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Shouting At A Local In Anger


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To be honest in 99% of situations I'm more likely to cut a local more slack than I would a fellow countryman back home. I suppose it's the part of me that doesn't want to come across as an arrogant westerner lording it over folks in their own country. But anybody who's ever put the wrong fuel in their car knows its not a 5 minute job to rectify and heaven forbid starting the engine and actually driving off. If the guy had just done his job but chosen the wrong hose then for sure a polite " Diesel khrap" would have sufficed. The fact that his gooning around ( with me as part of the floor show ) nearly ruined the best part of my afternoon was what made me bite.

And no he didn't apologize.

They don't know how. They've never been taught - and never seen the need.

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I think I have only ever lost my temper with a local once.

I was just leaving some Thai friends in Bangkok and jumping in a taxi and my Thai friend told the driver to put the taxi meter on. I also informed him to do this. However he sped off and didn't put the taxi meter on. I didn't notice for about 5 minutes, but when I did I sternly said "I said put the taxi meter on!" He just laughed at me and muttered something in Thai under his breath and then started speeding up down the road. As soon as this started happening I felt really uneasy and quite frightened so I raised my voice at him. More than anything I raised my voice out of fear rather than anger and he just laughed at me and then when I finally got to my destination, the driver was demanding I pay him double than what I normally pay. I refused and got angry with him. In turn, he got very irate and grabbed me by the neck. I know there is a theory that Thais don't like losing face and I was aware that I potentially putting myself in more danger. However the destination I was at was a Thai friend's house and he came out and had a go at the taxi driver in Thai. The whole thing left me really shaken up and I hated being left in the house alone, I had this fear that the taxi driver would come back as he knew my address. I thought he would come back and 'get me back' kind of thing.

Same thing happened to me! In Chiang Mai, not Bkk, to be fair. I had just enough Thai to say "If you don't like it, stop NOW!" It worked.

When they get up close, you will find that a knee in their balls often offends................

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Riding a motorcycle can be especially hazardous to you health with local Thai drivers, I have yelled, flipped them off, LOL to no avail, they are just brain dead !!!!:angry:

Oh me too.

I usually shout at them and say things like

'samong kee kwai". Brain full of buffalo crap

Kaprot kwai you drive like a buffalo.

Actually buffaloes are nice gentle beasts and don't deserve the bad press they get sometimes unlike Thai drivers.


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Riding a motorcycle can be especially hazardous to you health with local Thai drivers, I have yelled, flipped them off, LOL to no avail, they are just brain dead !!!!:angry:

Oh me too.

I usually shout at them and say things like

'samong kee kwai". Brain full of buffalo crap

Kaprot kwai you drive like a buffalo.

Actually buffaloes are nice gentle beasts and don't deserve the bad press they get sometimes unlike Thai drivers.


LOL ya they are good creatures, and if they could would more then like drive better then the average Thai :D

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I do get some pleasure in leaving a Thai person all wound up and shouting as I just turn and walk away.

I have found that hand gestures can get even better results.

Recommended only for people who enjoy a bit of "biffo" or went to the Jesse Owens school of self defense.

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You might feelt the best about loosing your temper, however if you received the wrong petrol for your car and tried to talk to him after you would have had a much harder problem.

When deed is done, forget about talking cos it's doesn't register to them what is cause and effect. To them life goes on so get over it. Don't like to compare in this manner but it's like a dog taking a dump, if you stop the dog before or during the deed, they register the action but once the deed is done, they will stare at you and wonder why you're angry.

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I had an old fart on a motorbike slowly pass by and spit out "farang" with much vehemence.

I blew a loud raspberry. He hit the brakes and stared at me for a bit while I deadpanned him, but seemed so confused he didn't know what to do, so finally just drove off. My girlfriend was across the street and laughing her butt off the whole time.

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Last week i lost the plot big style,i could have killed actualy and it scared me,thought i was 20 again.

Walking down a road and a huge pit bull comes runnign across the road to attack me,i shit myself nearly and screamed at the dog and got my baseball cap out and swiped it in the face.Across the road it seems like the whole family was out,watching this so called pet,ready to put his huge fangs in my leg,and not one would shout it or come to help me.I was screaming at them and was ready to jump on the roof of a car,but my legs were like jelly and i couldnt move.The dog was lunging at me with his teeth bared all the time,and i was swiping with my cap.Eventualy they started to shout at this creature and he left me.I wanted to go across the road but was scared of the dog,and the son was hitting it with a metal pole.Honestly,i could have gone across and killed the whole family,i went ballistic and i have never been in this position in Thailand.Regrets,not on your life

That's quite a situation!

Not sure if it works on a pitbull, but common "defense" against dogs is to mimic raising a stick to beat them or picking up a stone and preparing to throw it at them.

Usually they get the message and go away, because they got that treatment before.

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You might feelt the best about loosing your temper, however if you received the wrong petrol for your car and tried to talk to him after you would have had a much harder problem.

When deed is done, forget about talking cos it's doesn't register to them what is cause and effect. To them life goes on so get over it. Don't like to compare in this manner but it's like a dog taking a dump, if you stop the dog before or during the deed, they register the action but once the deed is done, they will stare at you and wonder why you're angry.

It depends on who you pissed off.

Most of the time you are likely to be OK as they will never see you again and/or understand why you are bad-tempered enough to cause them to 'lose face'.

Every now and again though you will annoy the wrong person.... They will get their friends together and do something about it.

Never forget, we are 'guests' in their country and it is NEVER worthwhile pissing off a local.

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Whats with all the rubbish about loosing face?

Everyone has an ego - its not monopolised by the Thai's.....

If someone does something stupid that can have a directly detrimental effect to you or something you own... why not let them know about it ?

How you choose to go about this will have entirely variable results or consequences, just becuase someone is Thai really has no effect on the outcome....

Some people really do beleive that Thai's are so very different to the rest of us.. No they are not....

Shout at an idiot anywhere in the world and you'll get a mixed bag of responses.

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Not really on-topic, but connected because of the fuel-story:

Every time I have to fill up my car's belly, I open my window........."Gasohol 91..........tem-kang khrub!" and the answer is always: "Gasohol 91.........full!"

and when I say: "Gasohol 91..........full, please!" the answer is always: "Gasohol 91.........tem-kang!"

Is it me or what?

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Shout at an idiot anywhere in the world and you'll get a mixed bag of responses.

True at that sir

I see thais in a shouting match quite often at the market near my house, I think losing face was the last thing on their mind. It's very normal occurrence really.

I also have seen many consequences resulted from this overheated drama….well ranging from getting a "one slap" all to way to "chasing each other around with a machete!".

No one ever got killed though, …unless you happen to be shouting at a thai who is drunk or high on yaabaa, then you better have a good running shoes!

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Sorry for going off-topic, but do you mean "tem-thang"?

"kang" using the same tone means cage or incarcerate.

I usually just say, (insert fuel of choice) tem krap, always understood at every service station I have used all over Thailand.

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Uh, more importantly -- can a gasoline nozzle fit into a diesel filler tube? (Or vice versa?). In the States, the nozzles are designed to ward off Murphy's Law. Not so here?


I suspect this may be the same in most locations as one is simply a larger diameter than the other Its not exactly a square peg in a round hole scenario.

In the UK too, the unleaded nozzle will definately fits into a filler tube of a diesel car. I lost face when I shouted at myself after doing that !....

A diesel nozzle will not fit into an unleaded filler tube however.

Edited by richard_smith237
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I dont scream at people, I am not the type to do it. Whats the point?

What's the point?

It gets stuff done, whereas otherwise nothing would be done. That's what the point is.

Still don't see a point. Just tell them to stop and put the correct fuel in. Simple

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I dont scream at people, I am not the type to do it. Whats the point?

What's the point?

It gets stuff done, whereas otherwise nothing would be done. That's what the point is.

Still don't see a point. Just tell them to stop and put the correct fuel in. Simple


Tell them all nicely and softly when they clearly aren't paying attention? At what point do you think it would be OK to do something to make sure the fuel doesn't go in. ?

And in the example I gave about my internet connection: I had been trying for weeks to get a reliable connection but to no avail. It's only when I raise my voice and shout that I get done what needs to be done. Coincidence?

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I dont scream at people, I am not the type to do it. Whats the point?

What's the point?

It gets stuff done, whereas otherwise nothing would be done. That's what the point is.

I call the screamers 'gunnies', it does seem get results under the right conditions.

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I dont scream at people, I am not the type to do it. Whats the point?

What's the point?

It gets stuff done, whereas otherwise nothing would be done. That's what the point is.

Still don't see a point. Just tell them to stop and put the correct fuel in. Simple

As I pointed out. He wasn't paying attention. He was goofing around. I shouted at him to attract his attention. I didn't scream. That would make me a nutter. A shout when somebody is about to make a fuc_k up in the next few seconds guarantees more of an instantaneous response than politely pointing out his error. Seeing as he was content to mess around rather than paying attention to the job at hand if I had taken the time to say calmly " Stop that's the petrol hose" he'd have more than likely been pumping the gas already. It's a sure bet if a pal of mine is about to step out in front of a bus I'll shout as opposed to saying "Watch out for that bus mate" Cue one splattered friend. As I said in the OP. I've never done it before and I'm not proud of it.

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Tell them all nicely and softly when they clearly aren't paying attention? At what point do you think it would be OK to do something to make sure the fuel doesn't go in. ?

At least somebody gets it. :D

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My Mother in law left the house to walk the cows to the usual eating place, our 2 pet dogs followed suit as always. School bus driver comes speeding around the corner mother in law jumps out of the way small dog gets knocked down and killed.:annoyed: (small Isaan village)

Family come crying to me with the poor little dead dog in arms, after a few hours we find out where the driver lives, It was a hit and run by the way :angry: Go to his house mother in law and sister in law all go and talk to the guy, he waves them off smiling as if nothing happened, mother in law cries to me, I get out of the car shout at him to wipe the smile off his face and show some bloody respect............... His smile disapears he apologises offers money. None wanted or taken Just apology and a warning that it could have been a small child he killed, End of story we left. :jap:

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