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Popular Ping Pong Pubs Proliferating


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Maybe you caught the BBC tv report today about a major trend in England for young trendies. Going out to a PING PONG pub! Instead of billiards. This sounds great to me. Perhaps a good business opportunity here? I can picture it in the same kind of large AIRCON indoor space now used for billiard halls.

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its called table tennis yank!

Does the BBC stand for the Bubba Broadcasting Corporation? Because they referred to it as PING PONG, snookums. Maybe the young British trendies prefer the Americanism anyway, things change.


BTW, I am SERIOUSLY bringing up this idea for consideration. Would you welcome such a business in Pattaya and patronize it? I know I would. No, I am not talking about a beer bar open air dive on a sex soi with one table to play with the bored sex ladies; talking about a dedicated indoor PING PONG PUB. Not ruling out hosts of any sex being available to play as well. That would spice it up and be very Pattaya.

Edited by Jingthing
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If there is such a club, we would go very often.

Last time, we searched a lot in Pattaya for a nice cool place to play ping pong.. but no result.

And once we played in Fairtex Sport Club hotel... It was hot like sauna room inside!!!! I lost the game due to the unbearable heat !!!

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If there is such a club, we would go very often.

Last time, we searched a lot in Pattaya for a nice cool place to play ping pong.. but no result.

And once we played in Fairtex Sport Club hotel... It was hot like sauna room inside!!!! I lost the game due to the unbearable heat !!!

You can play at the Ambassador Hotel, Na Jomtien.


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when i read this i had a completely dfifferent idea of what it was going to be about..............

Yes, me too. :whistling:

But I don't think they play that sort of ping pong in London pubs.

At least they didn't last time I was there.

But if they did it might increase their trade, or maybe not. :ermm:

Seriously, I very much doubt if the average denizon of Pattaya is going to be interested in playing that sort of ball game.

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its called table tennis yank!

Does the BBC stand for the Bubba Broadcasting Corporation? Because they referred to it as PING PONG, snookums. Maybe the young British trendies prefer the Americanism anyway, things change.


BTW, I am SERIOUSLY bringing up this idea for consideration. Would you welcome such a business in Pattaya and patronize it? I know I would. No, I am not talking about a beer bar open air dive on a sex soi with one table to play with the bored sex ladies; talking about a dedicated indoor PING PONG PUB. Not ruling out hosts of any sex being available to play as well. That would spice it up and be very Pattaya.

Well, I would not invest any money in this business "opportunity". :D

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Lots of young London-style trendies in Pats for sure, this should be a big winner but I'll pass on investing in it. 555

Trends got to start somewhere, mate. That's the idea of trends, first the fashionable group starts it, then the masses adopt it, by that time the trendoids are doing something else. Not all trends catch on. That's the chance an investor would have to take. Of course in Thailand, if someone started this and it hit within six months there would be twenty of them, way more than the demand. Look at fish massage!

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You are dreaming pal.

Do you truly believe that you are going to have people flocking to your bar just because you have a table tennis table, or 'ping pong' as you call it?

And what if you did get a few punters in, how much would you charge for a game? 20 baht? The novelty would wear off anyway, assuming you got people going there initially.

What if it don't work? You will be then be just another farang mug with a bar with a long lease, a table tennis table gathering dust and no punters.

Erh, good luck.

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The concept is a hall of ping pong tables, not one or two. Like a billiard parlor that serves drinks, and music playing of course. I could really envision playful hosts as well that could double as drink pushers, ball chasers, etc.. There are many long standing billiard parlors in Thailand, often mostly Thai customers. Also consider many Thais play ping pong as well, probably did in school settings, but the adults probably don't usually have tables at home. Not interested in starting this myself; where did you get that idea?

As far as pricing, I don't have clue. Probably should look at how the London places price it. Could be a charge based on time used, or could be free based on buying drinks, etc. Whatever. I don't see that as big factor if the drinks and/or table time is within reason.

BTW, anyone doing this, PING PONG is what to call this in Asia. Not table tennis, that's so totally fuddy-duddy.

Also, like billiards and to a lesser extent bowling, most EVERYONE can play PING PONG at some level.


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If there is such a club, we would go very often.

Last time, we searched a lot in Pattaya for a nice cool place to play ping pong.. but no result.

And once we played in Fairtex Sport Club hotel... It was hot like sauna room inside!!!! I lost the game due to the unbearable heat !!!

It's because the wind from the airconditioners blows the balls everywhere.

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It's because the wind from the airconditioners blows the balls everywhere.

:lol: so amusing, ho ho :lol: tomorrow we will go there again to play. hope will not get cooked and roasted like last time.

in my personal view, quite some westners like ping pong. and yes, everyone can play a little bit.

and i dont think pattaya will remain like this for ever. it will sooner or later become more normal, like any other traveling city. just a question of time.

this is a fast changing world. each generation is different, both the travellers and the locals. in recent years, there are more young faces and family travellers into pattaya. more various market demands appear.....

i think thai people like ping pong too. once i passed a school near my home and saw the gym inside. there were at least 10 ping pong tables and some teachers were playing.

if my memory is correct, the price in fairtex hotel for ping pong is 250 per hour.....no aircon, no drinks, no toilet, no rest area.......surely a place with better environment can charge much more

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  • 1 month later...

I'm surprised no one has made the connection to a certain legendary Thai ping-pong attraction. But maybe because only an old fart (like me) could recall it.

Really now, drunken guys playing ping-pong? Banging into people, spilling drinks, words get exchanged, sore losers throwing tantrums, flying paddles messing up dental work, punches get thrown, etc. Plays right into the idea I had a few years back of having a bar specializing in punch-ups -- stools bolted to the floor, no glasses but paper cups, no glass or mirrors in the decor, no bottles just beer on tap, Hulk Hogan-sized bar tender instigating.

Call the place "What The <deleted> Are YOU looking At?"

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I'm surprised no one has made the connection to a certain legendary Thai ping-pong attraction. But maybe because only an old fart (like me) could recall it.

Really now, drunken guys playing ping-pong? Banging into people, spilling drinks, words get exchanged, sore losers throwing tantrums, flying paddles messing up dental work, punches get thrown, etc. Plays right into the idea I had a few years back of having a bar specializing in punch-ups -- stools bolted to the floor, no glasses but paper cups, no glass or mirrors in the decor, no bottles just beer on tap, Hulk Hogan-sized bar tender instigating.

Call the place "What The <deleted> Are YOU looking At?"

Not much different than billiards really. Those long hard sticks and flying balls can do real damage, you know.

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Not much different than billiards really. Those long hard sticks and flying balls can do real damage, you know.

You're right and I've never known a game like pool for heated disputes and it's not always alcohol fueled.

When I lived in the UK back in the '80s I arrived at my local off the train home from work a few minutes before opening time. As I walked in so did two lads who started playing a game of pool. Before I was even halfway down my pint they were almost at each others throats over some nuance in the rules. The landlord had to tell them to calm down or get out. God knows what they'd be like after a skinful.

I think if anyone is serious in starting table tennis, ping pong, call it what you like in Pattaya they'd probably be best starting with the hotels and try and get some sort of weekly tourney going.

I don't see it as a goer in bars, takes up too much space for a start. Then the problem with the heat, as someone said the a/c units draft would be a problem so you'd need a largish hall with ducted a/c.

Could always try it as a beach game but the sea breeze is going to be awkward at times but then it would add to the challenge. Anyone can play ping pong in dead still air conditions, throw in a crosswind and it's a whole new ball game (awful pun intended :D ).

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re ... when i read this i had a completely dfifferent idea of what it was going to be about.

not this then ?

just joshin ... dave2

and that is exactly why i had a look at this thread! ps i wonder if all the Nings and Nongs play ping pong

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its called table tennis yank!

Does the BBC stand for the Bubba Broadcasting Corporation? Because they referred to it as PING PONG, snookums. Maybe the young British trendies prefer the Americanism anyway, things change.


BTW, I am SERIOUSLY bringing up this idea for consideration. Would you welcome such a business in Pattaya and patronize it? I know I would. No, I am not talking about a beer bar open air dive on a sex soi with one table to play with the bored sex ladies; talking about a dedicated indoor PING PONG PUB. Not ruling out hosts of any sex being available to play as well. That would spice it up and be very Pattaya.

that would be the BBC News Service which only is broadcasted partly from the UK, depending on where you watch, alot of it is filmed in Singapore... so for the international audince, including Thailand... ping pong is better phrase to use then Table Tennis, same as they would prefer to use Pussy to Cat ... now how can something so innocent in the english language be put together in american and so ...............? :ph34r:

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same as they would prefer to use Pussy to Cat ...

now how can something so innocent in the english language be put together in american and so ...............?

I would answer that one, but I'm too busy fiddling with my fanny pack


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