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Riots and looting spreads to Greater Manchester on fourth day of violence


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I guess it's time for someone from the Loony Left to weigh in on this topic. I am not from the UK, so I don't have any particular insight on the riots.

The duty of the government of any country is to provide for it's citizens. The government's job is to levels the playing field, giving everyone an opportunity to perform a useful function in society. For some, that means housing, medical care, food and education. The government also has a responsibility to provide safety and security for all citizens.

The duty of citizens is to be a productive member of society, to the best of their ability. At the end of the day, individuals are responsible for their behavior. Those who have a history of irresponsible legal behavior need to be removed from society.

Lots of comments about 'useful function in society' from people who probably

1) Have absented themselves from that society.

2) No longer play any useful part in that society.

One wonders if these people were ever to return to their home countries, who would be considered the worse citizen, a looter/rioter, or a male who lived in Thailand.

I know the answer from 50% of the western population (the female part)

Edited by ludditeman
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I guess it's time for someone from the Loony Left to weigh in on this topic. I am not from the UK, so I don't have any particular insight on the riots.

The duty of the government of any country is to provide for it's citizens. The government's job is to levels the playing field, giving everyone an opportunity to perform a useful function in society. For some, that means housing, medical care, food and education. The government also has a responsibility to provide safety and security for all citizens.

The duty of citizens is to be a productive member of society, to the best of their ability. At the end of the day, individuals are responsible for their behavior. Those who have a history of irresponsible legal behavior need to be removed from society.

Lots of comments about 'useful function in society' from people who probably

1) Have absented themselves from that society.

2) No longer play any useful part in that society.

One wonders if these people were ever to return to their home countries, who would be considered the worse citizen, a looter/rioter, or a male who lived in Thailand.

I know the answer from 50% of the western population (the female part)

Yes, I see at a stroke you have stereotyped the entire male expat population living in Thailand. Of course I see how someone who worked all their lives and retired overseas for a bit of sun and relaxation would invariably be looked down on as a sex tourist, whilst hooded youths with a chip on their shoulder who never worked a day in their lives would be held in higher esteem.

Congratulations on your first troll post by the way.

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regarding the feral underclass... I remember James Whale's (straight talking, no nonsense british radio presenter & legend) serious take on population control :

1. all males should be sterilized at birth

2. at 18, they apply (if they so wish) for a license to breed

3. extensive checks are done on them & their circumstances

4. if they pass, they get the reversal operation..

I think he still advocates it.. (along with Nazis.??)

Why are men always the victims of these silly suggestions.

How about a 5 year implant under the skin of women.After all, it does appear to be the women who breed for benefits, not the men.

Nobody has suggested army snipers on rooftops yet?

No imagination I suppose.

Old news. Mr. Swift penned A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland From Being a Burden on Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick in 1729. More imaginative.

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Yesterday 'kids' (street-gangs) in Gothenburg and Malmoe (two cities with very high per cent of immigrants in Sweden) decided to [join forces and] copy the events in UK. Not any protests or demonstrations...but the burning and looting.

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17 August 2011 Last updated at 21:56 GMT

PM defends 'tough' riot sentences handed out by courts

Prime Minister David Cameron has defended courts for handing out "tough" sentences for those involved in the riots across England.

Some MPs and campaigners say there were examples of terms being too harsh.

On Tuesday, two men were jailed for four years at Chester Crown Court for using Facebook to incite riots. One is to appeal against the sentence.

Lord Carlile, Lib Dem peer and Howard League for Penal Reform president, said some decisions were "questionable".

read more

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re #254 and the sentences

form the ones that have had media coverage, no mention of reparation, guess that's out of the question as there's no ability to repay.

Anyone knows what happens to the recovered goods - insurance companies will be having auctions? as couldn't take the eg computers, tvs, back to shops for re-sale.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Funny how many people here are knocking these rioters but supported the red shirts while they were burning down Bangkok and looting here.

Personally I can better understand this one. At least this one was the organic result of years of bigotry and injustice, just like we saw in Watts here in the States. Unlike the red shirts being paid off to revolt.

Heh, I bet a bunch of British are wishing they didn't let their govt take their guns away now!

The British never had guns,in the way you are indicating.

But they can apply for a shotgun licence for hunting or sport purposes

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