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Hundreds arrested as riots spread to other UK cities


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Water canons first, followed by rubber bullets followed by live rounds

Stop pussyfooting and cut out the first two stages and go straight to the third, say I. The Army should be sent in to liquidate these scumbags NOW.

They should send in Thailands finest? You know the one's that most folk have spent the last year complaining about. <_<


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Again, I agree with this! Fortunately I did have the benefit of a UK government assisted polytechnic education. However, I also had various jobs from the age of 10, setting and clearing lunch/ dinner tables at the local football/ cricket club every Saturday & Sunday, paper rounds, stocking the bar etc, worked as the cloakroom attendant in the student union, drove the 'get home safe' minibus for female students, and worked every school/poly holiday and as a graduate engineer, I still delivered pizzas in the evening as well as my full time job. I've never claimed a penny in benefits and have paid taxes on every penny I earned (well not when I was 10 obviously!)

I never had kids in the UK, so apart from the odd visit to the doctors, have never taken anything out! They now want me to work til I'm 70 (I'm 44 now), sod them - I'm taking my chances elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'll probably never see a penny of the money I've paid in, but I'm not prepared to throw good money after bad!

Ooops, apologies for wandering off topic and 'ranting', but the bottom line is, I'm not prepared to financially support a country whose current/previous few governments have made so many mistakes and certainly not one that has managed to breed a load of mindless thugs.

On the plus side, there are still plenty of hard working, community minded people in the UK, as proved by the 'clean-up' volunteers in the affected areas. Though it did cross my mind as to why these people weren't at work on a Tuesday, but I asssume that these were people who work shifts, are on holiday anyway, as their kids are off school, (or requested a day off to help out) or are the local business people who can't run their businesses, so may as well grab a broom.

and this person also received an education and yet still chose to participate :o

London riots: Teacher, 31, pleads guilty to looting as court cases start


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On alternatively bring back family values

But how can you bring back family values when the UK government no longer places any value on a family (and rewards single parent households), and mothers and fathers are generally too selfish to try and keep a family together?

(family = mother + father + children)

Divorce is now at 50% so in theory only 50% of children live in a family environment.

When 50% of children are no longer living with both parents, then society is doomed to failure.

The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no father.

Haven't we been here before?


The use of family values as a political term became widespread after a 1992 speech by Vice President Dan Quayle that attributed the Los Angeles riots to a breakdown of family values. Quayle specifically blamed the violence in L.A. as stemming from a decay of moral values and family structure in American society. In an aside, he cited the fictional title character in the television program Murphy Brown as an example of how popular culture contributes to this "poverty of values", saying: "t doesn't help matters when primetime TV has Murphy Brown—a character who supposedly epitomizes today's intelligent, highly paid, professional woman—mocking the importance of fathers, by bearing a child alone, and calling it just another 'lifestyle choice'". Quayle drew a firestorm of criticism from feminist and liberal organizations, and was widely ridiculed by late-night talk show hosts for saying this.

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UK riots: More than 1,000 being hauled before courts

London quieter overnight but looting and fires in Birmingham, Manchester and elsewhere as police tackle marauding gangs

James Meikle and Sam Jones, guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 August 2011 11.32 BST

Extra courts are being set up to deal with criminal charges from four nights of looting and rioting in English cities.

More than 1,000 people have been arrested in centres including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Bristol and Leicester.

Read more (with video): www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/10/london-riots-spark-copycat-birmingham

Are the police allowed to confiscate their mobile phones and check for any photos or videos that could provide evidence? Or would that somehow violate civil or human rights?:rolleyes:

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UK riots: More than 1,000 being hauled before courts

London quieter overnight but looting and fires in Birmingham, Manchester and elsewhere as police tackle marauding gangs

James Meikle and Sam Jones, guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 August 2011 11.32 BST

Extra courts are being set up to deal with criminal charges from four nights of looting and rioting in English cities.

More than 1,000 people have been arrested in centres including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Bristol and Leicester.

Read more (with video): www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/10/london-riots-spark-copycat-birmingham

Are the police allowed to confiscate their mobile phones and check for any photos or videos that could provide evidence? Or would that somehow violate civil or human rights?:rolleyes:

In the UK, YES

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The following lot are vigilantes. not rioters


You can even see a few police running along with them. Good to see people taking back their neighborhoods from the hoods.


Are these the Millwall vigilantes I've been hearing about?

Dunno mate.

Apparently there was a few 'firms' out on the streets.

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all you teachers here in Thailand should really thank your lucky stars :unsure:

" I recently received a letter from a teacher who worked in a county’s pupil referral unit, describing appalling difficulties in enforcing discipline. Her only weapon, she said, was the right to mark a disciplinary cross against a child’s name for misbehaviour.

Having repeatedly and vainly asked a 15-year-old to stop using obscene language, she said: ‘Fred, if you use language like that again, I’ll give you a cross.’

He replied: ‘Give me an &lt;deleted&gt; cross, then!’ Eventually, she said: ‘Fred, you have three crosses now. You must miss your next break.’

He answered: ‘I’m not missing my break, I’m going for an &lt;deleted&gt; fag!’ When she appealed to her manager, he said: ‘Well, the boy’s got a lot going on at home at the moment. Don’t be too hard on him.’

This is a story repeated daily in schools up and down the land."


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Anyone else have a sense that the "ethnic" nature of some of the rioters is right out of an old National Front scenario? This situation is going to polarize the public sentiment in respect to visible ethnic groups.

Certain ethnic groups LOVE a good loot. Have memories of similar stuff in the USA a while back. B)

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The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no skills, education, values or aspirations. They do not have what most of us would call 'lives': they simply exist.

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1UcZ7jpv3

Bring back national service imho.

On alternatively bring back family values

But how can you bring back family values when the UK government no longer places any value on a family (and rewards single parent households), and mothers and fathers are generally too selfish to try and keep a family together?

(family = mother + father + children)

Divorce is now at 50% so in theory only 50% of children live in a family environment.

When 50% of children are no longer living with both parents, then society is doomed to failure.

The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no father.

I agree.

This is one of the Major problems,no traditional father figure,to give them some discipline,morals or principles.

In spite of some Hero worship of ex PM Thatcher on this Forum,she actually needs to hold some responsibilty for the present generation, she was the one that put young pregnant women,barely left school at the top of the Council Housing List.

So they left school with little or no qualifications.no problem just get yourself pregnant,get the Council House and the Benefits,when the child is coming up to school age just knock out another one, usually by a different father, and that's just what hundreds of thousands did copycat style,so now we are on second generation social problem young people, youngsters,brought up in a workless family,with no work ethic. There is book out called "50 People who f***ked up Britain, she's quite prominent on the front cover,together with Blair.& the other 48 in the Montage,bad politics and decisions always come back and bite the people who least deserve it.

Whichever Party is in power,they have all made collossal errors of judgement,no doubt the ordinary Citizen will pick up the Checkbin for this one too.

So IMHO there is a lot to be answered for concerning the present riots,and one of the reasons we have a Sub Culture of Lawless misfits in our society.

Edited by MAJIC
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Anyone else have a sense that the "ethnic" nature of some of the rioters is right out of an old National Front scenario? This situation is going to polarize the public sentiment in respect to visible ethnic groups.

There seem to be plenty of white trash participating according to some of those photos. :ermm:

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Comments made by pontificating gurus concerning possible racial tensions play right into the hands of all the racist groups irrespective of their, racial ethic and religious profiles.Mindless idiots who scream about the above are acting as agitators. I note one well known "EXPERT" recently posted their usual twaddle, all much the same twaddle as all the other subjects they pontificate upon yet know nothing about.

Perhaps if such posters had had to work within the areas where there is racial conflict and self made ghettos where intergration is frowned upon as is the host nations culture and laws those posters might be a little better informed and thus engage their brains (if any) prior to opening their mouths.

Edited by siampolee
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UK riots: More than 1,000 being hauled before courts

London quieter overnight but looting and fires in Birmingham, Manchester and elsewhere as police tackle marauding gangs

James Meikle and Sam Jones, guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 August 2011 11.32 BST

Extra courts are being set up to deal with criminal charges from four nights of looting and rioting in English cities.

More than 1,000 people have been arrested in centres including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Bristol and Leicester.

Read more (with video): www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/10/london-riots-spark-copycat-birmingham

Are the police allowed to confiscate their mobile phones and check for any photos or videos that could provide evidence? Or would that somehow violate civil or human rights?:rolleyes:

In the UK, YES

Hauled before the courts and handed out what punishment????

Stop their benefits remove them from their coucil houses put them to work for the good of the country.

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The words of Johnny Rotton of the sex pistols back in '77....

I am an anti-christ

I am an anarchist

Don't know what I want but

I know how to get it

I wanna destroy the passer by cos I

I wanna BE anarchy!

No dogs body!

Anarchy for the U.K it's coming sometime and maybe

I give a wrong time stop a traffic line

your future dream is a shopping scheme

cos I, I wanna BE anarchy!

In the city

How many ways to get what you want

I use the best I use the rest

I use the enemy

I use anarchy cos I

I wanna BE anarchy!


Is this the M.P.L.A

Or is this the U.D.A

Or is this the I.R.A

I thought it was the U.K or just

another country

another council tenancy

I wanna be anarchy

and I wanna be anarchy

Know what I mean

And I wanna be anarchist!


.... Seem horribly prophetic now.

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Problem is, the punishment for crimes committed are nothing, take these two prime specimens of British Youth, one getting some hours of unpaid work is just a joke and the other violent one will be out in just over 3 years, probably less on a Tag.http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23975184-rail-robbers-trapped-by-our-readers.do

It's too easy in the UK, UK's punishment system holds no fears, they are looked after when inside and have to be looked after from the time of release.

Edited by GM1955
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Problem is, the punishment for crimes committed are nothing, take these two prime specimens of British Youth, one getting some hours of unpaid work is just a joke and the other violent one will be out in just over 3 years, probably less on a Tag.http://www.thisislon...-our-readers.do

It's too easy in the UK, UK's punishment system holds no fears, they are looked after when inside and have to be looked after from the time of release.

It's not all that nice in prison, you should try it before you claim how comfy it is.

Even 1 night would have most people crying for mercy.

For example

Underwear and clothing is shared, you don't have your own, after washing you get back what someone else wore. Invariably the underwear is stained. Bet you wouldn't fancy wearing that. Then you have cell mates, sometimes 3, and all use a bucket for overnight toilet. It smells and you have to take it in turns to slop out. Then there are the sexual liberties you cell mates might take with your body.

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These kids ain't stealing this stuff cos they don't have it already.

They already have flat screen TV's, Sky+, Xbox, Playstations, Laptops, mobile phones, Drink, Drugs and Cigarettes oh and food on the table and a roof over their head.

If they went to prison they would have TV, Playstations (when enhanced), no drink, but certainly Drugs and Cigarettes,plenty of food on the table and a roof over their heads, gym, library, free medical, etc etc, no legal mobiles but can buy prison phonecards to call who they want.

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Anyone else have a sense that the "ethnic" nature of some of the rioters is right out of an old National Front scenario? This situation is going to polarize the public sentiment in respect to visible ethnic groups.

I noticed that in the pics and newsfeeds.

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These kids ain't stealing this stuff cos they don't have it already.

They already have flat screen TV's, Sky+, Xbox, Playstations, Laptops, mobile phones, Drink, Drugs and Cigarettes oh and food on the table and a roof over their head.

If they went to prison they would have TV, Playstations (when enhanced), no drink, but certainly Drugs and Cigarettes,plenty of food on the table and a roof over their heads, gym, library, free medical, etc etc, no legal mobiles but can buy prison phonecards to call who they want.

So you've been in prison in the UK and it was like that?

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Manchester and the Midlands burn as children as young as NINE join copycat riots... but police WILL be allowed to use water cannons on rioters Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1UcoJaCol

dam_n good idea. Then watch all the civil liberty groups come out screaming excessive force and calling for heads to role in the police force. When they have finnished with the rioters then turn the cannons on all these civil liberty groups who are a root cause in the way society has declined. Not just in Britan but many western countries.

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These kids ain't stealing this stuff cos they don't have it already.

They already have flat screen TV's, Sky+, Xbox, Playstations, Laptops, mobile phones, Drink, Drugs and Cigarettes oh and food on the table and a roof over their head.

If they went to prison they would have TV, Playstations (when enhanced), no drink, but certainly Drugs and Cigarettes,plenty of food on the table and a roof over their heads, gym, library, free medical, etc etc, no legal mobiles but can buy prison phonecards to call who they want.

So you've been in prison in the UK and it was like that?

I dont think we should be paying to keep them in prison either.

Get them working, labour camps, the Army, I dunno reopen the pits and get them mining coal.

Edited by kevkev1888
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Problem is, the punishment for crimes committed are nothing, take these two prime specimens of British Youth, one getting some hours of unpaid work is just a joke and the other violent one will be out in just over 3 years, probably less on a Tag.http://www.thisislon...-our-readers.do

It's too easy in the UK, UK's punishment system holds no fears, they are looked after when inside and have to be looked after from the time of release.

It's not all that nice in prison, you should try it before you claim how comfy it is.

Even 1 night would have most people crying for mercy.

For example

Underwear and clothing is shared, you don't have your own, after washing you get back what someone else wore. Invariably the underwear is stained. Bet you wouldn't fancy wearing that. Then you have cell mates, sometimes 3, and all use a bucket for overnight toilet. It smells and you have to take it in turns to slop out. Then there are the sexual liberties you cell mates might take with your body.

When was you inside, 1937 ?

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The above link is indeed interesting in its comments concerning the state of English society today. The writing was on the wall 20 years ago, that's why I left.

Seems as if 20 years down the road my worst fears have been confirmed.

However there could well be a backlash to this scenario and possible a part restoration of older values , family life, respect for others and their property and beliefs might just happen.

Congratulations softgeorge for post #146, right on target sir !!

Edited by siampolee
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The above link is indeed interesting in its comments concerning the state of English society today. The writing was on the wall 20 years ago, that's why I left.

Seems as if 20 years down the road my worst fears have been confirmed.

However there could well be a backlash to this scenario and possible a part restoration of older values , family life, respect for others and their property and beliefs might just happen.

Congratulations softgeorge for post #146, right on target sir !!

It's too late Lee, the crazy laws in the UK have made it so easy for criminals that nobody is deterred anymore, all they get is a slap on the wrist.

The PC brigade have a lot to answer for, we had these Mullahs preaching hate, Muslims burning the UK flag in London, can you imagine what would have happened if I had done similar in a Muslim country ?

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