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Feckless Briton Deported From Thailand


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Was he also declared persona non grata or can he come back on the next flight or after getting a new passport?

I'm pretty sure if you are deported that you are not welcomed back for at least a significant period (10 years?) but good question. My gut says he strung out his case as long as he could to stay here an extended time knowing he ain't coming back any time soon.

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This story sprang up last November when I think he'd already been in jail for sometime.

However, it said that he'd not been charged at that time, or he'd not been brought to court yet.

In Thai law a person must be charged after 7 days. An extension of another 7 days is permissable in some circumstances and only terrorism or les majeste is unspecified, however, he wasn't suspected of these.

What was the embassy doing while this man was in jail rotting away without charge, without hospital treatment or waiting for a drawn out court case for a minor offence which I understand was along the lines of behaving like a beggar? Why couldn't they lodge a complaint with the Foreign ministry, Interior ministry and human rights groups?

I would say that the British Embassy in Thailand is probably one of the worst in terms of helping its citizens. They actually prefer to help the Thai police and support their unfair treatments.

He was only in jail a couple weeks and during this time he was brought before a judge. Supposedly somebody (his landlord I believe) did try to get the embassy involved a couple time without any results. He also was brought to two different medical facilities and he was charged with being in the country illegally after neighbors became scared of his behavior.

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As opposed to making noxious comments about the Ambassador, maybe some here might care to review the trail of articles from Mr. Drummond about this. The more detailed background casts some more light on this. For example, the delay in leaving was owing to the Attorney General here not being able to bring the case to court for some time, but Mr. Hewitt was given bail as opposed to incarceration and it would, in my view, appear that there was a disconnect between the Honorary Consul and Bangkok.

Background Feb 2

March 31

Dec 12


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Was he also declared persona non grata or can he come back on the next flight or after getting a new passport?

I'm pretty sure if you are deported that you are not welcomed back for at least a significant period (10 years?) but good question. My gut says he strung out his case as long as he could to stay here an extended time knowing he ain't coming back any time soon.

What in a police cell? are you nuts? It's hardly Chaweng beach road!

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Mr Asif Ahmad is a perfectly acceptable name these days for a Brit to possess. In the spirit of Ramadan, peace and tranquility to all my Muslim friends, and to all others especially the Feckless Brit who hopefully is now safe in his home country

Does this mean Thai person can no longer call British person "Farang"?

That would really take the "Kairk"

No they can do even more so now.

It is generally believed that the word farang originated with the Indo-Persian word farangi, meaning foreigner. This in turn comes from the word Frank via the Arabic word firinjīyah, which was used to refer to the Franks, a West Germanic tribe that became the biggest political power in Western Europe during the early Middle Ages and from which France derives its name. Due to the fact that the Frankish Empire ruled Western Europe for centuries, the word "Frank" became deeply associated, by the Eastern Europeans and Middle Easterners, with Latins who professed the Roman Catholic faith. By another account the word comes through Arabic ("afranj"), and there are quite a few articles about this. One of the most detailed treatments of the subject is by Rashid al-din Fazl Allâh.

And ferrang's not an insult anyway. It just means foreigner. Imagine a Thai person with very poor English trying to say "foreigner". Hence "ferrang!"

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Was he also declared persona non grata or can he come back on the next flight or after getting a new passport?

I'm pretty sure if you are deported that you are not welcomed back for at least a significant period (10 years?) but good question. My gut says he strung out his case as long as he could to stay here an extended time knowing he ain't coming back any time soon.

What in a police cell? are you nuts? It's hardly Chaweng beach road!

You might want to learn the facts a bit better. He was in a cell for a couple weeks and as the OP makes clear, he as been free all these months. And to answer your question, no I am not nuts but did read the OP and previous accounts of this story..

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What does feckless mean ?

lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible:


late 16th century: from Scots and northern English dialect <deleted> (from effeck, variant of effect) + -less

Oxford Dictionary


PS There's no suggestion that Mr. Hewitt was so described by anyone at the Embassy.

Edited by A_Traveller
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Was he also declared persona non grata or can he come back on the next flight or after getting a new passport?

I'm pretty sure if you are deported that you are not welcomed back for at least a significant period (10 years?) but good question. My gut says he strung out his case as long as he could to stay here an extended time knowing he ain't coming back any time soon.

What in a police cell? are you nuts? It's hardly Chaweng beach road!

You might want to learn the facts a bit better. He was in a cell for a couple weeks and as the OP makes clear, he as been free all these months. And to answer your question, no I am not nuts but did read the OP and previous accounts of this story..

Frankly I don't care what your "gut" says...

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It is a sad state of affairs when a human being is allowed to descend into the condition of this man in the photographs. The images are akin to WW2 concentration camp victims - HTF does this happen in Thailand, purporting to be a modern east Asian nation with a tourist friendly attitude? Frankly I am appalled, I don't care how he ended up like this, he looks like he should have been hospitalised and repatriated out of pure f*cking sympathy. SHAME SHAME SHAME

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It is a sad state of affairs when a human being is allowed to descend into the condition of this man in the photographs. The images are akin to WW2 concentration camp victims - HTF does this happen in Thailand, purporting to be a modern east Asian nation with a tourist friendly attitude? Frankly I am appalled, I don't care how he ended up like this, he looks like he should have been hospitalised and repatriated out of pure f*cking sympathy. SHAME SHAME SHAME

Not like the US should be held up as the standards for incarceration, especially given they have a higher percentage of their population behind jail then just about any country, but this same type of thing is not uncommon in the US ... they just don't generally allow people to take pictures of it. Point being this is not just a Thailand issue as well as I don't believe too many people are going to point to Thailand as a modern Asian nation. Lets not forget that none of us would even have known about the Abu Grey abuses if the pictures had not been leaked and the same policies were in place that are today regarding having cameras around prisoners.

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Mr Asif Ahmad is a perfectly acceptable name these days for a Brit to possess. In the spirit of Ramadan, peace and tranquility to all my Muslim friends, and to all others especially the Feckless Brit who hopefully is now safe in his home country

Does this mean Thai person can no longer call British person "Farang"?

That would really take the "Kairk"

No they can do even more so now.

It is generally believed that the word farang originated with the Indo-Persian word farangi, meaning foreigner. This in turn comes from the word Frank via the Arabic word firinjīyah, which was used to refer to the Franks, a West Germanic tribe that became the biggest political power in Western Europe during the early Middle Ages and from which France derives its name. Due to the fact that the Frankish Empire ruled Western Europe for centuries, the word "Frank" became deeply associated, by the Eastern Europeans and Middle Easterners, with Latins who professed the Roman Catholic faith. By another account the word comes through Arabic ("afranj"), and there are quite a few articles about this. One of the most detailed treatments of the subject is by Rashid al-din Fazl Allâh.

And ferrang's not an insult anyway. It just means foreigner. Imagine a Thai person with very poor English trying to say "foreigner". Hence "ferrang!"

You not speak Thai

Else would know

Kon Dtaang Chaat = foreigner person

Farang = White person

Kairk = Indian/Arab person (skin colour same same, so Thai call same same)

I love Thai apologist that not speak Thai, or maybe that why they Thai apologist.

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I am assuming my post are not the only one being removed on this disturbing story.

can sombody confirm that the British Embassy did something to help this man.

The nastiest soi dog should not have been treated this way.

Thank god for the woman that saved him. This poor bastard would have starved to death chained to jail bars.

I am not a Brit, but that does not matter, this could happen to anybody.

If I ever go back to Pattaya, I will not be there long and I will not be doing anything to get myself in this position.

No mate. Mine are as well. Ah well. Truth has always been an issue for some.

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and it would, in my view, appear that there was a disconnect between the Honorary Consul and Bangkok.

The guy was chained up, starving and abandoned. I bet there wouldn't be any "disconnect" if embassy staff were organizing a party!

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and it would, in my view, appear that there was a disconnect between the Honorary Consul and Bangkok.

The guy was chained up, starving and abandoned. I bet there wouldn't be any "disconnect" if embassy staff were organizing a party!
To be clear, my point in the full post was that according to Mr. Drummond's earlier articles, there was attempted contact, by his landlord, with both the Honorary Consul and the Embassy. Did an accurate description, or briefing get through to the Embassy, we, including I, don't know. This is an extremely disturbing case, credit must go to Tracy Cosgrove for pushing for his release and transfer to hospital.

I would be happier to hear that there would be an investigation as to how a British Citizen was so dramatically failed by the Consular system.


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How about .."There but for the grace of God go I".

How about "there because I imbibed loads of drugs and booze and spent all my money and had no self control go I ?"

This didnt happen in a day. He <deleted> himself up over many years. If every time you have a choice you make the wrong one you end up with no choices at all.

Edited by metisdead
Expletive removed.
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More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

I agree, except replace "lovesick" with "sex crazed", and not only Pom(s) but include also Australians, Germans, American, Scandinavians, etc etc ....

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the treatment of *any* prisoner like this is appalling. but in this case is even worse since he evidently did not commit a crime other than being destitute and disoriented.

I would have thought that the Thai police would contact the relevant embassy if a foreign national were taken into custody and held (without charges), at the very least just to reduce their burden of housing/feeding another inmate.

it is also disturbing that the Thai police cannot recognize when psychological and medical treatment are needed.

a very sad case... and one that could happen to anyone who might get slipped a drug in their beer and are wandering the streets in an incoherent drugged state...

Indeed, everything you say here is absolutely correct.

However, if you familiarise yourself with the Thai police and the system of imprisonment in Thailand including prisons, remand centres and police cells, you will understand no-one in the system could care less if a prisoner lives or dies.

(That's why it's important to have someone to help you out when things go awry in this place.)

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More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

Whatever this man has done wrong, his passed history, his medical condition-I have never seen a person in this condition since the gas chamber camp 60 years ago.

It is more than disgusting, and the posters who comment on what country he came from, a down and out, and other unhelpful terms. People should be treated humanely.

At the end of the day if they are unfit to be here whatever, then fine send him home. He went on a wrong road for sure and got himself into a near death condition, self inflicted, but that is not a reason to ridicule him, clearly in the end he needed help. I am not alone though to admit when I see a person roaming about drugged and drunk, they instantly make me sick on one hand but really they are in need of help.

Finally I read he was taken to hospital and had some help, but the keeping of him in jail in that condition, should warrant a head to roll in the force............So the police clearly think that the photo's act as a deterrent ??

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Now if he was a British Asian then Howard would have pulled strings etc (He'd have been told to) and he'd have been out a lot quicker. It is a very sad fact that as a white male he is a 3rd class citizen according to his own country.

Is it really necessarily to introduce racist shit like this into the thread? No, I didn't think so, either.

Racist shit maybe it is, but also very true, working class white males have become 3rd class citizens of England despite being the ones who have been the soldiers, workers, and main tax payers of the country who have had their salaries undercut by planned MASS immigration by the British elite, who do not have to live next door to these new multi-ethnic "Britons". White English males have lost their rights to females and immigrants, all social engineering by BIG government and their bankster buddies

But it is all NOT real, of course, all the financial games have resulted in massive debt problems, and allowing feminism to control men has almost resulted in the collapse of society and a generation of feral kids

And of course only the English comprise the United Kingdom.

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Now if he was a British Asian then Howard would have pulled strings etc (He'd have been told to) and he'd have been out a lot quicker. It is a very sad fact that as a white male he is a 3rd class citizen according to his own country..

Do you any evidence at all for the above?

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This is sad. The poor chap obviously found himself in the wrong place (Pattaya) at the wrong time (which could be any time in Pattaya). It is quite possible, as some suggest, that his drink could have been spiked -- which is an assault. What needs to be considered is that crimes on foreigners are often committed by foreigners -- especially in a place like Pattaya, where the Russian mob has a strong foothold.

Sure, a bar girl may have "mickeyed" his drink. If so, who was she really working for? Locals? Or farang gangsters?

There are many roots of crime in Thailand, some indigenous, which farang will never fully understand, and some imported, which farang should denounce.

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