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London police deploys armored vehicles amid escalating riots


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Any society has anarchists.

However, these are not anarchists – they are thugs who without fear of consequence for their actions are free to do what they want.

Perhaps because they feel they have nothing to loose.

They have been given too much for free and not valued it.

i.e. free education, social security

And now they feel they are ‘entitled’ to more.

They have acted violently and now people are looking for an excuse for them.

They are thugs, there is no excuse. Society didn’t force them to be violent, no one forced them to steel TV’s and set fire to cars and buildings.

The moment they used violence they lost their rights to blame anyone else but themselves.

The only criticism I have of the present and past governments is that through weakness and fear of criticism they have permitted a situation to occur where criminals believe they are un-touchable and have rights which protect them from the very people who’s job it is to protect the general population.

Liberalism has brought this situation upon us. I’m too young to have done National Service, but I have always liked the idea for a number of reasons the first of which is that is teaches self discipline.

Perhaps an option for any criminal arrested between the ages of 16 and 30 would be 2 years National Service.

Gosh, I sound like a Nazi !!! - But I'm not, I'm just someone who is sick of anti-social people in any society getting away with so much for so long because we try and choose the moral high ground.

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Sorry we don't kill people without a trial in the UK. We don't even kill then when they've had a trial especially not when all they've done is steal a tellie.

Long time ago I was the victim of a home break in.

They stole my TV and guitar among other things.

I woke and caught sight of them as they drove off in an old truck. I put five shots into the truck. I was trying to kill them. I didn't. I think a store or home owner has the right to defend his property with lethal force. Just my opinion of course. Same as I think a person, man or woman has the right to defend their body with lethal force. If a man was trying to rape my wife of daughters, I'd shoot him with no second thoughts. I trained my children in the use of lethal force and told them to use it if their person was threatened. Life is fragile. If a person breaks into a home or shop your life may be at risk. Just lucky no one has been killed so far.

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If this were happening in Thailand there'd be 20 pages of comments regarding third world countries, inadequate police making inane comments, lack of parental control over youth and all the usual TIT comments. Anywhere else in the world and immediately we'd get comments about Islamic fundamentalists, regardless of the actual people involved.

It's unfortunate when this sort of thing happens anywhere, and it certainly can happen anywhere, but maybe in future people who generally are in a rush to flights of righteous indigation, pontificating and the usual TIT rubbish will reflect on the recent allegations of corruption and incompetence by the police in UK regarding The News of the World.

Maybe they'll remember the inadequate, ill-prepared response by the police in UK to this period of rioting, including the pompous, dismissive Met police spokesman who kept saying there was no reason for the violence, that everyone got along well with the police and that it was just copy-catters ... as if those comments were realistic or solved the problem.

And as far as parental responsibility is concerned, teenagers in UK and Thailand can certainly run amok, but when it comes to rampaging, irresponsible thugs, the UK is way ahead of Thailand and may it remain so.

Edited by Suradit
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If this were happening in Thailand there'd be 20 pages of comments regarding third world countries, inadequate police making inane comments, lack of parental control over youth and all the usual TIT comments. Anywhere else in the world and immediately we'd get comments about Islamic fundamentalists, regardless of the actual people involved.

It's unfortunate when this sort of thing happens anywhere, and it certainly can happen anywhere, but maybe in future people who generally are in a rush to flights of righteous indigation, pontificating and the usual TIT rubbish will reflect on the recent allegations of corruption and incompetence by the police in UK regarding The News of the World.

Maybe they'll remember the inadequate, ill-prepared response by the police in UK to this period of rioting, including the pompous, dismissive Met police spokesman who kept saying there was no reason for the violence, that everyone got along well with the police and that it was just copy-catters ... as if those comments were realistic or solved the problem.

And as far as parental responsibility is concerned, teenagers in UK and Thailand can certainly run amok, but when it comes to rampaging, irresponsible thugs, the UK is way ahead of Thailand and may it remain so.


For a narcissistic society this must be a real shock & big embarrassment.;)

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I suppose it is easy to blame liberalism for the mobs, but one of the cornerstones of liberal thought is respect for others and for one's surroundings. Stealing, vandalism, arson and exploiting the disadvantaged as is occurring now are all acts contrary to the concept of liberalism. I do not think any liberal would condone what has taken place, The absolute waste of resources and the thick black toxic smoke that was produced from the arson of the Sony warehouse has environmentalists seething with rage. That smoke was an environmental catastrophe that put people at risk, that polluted the area and that will leave lingering effects in the toxic run off and the ambient toxic chemicals. Anyone that values greenspace was apoplectic at the sight of trees being ripped down, and those that value liveable communities with mass transportation are furious that local merchants that provide jobs in the community were attacked and that public buses needed by the public were set alight. No, I am sorry but the riots represent everything liberals despise: Waste and destruction. True liberals bring up their children to be polite and courteous as it is a reflection of respect for others. I believe some are confusing a lack of respect for others and of self discipline as liberalism. It is not. Call it what it is, criminal behaviour.

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there will be lots of heartbreak stories in the media, I saw this man interviewed on BBC News, and found this article about him and the family business, Reeves Furniture - burnt out after being there since 1867. Real end-of-an era stuff.


The ashes were still smouldering as Maurice Reeves surveyed what's left of the furniture store his family has run for five generations. Aged 80, he had every right to believe the business would just go on and on. After all, in its 144-year history it has survived the Great Depression and Hitler's bombs, not to mention competition from superstores that have driven many other firms under.

It was in 1867, at the height of the industrial revolution, that his great-great-grandfather Edwin Reeves, a barrel maker from Sherborne, Dorset, set up a shop on the site in Croydon opposite the parish church from where the family has traded ever since.

Edwin Reeves's son, William Arthur, took over in 1913. The business expanded over several neighbouring properties in the Great War and by 1917 an auction room had been added, with showrooms for second hand furniture. Other branches were opened in Caterham and Sherborne as the business flourished. Times were tough in the 1930s, but the Croydon branch became known for its auctions. During the Second World War, much of central Croydon was destroyed in attacks by German V-1 flying bombs and V-2 rockets. But the Reeves store survived the Blitz – Maurice remembers hiding in the cellar during air raids – and there was a good trade in second hand furniture (all manufacturing during this time was devoted to the war effort).

With peace restored, it became a private limited company, E Reeves Ltd, in 1947. William Arthur's son William Thomas Reeves became the managing director, running the company until his death in 1982.

There was further expansion in the 1950s and 1960s, but harder times in the 1970s saw the company contracted back to its Croydon base. In 1977, the site was named Reeves's Corner after it.

William Thomas was succeeded by his son, Maurice. In the mid-1980s the company switched to selling purely new furniture and beds under the name The House of Reeves. Maurice said: 'The shop started small, but we built it up. Even when the big superstores like DFS and Ikea moved in, they don't bother us. Competition is good. We have a trusted reputation in the community, and it's what we pride ourselves on.'

Since Maurice retired, the reins have passed to his sons, Trevor, 56, and Graham, 52. Yesterday they joined their father at a meeting with David Cameron to air their views when the Prime Minister visited Croydon fire station. Both sons had lived in flats above the shop when they were first married. Thankfully no one was living above the shop on Monday night.

full article here

Edited by Atmos
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I suppose it is easy to blame liberalism for the mobs, but one of the cornerstones of liberal thought is respect for others and for one's surroundings. Stealing, vandalism, arson and exploiting the disadvantaged as is occurring now are all acts contrary to the concept of liberalism. I do not think any liberal would condone what has taken place, ...

I don't think anyone is claiming that the rioters themselves are liberals. But rather that liberal policies have led to this situation. You can be all for rainbows and moonbeams but just because you "respect and love" someone who is a criminal that doesn't mean the criminal will adapt your liberal way of thinking. More likely they will take advantage of you.

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