction guys from the mid 70s. The Gulf Arabs and Germans discovered the place about the same time as the construction stiffs although until about the 90s they tended to stay in their own little enclaves.

Seems like the Chavs discovered the place in the 90s about the same time as the big real estate developers. The chavettes started coming in the 00s and about mid-decade the bus loads of Indians and Russians.

Eventually the Thais will take the place back and there has always been a weekend boom in BKK Thais down to Pattaya. That trend will build as the strengthening Thai economy eventually replaces low budget tourists with higher budget natives and tourists.

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You say that this has been happening in the 'last two years' ?......

That's how long I've been in Pattaya

Are you accusing me of something ??

So it is you eh!!!!! :whistling: ...................mystery solved :lol:

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I was corrected when I referred to Arabs as " farangs ". I was told that Arabs, Chinese, Indians etc. we called " kaeks ". Yes, fewer farangs around Pattaya at present however do not agree that this is a bad thing.

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seems ok to me, westrern economires in a very bad way, exchange rate poor ans other destinations offering better value for the money. have not noticed to many bars closing, they are usually reopened straight away.

must admit i have been ex pat for 10 years but like many others thinking of relocating else where in Asia where i feel my money would be better appreciated, and not have all the hassle of visa's and farang cannot do this and cannot do that. they killed the goose that laid the golden egg

NaRak,, being an expat here for 23++ years I can only say, your money is appreciated but you don't have any, that's the way I see you. And I'm going to be sick of all "farangs" like you who moan about .. killing the goose that laid the golden egg... grow up man and do your thing and don't complain, because first of all, this is Thailand meaning Thai peoples country and not yours, they make their own rules and not rules you are looking for, it's just ridiculous what 90% of you guys are complaining about instead making up their own life here...

retired at 45 average spend 100k per month, ex pat 10 years spend of 100k easily sustainable for the rest of my life so keep your opoinions about my finanaces to yourself as the way you see me is wrong. if i did not have any how would i be living. its not a complaint its a fact and more and more ex pats are going.

so ok Einstien give us your take on why westerners are not here.

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Ran out of quote space, so I have to resort to angle brackets for quotations.

>quote name='Awohalitsiktoli' timestamp='1311462380' post='4578843'

>it is clear to me that the off season is getting longer each year and the high season seems shorter.

This is a typical assertion common to all Dying Pattaya threads such as the two I gave above.

But it isn't true, as Russians, Chinese, Thais, Arabs, and Indians have more than taken up any slack. Hence Walking Street remains crowded even beyond the old high season, better hotels are doing well (last year saw the opening of the Hilton), and Central, after countless laughable predictions it would become a dark tomb, has been doing extremely well and is a source of daily traffic jams, not to mention the weekends. Couldn't even find a seat in the Central food court the other day.

For Thais, at least a few hundred jobs have opened up in Pattaya over the last year.

The difference in our viewpoints is that, as an eco-statist, you selfishly wish to limit development and enjoy an elite, exclusive but uneconomic and inevitably more expensive access to the area, taking as model rich yuppie areas such as Taos, N.M. or a static controlled (much more exclusive) environment such as beautiful Pyongyang.

I and many others here LIKE the new development, like Central, Tukcom, the Hilton buffet, Walking Street, and the numerous new restaurants and bars. And we like it that many poor Thais who would have no jobs and possibly careers are now able to have them. (For you, I should note the many fat Thai girls who are now able to market themselves to the Arabs. :) ) Finally, it's nice that other ethnic groups can enjoy Pattaya as well. Love all those beautiful Russian women walking around now.

The traffic situation could be improved (think London or NY without subways) and possibly may be when a crisis point is reached. It's not yet a crisis, merely unpleasant--a tradeoff most of us are willing to live with. Along that line, I note that finding a parking place has become even a bigger problem than last year.

>Lots of places have closed.

But even more have opened (a point you of course choose to ignore), and those that have closed have been or are being renovated. The development around Soi Buakaow has been incredible. And there's north Pattaya on 2nd Rd. It's, you see, the dynamic nature of a free market. Many of our members, reared in more static nanny states, kept innocent of economics, can't grasp the principle of change. So, go live in Pyongyang.

First, consider the vast number of shops that opened in Central and Tukcom, and they're doing well despite predictions of DOOM. But you and Tejas (who finally got himself banned) and thaibeachlovers and others of the ilk ONLY consider beer bars as "real" businesses, and ONLY sole proprietorships (not grasping the idea of shareholders).

OK, the bars. For example, as Nightmarch notes, Sexy Go-Go is being renovated, Tiger Go-Go just opened on Walking Street, Sugar Sugar Go-Go just opened on Soi Buakaow, the Moon Club Go-Go just opened on Walking Street, Easy Go-Go will soon open on Walking Street, and the Natali Disco just opened on 2nd Rd. X-Zyte is being renovated. The fact is that business is so good in Pattaya that there is plenty of money around to invest in new go-gos and renovations.

The U-too Bar and its neighbors has been demolished!!! This is all you've noticed. BUT a new "entertainment complex" is being built to replace it. This has happened in the last year at several locations around Pattaya.

Meanwhile, McDonalds just opened up a kiosk on Walking Street. The Made In Thailand market is getting a facelift. A new high-rise condo just broke ground at Wong Amart. A Russian channel advertises condos non-stop on Pattaya cable.

Finally, talk is of a high-speed train link to Pattaya. The airport highway just opened last year.

All the above completely refutes your oft-repeated assertion. And this is just a tiresome repeat of points made in last year's Dying Pattaya thread.

Here is what a dying city looks like: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1882089,00.html

Think about it next time you're stuck in traffic on Beach Road owing to all the Dying Pattaya economic activity.

>Yes, many farangs have left for better places (ten year trend).

But many more have arrived, you see.

>The place is losing much of its former sanook factor.

No. I and many others can attest that there's an overflowing abundance of sanook here. More than ever, in fact: see the list of NEW go-gos above. Some of the newest bars, like Airport, right on Walking Street are even more sanook than the bars of old (by one definition of sanook). In many go-gos, beer is a lot cheaper than it used to be owing to draft beer and happy hours.

In general Walking Street is better than it was 10 years ago. So nice to walk on it now w/o dodging crazy 'roid heads posing on their rented Honda Steeds.

>No, I do not see a shift to an "upscale" type of place.

Trouble is, we're just talking to a blind man here. What's happened is that Pattaya has evolved to accommodate more upscale tourists and other ethnic groups even as it has expanded facilities (new go-gos, Soi Buakaow, new cheap restaurants) for the old traditional mongers.

BTW, I have nothing to do with real estate.


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