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Marco (Of Chez Marco)


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Ah!!!! S_ _ T!!! I hope he is ok ,,,,, I know him from the day he started his restaurant which was half the size... he has a young baby now and a successful business and is a smart and pleasant young man full of life and Joy de Vivre.... Marco! Hang in there.... you have a young kid to look after... Please find the strength and bring out all the fight within you to pull out of this ... Sending you tons of positive energy ...

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Alright, so I've been to Ram to see him. The GOOD NEWS is he's going to be alright and there's nothing major major wrong. The bad news is that he's pretty banged up from the accident. He's in ICU and will be for awhile. I made my visit brief just to say hi to his wife and then I also met his brother who's come in to look after him as well. They and the nurses gave me the status report: He's got a concussion, a bunch of broken ribs, and a fractured shin. He's going to need bed rest for a month at least.

The upshot is that he's being well looked after and things seem to be alright. For now he's being kept pretty sedated and it's probably best to give him some time and not visit him for a couple weeks. So, he's not really in a condition to receive visitors but has many good close people around to look after him.

His wife tells me that people from Horeca and Rimping, besides his wife and staff, will look after the restaurant and things will continue as usual there.

I count myself as a friend, but not close enough to be one of the few who should be visiting him again until he's more himself - today was concern about his situation, and I was in the area, so I dropped by. If any of you out there are in his more intimate circles, do please keep us updated from time to time !

**Another good sign: Though sedated, he has managed to show a glimmer of the joker Marco we all know, as he's expressed his feelings about the situation as 'merde' to his family already.

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It seems to me that motor bikes are just too risky in this city.

I agree. I hardly ever ride mine anymore. I use the car 90% of the time now. Seen too many m/c accidents and heard of too many others...

Fact: Every motorcyclist I have asked over the years answers yes if I ask if they have ever had an accident.

I love bikes, and have never been injured in my 40 years of riding bikes, but I sure enjoy driving my relatively safe car. :)

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Marco is a neighbour and a friend of The Olde Bell We often 'talk shop' and go to the same 'do's' Good luck my friend, stick in there and get back to your very fine restaurant as soon as you can.

I heard about the accident this evening. Good to hear from 'realthaideal' that his accident is not life threatening.

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It seems to me that motor bikes are just too risky in this city.

I agree. I hardly ever ride mine anymore. I use the car 90% of the time now. Seen too many m/c accidents and heard of too many others...

Fact: Every motorcyclist I have asked over the years answers yes if I ask if they have ever had an accident.

I love bikes, and have never been injured in my 40 years of riding bikes, but I sure enjoy driving my relatively safe car. :)

Tempting fate perhaps but fingers crossed and touching a good piece of wood, over 20 years here on small and big bikes and not a scratch. Now the car, various ones over the years............They have been hit by 2 motorbikes and a drunk pickup driver who somehow managed to rip the plastic back bumper off without touching another panel.

Edited by Dellboy218
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Alright, so I've been to Ram to see him. The GOOD NEWS is he's going to be alright and there's nothing major major wrong. The bad news is that he's pretty banged up from the accident. He's in ICU and will be for awhile. I made my visit brief just to say hi to his wife and then I also met his brother who's come in to look after him as well. They and the nurses gave me the status report: He's got a concussion, a bunch of broken ribs, and a fractured shin. He's going to need bed rest for a month at least.

The upshot is that he's being well looked after and things seem to be alright. For now he's being kept pretty sedated and it's probably best to give him some time and not visit him for a couple weeks. So, he's not really in a condition to receive visitors but has many good close people around to look after him.

His wife tells me that people from Horeca and Rimping, besides his wife and staff, will look after the restaurant and things will continue as usual there.

I count myself as a friend, but not close enough to be one of the few who should be visiting him again until he's more himself - today was concern about his situation, and I was in the area, so I dropped by. If any of you out there are in his more intimate circles, do please keep us updated from time to time !

**Another good sign: Though sedated, he has managed to show a glimmer of the joker Marco we all know, as he's expressed his feelings about the situation as 'merde' to his family already.

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Any more current news or an update from someone who has been to visit??

What happened to all the friends of Marco who posted...... anybody have any kind of update....

Come on..... this guy is a part of Chiang Mai....I am sure others would also like to hear how he is doing.



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Last (unconfirmed) info that I heard last night from a local restaurant owner, who knows him....

He was in a regular room at Ram, had some "issues" , and was moved back to ICU.

This was a couple of days ago.

Again, unconfirmed info.

Hope Marco gets better soon.

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Any more current news or an update from someone who has been to visit??

What happened to all the friends of Marco who posted...... anybody have any kind of update....

Come on..... this guy is a part of Chiang Mai....I am sure others would also like to hear how he is doing.



Talking to Pierre of Wine Connection fame tonight, It seems Marco is out of intensive care, but still in hospital with a number of broken ribs, British Legion chairman, Trevor went to see him a few days ago, but was told Marco was still too ill to receive visitors. I'm sure we all continue to wish him well and at the same time remind everyone how dangerous motorbikes are here. Don't drink and drive, wear a crash helmet and don't smoke or use your mobile phone whilst driving - all things that Marco did. Chez Marco is open and ready for business and probably the best thing that his friends can do a the moment is to go and eat in his restaurant. Get well soon Marco!

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A friend of mine who is a friend of Marco and his wife talked to Marco's wife yesterday. Marco has some issues as a result of the brain trauma from the concussion. It's going to be an extended recovery from the concussion.

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Thanks for updates, guys. Like I said, when I first visited, I could tell the family would need a couple weeks of privacy just for things to level out. And now maybe more. I appreciate efforts to keep everyone in the loop, but also argue for privacy at the same time. And just hope for a full recovery as speedily as that can happen.

As for caution on motorbikes - it's a given. Every time I drive past/over a pool of yesterday's blood I wonder in disbelief that so many people don't wear helmets. I like my face. I like my brain. And I'm fond of my blood. At the very least this is another clear reminder of why they're important.

As to what he was up to just before the accident, I've heard conflicting stories. We all know to not drink and drive in any case, and it should be left at that. I'm sure with a kid, his wife, brother, and mom will be advising him about what kind of lifestyle he should be leading.

Heal up quick, Marco !

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We all know to not drink and drive in any case

It appears we don't.

and it should be left at that.

I disagree. If that was the cause of the accident I think it should be highlighted for others to be made aware of the possible consequences of such actions. It might prevent a similar accident from happening in the future.

Let's not cover things up because it's nicer than the harsh reality.

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We all know to not drink and drive in any case

It appears we don't.

and it should be left at that.

I disagree. If that was the cause of the accident I think it should be highlighted for others to be made aware of the possible consequences of such actions. It might prevent a similar accident from happening in the future.

Let's not cover things up because it's nicer than the harsh reality.

The harsh reality is that anyone can get severely injured or killed riding a motorcycle especially after drinking and there is no need for any details about Marco's accident to understand that. Nothing is being covered up, somethings are personal and should be left that way respectfully.

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Wish Marco, his family and his business the best. Good luck and all the best for recovery. Just spent a month so far recovering from a bike accident myself. a few weeks in hospital and a large skin graft later and im thankfully now recovering at home. My very best to you Marco!

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