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Good Luck To Pim


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Yep. Winnie n Mestizo quickly merging into one being.

I know alot of people experiencing the blues recently. I think the weather has alot to do with that. Overall the world's not looking that enticing either if you read or think too much about it.

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Yep. Winnie n Mestizo quickly merging into one being.

I know alot of people experiencing the blues recently. I think the weather has alot to do with that.

What's wrong with the weather?


It's not too hot, some nice rain now and then to cool things down, and my garden has never looked better.

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Yep. Winnie n Mestizo quickly merging into one being.

I know alot of people experiencing the blues recently. I think the weather has alot to do with that.

What's wrong with the weather?


It's not too hot, some nice rain now and then to cool things down, and my garden has never looked better.

I wish the "Like" button was still here as you would have had a +1 from me as that is exactly how I feel, its perfect at the moment here in CM.

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In times of serious difficulty, such as attending a funeral of a loved one, weather signifies little for me.

Not much helps with any depression-making event(s), either, except hugs, and their help is brief, save when hugs accumulate.

Admittedly, they're only akin to a bandage, but in helping to stop the blood from flowing, so to speak, they can begin the process of returning to strength.

I don't know Pim (although she's high on my Chiang Mai list of 'good people') apart from Citylife, but here's an e'mail hug for her, and she is wise, of course, are to ask. Shows why women often heal faster while men dither in denial.

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  • 3 weeks later...

O my! Just saw this, wow, thank you so very much. If you are interested, basically mum had huge goose sized brain tumor, it was cut out sucessfully. Then a month later we did a MRI just to check, and the doctor called (yes, called!) me and basically said, 'mum's dying in two years, nothing to be done, no one can help, it will be a horroble slow death'. Obviously I was shocked, asked him why, and he said, 'It's like Yugoslavia, everything is Ok and then civil war erupts and everyone dies.' Needless to say, my heart was broken. After a week or tears, we checked with many doctors in Bangkok, send MRI, biopsy, etc. Turns out it was a misdiagnosis. It was normal post surgery swelling. Grrrrr. Mum has taken cakes to the doctor every week since because she is worried he may feel bad!!! He has never apologised. So, all is right with the world again. Yea! Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts.

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Yep. Winnie n Mestizo quickly merging into one being.

I know alot of people experiencing the blues recently. I think the weather has alot to do with that.

What's wrong with the weather?


It's not too hot, some nice rain now and then to cool things down, and my garden has never looked better.

I wish the "Like" button was still here as you would have had a +1 from me as that is exactly how I feel, its perfect at the moment here in CM.

Agree, the +1 greeny was a very good add on, wish the powers would reconsider. Not bothered about the red thingy (which caused the probs). :)

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O my! Just saw this, wow, thank you so very much. If you are interested, basically mum had huge goose sized brain tumor, it was cut out sucessfully. Then a month later we did a MRI just to check, and the doctor called (yes, called!) me and basically said, 'mum's dying in two years, nothing to be done, no one can help, it will be a horroble slow death'. Obviously I was shocked, asked him why, and he said, 'It's like Yugoslavia, everything is Ok and then civil war erupts and everyone dies.' Needless to say, my heart was broken. After a week or tears, we checked with many doctors in Bangkok, send MRI, biopsy, etc. Turns out it was a misdiagnosis. It was normal post surgery swelling. Grrrrr. Mum has taken cakes to the doctor every week since because she is worried he may feel bad!!! He has never apologised. So, all is right with the world again. Yea! Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts.

We are so lucky to live in a city where the sun shines even when it's raining!

Just think, in some places your lawyer would have already creamed $$$$ to start the malpractice action. All Kudos to your mum for a few cakes and the mai pen rai attitude. Best wishes to you and her :wai:

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O my! Just saw this, wow, thank you so very much. If you are interested, basically mum had huge goose sized brain tumor, it was cut out sucessfully. Then a month later we did a MRI just to check, and the doctor called (yes, called!) me and basically said, 'mum's dying in two years, nothing to be done, no one can help, it will be a horroble slow death'. Obviously I was shocked, asked him why, and he said, 'It's like Yugoslavia, everything is Ok and then civil war erupts and everyone dies.' Needless to say, my heart was broken. After a week or tears, we checked with many doctors in Bangkok, send MRI, biopsy, etc. Turns out it was a misdiagnosis. It was normal post surgery swelling. Grrrrr. Mum has taken cakes to the doctor every week since because she is worried he may feel bad!!! He has never apologised. So, all is right with the world again. Yea! Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts.

Hope your mum makes a full and speedy recovery!

Cakes for the doctor sounds like something my mother would do! I must admit if it was my mother, I could probably do the cakes, but only hoping the misdiagnosing doctor maybe contracted diabetes as a result of eating them!

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Thank you Pim for that post, I realize it's of a very personal nature and not normally something that anyone here is entitled to hear, myself very much included. Still it helped me understand the Citylife editorial more fully, though of course in and of itself it already contained all the perspective and wisdom.

Wishing you and your mum good health, and a whole lot of happiness!

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O my! Just saw this, wow, thank you so very much. If you are interested, basically mum had huge goose sized brain tumor, it was cut out sucessfully. Then a month later we did a MRI just to check, and the doctor called (yes, called!) me and basically said, 'mum's dying in two years, nothing to be done, no one can help, it will be a horroble slow death'. Obviously I was shocked, asked him why, and he said, 'It's like Yugoslavia, everything is Ok and then civil war erupts and everyone dies.' Needless to say, my heart was broken. After a week or tears, we checked with many doctors in Bangkok, send MRI, biopsy, etc. Turns out it was a misdiagnosis. It was normal post surgery swelling. Grrrrr. Mum has taken cakes to the doctor every week since because she is worried he may feel bad!!! He has never apologised. So, all is right with the world again. Yea! Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts.

Whoa, glad to hear that. And your Mum is obviously a remarkable person not to harbour a grudge against the misdiagnosing doctor. Also, while we're at it, thanks for making a really great publication. I always enjoy reading it.

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