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The Latest Thai Based Audio Blog

Big Tony

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One of the most famous farangs here? Come on how many here have heard of this guy. He is a poster/moderator on teaching forum, which I look at from time to time as it's my mate's site.

How close are you Tony to this guy? Is it in fact you?

Better things to do than listen to a stoned English teacher of English.

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Can't you see that not a single person other than yourself is interested in this guy?

Nope it is most defineately not me.

If you are that worried about spelling mistakes, you should at least check your own. :o or ask your English teacher buddie to check it for you.

And you write a reply saying you have better things to do than reply.

IGNORE button :D

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My reply was to show you how ridiculous your reply was.

PS; I never misspelt my own nickname before unlike you on your first inspireing post on this forum, so ok we agree your first few posts on this forum were,erm, how to put this nicely? ok, uninspired, this guy has started an audio blog and each time it is getting better, at least he is trying to improve, looking at your last 10 posts you haven't improved in the last 2600 odd, are you trying to improve the quality of your posts?

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I have better things to do than reply to some negative poster who on his first post on this forum could not even spell his own Nickname.

I certainly don't want to interfere in this spat, but his nickname is Thai. How can you tell if it is spelled correctly in English, or not?

By the way, if you are going to continue to indulge in arguments about spelling skills, you need to get spell-check badly! :o

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Nope that sure looks like English to me.


now thats thai script.

The fatal flaw in your point is the assumption that only the English alphabet uses Roman characters. It could, of course, equally, be French, German, Italian, Spanish etc, etc, etc.


The fatal flaw in my assumption? I was told by Judge that it was Thai.

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Oh dear, do I have a marketing agent now? I'm flattered "Big Tony" that you think my podcasting effort is worthy of spamming on other forums, but I was not intended as anything but a bit of an arse around and exploration of an emerging web technology for the amusement of people who know me on Ajarn and yahoo.

I'm not really looking for the big time...I mumble too much for that...you're welcome to listen of course, but don't expect it to be of that much interest....unless you like strange music and rambling forum reviews..

Podcasting...radio broadcasting for any old muppet with a mic....kindda rocks though....

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