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Infected Wound


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5 days ago i was involved in a motorcycle accident.

Mainly superficial damage and bruising.

The abrasion on my foot though was quite bad. Cutting deep. Was cleaned up at the A&E.

I was not given a course of antibiotics, and at the time did not think to ask.

My foot became very swollen, and 3 days ago showed signs of infection (pinkness around wound). Went to the hospital and was given one iv antibiotic treatment. Next day, no improvement.

Im now in the hospital (was admitted yesterday eve). Have since had 2 courses of iv (last night had several bottles, this morning 1).

The head surgeon and other doctors came around to look at my wound. They think not much improvement from yesterday as yet. There is some small blackening on the skin (dead tissue). The chief surgeon as yet does not want to cut it out, and instead observe. But the doctor that dressed my wound felt that it should be cut out (in his private opinion). Im hoping it doesnt need to be, so keeping my fingers crossed there will be improvement soon.

Just wondered if this all sounds pretty standard or not.

I also have motorbike accident insurance (the accident was not my fault. Songtaew driver drove into me). I imagine they will cover my costs, right? (Of course, i dont expect anyone here to be experts!).

Any advice/reassurance would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

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You don't say where on your foot or the size of the cut.

Anyway the dead or necrotic tissue if the area is small the body may clear it up itself. If things do not improve with antibiotics and over the next few days (or indeed get worse) then its likely your foot would need to be debrided which basically involves removing any dead tissue by cutting it away until reaching tissue which has a blood circulation and cleaning it out thoroughly.

If its swollen keep it elevated. Eat well drink plenty of fluids and no smoking.

Get well soon eek.

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Agree with advice of Smokie above. If the area of dead tissue is small, it may dry out and just form a scab which will allow healing of tissue below it; if large, it usually means it involves deeper soft tissue and then needs to be removed to speed up the healing process.Antibiotics may take a few days to work but redness around the wound is also part of the normal local reaction to injured and infected tissue and may remain for some weeks. Keep the foot elevated as much as possible; even after discharge from hospital..Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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Make sure that it is completely cleared up before you assume normal behaviour ie. walking. Especially if the wound is under-foot.

If this means being laid up for a while, then suffer this, or use crutches etc.

The last thing you want is for an ulcer to form as these are difficult to get rid of.

Are you diabetic? If positive, then be even more wary.

Seek advice on a diet which assists the immune system, so that you self-heal rather than overdo the antibiotics. A zinc supplement would be invaluable.

Avoid alcohol as it inhibits the immune system.

COMPLETELY cleared up.

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Several years back my foot slipped off the kick-start of my bike, taking with it a small slither of skin off my ankle. I didn't think much of it until three days later after it had become infected. The pain and sleepless nights I endured for more than two weeks was unbelievable. The moral of the story here is to always make sure even the smallest wound is cleaned and and iodine (or similar) is applied generously straight after the event. Wounds easily become infected here in Thailand. Be warned.

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After 7 iv treatments, im relieved to say it looks like the infection is finally on its way out. Not sure how long they will make me stay in for, but im hoping to be discharged tomorrow some time. Still will need quite a bit of healing time though.

I agree Geoff, i am shocked by how easily and quickly infection takes hold..and this is after being treated at the I&E (as well as an ambulance treating the wound on the scene).

Thank you all for well wishes. Looks like im out of the scary part, thankfully, and now just need time to mend. Thanks again.

Will post an update down the line in the chance it may be of help to others.

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Sorry to hear about your accident and subsequent infection, keep it dry is another thing most people don't seem to realize, allow it a chance to dry out and scab over, stay out of the pool and, keep it covered when you shower.

good luck and get well soon

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Many years ago, when I was much younger and even more stupid than I am now, I was involved in fisticuffs at a bar and walked away with only a tiny little scratch on my knee -- I mean tiny -- from a metal bar stool. In a couple days it started to swell and pinken. I was pretty broke (and as I mentioned, pretty stupid) and decided it would get better on its own. One day I woke up to find it was so swollen that my kneee was bascially the same size as my thigh and I could actually feel the heat coming off it when I pit my hand near it. My roommate took one look and said whatever the cost he would cover it and off we went...

To shorten the story a bit, antibiotics cleared it up but the doctor said I was quite possibly within a day or two of winding up in a situation where amputation would be the eventual outcome.

Take any cut seriously because infections are serious business in this part of the world. They come fast and hard.

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Infections can be deadly. I get quite a lot of cuts and scrapes (some of them very deep) and what seems to work for me is to immediately wash the cut/abrasion with clean water and then pour Hydrogen Pyroxide over the wound. If it is a large cut and/or deep, I generally apply a bandage that has an anti-bacterial gel or iodine gel.

I am careful to keep the bandages dry, and usually remove them before showering and then rerinsing with Hydrogen Pyroxide and then reapplying new bandages after I have dried off. Again, the water I shower in is potable, not well water or untreated water.

My body has tons of interesting looking scars, but to date I managed to avoid serious infections.


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Yes, this can happen, and cuts on the foot especially.

As I think you have realized, the treatment you are being given is quite standard and appropriate. By promptly hospitalizing you and giving IV antibiotics they may well have averted a much more serious infection and need for surgery.

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Glad to hear you are better. Lots of vitamin c will help the immune system as well as some probiotics for the gut. Anti-biotics kill everything in the gut. Good luck. When I was in the hospital in Jan. a French dirl was admitted with a infected foot from a insect bite.

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Best wishes on a speedy recovery. Glad the situation is improving.

What about a tetanus shot? Were you up-to-date?

For those reading the thread, should be a warning about footwear (not to mention other protective gear) while riding a motorbike. Hiking boots are the minimum; in fact, they're also great for avoiding injuries while negotiating Thai sidewalks.

I wince every time I see a farang riding w/ sandals (I'd wince too often if I considered Thais). I've seen numerous farang in hsp waiting areas w/ motorcycle-related foot injuries.

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Well unfortunately now seems i need to have the wound abraized (is that the correct term??). The tissue needs to be cut/scrapped as there is infection directly underneath that needs cleaning out. Will be another couple of days in hospital and fingers crossed no further infection. Im at this time on my 10th iv antibiotic drip. Feeling rather sorry for myself, but it is what it is.

Will update later.

Thanks again for advice and well-wishes

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abraded is probably the correct term, and sounds awful. I'd tell you Koh P horror stories but I doubt they'd make you feel any better :P

You are in good hands at least and have done the right thing by getting yourself to a doctor, good luck and I have my fingers and toes crossed you get better really soon

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Well unfortunately now seems i need to have the wound abraized (is that the correct term??). The tissue needs to be cut/scrapped as there is infection directly underneath that needs cleaning out. Will be another couple of days in hospital and fingers crossed no further infection. Im at this time on my 10th iv antibiotic drip. Feeling rather sorry for myself, but it is what it is.

Will update later.

Thanks again for advice and well-wishes

Sorry to hear this eek. Best advice is to allow time now for this to heal. Its likely you are in for daily visits for dressing changes for a couple of weeks at least and instruction to take it very easy indeed!

Listen to the Doc's advice and you will be fine.

As before I wish you all the best with your recovery.

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Infections can be deadly. I get quite a lot of cuts and scrapes (some of them very deep) and what seems to work for me is to immediately wash the cut/abrasion with clean water and then pour Hydrogen Pyroxide over the wound. If it is a large cut and/or deep, I generally apply a bandage that has an anti-bacterial gel or iodine gel.

I am careful to keep the bandages dry, and usually remove them before showering and then rerinsing with Hydrogen Pyroxide and then reapplying new bandages after I have dried off. Again, the water I shower in is potable, not well water or untreated water.

My body has tons of interesting looking scars, but to date I managed to avoid serious infections.


Life is so strange! Less than 30 minutes after posting this I did a header off of my bIcycle (took a sharp turn too aggressively and the front tire slid out from under me) onto a concrete bike path. I am now the proud wearer of 11 bandaids (2 large and 9 normal sized). Good thing I had plenty of Hydrogen Pyroxide and band-aids.

Tomorrow off to the store for another 2 or 3 liters of Hydrogen Pyroxide and more large bandaids.

I probably should buy a bicycle helmet too, but I am too stubborn.



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Good luck Rick!

As for me, well, i had the area abraded yesterday, and they cut a large chunk of my flesh away. Now apparently must wait a few days up to a week before they will skin graft. I need to remain in hospital to make sure the wound doesnt get re-infected..so 4 iv treatments a day should keep anything at bay. Sucks to be honest. Scary too. Such a big thing from a bad graze/small cut.

Have had some wobbly moments but all in all keeping things in perspective. ...at least i still have a foot.

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My injuries are really light compared to what you are going through. Abridement is not a lot of fun. As for having tissue cut away, you must have really been cutting it close (bad bun) when it came to your infection.

I wish you a speedy recovery.


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Infections can be deadly. I get quite a lot of cuts and scrapes (some of them very deep) and what seems to work for me is to immediately wash the cut/abrasion with clean water and then pour Hydrogen Pyroxide over the wound. If it is a large cut and/or deep, I generally apply a bandage that has an anti-bacterial gel or iodine gel.

I am careful to keep the bandages dry, and usually remove them before showering and then rerinsing with Hydrogen Pyroxide and then reapplying new bandages after I have dried off. Again, the water I shower in is potable, not well water or untreated water.

My body has tons of interesting looking scars, but to date I managed to avoid serious infections.


Life is so strange! Less than 30 minutes after posting this I did a header off of my bIcycle (took a sharp turn too aggressively and the front tire slid out from under me) onto a concrete bike path. I am now the proud wearer of 11 bandaids (2 large and 9 normal sized). Good thing I had plenty of Hydrogen Pyroxide and band-aids.

Tomorrow off to the store for another 2 or 3 liters of Hydrogen Pyroxide and more large bandaids.

I probably should buy a bicycle helmet too, but I am too stubborn.



Becareful with the hydrogen pyroxide it can damage tissue. Do a bit of research

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Not very Hi Tec, but it worked.I had my foot skinned by a broken bottle,and an old Farmer poured Iodine over it.It hurt but clared it quicker than fancy stuff id used before.Cant see how not smoking will help,unless your nearly dead anyway.Try it its very cheap to buy.

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Not very Hi Tec, but it worked.I had my foot skinned by a broken bottle,and an old Farmer poured Iodine over it.It hurt but clared it quicker than fancy stuff id used before.

Indeed, I was on the receiving end of a large wound on my wrist a couple of years back.


Don't ask how, not telling (some Bedlamites know)

Flushed it out with a weak peroxide solution first and then used Betadine, far less painful than iodine, covered it with loose gauze to let it breathe but keep airborne crap out of it. It did take a few days or so for it to start to scab over properly, but once it did I just carried on swabbing it with betadine just in case.

Still got the scar.

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