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Hundreds arrested as riots spread to other UK cities


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Hackers don't usually issue physical threats. At least they didn't in the good ol' days.

this is the part that got me thinking..........................

" but we are all for the rioters that are engaging in attacks on the police and government "

and Moonrakers keeps naming new cities in which trouble is breaking out.

surely this is being coordinated and maybe planned for some time?

I would find it hard to believe gangs of youths across UK could have identified would-be troublemakers andorganised themselves within a few days?

Let's not panic. Who can take them seriously with punctuation like that.........??

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The problem is that so many can be notified via twitter etc, to be in a certain place at a certain time, that no police force on earth can keep up............this is only the tip of the iceberg!

Nonsense, the police can follow the same users on Twitter, and they have radio and cellphones too...

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I blame the socialist "looney" lefties of the 1970s and 1980s who removed all discipline from schools for the breakdown of society.

It is they who should be called to task over this outbreak of violence.

As soon as the Tories bring back the cane the better.

It's obvious the "softly softly" approach has failed.

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Water cannons should scare the hell out of em....just the sight of them would do it I imagine.

All depends what is added to the water.

Sad to say it, but conc. sulphuric acid might be a good start.

Water cannon have never been used in England. There are none available. There are 6 in Northern Ireland but the 'marching season' starts shortly and it's unlikely the NI police force wants to let them go.

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An outbreak of recreational violence, nothing to do with political or social issues, carried out by a minority of mindless thugs with nothing better to do. Just be thankful that the men and women who fought for this country when it was worth fighting for aren't around to see it.

Too right , My grandfather who passed on 10 years ago faught in WW2 and preserved a country for a noble and worthy reason was dissolutioned with how GB was and no longer Great when he left us.

Edited by KKvampire
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I will admit I'm an American and therefore have no insight into what is really going on, but isn't there even a single person who thinks that the grim future these youths are facing might be contributing to the violence? I mean, it really appears to me as an outsider that these youths feel they have nothing to lose in the current system, and are quite hostile towards the authorities.

I just find it hard to believe that if there were jobs and opportunities for them that they would be able to mobilize so much support. I don't deny that there are always bad elements in any society. And adolescents do stupid things no doubt, but they generally don't declare war on the establishment in large numbers unless they are truly pissed off about something. This just seems to be too big for it to be bad manners by poorly raised children. I mean, computer hackers? At least some of these people have to have a small amount of intelligence and understand what they are doing.

I guess I just fear this could be the first in a series of riots that are going to start becoming more frequent in the Western world. People coming out of university with no job prospects but crippling debt loads are not going to be happy, productive members of society. They are going to be angry and feel that they were misled. And angry people are predisposed to riot no matter how well they were raised. Doesn't anyone think that the current economic crisis could be partially responsible for what is going on?

And if there is any substance to this suspicion, how long will it be before we start to see other demographic groups start to come out to rail against the system that has marginalized them? Revolutions have traditionally started this way. I'm sure many would have labelled the instigators of any historical revolution as thugs and hooligans...until the thugs and hooligans won that is.

I'm just worried that this is tapping into a very widespread global disenchantment with the current state of affairs. That it spread from Egypt and the Middle East to London and it won't stop there. Things are getting rather ugly in the world and the entire global industrial economy is poised for collapse. Are you guys all sure these economic realities aren't related to what is happening in the UK today?

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I will admit I'm an American and therefore have no insight into what is really going on, but isn't there even a single person who thinks that the grim future these youths are facing might be contributing to the violence? I mean, it really appears to me as an outsider that these youths feel they have nothing to lose in the current system, and are quite hostile towards the authorities.

That's a very brave post. The hang 'em and flog 'em brigade will be along in a minute to set you right :ph34r:

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For every rioter/thug on the streets there are thousands who don't use their situation as an excuse to loot, vandalize and mug people. It is not an excuse. Is it any surprise that people who would go along with this criminal activity in the first place can't get a job? Not to me it isn't.

Edited by koheesti
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I think some people over analyze the issue.

Apparently many of the rioters are in their early teens and some are even as young as 9/10 years old. What do they know about job prospects, they are still dreaming of being astronauts and rock stars.

Things happen but this has gotten out of control because the lunatic PC brigade has removed common sense to the point where they are impotent. They can't stop the rioters out of fear of upsetting somebody. Let's not forget also that this comes not long after the NOTW scandal which makes the police even weaker.

Kids this young being on the streets implies a complete lack of discipline. Their parents should be telling them right from wrong so why are they not doing so?

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can someone educate me here....is this a racial riot as it seems alot of rioters are ethnics.....or is it a multicolour rebellion of t the lower echelons of the Brit caste system.....

Edited by tailspin
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can someone educate me here....is this a racial riot as it seems alot of rioters are ethnics.....or is it a rebellion of the the lower echelons of the Brit caste system.....

Doesn't appear to be racial, there's also a lot of whites involved.

I read somewhere that "It's not an angry crowd, it's a greedy crowd" Seems largely to be groups of people taken an opportunistic advantage of a weak police force.

Edited by Moonrakers
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"We want to protect the people of Birmingham by restoring order and returning the city to normality as soon as possible," said West Midlands Assistant Chief Constable Sharon Rowe, adding that there were no reports of major injuries in Birmingham. "We will not tolerate mindless violence anywhere in the West Midlands and are working to hard to ensure that the offenders are identified and caught as soon as possible."


What if the violence is not "mindless"? Then, whatchyagonnado? This is all sort of like the captain of the Titanic were he to have been seen stomping his feet on the bridge and declaring that he would not tolerate the sinking of his ship.

Get real Pal,

these are low life ,thugs no ifs about it,a chance opportunity to loot and pillage came along and they took it,with no thought for elderly peoples safety,or indeed anyone else in the community,losers, tossers,trash, scum,the scrounging thieving filth of society,and too ignorant to realise the system that feeds this useless bunch of garbage is the one they are attacking,and i'm being extra polite,while gnashing my teeth to tone it down,on a public forum.

Dont try and turn them into people on a freedom,democratic,anti racial, mission of some sort of <deleted> excuse for these morons,they don't have a brain for that, not with an IQ of probably 28 on a good day.

"is not mindless" you got to be joking!

By the way,the Captain of the Titanic was at least brave enough to go down with his ship,while the carbuncles,boils,leeches,and sickos of society we have witnessed in the last 3 days,dont even warrant a wheelie bin for a coffin.

Edited by MAJIC
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I think some people over analyze the issue.

Apparently many of the rioters are in their early teens and some are even as young as 9/10 years old. What do they know about job prospects, they are still dreaming of being astronauts and rock stars.

Things happen but this has gotten out of control because the lunatic PC brigade has removed common sense to the point where they are impotent. They can't stop the rioters out of fear of upsetting somebody. Let's not forget also that this comes not long after the NOTW scandal which makes the police even weaker.

Kids this young being on the streets implies a complete lack of discipline. Their parents should be telling them right from wrong so why are they not doing so?

They dont know how to teach their children,Thatchers second generation benefit mob,who have no idea of a working family enviroment,and think that living off benfits is a normal life!

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2152: Reports of water cannon leaving Northern Ireland and the Guardian’s front page for tomorrow reports that plastic bullets have been authorised for use on the UK mainland by David Cameron.

I might also add that many of you seem to blaming the parents, your missing the point that many of the rioters are parents, such is the UK today.

BTW. Just heard a wonderful new phrase on BBC Newsnight, apparently you are not watching riots, you are watching, wait for it,


"Violent Consumerism" :D

Edited by roamer
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I blame the socialist "looney" lefties of the 1970s and 1980s who removed all discipline from schools for the breakdown of society.

It is they who should be called to task over this outbreak of violence.

As soon as the Tories bring back the cane the better.

It's obvious the "softly softly" approach has failed.

Yeah Heavy drinker, as the old saying goes "many a sober word comes from a drunken man" meaning? I agree with everything you write!.
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Copy of statement just given by a police official in Manchester:

Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan said: "Over the past few hours, Greater Manchester Police has been faced with extraordinary levels of violence from groups of criminals intent on committing widespread disorder.

"Shops have been targeted, looted and set on fire and I, like everyone else, am absolutely appalled by the shameful actions of these criminals who have attacked our cities and have put Manchester and Salford in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

"This is nothing more than senseless violence with no absolutely no regard for people, their property or livelihoods. These criminals have also attacked some of my officers and other emergency services who are simply trying to do their job to keep the public safe and restore order.

"These people have nothing to protest against – there is no sense of injustice or any spark that has led to this. It is, pure and simple, acts of criminal behaviour which are the worst I have seen on this scale.

"Despite the extremely challenging situation we are facing, my officers are continuing to respond to any outbreaks of disorder, doing their best to protect people and property and arrest those involved. We have already made a number of arrests and we will arrest more.

"We have said all day that we will respond to any incidents robustly and I want to stress that we will continue to arrest criminals who have brought such violence to our streets. We have captured offenders on CCTV and I want to send a clear message to these people that they will not get away with this – we are reviewing these images and we will be coming for you as early as tomorrow.

"During the day, we have received overwhelming messages of support from our community who share our dismay at the actions of these people. We have also received assistance from other Forces around the region and we would like to thank them for their support.

"I would like to thank all our communities for the support they have shown and would ask for that continued assistance from members of the public by staying out of Manchester city centre and Salford while we deal with the disorder and telling us who these people attack our cities are."

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Copy of statement just given by a police official in Manchester:

Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan said: "Over the past few hours, Greater Manchester Police has been faced with extraordinary levels of violence from groups of criminals intent on committing widespread disorder.

"Shops have been targeted, looted and set on fire and I, like everyone else, am absolutely appalled by the shameful actions of these criminals who have attacked our cities and have put Manchester and Salford in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

"This is nothing more than senseless violence with no absolutely no regard for people, their property or livelihoods. These criminals have also attacked some of my officers and other emergency services who are simply trying to do their job to keep the public safe and restore order.

"These people have nothing to protest against – there is no sense of injustice or any spark that has led to this. It is, pure and simple, acts of criminal behaviour which are the worst I have seen on this scale.

"Despite the extremely challenging situation we are facing, my officers are continuing to respond to any outbreaks of disorder, doing their best to protect people and property and arrest those involved. We have already made a number of arrests and we will arrest more.

"We have said all day that we will respond to any incidents robustly and I want to stress that we will continue to arrest criminals who have brought such violence to our streets. We have captured offenders on CCTV and I want to send a clear message to these people that they will not get away with this – we are reviewing these images and we will be coming for you as early as tomorrow.

"During the day, we have received overwhelming messages of support from our community who share our dismay at the actions of these people. We have also received assistance from other Forces around the region and we would like to thank them for their support.

"I would like to thank all our communities for the support they have shown and would ask for that continued assistance from members of the public by staying out of Manchester city centre and Salford while we deal with the disorder and telling us who these people attack our cities are."

And ??

I've been watching what's been happening in Manchester. You lead a police force or you manage it. Welcome to the age of the managers.

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I will admit I'm an American and therefore have no insight into what is really going on, but isn't there even a single person who thinks that the grim future these youths are facing might be contributing to the violence? I mean, it really appears to me as an outsider that these youths feel they have nothing to lose in the current system, and are quite hostile towards the authorities.

I just find it hard to believe that if there were jobs and opportunities for them that they would be able to mobilize so much support. I don't deny that there are always bad elements in any society. And adolescents do stupid things no doubt, but they generally don't declare war on the establishment in large numbers unless they are truly pissed off about something. This just seems to be too big for it to be bad manners by poorly raised children. I mean, computer hackers? At least some of these people have to have a small amount of intelligence and understand what they are doing.

I guess I just fear this could be the first in a series of riots that are going to start becoming more frequent in the Western world. People coming out of university with no job prospects but crippling debt loads are not going to be happy, productive members of society. They are going to be angry and feel that they were misled. And angry people are predisposed to riot no matter how well they were raised. Doesn't anyone think that the current economic crisis could be partially responsible for what is going on?

And if there is any substance to this suspicion, how long will it be before we start to see other demographic groups start to come out to rail against the system that has marginalized them? Revolutions have traditionally started this way. I'm sure many would have labelled the instigators of any historical revolution as thugs and hooligans...until the thugs and hooligans won that is.

I'm just worried that this is tapping into a very widespread global disenchantment with the current state of affairs. That it spread from Egypt and the Middle East to London and it won't stop there. Things are getting rather ugly in the world and the entire global industrial economy is poised for collapse. Are you guys all sure these economic realities aren't related to what is happening in the UK today?

I guess you are probably a Red Supporter as well.

Which all your comments could be applied to their argument as well.fact of the matter is the haves,for the most part have worked for what they have got,and the have nots want it all without the effort involved.

All the Liberalism in the world will never change that fact.

So give this mob of violent dregs of society what they want to stop them going on the streets is the answer then?,

So that we can all go out to work and provide for them,so that they won't beat us up and mug us,and burn our housing down,with no thought for the lives of our good Citizens,our Childrens safety,old people,Citizens who work for a living,instead of this trash who think the world owes them a living,with no effort ,or interference in their normal laziness and drug habits?is that the way to go?

OK so they Blackmail us,and we pay them off,to have a peaceful,safe life, Bleeding Heart Liberalism in action.

All that would do is pander to the lazy,weak,scum we have witnessed this week,and create more of them.

It's a shame we do not have a system like some "backward" (not really) African Tribes" where those that do not contribute to the livelihood of the Tribe are cast out to fend for themselves.

Liberalism,Political Correctness,Weak laws,Religeon,Forgiveness,are only making a bad situation,ripe for exploiting,by the trash in our societies,and they know it,and all it achieves is bringing us all down.

And this is what stupid Anarchists will never understand,if they ever achieve their aim of bringing the system down,they will be the first to suffer,because the survivors will have the money to buy food (whats left) and shotguns.

Do you think they would be on the streets looting and Pillaging, if there was a fair chance of ending up in something like the Bangkok Hilton?

Of course not,that's what Liberalism and PC has provided for them,a ready made get out clause.

One other further point,which I have no idea that we will ever know the answer to,but I am sure that at least 90% of those on the streets of London,do not work,have not worked for years,or never have done,and have no intentions of ever working.


Sorry pal,but you do come over as a extreme apologist,for what is blatantly the dregs of society on the streets,please explain to me why you are sympathising,with this S**t that make me and English people cringe with despair?

OK Toast me!

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I'm still calling for the rioters to be shot.

They don't deserve to breathe the same air as decent human beings.

I am proud of being English but most certainly not proud of what has become of England.

hear hear, One of the reasons I left Uk was the low life and a generation of lowlife with no respect for themselves or those around them.

One aside I can never understand why shops in the Uk cities have glass fronts with no metal shutters, seems crazy in the 21st century.You can;t imagine that in Bangkok.

Simply another reason why welfare states have to fail.

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I will admit I'm an American and therefore have no insight into what is really going on, but isn't there even a single person who thinks that the grim future these youths are facing might be contributing to the violence? I mean, it really appears to me as an outsider that these youths feel they have nothing to lose in the current system, and are quite hostile towards the authorities.

I just find it hard to believe that if there were jobs and opportunities for them that they would be able to mobilize so much support. I don't deny that there are always bad elements in any society. And adolescents do stupid things no doubt, but they generally don't declare war on the establishment in large numbers unless they are truly pissed off about something. This just seems to be too big for it to be bad manners by poorly raised children. I mean, computer hackers? At least some of these people have to have a small amount of intelligence and understand what they are doing.

I guess I just fear this could be the first in a series of riots that are going to start becoming more frequent in the Western world. People coming out of university with no job prospects but crippling debt loads are not going to be happy, productive members of society. They are going to be angry and feel that they were misled. And angry people are predisposed to riot no matter how well they were raised. Doesn't anyone think that the current economic crisis could be partially responsible for what is going on?

And if there is any substance to this suspicion, how long will it be before we start to see other demographic groups start to come out to rail against the system that has marginalized them? Revolutions have traditionally started this way. I'm sure many would have labelled the instigators of any historical revolution as thugs and hooligans...until the thugs and hooligans won that is.

I'm just worried that this is tapping into a very widespread global disenchantment with the current state of affairs. That it spread from Egypt and the Middle East to London and it won't stop there. Things are getting rather ugly in the world and the entire global industrial economy is poised for collapse. Are you guys all sure these economic realities aren't related to what is happening in the UK today?

Even if there are tiny elements of truth in what you say I can assure you what is happening in Uk Cities is pure criminality and in large part perpetrated by Children with no parental control offspring of wasters who are not fit to be parents, Dont try and equate it with the arab spring, global financial issues, etc,

Edited by KKvampire
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"We want to protect the people of Birmingham by restoring order and returning the city to normality as soon as possible," said West Midlands Assistant Chief Constable Sharon Rowe, adding that there were no reports of major injuries in Birmingham. "We will not tolerate mindless violence anywhere in the West Midlands and are working to hard to ensure that the offenders are identified and caught as soon as possible."


What if the violence is not "mindless"? Then, whatchyagonnado? This is all sort of like the captain of the Titanic were he to have been seen stomping his feet on the bridge and declaring that he would not tolerate the sinking of his ship.

Also, those of us that have lived in the UK know that not only will those guilty probably not be arrested, but that even if by chance they were, they would not receive punishment worthy of the name.

For years while working in London, it has been evident to me that bad people have little to fear from the police, while minor infractions by mostly law abiding folk will recieve draconian penalties. Anyone remember the woman arrested for drinking water in a car, while stationary?

IMO, the UK police have been hamstrung by weak and overly PC governments, to the point at which criminals and thugs have little to fear, while the victims recieve nothing but lip service and a form to fill in.

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I will admit I'm an American and therefore have no insight into what is really going on, but isn't there even a single person who thinks that the grim future these youths are facing might be contributing to the violence? I mean, it really appears to me as an outsider that these youths feel they have nothing to lose in the current system, and are quite hostile towards the authorities.

I just find it hard to believe that if there were jobs and opportunities for them that they would be able to mobilize so much support. I don't deny that there are always bad elements in any society. And adolescents do stupid things no doubt, but they generally don't declare war on the establishment in large numbers unless they are truly pissed off about something. This just seems to be too big for it to be bad manners by poorly raised children. I mean, computer hackers? At least some of these people have to have a small amount of intelligence and understand what they are doing.

I guess I just fear this could be the first in a series of riots that are going to start becoming more frequent in the Western world. People coming out of university with no job prospects but crippling debt loads are not going to be happy, productive members of society. They are going to be angry and feel that they were misled. And angry people are predisposed to riot no matter how well they were raised. Doesn't anyone think that the current economic crisis could be partially responsible for what is going on?

And if there is any substance to this suspicion, how long will it be before we start to see other demographic groups start to come out to rail against the system that has marginalized them? Revolutions have traditionally started this way. I'm sure many would have labelled the instigators of any historical revolution as thugs and hooligans...until the thugs and hooligans won that is.

I'm just worried that this is tapping into a very widespread global disenchantment with the current state of affairs. That it spread from Egypt and the Middle East to London and it won't stop there. Things are getting rather ugly in the world and the entire global industrial economy is poised for collapse. Are you guys all sure these economic realities aren't related to what is happening in the UK today?

University graduates with debt and no job? "Youff" with no future? Well, they can always join the army or the police. That's what they did in A Clockwork Orange.

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"We want to protect the people of Birmingham by restoring order and returning the city to normality as soon as possible," said West Midlands Assistant Chief Constable Sharon Rowe, adding that there were no reports of major injuries in Birmingham. "We will not tolerate mindless violence anywhere in the West Midlands and are working to hard to ensure that the offenders are identified and caught as soon as possible."


What if the violence is not "mindless"? Then, whatchyagonnado? This is all sort of like the captain of the Titanic were he to have been seen stomping his feet on the bridge and declaring that he would not tolerate the sinking of his ship.

Get real Pal,

these are low life ,thugs no ifs about it,a chance opportunity to loot and pillage came along and they took it,with no thought for elderly peoples safety,or indeed anyone else in the community,losers, tossers,trash, scum,the scrounging thieving filth of society,and too ignorant to realise the system that feeds this useless bunch of garbage is the one they are attacking,and i'm being extra polite,while gnashing my teeth to tone it down,on a public forum.

Dont try and turn them into people on a freedom,democratic,anti racial, mission of some sort of &lt;deleted&gt; excuse for these morons,they don't have a brain for that, not with an IQ of probably 28 on a good day.

"is not mindless" you got to be joking!

By the way,the Captain of the Titanic was at least brave enough to go down with his ship,while the carbuncles,boils,leeches,and sickos of society we have witnessed in the last 3 days,dont even warrant a wheelie bin for a coffin.

You don't get it. A "mindless" crowd just pours out onto the street. It seems that many of these rioters have tactics, coordination, and communication. They go where the police aren't. And they've circumvented the much ballyhooed CCTV system through the simple act of covering their faces. This all is simply an upgrading of the "urban" flash mobs that have been operating in the US all summer.

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Times like these can make people emotional and irrational. For example, when I see the video of these punks chasing the police, robbing injured kids on the street, burning, looting and destroying the city, etc I can't help but wish that some psycho nutjob like we saw in Norway would pop out from around the corner and start mowing the thugs down with automatic weapon fire even though I know it's wrong.

While I understand where you're coming from, isn't it time that the police started using batten rounds against these thugs?

Anyone that says otherwise is saying that essentially the bad guys are able to get away with their transgressions, as there is virtually no chance of them being caught and if caught of being punished.

A big batten round between the eyes might give some of them second thoughts, assuming they have brains to think with ( which I sometimes doubt ).

The police ( and you can be sure the government behind them ) seem to be trying to make it all go away quietly, but that will only ensure the problems keep reappearing in the future.

What needs to happen is that emergency powers are enacted to allow rioters and thugs to be locked away for many years in special camps. It may not solve the problems of unemployment, illegal immigration, excessive legal immigration, overpopulation, poor housing and poverty, but at least it might keep law abiding citizens a chance to live without fear of losing everything they have to the scum.

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