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Yingluck Shinawatra Voted In As First Female Thai Prime Minister


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G/f watched the vote on television (lots of 'errs) and it seemed to go on forever. Had a look, and they were calling each individual MP to cast his vote, a system that hasn't advanced since JC was playing full-back for Jerusalem.

Is a 3 button computer input (yes, no, abstain) too hard for Thailand? Or is the intention to ensure that all the droogs follow the party line? You could still do that with a 3-button and a set of lights to show your vote.

As for the hottest PM, what about our Julia? Or the Iceland lass (yes, I know she bats for the other team)? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in a PM, I prefer someone whose educational qualifications don't come from institutions where you get a B for showing up and an A if you spell your name right. And a bit of work experience from companies other than those where non-sycophancy is a sackable offence.

BTW does anybody know who the 3 brave nays were? Surely not PTP, but she didn't make 300.

Edited by OzMick
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Yingluck is youngest child from 9 of Mr. Lert and Mrs. Yindee Shinawatra (daughter of Princess Jantip (Na Chiangmai) Raminkwong).


Now, where are all the usual posters frothing at the mouth against elites ruling the country? :ph34r:

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Well done Thailand and congrats to Yingluck

Yingluck is an apt name. Luck. She's going to need a lot of that. Of course no rational person seriously thinks she is an independent leader now or that she doesn't serve at the pleasure of her Big Brother. She shows no signs or serious intentions of not being that. So I can't say well done, but hoping for the best that is possible in this totally twisted situation.

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Congratulations and Good Luck to Thailand's new PM !

I hope she'll be able to deliver on all the pre-election promises & high expectations, she will certainly need to satisfy a lot of poor people, who currently expect the almost-impossible of her. :jap:

And Congratulations & Good Luck also, to the outgoing-PM, who did a better-than-Thai-normal job under very difficult conditions. :jap:

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Good luck to Yingluck, and good luck to Thailand.

Let's hope that this "fresh face", in spite of her ties to her brother, is able to do something good and positive for Thailand as a whole, and not just a few select. I say we give her a chance and see what she can do. If she fails, well, there's always the next election to get rid of her. Providing the military doesn't intervene in the meantime.

Yes, I fully endorse the first part of your post. It really is time for everyone to step back, show respect and let her get on with the work.

As far as "If she fails" is concerned, there are always those who will do anything they can to discredit a serving minister, and all, no matter how good they may be, eventually succumb to this pressure. It is the dark side of political life.

And to the military ... lets just hope they focus on defence of the country from external threats. Wishful thinking I know, but let's be positive.

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Yingluck is youngest child from 9 of Mr. Lert and Mrs. Yindee Shinawatra (daughter of Princess Jantip (Na Chiangmai) Raminkwong).


Now, where are all the usual posters frothing at the mouth against elites ruling the country? :ph34r:

Ah! another man who refuses to drink the Happy-aid.;)

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It's official, Thailand now has the hottest PM in the world!clap2.gifclap2.gif

You sir really need to get out more, maybe even out of Thailand if you think she is hot in way shape or form... I guess as they say beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder..

The reference was related to PM's of the world, as I asked another poster, who would you consider to being a better looking PM (Female)) than Yingluck ?

I guess we are allowed to consider her looks as apart from the daunting task ahead of her of pulling together a very fragmented country she will also be the international face of Thailand in many arenas, can't hurt that she is not too shabby can it?

Good luck in what is likely to be a thankless and frustrating task ahead. But she certainly deserves a chance, the people said so I believe.

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Congrats, PM Yingluck! I wish you good luck!

You must be one of the best looking PM in the world!

If SHE is going to accomplish anything at all, SHE will have to prove that SHE is not listening to HIM! I do not think that will happen.

I totally agree dude i mean come on that twit is her brother blood is thicker as they say i just hope she proves us all wrong and makes thailand a better place for everyone time will tell

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I think mean Khun T Taksin good work with the iPAD idea T and promises of past mever kept- free land- free house all bs..........Lol. What a joke of a democracy system and the corruption and greedy rise to the top. Well at least they all have good role models- change the law when PM to sell AIS to SG for billions of profit.

Thailand need a person who is FOR the people... not for themselves with all these corruption games. It will never change so all us Farang should shut up I guess or go or whatever. For the people is what is needed IMO. But IMO does not matter so Mai Pen Rai.

Next military coup scheduled for which day.:o

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Thai political analyst Pavin Chachavalpongpun said so far she appears to be a "charismatic leader".

"We underestimated her before... During this tough first month (since the election) she has handled the situation really well, so I think we are looking perhaps at a very capable prime minister," said Pavin, of Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Mr. Pavin, you must surely be talking out of your behind. Have you not learned anything from our political experts on TV?

Edited by Bkkorupcountry
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It's official, Thailand now has the hottest PM in the world!clap2.gifclap2.gif

sick.gif If you say so....

And your choice would be-------------?

I can't think of any leader who i find "hot", so why should i have to chose? What is this? FHM?

Can we not discuss what her capabilities may be in terms of doing something for this country, rather than in terms of what she does for the smutty thoughts of the red brigade?

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Thai political analyst Pavin Chachavalpongpun said so far she appears to be a "charismatic leader".

"We underestimated her before... During this tough first month (since the election) she has handled the situation really well, so I think we are looking perhaps at a very capable prime minister," said Pavin, of Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Mr. Pavin, you must surely be talking out of your behind. Have you not learned anything from our political experts on TV?

On the contrary, i think Mr Pavin generally speaks a lot of sense. Like in his concluding comments in an article on the Malaysian Insider, as below:

His comments were met with mixed responses. For one thing, what Thaksin said still mattered to many of his supporters — and even to his adversaries in high places. The fact that the Yingluck government is expected to be largely stage-managed by Thaksin means that his political views will continue to dominate Thailand's politics for years to come.

Can Thaksin's enemies trust his promises? Is it really realistic to expect Thaksin to forgive his political opponents who had deposed him, tainted his reputation and took away his money and power? Would not it be too easy for all sides in the Thai crisis to just forget and move on? If it is easy to do so, why has the conflict persisted?

Throughout the interview, Thaksin continued to defend himself while putting the blame on others. When the talk-show host asked if he regretted his violent policy towards the Thai Muslims in the south, he replied: "I was only implementing hard-nosed measures to counter their use of violence."

Thaksin may have opened his heart but he has also contradicted himself immensely. How can the reconciliation process be a success when Thaksin, a key player in Thailand's troubled politics, has never admitted to his wrongdoings in the years when he was in power?


Edited by rixalex
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Thai political analyst Pavin Chachavalpongpun said so far she appears to be a "charismatic leader".

"We underestimated her before... During this tough first month (since the election) she has handled the situation really well, so I think we are looking perhaps at a very capable prime minister," said Pavin, of Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Mr. Pavin, you must surely be talking out of your behind. Have you not learned anything from our political experts on TV?

k.Pavin is a known PTP sycophant. Since you seem to agree with him, could you please tell me what she has handled really well in the last month EXCEPT issue statements about her brother's non-involvement which are universally accepted as lies.:(

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I see the news networks are already sucking up with words like

Crushing Victory and distant second

Anyway I sincerely hope my fears are proved wrong and she does a good job for Thailand and her people.

But why do I get a bad feeling that wont be the case?

I for one have optimism concerning her. I do believe she'll be her own person, ever try telling your Thai wife to do something? She was a capitalist business women, so I think the chains of the Reds will not sit heavily on her. She'll carry on with programs to help the poor while seeking a favorable climate for Thailand to continue and expand economic opportunities for the country. The country isn't weighed down with a crushing debt like western societies and should be a good place to hunker down during the coming worlds financial meltdowns. She'll have a peaceful coexistence attitude with her neighbors. It all seems so Pollyannic, what could go wrong TIT :lol:

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Thai political analyst Pavin Chachavalpongpun said so far she appears to be a "charismatic leader".

"We underestimated her before... During this tough first month (since the election) she has handled the situation really well, so I think we are looking perhaps at a very capable prime minister," said Pavin, of Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Mr. Pavin, you must surely be talking out of your behind. Have you not learned anything from our political experts on TV?

k.Pavin is a known PTP sycophant. Since you seem to agree with him, could you please tell me what she has handled really well in the last month EXCEPT issue statements about her brother's non-involvement which are universally accepted as lies.:(

I don't know what she has handled well, nor for that matter, what she has handled badly (with regards to issuing statements about her brother, I believe these were responses to heavily loaded and inane questions by this country's highly professional journalists).

However, I would wager that lots of posters here also do not know her, that the majority would never have had the opportunity to even say sawasdee to her (even before she got involved in politics) so it bemuses me that they can pass such judgements. Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

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Good for her, the world needs more female leaders, as long as they are not like that nutcase GMA, from the Philippines. I do not care how much of the propaganda about Thaksin is true, it all pales in comparison with what is going on in the USA, which is all out in the open, but still unreported by the monopolized, right wing media, which refuses to report it to the mainstream morons that make up the majority of American voters. At least Yingluck will have to at least provide lip service and cooperation with the poor people in the country who need help the most. Hopefully she has not been in politics long enough to completely corrupt her, and she will manage to make some positive changes before the power and corruption which accompanies her position in any government overwhelms her.

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I think the optimists here deeply underestimate the primacy of family loyalty. She has a debt to pay, and paying that debt could bring Thailand to civil war. I don't see how she possibly serves a long term. Mark my words.

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I don't know what she has handled well, nor for that matter, what she has handled badly (with regards to issuing statements about her brother, I believe these were responses to heavily loaded and inane questions by this country's highly professional journalists).

I agree, too early to either be singing her praises or writing her off. But as things stand, she has really achieved very little of her own making. She has an awful lot to prove. Will she be given the chance? I have my doubts. Like the red shirts, she has served her purpose, and the time will surely come before too long for her to step aside. I hope not, but it is what i suspect will happen, probably before year's end.

However, I would wager that lots of posters here also do not know her, that the majority would never have had the opportunity to even say sawasdee to her (even before she got involved in politics) so it bemuses me that they can pass such judgements. Fact of the matter is that she is from a level of society that that most posters here would not even get a whiff of.

Well i got a decent whiff of her brother and it was pretty stinky, so here's hoping she smells better than that.

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