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Having Trouble With Your Satellite Tv?


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The US National Weather Service (NWS) expects the flare to cause G2 (Moderate) to G3 (Strong) Geomagnetic Storms on August 5 and potentially elevated protons to the S2 (Moderate) Solar Radiation Storm condition.

The sun has unleashed at least three hearty solar burps since Tuesday which are currently en route to Earth. The third blast occurred at 4:57 am GMT on Thursday from sunspot 1261 and was classified a significant M-class solar flare.

The third and fastest CME, moving at near 2000 kilometers per second, may catch up with the first two en route. The combined cloud is predicted to hit Earth on August 5 at 13:55 UTC plus or minus seven hours according to the SpaceWeather.com.


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Will let you know if something other than the rain knocks out the signal. What's the point of saying 13.55 exactly to the minute if its followed by a variance of up to 14 hours. Why not say sometime on the 5th-you think they would have learned that from weather forecasters.

Edit to add; oops they are the weathermen afterall.

Edited by bkkjames
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Reason I posted is that my signal has been crap most of the day and initially I thought my dish needed to be repositioned. But before calling I thought I would check for other potential reasons and the solar flares came to light. The interference I am experience is exactly like a rain outage and varies in intensity over time. I live in the northeast and don't know if its a regional thing but it has certainly impacted me.

As to the time posted the guy probably has a program that spits out a number and that's what he listed. Looks a little ridiculous but he probably did not think twice about it.

There is a significant amount of news about it if you do a google news search on solar flare. Apparently it is a pretty significant event. I just listed the first sites I came across.

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I was watching Knowing, which was entertaining, ( thankfully Nicolas Cage finally got a good script ) and got me interested in coronal mass ejections. CME Scary stuff.

I guess in milder forms the atmosphere just shreds off, and everyone asphyxiates or implodes from lack of pressure

More severe scenario has the earth enveloped in hot plasma fire storm.

This site explains it is not CME heading our way


Edited by TigerWan
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My TV signal is now about normal although still a few streaks. Interestingly something knocked out CAT-CDMA in the Surin-Prasat area from last night until just a few minutes ago. My wife talked to the CAT rep but did not get the details of the outage.

Why do you say it is not CME TW? NOAA and NASA appear to disagree. Cheers.


Edited by BuckarooBanzai
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I finally have things under control. I had the boys from PSI out to realign my UBC dish and now things are fine. I had marginal alignment initially which allowed perfect reception when there was no interference (quality 20%) but this would quickly drop down to 1% to 5% when there was interference. So in effect I had myself a very sensitive MCE detector. But I would prefer to leave the detection to NOAA so I am happy with the fix. It took this current sun event to show me I had a problem. Only 300 baht for the alignment so probably should do every couple of years or so.

Just posting this in case may help others. Cheers!

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