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How much does a 500 word article go for?

And basic SEO

I'll do you 500 words for $15-20. Depending on the subject. If you are looking for cheap copy then you should bear google panda in mind.

When it comes to SEO it depends on whether or not you are looking white hat or black hat techniques.

If you need to google what I have posted on bold, you need to think again.

Why do you think there is a difference in price between white hat and black hat?

I don't see why one would cost more than the other.

I was more trying to point out that there's a lot that the OP hasn't even heard about yet

The OP is going nowhere.

If you wanna do it ......... do it.

TV is not the place to get the answers.

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How much does a 500 word article go for?

And basic SEO

I'll do you 500 words for $15-20. Depending on the subject. If you are looking for cheap copy then you should bear google panda in mind.

When it comes to SEO it depends on whether or not you are looking white hat or black hat techniques.

If you need to google what I have posted on bold, you need to think again.

Why do you think there is a difference in price between white hat and black hat?

I don't see why one would cost more than the other.

I was more trying to point out that there's a lot that the OP hasn't even heard about yet

Blackhat SEO should be cheaper since the methods are more effective and more automated..But, if Google finds out you're using any black hat methods they'll wipe your website off the face of the internet!!

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While I dont think TV is a choice spot to get answers on making money online - it can be done and it does not need to be overly hard IMO.

I am 2.5 years in and last month made $2000 AUD (Pay Per Click).. This is from about 1 hour a day (lunch at work) and 1 hour a night at home.

Will hopefully hit $3000 around March and intend to try it full time in LOS :)

I see the potential of earning $200-300 a day with in 12 months.

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Moonrakers, your posts have been very interesting.

If you don't mind, could you tell us how you got into copywriting?


There's a company based in Thailand that are looking for copywriters from time to time. I went for the job knowing I had nothing to lose and haven't looked back since, although I don't work for the original company any more.

Smart Traffic is one. But there are several others.

Moonrakers, Andrew - many thanks for your replies.


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It's not easy to make money online. I would think that 95% of all who try fail without ever making $1000 (maybe even $100). I do believe that everyone can easily make some decent money (by Thai standards), by just making one or a few good, quality websites and working on them over a year or two. Most are not prepared to do that though. Don't even think of making a new generic Thai blog, it's completely saturated.

SEO requires some technical and mathematical intuition with marketing skills as well. Maybe why the pros charge as much as they do!

I have a website ranking 2nd for a competetive keyword (not English) and the traffic and income from that keyword alone is enough to make a full time income in Thailand. That took me a year to achieve, after I knew what I am doing (I work with SEO professionally).

I honestly don't think most people should try the SEO to affiliate marketing route as it is becomeing increasingly harder and takes longer and longer to see an income. Your best bet if you want is to carve a niche out for yourself, such as suggested by others, and make some authority niche websites.

I think a lot of people could probably make some money running webshops with all kind of cheap stuff from Thailand and sell to their home country. Or earn money on the side offering writing services, backlinking services, making some money from webshops, a bit from affiliate sales etc. Multiple streams of online income.

It's a full time thing though and a bit of a lifestyle choice. There is the potential for a lot of work and location free income that comes with a guarantee of many, many hours of frustation!

Give it a go for sure!


Try not to get suckered into these people selling you their 'push button - make $10000 in 2 hours' ebooks.

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It's not easy to make money online. I would think that 95% of all who try fail without ever making $1000 (maybe even $100). I do believe that everyone can easily make some decent money (by Thai standards), by just making one or a few good, quality websites and working on them over a year or two. Most are not prepared to do that though. Don't even think of making a new generic Thai blog, it's completely saturated.

SEO requires some technical and mathematical intuition with marketing skills as well. Maybe why the pros charge as much as they do!

I have a website ranking 2nd for a competetive keyword (not English) and the traffic and income from that keyword alone is enough to make a full time income in Thailand. That took me a year to achieve, after I knew what I am doing (I work with SEO professionally).

I honestly don't think most people should try the SEO to affiliate marketing route as it is becomeing increasingly harder and takes longer and longer to see an income. Your best bet if you want is to carve a niche out for yourself, such as suggested by others, and make some authority niche websites.

I think a lot of people could probably make some money running webshops with all kind of cheap stuff from Thailand and sell to their home country. Or earn money on the side offering writing services, backlinking services, making some money from webshops, a bit from affiliate sales etc. Multiple streams of online income.

It's a full time thing though and a bit of a lifestyle choice. There is the potential for a lot of work and location free income that comes with a guarantee of many, many hours of frustation!

Give it a go for sure!


Try not to get suckered into these people selling you their 'push button - make $10000 in 2 hours' ebooks.

Agree Hammer.

My first site also took about 1 year to start making consistent, decent money. It was more a personal challenge to see if I could make money online in my spare time. By having a well researched and thought out plan, good web designers, good SEO people who developed early Adwords campaigns, link building and longer term organic growth, it was not that difficult....just slow and time consuming. That particular business ranks very high in Google (Top 3) and demands more time that I can afford to give it, so I can be selective.

Having success on the Internet and understanding how to make money generates so many new ideas and opportunities. You see the niches, the businesses or segments that have gaps or just poorly run. I would guess that many successful Internet business owners have 10 other Internet businesses in their head, own 100 domains that they have thought would work and never have enough time to see all their ideas to fruition.

Success breeds ideas and once one is making money on the Internet...your brain doesn't stop. You see ideas everywhere.

But there are no shortcuts. That first site is tough, with long hours, no responses and a Google PR of 879. But there is nothing more rewarding that seeing your PageRank go up a level, or hitting that first page on Google for the first time, and the responses growing daily, and those first few sales.

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But there are no shortcuts. That first site is tough, with long hours, no responses and a Google PR of 879. But there is nothing more rewarding that seeing your PageRank go up a level, or hitting that first page on Google for the first time, and the responses growing daily, and those first few sales.

You are confusing PR with SERPS.

PR is actually not that important. I'm PR4 and get number 1 Google rankings for some of the most competitive search terms.

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I've researched SEO quite a bit and im happy that i'll need to wait for a good ranking.

I've built a good wordpress blog on a certain niche and I play to make another 20 odd and try and get them ranking over the next 6 months.

I have a product I want to sell from clickbank and have made a decent sales page on the site along with 3 good articles.

I have someone with good feedback who can get me 10,000 visitors to my site for $39 dollars.

Although this is paid traffic, its still connected with my niche and I get £30 per sale.

Obviously this skips SEO but how much sales from 10,000 do you think i could get from my niche directed traffic.

1 sale gets my costs back.

Im going to try and test it this weekend and if i get no sales i waste $39, nobig deal and i will concentrate on my sites for the next 6 months.

My goal in life is to have an appartment in Thailand and work on my websites for 8 hours per day while living a fun life in the tropics. I dont care if it takes me 2 or 3 years. I could even save up 10k and hole up in thialand next year and concentrate on this full time.

Is this a dream? or could it happen.

I just think at £30 per sale, if i can make 100 sales over 20+ sites that is 150,000bht per month and id be set

Fair play to the people who do this. Your life must be great

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My goal in life is to have an appartment in Thailand and work on my websites for 8 hours per day while living a fun life in the tropics. I dont care if it takes me 2 or 3 years. I could even save up 10k and hole up in thialand next year and concentrate on this full time.

Is this a dream? or could it happen.

And based on your goal, how do you proposed to address the work permit requirements in Thailand for persons working on-line ?

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Having success on the Internet and understanding how to make money generates so many new ideas and opportunities. You see the niches, the businesses or segments that have gaps or just poorly run. I would guess that many successful Internet business owners have 10 other Internet businesses in their head, own 100 domains that they have thought would work and never have enough time to see all their ideas to fruition.

Isn't that the truth! Constant new ideas and new domains to be bought :lol:, it's great but also counterproductive in many cases. Probably the same as any other entrepreneur. Keeping it Thailand related, the key to making income enough to live in Thailand (or another tropical paradise) is to focus on being productive with what works. Can it be done more than once then scale it! 3 months on and you will make some money, 1 year on and you're set. The more productive you are, the sooner you are financially secure and can enjoy your hard earned beer, sun and sand.

Cheers to everyone, keep it profitable, but don't forget to take some time off B)

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My goal in life is to have an appartment in Thailand and work on my websites for 8 hours per day while living a fun life in the tropics. I dont care if it takes me 2 or 3 years. I could even save up 10k and hole up in thialand next year and concentrate on this full time.

Is this a dream? or could it happen.

And based on your goal, how do you proposed to address the work permit requirements in Thailand for persons working on-line ?

It's always best to be legal, but I really think people working online (not in Thailand) on Education or other Visa is a very low concern for the Thai immigration department.

Where do you draw the line anyway? Are you violating Visa laws if you answer work emails while on vacation in Thailand? If you make a phone call? Write a report for a sick co-worker?

I really think this is a non-issue, but if you're semi successfull, why not hire 4 (5?) bright young Thai college students to help you out. At minimum wage, that would only come out at 25000 baht which isn't a fortune. Your Thai employees may even make some money for you!

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Is the online Forex market a way to make money online?

Do many people make a career out of this?

Yes you certainly can trade financials online-forex in my opinion is the hardest instrument to trade, but many do it.

Now do you need a work permit if trading from Thailand ?? Thats another question !! FWIW I log in using an UK IP address but if the shit was to hit the fan I fancy that wouldn't stack up ?? Maybe others have an opinion on this ??

And then what about traders who effectively are on holiday for couple months ?? Would they be expected to have a WP ?? Possibly ???

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Im going to try and test it this weekend and if i get no sales i waste $39

I predict that you will waste $39 :)

Buying sales traffic is often a complete waste of money, because of the very low quality of the traffic that is directed to your web-site. How many of those web-site visitors will actually be interested in the product that you are offering, and how many of those will actually want to make a purchase? (and how many of those will have the means - Paypal a/c or credit-card to complete that purchase...).

In the real world, we are talking about a very small % of a very small % of.... (repeat loop until you fall asleep...)

Good luck!


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My goal in life is to have an appartment in Thailand and work on my websites for 8 hours per day while living a fun life in the tropics. I dont care if it takes me 2 or 3 years. I could even save up 10k and hole up in thialand next year and concentrate on this full time.

Is this a dream? or could it happen.

And based on your goal, how do you proposed to address the work permit requirements in Thailand for persons working on-line ?

Education visa :whistling:

Anyway, can anyone tell me how I can check my google ranking based on keywords? ie where to do it

The free traffic will be American and searching for my niche so its not 100% dead traffic

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I'm not so sure of this quote from Steve jobs when he was fired from Apple by Sculley, the guy he hired. He said he learned that day that in business you own the majority or you own nothing.

In Thailand you can't own anything, The good thing about online business is it doesn't need to be "based" in Thailand. There are plenty of way to make money, the more profitable is probably the one nobody knows yet.

Thailand is a good place to spend money but make sure that your money is never "stucks" there.

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Where do you draw the line anyway? Are you violating Visa laws if you answer work emails while on vacation in Thailand? If you make a phone call? Write a report for a sick co-worker?

I really think this is a non-issue, but if you're semi successfull, why not hire 4 (5?) bright young Thai college students to help you out. At minimum wage, that would only come out at 25000 baht which isn't a fortune. Your Thai employees may even make some money for you!

The line is easy to be drawn, A tourist is is not living here on a permanent basis/semi permanent basis, claiming residence for the purposes of getting a Thai DL , have long term leases in their name etc etc, and claim their place of residence as Thailand....:rolleyes:

As an Ed visa specifically says work prohibited....and you are working in Thailand, ie operating an on-line business, you are in fact breaking the conditions of your visa and breaking the law by working without a WP

As regards being a non-issue....Phuket Immigration/DOL came out and stated catagorically that working on-line requires a WP and if you didnt have one you are working illegally and please report anyone who is doing it to them....so would suggest this is not a "non-issue"

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Where do you draw the line anyway? Are you violating Visa laws if you answer work emails while on vacation in Thailand? If you make a phone call? Write a report for a sick co-worker?

I really think this is a non-issue, but if you're semi successfull, why not hire 4 (5?) bright young Thai college students to help you out. At minimum wage, that would only come out at 25000 baht which isn't a fortune. Your Thai employees may even make some money for you!

The line is easy to be drawn, A tourist is is not living here on a permanent basis/semi permanent basis, claiming residence for the purposes of getting a Thai DL , have long term leases in their name etc etc, and claim their place of residence as Thailand....:rolleyes:

As an Ed visa specifically says work prohibited....and you are working in Thailand, ie operating an on-line business, you are in fact breaking the conditions of your visa and breaking the law by working without a WP

As regards being a non-issue....Phuket Immigration/DOL came out and stated catagorically that working on-line requires a WP and if you didnt have one you are working illegally and please report anyone who is doing it to them....so would suggest this is not a "non-issue"

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Where do you draw the line anyway? Are you violating Visa laws if you answer work emails while on vacation in Thailand? If you make a phone call? Write a report for a sick co-worker?

I really think this is a non-issue, but if you're semi successfull, why not hire 4 (5?) bright young Thai college students to help you out. At minimum wage, that would only come out at 25000 baht which isn't a fortune. Your Thai employees may even make some money for you!

The line is easy to be drawn, A tourist is is not living here on a permanent basis/semi permanent basis, claiming residence for the purposes of getting a Thai DL , have long term leases in their name etc etc, and claim their place of residence as Thailand....:rolleyes:

As an Ed visa specifically says work prohibited....and you are working in Thailand, ie operating an on-line business, you are in fact breaking the conditions of your visa and breaking the law by working without a WP

As regards being a non-issue....Phuket Immigration/DOL came out and stated catagorically that working on-line requires a WP and if you didnt have one you are working illegally and please report anyone who is doing it to them....so would suggest this is not a "non-issue"

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Where do you draw the line anyway? Are you violating Visa laws if you answer work emails while on vacation in Thailand? If you make a phone call? Write a report for a sick co-worker?

I really think this is a non-issue, but if you're semi successfull, why not hire 4 (5?) bright young Thai college students to help you out. At minimum wage, that would only come out at 25000 baht which isn't a fortune. Your Thai employees may even make some money for you!

The line is easy to be drawn, A tourist is is not living here on a permanent basis/semi permanent basis, claiming residence for the purposes of getting a Thai DL , have long term leases in their name etc etc, and claim their place of residence as Thailand....:rolleyes:

As an Ed visa specifically says work prohibited....and you are working in Thailand, ie operating an on-line business, you are in fact breaking the conditions of your visa and breaking the law by working without a WP

As regards being a non-issue....Phuket Immigration/DOL came out and stated catagorically that working on-line requires a WP and if you didnt have one you are working illegally and please report anyone who is doing it to them....so would suggest this is not a "non-issue"

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Where do you draw the line anyway? Are you violating Visa laws if you answer work emails while on vacation in Thailand? If you make a phone call? Write a report for a sick co-worker?

I really think this is a non-issue, but if you're semi successfull, why not hire 4 (5?) bright young Thai college students to help you out. At minimum wage, that would only come out at 25000 baht which isn't a fortune. Your Thai employees may even make some money for you!

The line is easy to be drawn, A tourist is is not living here on a permanent basis/semi permanent basis, claiming residence for the purposes of getting a Thai DL , have long term leases in their name etc etc, and claim their place of residence as Thailand....:rolleyes:

As an Ed visa specifically says work prohibited....and you are working in Thailand, ie operating an on-line business, you are in fact breaking the conditions of your visa and breaking the law by working without a WP

As regards being a non-issue....Phuket Immigration/DOL came out and stated catagorically that working on-line requires a WP and if you didnt have one you are working illegally and please report anyone who is doing it to them....so would suggest this is not a "non-issue"

The WP thing is a non issue in my opinion. You are putting far too much emphasis on it.

No one knows what I do on the Internet and no money ever enters Thailand. I am under the radar.

Anyway, its very simple to set up a Thai company in order to get a WP.

BTW, I do have a WP.

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The WP thing is a non issue in my opinion. You are putting far too much emphasis on it.

No one knows what I do on the Internet and no money ever enters Thailand. I am under the radar.

Anyway, its very simple to set up a Thai company in order to get a WP.

BTW, I do have a WP.

Why would you be working under the radar if you had a WP....:huh:

Ok I accept you feel willingly breaking the law is an non-issue, so we shouldnt expect any comments from you as regards Police/ goverment corruption/ murders/scams, and whinging the goverment/police should do something then.......thats all against the law as well..:whistling:

Steal a pencil from work or steal a million dollars its still theft which ever way you try and rationalise it.....:rolleyes:

Edited by Soutpeel
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This could be a back and forth conversation for a long, LONG time with very little explained.

You can make a LOT of money online - with internet marketing. SEO is just one facet of it all.

The best thing you can do is goto warriorforum (dot) com. Make a user name and stroll through.

They have very cheap courses if you finally decide to focus on one thing (MAKE SURE YOU ONLY FOCUS ON ONE THING!!) there is so much information out there alot of people get stuck in a state of learning rather then actually doing and don't make any money!!

You can PM me if you want to know more.

Good luck,


Actually I just sent you a PM - I work full-time as an internet marketer and I could use somebody eager to learn.

Thanks to James "skate 1047" for a good link.

Just want to say, that you have to be good in what you are doing to make any money. The Internet offers a lot of possibilities, but may also requires a lot of skills and time.

However, seek and you shall find - you can a lot a lot from browsing and then concentrate on a few fields and become an expert.

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The WP thing is a non issue in my opinion. You are putting far too much emphasis on it.

No one knows what I do on the Internet and no money ever enters Thailand. I am under the radar.

Anyway, its very simple to set up a Thai company in order to get a WP.

BTW, I do have a WP.

Why would you be working under the radar if you had a WP....:huh:

Ok I accept you feel willingly breaking the law is an non-issue, so we shouldnt expect any comments from you as regards Police/ goverment corruption/ murders/scams, and whinging the goverment/police should do something then.......thats all against the law as well..:whistling:

Steal a pencil from work or steal a million dollars its still theft which ever way you try and rationalise it.....:rolleyes:

Read carefully.

What I do on the Internet is under the radar because it all takes place offshore. No one in Thailand will ever know.

I have a WP. I pay tax. I have real business in Thailand. I am not breaking the law.

Your conclusion that my comments regarding "Police/ goverment corruption/ murders/scams, and whinging the goverment/police should do something then" are somehow less relevant because I may not have a WP (your assumption) is seriously flawed. How does not having a WP make my comments "against the law"?

My guess is that you have not figured out how to make money online and just being a dick to those that have.

Your input is duly noted.

You can make your own way out....

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My guess is that you have not figured out how to make money online and just being a dick to those that have.

:cheesy: ...Right...actually I have a real job, which pays real money so I dont need to find addtional income sources to finance my life in Thailand, but it appears based on your comments it is something you have to do.


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define "tourist"

Where do you draw the line anyway? Are you violating Visa laws if you answer work emails while on vacation in Thailand? If you make a phone call? Write a report for a sick co-worker?

I really think this is a non-issue, but if you're semi successfull, why not hire 4 (5?) bright young Thai college students to help you out. At minimum wage, that would only come out at 25000 baht which isn't a fortune. Your Thai employees may even make some money for you!

The line is easy to be drawn, A tourist is is not living here on a permanent basis/semi permanent basis, claiming residence for the purposes of getting a Thai DL , have long term leases in their name etc etc, and claim their place of residence as Thailand....:rolleyes:

As an Ed visa specifically says work prohibited....and you are working in Thailand, ie operating an on-line business, you are in fact breaking the conditions of your visa and breaking the law by working without a WP

As regards being a non-issue....Phuket Immigration/DOL came out and stated catagorically that working on-line requires a WP and if you didnt have one you are working illegally and please report anyone who is doing it to them....so would suggest this is not a "non-issue"

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My guess is that you have not figured out how to make money online and just being a dick to those that have.

:cheesy: ...Right...actually I have a real job, which pays real money so I dont need to find addtional income sources to finance my life in Thailand, but it appears based on your comments it is something you have to do.


Do you assume that because several of my income streams are Internet based that my jobs takes place in Second Life and I get paid in Linden Dollars?

Just so I am aware, what is the difference between your "real job" and my pretend job, besides that all my money is tax free and I work about 2 hours a day online?

Next you'll be asking to compare monthly incomes or penis sizes.

Go play in a thread that you actually know what you are talking about. DMF.

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My guess is that you have not figured out how to make money online and just being a dick to those that have.

:cheesy: ...Right...actually I have a real job, which pays real money so I dont need to find addtional income sources to finance my life in Thailand, but it appears based on your comments it is something you have to do.


Next you'll be asking to compare monthly incomes or penis sizes.

Go play in a thread that you actually know what you are talking about. DMF.

:cheesy: .....naah dont want to embarrass you on either count

"DMF"...thats orginal...:thumbsup:

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