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London Riots Spread South Of Thames


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Riots: Eyewitnesses Capture Violence On Film

10:53am UK, Tuesday August 09, 2011

News of the riots has spread fast through social media, while reactions and raw eyewitness footage has been captured first-hand.

Read more, with four videos: news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16046068

Wow, thanks for this Maestro it's chilling.

Someone has got to grab England by the balls and shake it up........and I have a feeling it isn't going to be Nick Clegg. sad.gif

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This has surely got to be staged, I would fight to the death then let that c&nt rob me of my clothes.

Fight to the Death? For a pair of Jeans, T-Shirt, and some Trainers?? laugh.gif How do you know there is no knife? More than just one person? Perhaps we should ship you off to Afghanistan, i'm sure you would have the situation cleaned up in a matter of days..whistling.gif

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hang em high nutters always dominate these kind of threads and they seem to make up a large segment of the expat community especially those found in "entertainment venues". sad really.

UHH Huh?

I am an expat? Can be found in certain "entertainment areas" :whistling:

Do not believe in extremisim or kangaroo court ethics. Hang them high??? Certainly not, have never agreed with such inhumane and cruel punishments of 'victims' who have never seen the inside of a court, let alone judged by a jury of their peers?

No? No? No?

A bluidy good flogging first is what they need, then a whipping before being hung, drawn and quartered. No namby pamby, touchy feely stuff from me. To soft we are..............

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We don't get any UK news channel with our cable package, been watching BBC Live online at LIVE England Riots

Amazing images, on BBC news now, FA have announced friendly football match England v Netherlands called off, 70,000 tickets already sold for match due to be played tomorrow, but police resources being used elsewhere.

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During the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles about 20 years ago, Korean shopkeepers had to protect their property with their own guns from looters because the police were powerless to do anything about it. Do any property owners in the riot areas have any protection if the police can't protect them?

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During the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles about 20 years ago, Korean shopkeepers had to protect their property with their own guns from looters because the police were powerless to do anything about it. Do any property owners in the riot areas have any protection if the police can't protect them?

Oddly enough Turkish communities in London have been chasing looters away and Mosque goers have also come out to do the same. Where there is strong community it happens and where there isnt people await police. Luckily my aged parents live in a heavily Turkish and Muslim area of London these days.

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During the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles about 20 years ago, Korean shopkeepers had to protect their property with their own guns from looters because the police were powerless to do anything about it. Do any property owners in the riot areas have any protection if the police can't protect them?

Some of the Turkish Kurds saved their stores and property with baseball bats. Street thugs best not mess with the Kurds.

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We don't get any UK news channel with our cable package, been watching BBC Live online at LIVE England Riots

Amazing images, on BBC news now, FA have announced friendly football match England v Netherlands called off, 70,000 tickets already sold for match due to be played tomorrow, but police resources being used elsewhere.

The irony is some of the chavs probably nicked TVs in order to watch the match.

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BBC News had the Secretary of the Police Association for an interview, when asked about potential army involvement he said

"What could the army do that the police can't?"

They may be a better deterrent. the police do not command any respect from the rioters.

Who'd be a policeman?

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In countries where there's real deprivation, they have food riots. In UK they have flat-screen TV riots. jerk.gif

Oh dear, another one Dan. I have just re read todays Mail, and just about all of your (too numerous to count) "thoughts" on this topic have been lifted verbatim from todays edition and passed off as your own 'thoughts". It really does get a bit tiresome. Do you have a mind of your own? Just asking!

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During the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles about 20 years ago, Korean shopkeepers had to protect their property with their own guns from looters because the police were powerless to do anything about it. Do any property owners in the riot areas have any protection if the police can't protect them?

Some of the Turkish Kurds saved their stores and property with baseball bats. Street thugs best not mess with the Kurds.

I would suggest, it the white people armed themselves with baseball batsm they would be the ones getting arrested. Not PC for whitey to stand up for himself. Jim
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During the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles about 20 years ago, Korean shopkeepers had to protect their property with their own guns from looters because the police were powerless to do anything about it. Do any property owners in the riot areas have any protection if the police can't protect them?

Some of the Turkish Kurds saved their stores and property with baseball bats. Street thugs best not mess with the Kurds.

I would suggest, it the white people armed themselves with baseball batsm they would be the ones getting arrested. Not PC for whitey to stand up for himself. Jim

Oddly enough I never thought of it that way but you're right. I'd hate to imagine how the media would present that one.

Anyway, I sure hope nothing like these riots happen next summer during the Olympics. I wonder if it will affect attendance any if people think London may not be so safe?

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The Olympics are a long ways off and these riots hopefully will be a distant memory. Situations like this are spawned by a variety of reasons, none of them particularly good or relevant, but one factor is boredom. Unemployed youth, summer, nothing much to do.

The Olympics will be an exciting time and there will be plenty of activity to keep the masses occupied. There will also be tight security. For the Olympics, it's the professionals who come out--thieves, pick-pockets, scammers and terrorists.

I hope this settles down quickly. The gov't has little time to get it under control before it turns into a widespread revolt.

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