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Going Back To The Uk


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The vietnamese people are the worst I have encountered as a whole, close second is japanese which I have been to approximately 40 times, sorry if i sound racist but I didnt like the people as they were unfriendly and downright rude, and they did their best to rob constantly. Your idea of pleasure obviously greatly differs to mine NKM

Interesting, and again raises the point that NKM is making.

I lived in Japan (Kochi and Hiroshima) for 19 years, and it's probably my favorite country. For the record, I'm a lily white Englishman, but I do speak native level Japanese.

I love Japan

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BangTaoBoy - Obviously you're right (as I said in an earlier post) and any ex-pat that thinks Phuket is not the perfect place to live is wrong.

I'm tired of posters mentioning corruption etc. and reading you post something along the lines of 'prove how this affects you on an everyday basis' - NOBODY would claim any of the major 'dislikes' are an everyday occurrence, people ripping you off is something that happens every now and again, but more frequently than back in the West.

Incidentally, when I mentioned not trusting anybody unless I knew them v well - I was talking about Westerners as well as Thais :rolleyes:.

The OP was clearly mad to think Phuket is anything other than perfect. Or then again, perhaps some of us are realistic about life on Phuket where others are mortally offended if anyone decides that Phuket is not for them.

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BangTaoBoy - Obviously you're right (as I said in an earlier post) and any ex-pat that thinks Phuket is not the perfect place to live is wrong.

I'm tired of posters mentioning corruption etc. and reading you post something along the lines of 'prove how this affects you on an everyday basis' - NOBODY would claim any of the major 'dislikes' are an everyday occurrence, people ripping you off is something that happens every now and again, but more frequently than back in the West.

Incidentally, when I mentioned not trusting anybody unless I knew them v well - I was talking about Westerners as well as Thais :rolleyes:.

The OP was clearly mad to think Phuket is anything other than perfect. Or then again, perhaps some of us are realistic about life on Phuket where others are mortally offended if anyone decides that Phuket is not for them.

Don't pay him any mind F1f. He just likes to complain about other people who like to complain.

Ironic innit.... smile.gif

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Don't pay him any mind F1f. He just likes to complain about other people who like to complain.

Ironic innit.... smile.gif

The truth is, I haven't really been complaining about posters like F1 or NKM, I've been moaning about posters like the OP and the people who agreed with him. Those people are so full of <deleted> though, that they never come back to the thread to answer your questions, and to back up their arguements.

If posters like NKM and F1 can make themselves happier, by moaning about the price of cheese and having to drink bottled water, then I'm all for it. :)

This thread was about people moaning about corruption, pollution, and dishonest Thais. It ended up being about the price of cheese, and crappy TV programmes. That's because the people like the OP who plague this forum, had absolutely nothing to say.

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BTB I have only really posted a couple of times here and in the past of my opinions why Phuket is not for me. You seem to have taken over this topic (judging by the number of posts) and you seem to feel it is a personal affront if someone has different opinion about Phuket than yourself and that they are totally wrong. You are an odd fellow.

If you like Phuket so much then why don't you go out and enjoy it, instead of sitting in front of your pc 24/7.

I'm off to the highland games today to enjoy being back in Scotland, haven't been this happy in years.

Like I said before Phuket and Asia maybe isn't for everyone, it wasn't for me.

ps I get a good laugh when I see you posting about how good Phuket is.

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BTB I have only really posted a couple of times here and in the past of my opinions why Phuket is not for me. You seem to have taken over this topic (judging by the number of posts) and you seem to feel it is a personal affront if someone has different opinion about Phuket than yourself and that they are totally wrong. You are an odd fellow.

If you like Phuket so much then why don't you go out and enjoy it, instead of sitting in front of your pc 24/7.

I'm off to the highland games today to enjoy being back in Scotland, haven't been this happy in years.

Like I said before Phuket and Asia maybe isn't for everyone, it wasn't for me.

ps I get a good laugh when I see you posting about how good Phuket is.

I spend about 20 minutes a day on this forum at the minute, sometimes a lot less, some times a bit more. Using the term 24/7 is very consistent with your over exaggerated melodramatics.

Why would you find it ammusing, that someone thinks Phuket is so good? Because you don't believe them? Because your experience is the definitive one?

When you can explain why you would suggest 'nobody could possibly be happy anywhere in Thailand', let me know. ;)

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BTB I have only really posted a couple of times here and in the past of my opinions why Phuket is not for me.

I think you've made more than a couple of negative posts about Phuket in the past mate, it's been you signiture for quite a while.

What was the purpose of your OP? Did you think it would benefit people somehow?

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Like I said before Phuket and Asia maybe isn't for everyone, it wasn't for me.

No you didn't. You said 'it isn't for everybody' there was no maybe involved at all.

there is no future for a foreigner trying to make a life for himself in Thailand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My reasons for leaving:

deadly driving practices here and just the amount of traffic gets worse each year ( 8 people I know have been killed in RTA's here in Phuket)

Never had an accident here. If you are a good driver, you adapt to the driving style here, and know what reckless thing the driver in front is going to do, before he even knows himself. Driving here is not for the faint hearted, or people who aren't very confident experienced drivers.

the proliferation of bar girls and beer bars selling sex is spreading on the island

Not where I live.

high cost of living in comparison to the service or guarantees you get for your money

Phuket isn't a great place to live if you need to count pennies. Having said that, property, utilities, fuel etc, are all vastly cheaper than the West, as is food and drink.

visas and work permits (don't get me started)

Every three months get to go on a family trip to explore a different country. Fantastic.

xenophobic Thais and their open dislike of foreigners

Xenophobia is everywhere you look. In general, English people are highly racist and xenophobic, and are getting more so by the day with the influx of immigrants.

lack of basic rights (as a foreigner we don't really have any in Thailand)

Don't need them. Can own everything I want in my wifes name.

corruption pervades every fabric of this society

Give me some examples of how that affects your daily life. It doesn't mine.

murders (the amount of execution type murders is on the rise)drugs

Never had as much as heated argument with a Thai on Phuket, let alone come close to being murdered.

pollution - I find Phuket and Thailand to be filthy

Outside of Patong I don't find it that bad.


Who by? Who do you associate with regularly that's dishonest? You must be gullible.

lack of intellectual stimulus with any Thai that I have known

You've only known stupid people. Whos fault is that.

a general "what's in it for me" attitude and no sense of community

I have good friendly neighbours, always there to lend a hand. Especially the Thais. You obviously lived in the wrong place.

Your Phuket and other peoples Phuket aren't one and the same. Everything you have pointed out, is your interpretation of Phuket, nothing more. Why the desire to share it with everybody. Therapy?

hahahahahahahaha In 2 years at most.... you will be singing the same song!!! Phuket is a dump. Keep trying in convince yourself it's not. So funny.

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hahahahahahahaha In 2 years at most.... you will be singing the same song!!! Phuket is a dump. Keep trying in convince yourself it's not. So funny.

Yes Phuket is a dump. It's boring, there's nothing to do, and everyone that lives here hates it we just can't afford to sell up and move away having been ripped of by all the local Thais. :(

You are so on the money 'Jackh' it's spooky.

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Its a good time to return to the UK., The land of riots, arson, looting and football thugs who have found another occupation,

destroying decent peoples lifestyle and work places, doesn't the country have enough problems

C'mon. That's a small minority of the UK as personified by the over sensationalist media. Remember when the entire island Phuket was supposed to have disappeared under water during the tsunami?

Looking at the prices comparable to Phuket in particular, UK looks much more favourable. However loathe the cold, but this low season too. It's the Thais who keep me here. And the 'ambience', by which I mean rarely hearing a voice raised in anger and a charming sawasdee from complete strangers. The variety of cheap food ingredients for home cooked anything good too.

Downside, no theatres/decent concerts/galleries, and the booze sux.

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My reasons for leaving:

deadly driving practices here and just the amount of traffic gets worse each year ( 8 people I know have been killed in RTA's here in Phuket)

Never had an accident here. If you are a good driver, you adapt to the driving style here, and know what reckless thing the driver in front is going to do, before he even knows himself. Driving here is not for the faint hearted, or people who aren't very confident experienced drivers.

the proliferation of bar girls and beer bars selling sex is spreading on the island

Not where I live.

high cost of living in comparison to the service or guarantees you get for your money

Phuket isn't a great place to live if you need to count pennies. Having said that, property, utilities, fuel etc, are all vastly cheaper than the West, as is food and drink.

visas and work permits (don't get me started)

Every three months get to go on a family trip to explore a different country. Fantastic.

xenophobic Thais and their open dislike of foreigners

Xenophobia is everywhere you look. In general, English people are highly racist and xenophobic, and are getting more so by the day with the influx of immigrants.

lack of basic rights (as a foreigner we don't really have any in Thailand)

Don't need them. Can own everything I want in my wifes name.

corruption pervades every fabric of this society

Give me some examples of how that affects your daily life. It doesn't mine.

murders (the amount of execution type murders is on the rise)drugs

Never had as much as heated argument with a Thai on Phuket, let alone come close to being murdered.

pollution - I find Phuket and Thailand to be filthy

Outside of Patong I don't find it that bad.


Who by? Who do you associate with regularly that's dishonest? You must be gullible.

lack of intellectual stimulus with any Thai that I have known

You've only known stupid people. Whos fault is that.

a general "what's in it for me" attitude and no sense of community

I have good friendly neighbours, always there to lend a hand. Especially the Thais. You obviously lived in the wrong place.

Your Phuket and other peoples Phuket aren't one and the same. Everything you have pointed out, is your interpretation of Phuket, nothing more. Why the desire to share it with everybody. Therapy?

hahahahahahahaha In 2 years at most.... you will be singing the same song!!! Phuket is a dump. Keep trying in convince yourself it's not. So funny.

A man with a grudge to bear, now I am wondering what has gone wrong? Phuket is not a dump and it is 100 times better than the UK, the only thing I miss about the UK is the NHS..

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poms couldnt be happy anywhere, all ways whinging rolleyes.gif

I am guessing an Aussie with an opinion about the English, have you forgotten where you come from? I don't see many differences between the 2 cultures except for the Aussies can not hold there drink and are very loud, I have met some great Australians here in Phuket, Aussies whinge as much as us Poms!!!

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[the only thing I miss about the UK is the NHS..

.........and real ale.

Very good ale at the Full Moon Brewery in Jungceylon.

Very good by Phuket standards.

Not a patch on the real thing.

Only place I know in Asia with a real working handpump is Brewerkz in Singapore.

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[the only thing I miss about the UK is the NHS..

.........and real ale.

Ah now you have my attention, I want a pint of Theakstons old peculiar!!!


I never drank it myself (preferring draught Guinness), but have many happy memories of the real ale pub in Harrow (can't remember its name) when others got totally pissed on the real ales!

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[the only thing I miss about the UK is the NHS..

.........and real ale.

Ah now you have my attention, I want a pint of Theakstons old peculiar!!!


I never drank it myself (preferring draught Guinness), but have many happy memories of the real ale pub in Harrow (can't remember its name) when others got totally pissed on the real ales!

Drinking Theakstones old peculier I can not remember a <deleted> thing, happy days!!!

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Have a good life.

Hope you won't find your dark tinted glasses elsewhere, but I'm afraid for you you will. But I hope for you you'll find your luck elsewhere.

Thanks Stevenl, I guess Asia just isn't for me!


OP good luck to you, I know exactly where you're coming from and I'm envious you've made it out of here before me. I won't be able to manage it until early next year as I have 2 boys to consider as well, but manage it we will and the opportunities waiting for me back home are immense and welcomed where here they are non-existent..

This place has nothing over my destination and far more of the detractors you've mentioned. The other advantages you tout are just as significant the one thing I will take back with me having lived here is the appreciation for where I came from and the renewed enthusiasm to live there happily the rest of my life with my family, so I guess that's one benefit..

The price of houses is astoundingly low with REAL property that you own, the toughest part of returning is going to be having to make a decision on which cars and which houses to purchase as the glut of top choices is mind boggling. I won't mind blending in again neither and not feeling like a potential target all the time and looking out my front windows and NOT having bars on them..

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Have a good life.

Hope you won't find your dark tinted glasses elsewhere, but I'm afraid for you you will. But I hope for you you'll find your luck elsewhere.

Thanks Stevenl, I guess Asia just isn't for me!


OP good luck to you, I know exactly where you're coming from and I'm envious you've made it out of here before me. I won't be able to manage it until early next year as I have 2 boys to consider as well, but manage it we will and the opportunities waiting for me back home are immense and welcomed where here they are non-existent..

This place has nothing over my destination and far more of the detractors you've mentioned. The other advantages you tout are just as significant the one thing I will take back with me having lived here is the appreciation for where I came from and the renewed enthusiasm to live there happily the rest of my life with my family, so I guess that's one benefit..

The price of houses is astoundingly low with REAL property that you own, the toughest part of returning is going to be having to make a decision on which cars and which houses to purchase as the glut of top choices is mind boggling. I won't mind blending in again neither and not feeling like a potential target all the time and looking out my front windows and NOT having bars on them..

Stop moaning, stop whinging, just accept this is a time in your life that has not worked out for you, <deleted> off back to where you come from and have a great life, some of us consider Phuket and Thailand to be far better than what we left behind, have a great life, good bye!!!

Sorry don't want to be rude, had a few sherberts at the golf club, happy day's and good luck!!

Do not understand the bars on the windows or this potential target rubbish, whats this all about then!!

Edited by kenny999
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OP good luck to you, I know exactly where you're coming from and I'm envious you've made it out of here before me. I won't be able to manage it until early next year as I have 2 boys to consider as well, but manage it we will and the opportunities waiting for me back home are immense and welcomed where here they are non-existent..

This place has nothing over my destination and far more of the detractors you've mentioned. The other advantages you tout are just as significant the one thing I will take back with me having lived here is the appreciation for where I came from and the renewed enthusiasm to live there happily the rest of my life with my family, so I guess that's one benefit..

The price of houses is astoundingly low with REAL property that you own, the toughest part of returning is going to be having to make a decision on which cars and which houses to purchase as the glut of top choices is mind boggling. I won't mind blending in again neither and not feeling like a potential target all the time and looking out my front windows and NOT having bars on them..

Stop moaning, stop whinging, just accept this is a time in your life that has not worked out for you, <deleted> off back to where you come from and have a great life, some of us consider Phuket and Thailand to be far better than what we left behind, have a great life, good bye!!!

Yes thank you Kenny, you're a newbie here so not jaded yet but I agree if you came from England you're much better off here. No moaning no whinging just stating the realities and not even beginning a new thread about it.. Unlike many here my situation is different as I didn't come here for the usual sexpat, Tefl or retirement dreams so I've never been happy and never would be.. I have always accepted that but for the sake of my family have done the best I could with the circumstances dictated.. This move was a severe sacrifice and huge step down for me but an unavoidable one, until now that is, but returning is going to be more sacrifice initially as my boys mother will not be able to come with but in spite of the injustice of that you don't see me moaning or whining about it do you?..

The timing is ripe now though so soon it will be asta la vista baby!!

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OP good luck to you, I know exactly where you're coming from and I'm envious you've made it out of here before me. I won't be able to manage it until early next year as I have 2 boys to consider as well, but manage it we will and the opportunities waiting for me back home are immense and welcomed where here they are non-existent..

This place has nothing over my destination and far more of the detractors you've mentioned. The other advantages you tout are just as significant the one thing I will take back with me having lived here is the appreciation for where I came from and the renewed enthusiasm to live there happily the rest of my life with my family, so I guess that's one benefit..

The price of houses is astoundingly low with REAL property that you own, the toughest part of returning is going to be having to make a decision on which cars and which houses to purchase as the glut of top choices is mind boggling. I won't mind blending in again neither and not feeling like a potential target all the time and looking out my front windows and NOT having bars on them..

Stop moaning, stop whinging, just accept this is a time in your life that has not worked out for you, <deleted> off back to where you come from and have a great life, some of us consider Phuket and Thailand to be far better than what we left behind, have a great life, good bye!!!

Sorry don't want to be rude, had a few sherberts at the golf club, happy day's and good luck!!

Do not understand the bars on the windows or this potential target rubbish, whats this all about then!!

I suspect you're in a minority and that most of us understand the "bars on the windows" comment.

As for the rest? Its down to individuals as to whether or not, after a few years, they enjoy living here.

Many do, many don't.

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Have a great life back in your home country, sorry for calling a past poster a winker, many people here make it known how wealthy they are, one that sticks in my mind is: DO YOU REALIZE HOW MANY GOLF MEMBERSHIPS I HAVE, Thailand is not for every one mainly because it is such a poor country and hard to adapt, I love it here, love the people, never had a problem. Bon Voy thingy... lol

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Yes thank you Kenny, you're a newbie here so not jaded yet but I agree if you came from England you're much better off here. No moaning no whinging just stating the realities and not even beginning a new thread about it.. Unlike many here my situation is different as I didn't come here for the usual sexpat, Tefl or retirement dreams so I've never been happy and never would be.. I have always accepted that but for the sake of my family have done the best I could with the circumstances dictated.. This move was a severe sacrifice and huge step down for me but an unavoidable one, until now that is, but returning is going to be more sacrifice initially as my boys mother will not be able to come with but in spite of the injustice of that you don't see me moaning or whining about it do you?..

The timing is ripe now though so soon it will be asta la vista baby!!

This post makes no sense. Firstly you say Kenny is only happy because he's a newbie. What about the people that have lived here happily for 10, 15, even 20+ years? Are you insinuating the progression from newbie to jaded, to wanting to leave is a formality for everybody?

To be honest your opinions are a moot point because you admitted you haven't been happy here since day one, so for you to tell us you want to leave is the biggest case of stating the obvious I've seen for a long time.

Finally, surely if you are not leaving until next year, that will be enough time to get the relevant visas for your wife to go with. I can't think of anything worse than seperating children from their mother.

Last year 3.5 million people came through Phuket airport. This year they estimate it will be about 4 million. The fact of the matter is, whether you unhappy souls can accept it or not, is that Phuket is a hugely popular destination loved by millions of people, that come back again and again. The vast majority of people that are lucky enough to live, or spend long periods of time here, are as happy as the proverbial pig. The people that aren't happy here normally have a very good reason not to be so. Either they didn't have enough money to enjoy it properly, they had failed relationships, or most commonly just couldn't adapt to what is a very different culture and way of life, and are much better suited to the familiar surroundings they grew up in.

If you are not happy some where you move on. If you are unhappy some where, and you constantly moan and slag the place off to strangers on the interweb, you are high lighting more cracks in your character than the place you are berating.

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