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Out of interest, what do you think is better than Clickbank products?

I do want to do some small sniper sites with clickbank/CJ, a bit of launch jacking and a build a few authority sites and do some CPA from someone like maxbounty.

What ways do you use?

I don't do any of those things any more... I do very little marketing, it is not necessary for my style of making money online.

I do give coaching though. I also advertise in the classified section of TV. (Services/tutoring).

I spotted a long time ago, that if you really want to make money online, the last thing you do is follow the hordes, unless you are very well networked and have some decent JVs with the 'right people'.

The numbers of affiliates all trying the same old stuff is now well in excess of 10 million.

What also makes me laugh, is when you Google SEO services or anything to do with SEO and there are literally hundreds of thousands who will GUARANTEE you number 1 in Google for you number 1 keyword within 6 to 12 months. These are all the 'so called' experts.

Now there are many many 'seo experts' out there... How can all of them promise number 1?? Oh they will take your money IN ADVANCE.

The most competitive keywords out there, must have hundreds of 'seo experts' all promised the same thing to their clients, and have been paid up front, and constantly asking for more money as they go, but there can be ONLY ONE!! The rest are just blowing smoke up your jack.

Think...... High searched = high competition / low searched = low competition.

I will get a bit of friction on here from the 'current seo experts' but who cares.. I don't have to worry about ANY of that any more.

I started my last campaign only a month ago, and now it is worth $4600 a month, by the end of next month, you can X 3 that number and can only grow. I spend about 30 minutes a day on it..

Like I said. I have been earning a living online since 1997, I think I sussed it all out by now.

Be lucky, and stay safe.

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Can you tell me how I can check my page ranking on keywords?

They have been indexed but no ranking. They are only a week old or so. Maybe they dont have a rank yet.

Ive used onlinepage rankers and market samuri but still no success


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Can you tell me how I can check my page ranking on keywords?

They have been indexed but no ranking. They are only a week old or so. Maybe they dont have a rank yet.

Ive used onlinepage rankers and market samuri but still no success


To be honest.

I doubt you are going to make it off the starting blocks in your online money making career if you can't even be arsed to google the term 'how to check pagerank'.

You are already in possession of domains, blogs and articles and you have already started seo work and you still have not figured out the fundamentals?


These are the best online resources, but i would recommend a desktop client rather than online. I would use traffic travis, they have a free version.


Also. I suggest that you do a read up on google about the 'google sandbox' Because that is where you are going to be for as long as a few months, and even longer if you are found to be adding loads of backlinks and have loads of visitors on your site from day 1 from limited content.

Some people do not believe in the sandbox, but I do.

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At the moment I am doing very very nicely, and I also already run it past the immigration boys and it requires absolutely NO work permit, as it is NOT working.

I'm not suggesting that you, or they, are being dishonest but I wouldn't be too confident about that. I find it difficult to be able to say you are not working when you are being paid for what you do.

I'm hoping to get my own company started anyway. I'm fortunate that Mrs. Rakers can do much of what needs to be done for me which will drastically reduce the cost of starting up. It's not just about the legalities either. Once I am completely set up I'll be able to market myself better and become more established.

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