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Aussie Man Dies In His Central Pattaya Apt


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Australian man dies in his Central Pattaya Apartment.

Police from Pattaya were called to room number 306 at the Gamrai Apartments in Central Pattaya to deal with a further foreign death. In this case the deceased is Mr. Lawrence William Baldock aged 44 from Australia who was living with his girlfriend, Khun Samran aged 22 who explained to Police that her partner was suffering from liver disease through excessive and regular consumption of alcohol. Against the advice of doctors at the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital he decided to continue drinking heavily and evidence of this was clear in the room. It appeared that he was drinking strong Thai Whisky which has a 40% alcohol content.

According to Khun Samran, she awoke to find her boyfriend in some distress and moments later he fell silent and passed away. In accordance with procedure, the room was checked and the body was checked for signs of trauma and nothing suspicious was found. A post mortem examination is now underway to determine the exact cause of death which is expected to show advanced liver failure as the cause.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 27th October 2005

Rest in Peace :o

Edited by britmaveric
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You just never know which set of experts to listen to. :D

One lot tells you to drink plenty of fluids or die from dehydration the other ones say if you drink too much it will kill you. :o

b4 you lot start banging your gums , I'm just trying to lighten a sad situation that could happen to a lot of us


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It's just not right, dying of liver failure (probably) while sleeping next to a little honey half your age !

There are definitely better ways to go (ask Anna Nicole Smith's late husband !)

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serves a bit of a wake up call.

I concur.

I remember when i was serving in the Royal Navy. There were plenty of alcoholics around and probably still are. I was 19 and this older "Sea Daddy" told me 3 rules that i should always remember, to avoid falling into the trap.

1/ NEVER drink alone, drink to socialise

2/ Stay OFF the shorts and stick to beer

3/ Don't drink in the day time, unless special occassions

I don't know if there is any truth in what he told me but the main point is, i always remember him saying it and so it's about the message, rather than the worth of the content. Seems to work for me.

R.I.P. Lawrence

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1/ NEVER drink alone, drink to socialise

2/ Stay OFF the shorts and stick to beer

3/ Don't drink in the day time, unless special occasions

A sound philosophy. Once you're on the hard stuff - in this temperature, the amount you can potentially quaff can kill you off in double quick time.

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  • 2 years later...

This is way old and probably does not deserve reviving however I am in possession of one facty that is not given out here. His "Honey" was 5 months pregnant at the time with her Thai BF's child. The late Mr B had been supporting her (my words) for 4 years and had just found out about the situation. Does that put another angle on this story?

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serves a bit of a wake up call.

3/ Don't drink in the day time, unless special occassions

Could you please enlighten me: what possible special occasion could there be, where someone felt they just HAD to have some cocktails, "during the day"... am I missing out on some daytime excitement that I didn't know about?

Although it's unfortunate that anyone die young, this guy didn't exactly seem like a choir boy. Perhaps he was at the point where he was, or was about to put others, INNOCENT people, in harms way. Clearly, he was going to die young, perhaps it's best that he did it quietly, on his own, presumably without hurting anyone else (like jumping off a building, and landing on top of a passing tourist).

Let's not forget that the economy of Pattaya is based on alcohol... yes, alcohol, even more than sex, cause most bars actually pay some taxes, and taxes are paid on the sale of alcohol... so the city gets to function. So all you "high and mighty" people should get off your fake compassionate high horses, and stop acting like it's such a frickin' SURPRISE that someone drops dead of alcohol poisioning here.

At least be honest about it. Acknowledge you know it's going to happen, you EXPECT it to happen, and it doesn't trouble, bother or surprise you.

In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

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In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

Was it getting too dark in that closet Weho?

In response to Binkie, obviously the knowledge he gained just prior to his sad demise didn't help but it sounds like he was well on the way to the final curtain call anyway.

I don't suppose for one minute that anyone knows the results of the autopsy?

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In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

Was it getting too dark in that closet Weho?

In response to Binkie, obviously the knowledge he gained just prior to his sad demise didn't help but it sounds like he was well on the way to the final curtain call anyway.

I don't suppose for one minute that anyone knows the results of the autopsy?

Let me guess on the autopsy results: they found blood in his alcohol stream.

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total looser...alky from who knows what age...pattaya, australia, and the world better off with out him. i'm sorry, i just don't have allot of sympathy for these guys...they make their bed...they have to sleep in it, it's a simple as that.
Thankyou doctor !,. seriously though why do people ( some ) drink so much,. im happy to go out once a week, get pissed, cure from hangover,then leave it alone for another week,is it beacuse they dont like the real world ( sober ) i never have understood it,.i have a friend, only drinks heineken, and i mean only ! for breakfast,dinner and supper, at home and out, i think he even cleans his teeth with it ! .. Edited by mikethevigoman
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serves a bit of a wake up call.

I concur.

I remember when i was serving in the Royal Navy. There were plenty of alcoholics around and probably still are. I was 19 and this older "Sea Daddy" told me 3 rules that i should always remember, to avoid falling into the trap.

1/ NEVER drink alone, drink to socialise

2/ Stay OFF the shorts and stick to beer

3/ Don't drink in the day time, unless special occassions

I don't know if there is any truth in what he told me but the main point is, i always remember him saying it and so it's about the message, rather than the worth of the content. Seems to work for me.

R.I.P. Lawrence

I think those three points are excellent and ones I try to stick to myself but never really thought about it.

Its very rare I have a drink alone in the house

I only drink shorts when flying or on a very rare occasion

Daytme drinking is for special occasions like holidays, big sporting events, weddings etc

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serves a bit of a wake up call.

I concur.

I remember when i was serving in the Royal Navy. There were plenty of alcoholics around and probably still are. I was 19 and this older "Sea Daddy" told me 3 rules that i should always remember, to avoid falling into the trap.

1/ NEVER drink alone, drink to socialise

2/ Stay OFF the shorts and stick to beer

3/ Don't drink in the day time, unless special occassions

I don't know if there is any truth in what he told me but the main point is, i always remember him saying it and so it's about the message, rather than the worth of the content. Seems to work for me.

R.I.P. Lawrence

It's the rules that I have followed most of my life.

The only period when I didn't follow this was when working with the Swedes. We had our own stills in Saudi and Libya and the stuff was coming out at about 55% after cutting. The number of guys I had to send back to Scandinavia beggars belief, and I was guilty of consuming my fair share. But after a few years I took stock and went back to modest beer consumption.

(This was basically after one darts night in Benghazi, where we - the Swedish team - were entertaining a British team. We served 'flash' and coke rather than beer and the Brits drank it like beer. One drove home after the match, stopped for a leak. The local plod drew up, with an " 'ello, 'ello - wa'ss all this then?" The guy threw up all over the old Bill, spent the night in nick, lost his driving licence and shortly after had to leave Libya)(Lost a good second row)

Feel sorry for this guy - obviously couldn't follow the advice of the doctor and his g/f is in no position to force him to stop.

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In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

Was it getting too dark in that closet Weho?

In response to Binkie, obviously the knowledge he gained just prior to his sad demise didn't help but it sounds like he was well on the way to the final curtain call anyway.

I don't suppose for one minute that anyone knows the results of the autopsy?

Let me guess on the autopsy results: they found blood in his alcohol stream.

You don't need to be a forensic scientist to guess that one, I was wondering whether there was traces of other chemicals. Maybe it was suicide if he was cracked up over the news regarding his relationship. Who knows? Devastated emotionally, p1ssed up, possibly terminal medical problem.......goodbye cruel world.

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In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

Was it getting too dark in that closet Weho?

In response to Binkie, obviously the knowledge he gained just prior to his sad demise didn't help but it sounds like he was well on the way to the final curtain call anyway.

I don't suppose for one minute that anyone knows the results of the autopsy?

Let me guess on the autopsy results: they found blood in his alcohol stream.

You don't need to be a forensic scientist to guess that one, I was wondering whether there was traces of other chemicals. Maybe it was suicide if he was cracked up over the news regarding his relationship. Who knows? Devastated emotionally, p1ssed up, possibly terminal medical problem.......goodbye cruel world.

This is what I was getting at. The poor bast'd was at home sending his TGF her allowance and getting the usual love you no shit <deleted> and when he arrives well, I s'pose he sent some really romantic emails or something. They are not worth the dna and hydrocarbons they are made from these low lives.

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It's just not right, dying of liver failure (probably) while sleeping next to a little honey half your age !

There are definitely better ways to go (ask Anna Nicole Smith's late husband !)

The symptoms of advanced liver disease are so distressing he probably took the best course of action in the end. There's no cure and life will assuredly be extremely miserable.

Better a fast death than a slow agonizing one completely sober.

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:o I am puzzled by the connection made in this thread, his girlfreind has been messing around and

got pregnant by a Thai man. (In the West the belief is 8% of married couples babaies are not fathered by the husband)

I dont see why he would choose to drink himself to death due to his girl doing what she did, I cant see a connection between the two incidents.

Its the same as saying, its raining I will go and kill myself.

These forums bring some very unusual mindsets, they are interesting but in some cases odd...

Also did he not have a clue what some girls in Los who are half the age of the western boyfreind are like.

Its always sad when a person dies , but some dipsos have a death wish

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mujjiman, you have a lot to learn about life and human emotions. Many guys go to Thailand, meet a girl and fall totally head over heels in love believing every word she says. When the reality dawns on them some just shrug it off as part of life's rich tapestry and some can't. Either way it doesn't make them a bad person, dellusional maybe but not bad.

Tropo may be right. I don't know the symptoms of advance liver disease (hope I never find out) but certainly that may have been a contributory factor.

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  • 1 month later...

Lozza was on a fast track in only one direction,wouldnt have mattered what the girl did to him or what the doctors said.He was shitting on his mates for the last couple of years.But the man was an entertainer & it was a real shame the way he went.The girls only purpose was to pick him up off the pattaya footpaths each time he fell down drunk.If she prospered anything from her 2 odd year relationship with Laurie then legal or illegal she deservered it.This being fact i dont think her deceiving him added to his downward spiral.

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In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

Was it getting too dark in that closet Weho?

In response to Binkie, obviously the knowledge he gained just prior to his sad demise didn't help but it sounds like he was well on the way to the final curtain call anyway.

I don't suppose for one minute that anyone knows the results of the autopsy?

Let me guess on the autopsy results: they found blood in his alcohol stream.

Id say if he knew of his condition he commited sucide, ! :o
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In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

Was it getting too dark in that closet Weho?

In response to Binkie, obviously the knowledge he gained just prior to his sad demise didn't help but it sounds like he was well on the way to the final curtain call anyway.

I don't suppose for one minute that anyone knows the results of the autopsy?

Let me guess on the autopsy results: they found blood in his alcohol stream.

Id say if he knew of his condition he commited sucide, ! :o

He just did nothing to slow down the inevitable.In his last few years he got the ass from his very well paying job mainly for turning up alcahol affected,(they told him that he would be welcome back if he sorted himself out)he was in deep shit for setting off the smoke detectors at melbourne airport,he had to be wheelchaired onto the plane at bangkok airport after consuming 2 bottles of thai whiskey on the taxi trip from Pattaya,he was seperated from his wife of several years & came out of it with virtually nothing,he was living in a caravan that could only be described as a dos house,he skipped out on the caravan park leaving a large bill unpaid.Pissed his pants at a workmates party due to how much he had drank.Not necessarily in that order & there was more but you get the idea.

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