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Just to put the tin lid on it, I've had another dam_n medical problem:On Monday evening my wife Na and my stepdaughter Pim asked me to rescue a tiny frog that had got into the house, and was being chased around by our dog Willow. I caught it and took it outside to release it over the gate where Willow wouldn't be able to get it again. As I got to the gate my feet slipped out from under me on the wet tiles and I came crashing down on my right shoulder. To say this was painful was to put it very mildly! As it didn't seem to be getting better we wen't to the hospital today. They X-rayed it and told me that I've broken my collarbone. The doctor suggested an operation, which would cost about £2,000 at the private hospital. As I thought this was over the top I asked what else could be done. The other option was wearing a sling for 6 - 8 weeks. Most of what I've read on the internet says that the sling treatment will be effective in 85% of cases, and it looked like a clean break on the X-ray. However it is extremely painful, and makes it very difficult to get to sleep.It just doesn't seem to be my year! So I'm typing left handed, for the duration.Botheration...

Having broken my collar bone on both sides in the past, unless it is a clean break, and I mean break, the normal treatment for a fracture is to wear a figure-8 sling across the back of both shoulders to keep the collar bone aligned while it heals. The only time an operation is necessary is if the bone is actually broken and not just fractured. They will pin it back together as they would any sever break to keep the bones in alignment while they heal. Sounds like the doctor was trying to take you for a ride, at your expense.

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You still don't have health insurance? Will cost you about THB 1,800/year for up to THB 1 million (or was it 2 million?) of coverage per incident.

Can i ask you where to get health insurance that cheap?blink.gif

Thai Prakan Chivit. They keep coming every year and want to win me as a customer.

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I think most of us have been affected in one way or another by the global financial crisis. Now it appears we are going into a double-dip recession, so things will not be getting better any time soon.

I would suggest to the OP to:

1. Never reveal your financial situation to anyone; wife included. Just say that you can't afford it...simple as that.

2. Have you considered purchasing health insurance for yourself and the wife? Premiums are reasonable in Thailand and in my opinion health insurance is necessary with the soaring prices of medical care here.

Your wife is sucking you dry. Stand up and put your foot down or you will end up broke.

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You still don't have health insurance? Will cost you about THB 1,800/year for up to THB 1 million (or was it 2 million?) of coverage per incident.

Can i ask you where to get health insurance that cheap?blink.gif

Thai Prakan Chivit. They keep coming every year and want to win me as a customer.

I'm not doubting you, but are you sure that this 1800B pa insurance is not just accident insurance (i.e not full health insurance). e.g. in the OP's case, your TPC insurance would cover his slip and broken collarbone, but would not have covered his wifes cancer treatment.

Edited by trevorg
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You still don't have health insurance? Will cost you about THB 1,800/year for up to THB 1 million (or was it 2 million?) of coverage per incident.

Can i ask you where to get health insurance that cheap?blink.gif

Thai Prakan Chivit. They keep coming every year and want to win me as a customer.

I'm not doubting you, but are you sure that this 1800B pa insurance is not just accident insurance (i.e not full health insurance). e.g. in the OP's case, your TPC insurance would cover his slip and broken collarbone, but would not have covered his wifes cancer treatment.

Even very low-end health insurance policies that some Thais have cost minimum 4K P/A. They only pay about 1000 a day or less for the room. A google search for Thai Prakan Chivit yields nothing.

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You still don't have health insurance? Will cost you about THB 1,800/year for up to THB 1 million (or was it 2 million?) of coverage per incident.

Can i ask you where to get health insurance that cheap?blink.gif

Thai Prakan Chivit. They keep coming every year and want to win me as a customer.

Have you made any claims so far?

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As a newcomer to Thailand I seem to see an error on this thread.

Free hospital care in Thailand is linked to the Thai 'House Book' and nothing to do with Thai citizenship.

As a foreigner, if your wife owns a house and has a 'blue house book' you can get a 'yellow house book' that will entitle you to the same free health care as a Thai person.

If you are single but have purchased a condo or leased a house or land, you are also entitled to the 'yellow house book'

The free health care only applies to the hospital in the same district as your 'house book', Thai or foreigner.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

But it seems nobody needs private health insurance if they can get a house book.

Edited by ludditeman
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What Jeff says

Hospital free for Thai person. Thai person not NEED go private, but might WANT.

Difference between 'want' and 'need' with dental work. Work need usually cheap, work want cosmetic, expensive.

I find tell wife I NEED 40k per month for me, if can pay for you to then good, if can not pay for you to then goodbye.

(I also support MIL, teen step daughter and new son from that amount)

My lifestyle not low, but I live with what have, wife live with what have (Did pay for wife private room when have baby at Thai hospital, 3 night @800bht).

Learn to live within budget, teach wife to live within budget. Else find cheaper wife or send wife to work.

Very few Thai have money manage skill, never think beyond next week. This you job.

Yes she will run you out of money if you let her, then most likely she move on.

I see this happen to foreigner many time. Foreigner with limited money can be very silly.

Sorry no sympathy, 40k a month more than most Thai family have.

(Do have sympathy for you medical expense, but find cheaper drug, change eating habit to control diabetes)

(current rate 48bht to pound, why you get 46?)


2YO Honda Click 25,000bht

New Proton 4 door auto 460,000bht (9k UKP)

If not rich person don't buy 750,000bht car

Grear Post Olaf! right on the button.

The problem is these guys deep down know if the money flow stops then so does the love.

I have absolutely no sympathy.

On the other side of the coin, the more these guys pour there investments into Thailand the better the Thai economy gets. The better the Thai economy gets the more valuable my investments become.

To the OP, I strongly sugest you have a good long think about your situation. Like Olaf I have seen too many wester men lose everything because they were too blind to see that their loving wives were in love with their pockets, not them.

If your wife is in for the money then she WILL evetually suck every penny out of you if you let her.

In time me thinks this is yet another poster that will disapear from this forum never to be heard of again.

Very sad when you come to think about it. :(

Most women do it for money. If not, then what?

You just need to find a woman who isn't skilled at sucking your money.

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As a newcomer to Thailand I seem to see an error on this thread.

Free hospital care in Thailand is linked to the Thai 'House Book' and nothing to do with Thai citizenship.

As a foreigner, if your wife owns a house and has a 'blue house book' you can get a 'yellow house book' that will entitle you to the same free health care as a Thai person.

If you are single but have purchased a condo or leased a house or land, you are also entitled to the 'yellow house book'

The free health care only applies to the hospital in the same district as your 'house book', Thai or foreigner.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

But it seems nobody needs private health insurance if they can get a house book.

It is correct for Thais with the Blue Housebook. However, a bit confusing with the Yellow Housebook. In other threds at this forum some holders of the Yellow Housebook got a hospital card, others did not. I have a Yellow Housebook, but no hospiatal card. Perhaps different from district to district?

A health insurance for Thai citizens may be needed, when staying/working in another area, than the district of their housebook registration - or if one wish the service of a private hospital. When employed by a major company, the company will pay social security, and the employee will have a card for free health care and hospital (also for alians/foreigners), plus a lot of other benefits like unemployment support, retirement pension and (a small) support fee for small children.

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A lot of posters saying Thai wife will leave you if you dont have enough money or start running short.

The fact is most western women will also leave you if you don't have enough money.

This is universal and not restricted to Thai/Farang relationships.

Having said that we all know that the majority of farangs in Thailand are in relationships with women with much lower financial and educational status. (except for Thai visa posters who are married to university educated middle and upper middle class Thais :whistling: )

Majority of marriages end over financial difficulties and that is a fact.

The OP has three choices:

1. Reign in spending and/or hope exchange rates and investmets improve(seems unlikely)

2. Leave wife and family (Op seems stuck so unlikely in the short term but a surety in the long term if the money runs out.

3. Make more money (best option, there are always ways to make a bit of extra cash)

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You still don't have health insurance? Will cost you about THB 1,800/year for up to THB 1 million (or was it 2 million?) of coverage per incident.

Can i ask you where to get health insurance that cheap?blink.gif

Thai Prakan Chivit. They keep coming every year and want to win me as a customer.

Have you made any claims so far?

Of course not. "Try to win" means that I am not their customer.

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You still don't have health insurance? Will cost you about THB 1,800/year for up to THB 1 million (or was it 2 million?) of coverage per incident.

Can i ask you where to get health insurance that cheap?blink.gif

Thai Prakan Chivit. They keep coming every year and want to win me as a customer.

I'm not doubting you, but are you sure that this 1800B pa insurance is not just accident insurance (i.e not full health insurance). e.g. in the OP's case, your TPC insurance would cover his slip and broken collarbone, but would not have covered his wifes cancer treatment.

Dunno. They tell me about the cheapest option, I guess. If a half-way reasonable insurance costs THB 4k/year, go for it.

Ask the insurance broker about the cancer treatment for the wife.

If you don't have health insurance, you pay when you get sick. That's the rule.

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Please correct me if I am wrong.

But it seems nobody needs private health insurance if they can get a house book.

It is correct for Thais with the Blue Housebook. However, a bit confusing with the Yellow Housebook. In other threds at this forum some holders of the Yellow Housebook got a hospital card, others did not. I have a Yellow Housebook, but no hospiatal card. Perhaps different from district to district?

A health insurance for Thai citizens may be needed, when staying/working in another area, than the district of their housebook registration - or if one wish the service of a private hospital. When employed by a major company, the company will pay social security, and the employee will have a card for free health care and hospital (also for alians/foreigners), plus a lot of other benefits like unemployment support, retirement pension and (a small) support fee for small children.

I don't have a house book (yet - because I didn't find the time, low priority) but I work. This may make me different from most posters here, but it should not make me different from the wife. If you wortk (legally) in Thailand, you are enrolled in Social Security, which pays for your hospital treatments. You want a better class of hospital bed, you cover health insurance.

If you are so rich that you don't care about money, you go to the best private hospital and pay by yourself. But then you don't go and complain how expensive it was.

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Just to put the tin lid on it, I've had another dam_n medical problem:On Monday evening my wife Na and my stepdaughter Pim asked me to rescue a tiny frog that had got into the house, and was being chased around by our dog Willow. I caught it and took it outside to release it over the gate where Willow wouldn't be able to get it again. As I got to the gate my feet slipped out from under me on the wet tiles and I came crashing down on my right shoulder. To say this was painful was to put it very mildly! As it didn't seem to be getting better we wen't to the hospital today. They X-rayed it and told me that I've broken my collarbone. The doctor suggested an operation, which would cost about £2,000 at the private hospital. As I thought this was over the top I asked what else could be done. The other option was wearing a sling for 6 - 8 weeks. Most of what I've read on the internet says that the sling treatment will be effective in 85% of cases, and it looked like a clean break on the X-ray. However it is extremely painful, and makes it very difficult to get to sleep.It just doesn't seem to be my year! So I'm typing left handed, for the duration.Botheration...

It's karma: You interfered with natural life, so you got punished with pain.

I am sorry to hear about your pain, I know how that feels. Ouch!

I am also sorry to hear that you still do not have any insurance. Before you came to Thailand, did you not have any insurance either? - Just asking, as you pay a lot less for medical treatment here than you would have paid in, say, Europe, without insurance coverage. You must be very rich if you can afford not to have any accident or health insurance.

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Sorry to hear of your recent injury.

Do not worry too much about it although it is painful a very small fraction ever require surgery for this injury.

As to your original post....Yes thank you for pointing it out.

Many who live or plan to live outside of their home country should realize

that what your home currency is worth today or yesterday is no indication

of what it will be worth tomorrow or next week.

As hard as it is for many to realize it is not so much the strength of the THB

but the continuing weakening of their home countries currency.

Look at the USD & its 20% or more loss in just the past few years.

Sadly it is the same for other major currencies with no immediate strengthening in sight.

Good Luck it is not easy to budget when your foreign income is fluctuating at unknown rates to come.

If you plan to keep your expenses in THB it would behoove you to convert some of your foreign savings to THB

Edited by flying
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I lived on as little as ~20.000 baht when i stayed much too far away from go-go bars, didn't drink and drastically reduced smoking

then i moved too close to go-go and spent 70k/month

Now i yet again live too far away to visit go-go, but i still smoke & drink pretty much every day and spend 30-40k/month

Edited by poanoi
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B 60,000 a Month, Gawd mate, live like a king.!!!.I pay B2,500 a month rent -2 storey 3 bedroom house Brand new 2-3 bedroom houses built to approximate Farang standards , rent for a Max. ,B5,000 a month.Love me 'ouse.!!!Medical ? I have used the govt. health care system for 21 years. Never been anywhere near a private "orse piddle"and never will. In February, was diagnosed with Pneumonia AND T.B. + COPD.Spent 6 days in there( total cost ,including ambulance was less than B15,000 . Treatment was excellent. Nurses were wonderful- NOT a dragon amongst them.My G/F stayed with me ,slept on the floor under my bed. Brilliant !!! Looked after me superbly. Much better than Farang hospitals in Farang land. However ,if my treatment was going to cost MORE than a return air fare ,and I was NOT an emergency patient, I would return to Oz as I am an old age pensioner,and therefore get free medical care.But, I must add that the clinics -Which are in nearly every 2nd village and provide FREE treatment for all your odd Simple health problems ,are excellent. And all work to an understanding of what their abilities are. When ,they are out of their depth , you are whisked off to the next level,very quickly, as happened to me. I reckon .that there are many of us living MUCH better than in our home countries AND living ,very happily , on about B30,000 a month. I know ,I am AND that includes supporting a 17year 8 1/2 months preggers + 2 Primary school age kids ( I am not their father)+ the G/F.as well. Somebody on B 60,000 a month -I can only add "charitable donations , accepted with glee"To me !!! Please. B60,000 a month income? ,you will love it here. Unless you live in Pattaya or Phuket.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

goodonya mate!!

fricking amazing ... 6000/month is what? about $25k a year untaxed /no deductions.... 31++ k in real terms...lots of westerners would like to earn that in their home countries methinks ...

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B 60,000 a Month, Gawd mate, live like a king.!!!.I pay B2,500 a month rent -2 storey 3 bedroom house Brand new 2-3 bedroom houses built to approximate Farang standards , rent for a Max. ,B5,000 a month.Love me 'ouse.!!!Medical ? I have used the govt. health care system for 21 years. Never been anywhere near a private "orse piddle"and never will. In February, was diagnosed with Pneumonia AND T.B. + COPD.Spent 6 days in there( total cost ,including ambulance was less than B15,000 . Treatment was excellent. Nurses were wonderful- NOT a dragon amongst them.My G/F stayed with me ,slept on the floor under my bed. Brilliant !!! Looked after me superbly. Much better than Farang hospitals in Farang land. However ,if my treatment was going to cost MORE than a return air fare ,and I was NOT an emergency patient, I would return to Oz as I am an old age pensioner,and therefore get free medical care.But, I must add that the clinics -Which are in nearly every 2nd village and provide FREE treatment for all your odd Simple health problems ,are excellent. And all work to an understanding of what their abilities are. When ,they are out of their depth , you are whisked off to the next level,very quickly, as happened to me. I reckon .that there are many of us living MUCH better than in our home countries AND living ,very happily , on about B30,000 a month. I know ,I am AND that includes supporting a 17year 8 1/2 months preggers + 2 Primary school age kids ( I am not their father)+ the G/F.as well. Somebody on B 60,000 a month -I can only add "charitable donations , accepted with glee"To me !!! Please. B60,000 a month income? ,you will love it here. Unless you live in Pattaya or Phuket.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

goodonya mate!!

fricking amazing ... 6000/month is what? about $25k a year untaxed /no deductions.... 31++ k in real terms...lots of westerners would like to earn that in their home countries methinks ...

Poverty level in Australia.

Average wage is 75k a year less tax about 60k = 150K baht a month.

Edited by Tolley
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The fact is most western women will also leave you if you don't have enough money.

In the real world of facts replace " most " with " some ".

I don't think there are many women farang or Thai out there who will financially support a husband over the long run. In the short term maybe but not in the long run.

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B 60,000 a Month, Gawd mate, live like a king.!!!.I pay B2,500 a month rent -2 storey 3 bedroom house Brand new 2-3 bedroom houses built to approximate Farang standards , rent for a Max. ,B5,000 a month.Love me 'ouse.!!!Medical ? I have used the govt. health care system for 21 years. Never been anywhere near a private "orse piddle"and never will. In February, was diagnosed with Pneumonia AND T.B. + COPD.Spent 6 days in there( total cost ,including ambulance was less than B15,000 . Treatment was excellent. Nurses were wonderful- NOT a dragon amongst them.My G/F stayed with me ,slept on the floor under my bed. Brilliant !!! Looked after me superbly. Much better than Farang hospitals in Farang land. However ,if my treatment was going to cost MORE than a return air fare ,and I was NOT an emergency patient, I would return to Oz as I am an old age pensioner,and therefore get free medical care.But, I must add that the clinics -Which are in nearly every 2nd village and provide FREE treatment for all your odd Simple health problems ,are excellent. And all work to an understanding of what their abilities are. When ,they are out of their depth , you are whisked off to the next level,very quickly, as happened to me. I reckon .that there are many of us living MUCH better than in our home countries AND living ,very happily , on about B30,000 a month. I know ,I am AND that includes supporting a 17year 8 1/2 months preggers + 2 Primary school age kids ( I am not their father)+ the G/F.as well. Somebody on B 60,000 a month -I can only add "charitable donations , accepted with glee"To me !!! Please. B60,000 a month income? ,you will love it here. Unless you live in Pattaya or Phuket.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

goodonya mate!!

fricking amazing ... 6000/month is what? about $25k a year untaxed /no deductions.... 31++ k in real terms...lots of westerners would like to earn that in their home countries methinks ...

Poverty level in Australia.

Average wage is 75k a year less tax about 60k = 150K baht a month.

I find that hard to believe....


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What Jeff says

Hospital free for Thai person. Thai person not NEED go private, but might WANT.

Difference between 'want' and 'need' with dental work. Work need usually cheap, work want cosmetic, expensive.

I find tell wife I NEED 40k per month for me, if can pay for you to then good, if can not pay for you to then goodbye.

(I also support MIL, teen step daughter and new son from that amount)

My lifestyle not low, but I live with what have, wife live with what have (Did pay for wife private room when have baby at Thai hospital, 3 night @800bht).

Learn to live within budget, teach wife to live within budget. Else find cheaper wife or send wife to work.

Very few Thai have money manage skill, never think beyond next week. This you job.

Yes she will run you out of money if you let her, then most likely she move on.

I see this happen to foreigner many time. Foreigner with limited money can be very silly.

Sorry no sympathy, 40k a month more than most Thai family have.

(Do have sympathy for you medical expense, but find cheaper drug, change eating habit to control diabetes)

(current rate 48bht to pound, why you get 46?)


2YO Honda Click 25,000bht

New Proton 4 door auto 460,000bht (9k UKP)

If not rich person don't buy 750,000bht car

Grear Post Olaf! right on the button.

The problem is these guys deep down know if the money flow stops then so does the love.

I have absolutely no sympathy.

On the other side of the coin, the more these guys pour there investments into Thailand the better the Thai economy gets. The better the Thai economy gets the more valuable my investments become.

To the OP, I strongly sugest you have a good long think about your situation. Like Olaf I have seen too many wester men lose everything because they were too blind to see that their loving wives were in love with their pockets, not them.

If your wife is in for the money then she WILL evetually suck every penny out of you if you let her.

In time me thinks this is yet another poster that will disapear from this forum never to be heard of again.

Very sad when you come to think about it. :(

To all,

As Livinginexile (like the handle!), says SOME Thai women will be looking for your ATM tattoo on your forehead. Yep, there are those that can tell you the horror stories, BUT there are some successes here as well. Please take note.

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I think any stay in Thailand should come with full health insurance for yourself and your dependents for the foreseeable future as well as return tickets for yourself and your dependents. If you can't afford that, then maybe it's time to rethink your situation. Always have a backup plan!

I didn't have neither for some time, but I was young(er) and suffered from delusions of immortality::D

Edited by MrHammer
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I think any stay in Thailand should come with full health insurance for yourself and your dependents for the foreseeable future as well as return tickets for yourself and your dependents. If you can't afford that, then maybe it's time to rethink your situation. Always have a backup plan!

I didn't have neither for some time, but I was young(er) and suffered from delusions of immortality::D

The OP's gone!

Probably very busy what with paying off the wife's house, supporting her (and probably her extented family), buying her cars, paying top notch medical bills for her and her family and on top of that...he has his own extensive medical bills to pay!

Yes...the OP will be FAR to busy running backwards and forwards from the ATM to spend any time on TV.

Poor Bugga :(

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