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Having skimmed through all the comments on this thread - both reasoned and profane - it seems to me that the fundamental point is MISSING.

Sure - I eat meat. And until science manages to come up with "cloned" meat, I will reluctantly continue to do so. It is NATURAL. In any case, even if every person on the planet went Vegan (live long and prosper) we cannot stop billions of ANIMALS from eating each other.

And we keep fish and reptiles as "pets" for their aesthetic beauty.

But the point about cats and dogs is that they are a SPECIAL CASE.

Mankind has always bred cows, sheep and their like for FOOD. They are (hopefully) carefully raised and humanely killed, for the purpose. Furthermore, even if you call your cow Daisy, it will never BOND with you.

However, cats and dogs have ALWAYS been bred as our COMPANIONS. They are sentient, intelligent and loyal. They have personalities and are totally dependent on us for their care - and therefore bond with us and TRUST us.

Thus, when we abuse and EAT them, we BETRAY that trust.

@ Morpheusatloppers

I absolutly agree with you! Very well spoken!

No problem with that, but this is the Thailand News forum where dogs are being discussed for what they are, in this case, meat for sale in Vietnam.

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to all the negative posts,a dog is bred as a pet,who becomes part of your family,loyal,intelligent and a freind for life and would put his or her life on the line for you,so if you think its alright to steel someones pet and have them suffer a horrific death the next time

Dog's were not bread to be pets. They were bread for use in hunting to collect food. We made them pets and if you can't look after it, please let someone eat or sell it to feed his family.


These thugs should not have been given bail. They should be made to suffer the same fate they had in mind for the dogs and be beaten to death and then skinned and eaten. The businessmen, police and politicians behind this trade should also suffer the same fate.

Who's going to eat them ?


to all the negative posts,a dog is bred as a pet,who becomes part of your family,loyal,intelligent and a freind for life and would put his or her life on the line for you,so if you think its alright to steel someones pet and have them suffer a horrific death the next time

Dog's were not bread to be pets. They were bread for use in hunting to collect food. We made them pets and if you can't look after it, please let someone eat or sell it to feed his family.

@ Grove:

1. "Dogs were domesticated from gray wolves about 15,000 years ago.[6] They must have been very valuable to early human settlements, for they quickly became ubiquitous across world cultures. Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "Man's Best Friend" in the western world. In 2001, there were estimated to be 400 million dogs in the world.[7]" Wikipedia

2. The dogtraders confessed to sell the dogs for the diningtables to Vietnam because of the high profit. Vietnamese pay 30 Dollar for one dog, I do not think that this is a matter of poorness to feed starving families.

Your comment is pointless


Officers at the quarantine station have buried some dead dogs but more dead ones had been found.

Nakhon Panom is famous for its dog meat. I'm pretty sure that nothing will happen to them.

You won't see a stray dog there, only in form of meat. Most foreigners don't understand why other people eat dogs.

How do we treat our chickens, pigs, cows and other animals???:jap:

I was told(by a Thai) that dog meat can fetch as much as 600baht a kilo?

There are a lot of Soi dogs out there. :whistling:


I understand that the going rate locally is 200 Baht for a good dog (or a plastic bowl for a small one) and I believe they are destined for Sakhon Nakon.

I also understand that all the sellers are Buddhists.

The sellers of their own pets are arso#les. religion means nothing as far as this practice goes.

Religion should not enter into the theme. your either no good to sell your pet, and against the law to pack 2000 on a lorry, these people stink more than a skunk.

If you have to cull -or dispose of do it humanely, the bail should be overturned and the lorry merchants and bosses be fed to a dozen dobermans.

Just to add I took a pregnant bitch in (dog) and took the poor thing to the vets who said she couldn't operate on her to terminate the pregnancy as it was against the law---I was shocked-I re checked with another vet who confirmed that is the case---amazing-you can wonder why strays are around.


Hi all, one of my dogs is missing since 2 weeks already, and no hints about it, I'm looking everywhere with no success. I'm horrorized thinking my lovely could have been in one of that trucks. There's any detail about which provinces these dogs come from? I stay in rayong. Is it too far, isn't it? :annoyed:

Many thanks


Hi all, one of my dogs is missing since 2 weeks already, and no hints about it, I'm looking everywhere with no success. I'm horrorized thinking my lovely could have been in one of that trucks. There's any detail about which provinces these dogs come from? I stay in rayong. Is it too far, isn't it? :annoyed:

Many thanks

@ maxtingtong|: I am sorry to hear about your buddy, I don ' t thin that these morons drove that far to catch dogs, but to make sure just call the quarantine station via 042 522-591.


A Dog Is Not Just For Christmas

Just thought I would mention that.

@ caedholder: :offtopic:

Not :offtopic2: if we are debating dogs as a food item.

@cardholder again: your mentioned article of UK goverment reports about abandoned pups whe were given as christmas gifts, and were left unwanted on the streets in the UK, what the heck this has to do with the illegal dog trade in THAILAND for Vietnamese dog meat 'gourmets' ???

Again, :offtopic2:

Your are clearly not Buddhist, just an obsessed dog "lover" with a bizarre fantasy. Are you all vegan, or what? What you think your food is handled or where dog food comes from?

Well, I think there is an immense misconception about Buddhism. Buddhism is basically just about one thing. "Free YOURSELF from suffering". That's it because no one is able to change the world. Buddhism is not about loving everyone such as even the worst human scum. That is more this religious stuff leading basically to nowhere except maybe a wooden cross. Just correct what is within your power and tolerate the uncorrectable.

I consider myself to be a Buddhist. If something is really making me suffer I start pondering how to correct this. This does not include forgiving any f***ing thugs for whatever they do. Wanna go for my dog's meat? Beware of not ending up as motionless meat yourself. Clearly Buddhist, 'coz it helps to free me from suffering.

Tina is not Buddhist because of her anger? Hogwash, as long she is able to control this anger by letting it out. She is on the right path because she already appears to feel better now. Her suffering seems to have lowered already. She has compassion for the mistreated dogs. Buddhism. She wishes the thugs to hell. Well, she still gotta work on that. Don't care about them and their fate but just accept that scum like that exists. Live with it and have faith that one day they gonna get their "reward". No, not from an upper power but just by a real and natural pattern. Maybe, get bitten by a rabid dog or mauled badly by a bunch of them. Ups. :whistling: Not out of the world like some religious voodoo hoodoo but in line with Buddhist philosophy. Do good receive good, do bad receive bad. Buddhist concept. Nothing to do with obsessed love or hate but more with logic.

Hoping or even badly wishing they get their deserved punishment? Off track and too extreme because if law let's them off lightly this will cause you to suffer. There are just not worth making anyone suffer. They are just scum and well who cares about scum. Scum does usually not have a bright future in real life because the majority does not appreciate scum. And so, it is very likely that one day a proper bill will be presented. Just the thought should make you feel better already while hate just eats you up for nothing. Scum is not worth any suffering. Just have faith in nature. :rolleyes:

"free yourself from suffering"? so why get so emotional and full of hatred about this? learn some self control and relax.

Well some dudes are on bail, because they transported some animals not according to the law. Animals that were transported with the destination wok. Just like any other animals humans eat.

If you eat only pigs and chicken don't call for death penalty if some others eat some others animals too. Where is that Buddhist?

Its a bizarre dog lover fantasy about punishment, not more. And pretty much outside of that what the human society considers as normal, we don't torture humans because some animal to be slaughtered was mistreated. Dog "lovers" maybe would do, probably because they turned dog "lovers" because they have their problem to interact normal with other humans.

Okay is not nice how the animals were transported, but its no reason to wish these people death.

Slaughter houses are no fun, specially for the animals. I know that, but i will continue to eat meat or feed meat to my cats.

How many dogs you have? what do you feed them? Do you know where that food is coming from and how its produced?

There is no reason to turn this into some anti Vietnamese story because they eat dogs or look down on the Chinese because the "eat everything with four legs that moves".

Your are clearly not Buddhist, just an obsessed dog "lover" with a bizarre fantasy. Are you all vegan, or what? What you think your food is handled or where dog food comes from?

Well, I think there is an immense misconception about Buddhism. Buddhism is basically just about one thing. "Free YOURSELF from suffering". That's it because no one is able to change the world. Buddhism is not about loving everyone such as even the worst human scum. That is more this religious stuff leading basically to nowhere except maybe a wooden cross. Just correct what is within your power and tolerate the uncorrectable.

I consider myself to be a Buddhist. If something is really making me suffer I start pondering how to correct this. This does not include forgiving any f***ing thugs for whatever they do. Wanna go for my dog's meat? Beware of not ending up as motionless meat yourself. Clearly Buddhist, 'coz it helps to free me from suffering.

Tina is not Buddhist because of her anger? Hogwash, as long she is able to control this anger by letting it out. She is on the right path because she already appears to feel better now. Her suffering seems to have lowered already. She has compassion for the mistreated dogs. Buddhism. She wishes the thugs to hell. Well, she still gotta work on that. Don't care about them and their fate but just accept that scum like that exists. Live with it and have faith that one day they gonna get their "reward". No, not from an upper power but just by a real and natural pattern. Maybe, get bitten by a rabid dog or mauled badly by a bunch of them. Ups. :whistling: Not out of the world like some religious voodoo hoodoo but in line with Buddhist philosophy. Do good receive good, do bad receive bad. Buddhist concept. Nothing to do with obsessed love or hate but more with logic.

Hoping or even badly wishing they get their deserved punishment? Off track and too extreme because if law let's them off lightly this will cause you to suffer. There are just not worth making anyone suffer. They are just scum and well who cares about scum. Scum does usually not have a bright future in real life because the majority does not appreciate scum. And so, it is very likely that one day a proper bill will be presented. Just the thought should make you feel better already while hate just eats you up for nothing. Scum is not worth any suffering. Just have faith in nature. :rolleyes:

"free yourself from suffering"? so why get so emotional and full of hatred about this? learn some self control and relax.

Well some dudes are on bail, because they transported some animals not according to the law. Animals that were transported with the destination wok. Just like any other animals humans eat.

If you eat only pigs and chicken don't call for death penalty if some others eat some others animals too. Where is that Buddhist?

Its a bizarre dog lover fantasy about punishment, not more. And pretty much outside of that what the human society considers as normal, we don't torture humans because some animal to be slaughtered was mistreated. Dog "lovers" maybe would do, probably because they turned dog "lovers" because they have their problem to interact normal with other humans.

Okay is not nice how the animals were transported, but its no reason to wish these people death.

Slaughter houses are no fun, specially for the animals. I know that, but i will continue to eat meat or feed meat to my cats.

How many dogs you have? what do you feed them? Do you know where that food is coming from and how its produced?

There is no reason to turn this into some anti Vietnamese story because they eat dogs or look down on the Chinese because the "eat everything with four legs that moves".

@ Samurai again:

you are always quoting 'some', we discuss not a few, but 2000 dogs here, the number of 2000 is some? 700 dogs died is some? I clapped hands because I agreed with the poster in most saying, I did not mean that people who do this to animals must die same way, I have stated earlier that they will get back one way or another. These dogs were not only mistreated, they were caught for slaughter, and the way the Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans or what so ever slaughter dogs is sheer torment. They beat them to dead over hours up to a day to tenderize the meat, they were skinned pr burned alive and countless other torture methods are used because 'dog-meat lovers' believe that dogs die in agony and pain will release more adrenaline into their flesh, creating a more potent and flavorful meat. This accounts for the savagely cruel and violent methods of dog slaughtering.

Most pigs, chicken, cows etc... who are indeed breed for the dining tables are not treated such a terrible way. Dogs can sense danger and are killed in front of their companions, and those feel their fear, hear them crying in pain and agony.

I strongly recommend to watch a few videos about dog slaughter, maybe that will change your point of view. Eating dog meat is one thing, the terrible way they are treated and have to die is another!

I live with 3 dogs and 2 cats, two of the dogs are former Thai strays, one is a young pedigree. The cats are also Thai strays.Even if this is out of topic, I feed them Canidae and they also get homemade, natural and holistic foods.

The traders or 'dudes' as you so call them, same as everyone who are sympathetic with them just show how very, very limited their sphere of compassion really is... these guys on bail did it just and only for the greed of money, they confessed that they were paid very well and bringing to mind that a meat-dog in Vietnam is worth about 30 Dollar says it all.

For the videos of evidence, even YouTube has banned most of them for their highly sensitive, disgusting, appalling, shocking, abhorrent and very abusive content. Even if I am pretty sure that you will give a sh*t on this, other readers inhere may not,

is a VIDEO to give you an idea of why I am so terribly upset with this.

@ Samurai again:

you are always quoting 'some', we discuss not a few, but 2000 dogs here, the number of 2000 is some? 700 dogs died is some? I clapped hands because I agreed with the poster in most saying, I did not mean that people who do this to animals must die same way, I have stated earlier that they will get back one way or another. These dogs were not only mistreated, they were caught for slaughter, and the way the Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans or what so ever slaughter dogs is sheer torment. They beat them to dead over hours up to a day to tenderize the meat, they were skinned pr burned alive and countless other torture methods are used because 'dog-meat lovers' believe that dogs die in agony and pain will release more adrenaline into their flesh, creating a more potent and flavorful meat. This accounts for the savagely cruel and violent methods of dog slaughtering.

Most pigs, chicken, cows etc... who are indeed breed for the dining tables are not treated such a terrible way. Dogs can sense danger and are killed in front of their companions, and those feel their fear, hear them crying in pain and agony.

I strongly recommend to watch a few videos about dog slaughter, maybe that will change your point of view. Eating dog meat is one thing, the terrible way they are treated and have to die is another!

I live with 3 dogs and 2 cats, two of the dogs are former Thai strays, one is a young pedigree. The cats are also Thai strays.Even if this is out of topic, I feed them Canidae and they also get homemade, natural and holistic foods.

The traders or 'dudes' as you so call them, same as everyone who are sympathetic with them just show how very, very limited their sphere of compassion really is... these guys on bail did it just and only for the greed of money, they confessed that they were paid very well and bringing to mind that a meat-dog in Vietnam is worth about 30 Dollar says it all.

For the videos of evidence, even YouTube has banned most of them for their highly sensitive, disgusting, appalling, shocking, abhorrent and very abusive content. Even if I am pretty sure that you will give a sh*t on this, other readers inhere may not,

is a VIDEO to give you an idea of why I am so terribly upset with this.

Of course they do it for money. Just like on a pig farm or a chicken farm. Whats wrong with that?

Time to get over the fact that in Asia they have next to lap dogs and pet dogs also wok dogs. Dogs are a food source.

That case is not much a story only for concerned dog lovers but also for concerned dog meat lovers. These people want clean meat from healthy animals, just like you expect your beef or pork to be.

That consumer of dog meats would steal your pet dogs just to eat them is some urban myth.

And dogs raised for meat usually don't leave their feces on the sidewalk or contaminate the lawn in city parks like the dogs of dog lovers do. A dog meat farm is not other trade than a pig farm.

There might be some criminal who steal dogs and sell the meat, but those would probably not hesitate to pass that meat also pork or beef or sell you the meat of sick animals or cadavers that would normally not make it into the food chain for humans because of laws and restrictions how meat for human consumption has to be.

Why it are always the dog lover who cannot simple accept other cultures or other human opinions? Only their world view counts. They cannot accept that other people object when the raise and live with their dogs in big cities, where dogs should not be and leave their feces everywhere, they cannot accept that other people object the breeding of fighting dogs, and they cannot accept that other people don't dogs as family member but as food.

Reading here some comments about their fantasies to punish other humans, starve them, kill them, skin them alive and that dogs are much better then human beings and try to pass this as a Buddhist philosophy i can only come to the conclusion that these people a truly sociopath, antisocial, xenophobes and haters.


@ Samurai again:

you are always quoting 'some', we discuss not a few, but 2000 dogs here, the number of 2000 is some? 700 dogs died is some? I clapped hands because I agreed with the poster in most saying, I did not mean that people who do this to animals must die same way, I have stated earlier that they will get back one way or another. These dogs were not only mistreated, they were caught for slaughter, and the way the Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans or what so ever slaughter dogs is sheer torment. They beat them to dead over hours up to a day to tenderize the meat, they were skinned pr burned alive and countless other torture methods are used because 'dog-meat lovers' believe that dogs die in agony and pain will release more adrenaline into their flesh, creating a more potent and flavorful meat. This accounts for the savagely cruel and violent methods of dog slaughtering.

Most pigs, chicken, cows etc... who are indeed breed for the dining tables are not treated such a terrible way. Dogs can sense danger and are killed in front of their companions, and those feel their fear, hear them crying in pain and agony.

I strongly recommend to watch a few videos about dog slaughter, maybe that will change your point of view. Eating dog meat is one thing, the terrible way they are treated and have to die is another!

I live with 3 dogs and 2 cats, two of the dogs are former Thai strays, one is a young pedigree. The cats are also Thai strays.Even if this is out of topic, I feed them Canidae and they also get homemade, natural and holistic foods.

The traders or 'dudes' as you so call them, same as everyone who are sympathetic with them just show how very, very limited their sphere of compassion really is... these guys on bail did it just and only for the greed of money, they confessed that they were paid very well and bringing to mind that a meat-dog in Vietnam is worth about 30 Dollar says it all.

For the videos of evidence, even YouTube has banned most of them for their highly sensitive, disgusting, appalling, shocking, abhorrent and very abusive content. Even if I am pretty sure that you will give a sh*t on this, other readers inhere may not,

is a VIDEO to give you an idea of why I am so terribly upset with this.

Of course they do it for money. Just like on a pig farm or a chicken farm. Whats wrong with that?

Time to get over the fact that in Asia they have next to lap dogs and pet dogs also wok dogs. Dogs are a food source.

That case is not much a story only for concerned dog lovers but also for concerned dog meat lovers. These people want clean meat from healthy animals, just like you expect your beef or pork to be.

That consumer of dog meats would steal your pet dogs just to eat them is some urban myth.

And dogs raised for meat usually don't leave their feces on the sidewalk or contaminate the lawn in city parks like the dogs of dog lovers do. A dog meat farm is not other trade than a pig farm.

There might be some criminal who steal dogs and sell the meat, but those would probably not hesitate to pass that meat also pork or beef or sell you the meat of sick animals or cadavers that would normally not make it into the food chain for humans because of laws and restrictions how meat for human consumption has to be.

Why it are always the dog lover who cannot simple accept other cultures or other human opinions? Only their world view counts. They cannot accept that other people object when the raise and live with their dogs in big cities, where dogs should not be and leave their feces everywhere, they cannot accept that other people object the breeding of fighting dogs, and they cannot accept that other people don't dogs as family member but as food.

Reading here some comments about their fantasies to punish other humans, starve them, kill them, skin them alive and that dogs are much better then human beings and try to pass this as a Buddhist philosophy i can only come to the conclusion that these people a truly sociopath, antisocial, xenophobes and haters.

@ Samurai, the very last reply! You really don' t want to get it huh? It is not about eating dog meat it is about the very terrible way of trestment before they get on the plates, dam_n it! It is the way this animals have to die! It is really senseless to discuss this matter with you any further... I have better things to do! And last but not least: I do not eat any kind of meat, fish, reptiles, insects or whatever has a beating heart. Taking my dogs on a run, I always have my plastic doggiebags with me and not leave it anywhere, so do most responsible dog owners! Ty to do what you expect from others, respect and acccept that other people LIKE dogs and feel bad about the punishment these pet animals go through. Have a good life!


I did warn earlier about inflammatory baiting. One post deleted, further such posts will result in suspension.


One more. I would highly recommend to those that cannot control themselves that they try walking away from the computer. I will continue to suspend inflammatory baiting posters.

How many dogs you have? what do you feed them? Do you know where that food is coming from and how its produced?

There is no reason to turn this into some anti Vietnamese story because they eat dogs or look down on the Chinese because the "eat everything with four legs that moves".

Well, we are presently sheltering 22 dogs besides 23 cats ourselves. All former strays and take care for about another 30 in our area. We prepare the food freshly every day. Cooking rice and mix it with chicken liver (natural part of the human food chain) and fish (natural part of the human food chain) that we buy on the local market.

Here is a picture of our first dog, shortly after he arrived back in April 2006. He just sneaked in under the outer gate and was hiding behind a palette. When I first discovered him I was not even sure what kind of animal he was. He was so weak he could barely eat a Wiener (made from pork being natural part of the human food chain). Possibly, another three days and he would have been dead. His name is Bunmi which is a typical Thai name standing for "having a sense for good deeds". When I walked with him people laughed at us teasing around that I had such an ugly animal on my leash. I told them to just give him time and the day will come that they will stop laughing. And so it happened.


He does not look very "delicious", doesn't he?

How Buhnmie looks nowadays your can see on my Avatar. Anyway, he was just the beginning of more victims of human magnificence to follow.

Well, naturally, eating is a essential function in life to survive. Eat to live. The human species, however, has perverted this obviously into live to eat and we are surely all aware of the outcome. People die from their eating habits. Ridiculous, isn't it? Objectively considered, Nouvelle Cuisine is kind of perversion. The stranger and rarer the food the better. This is a no brainer by this two legged "super species" extinguishing other species by their pervert habits. Look for example at the subject of shark fins. Is that indeed necessary to survive or just sole decadence? Who will have the privilege to feed on the last XXX on Earth? Will there be an auction?

More weird it becomes when the strangest things are being consumed because of superstition. Rhino horn to help the "little one" to stiffen up etc. Obviously, also dog meat is not consumed because of the necessity to survive and provide the body with essential nutrients but rather for some honky tonk beneficial reasons. This drives the business. Greed paired with brainlessness.

By the way, where has AIDS originally come from? Isn't there the theory that it all started with the consumption of a certain type of monkey sometime, somewhere in Africa? Ups, how about if it was so? The crave for special food has doomed the planet. How do we cope with that? The usual way, shit happens? Well, that would fit the human attitude and brainlessness nicely and also the Buddhist philosophy. You get what you deserve. Tell me, does mankind deserve AIDS under these circumstances? :rolleyes:

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heartless, selfish and ignorant people all over the world.

meat in the extent/mass developped countries eat it makes humans ill, also the side effects of production. meat has become to be the main dish in most countries. the mass production has many consequences for humans and earth.

dog is a friend and intelligent animal. all animals have souls as humans, do feel pain, love, anger, etc as we do.

these dogs have mainly been stolen or just taken, almost all of them look healthy, young and pretty. some huskys, labradors, poodles etc among them. these dogs were not 'farmed' they were stolen. and they had to endure horrible pain, exhaust and fear. many died on the way.

this is a regular thing in thailand. also pigs, chicken etc are transported mostly inhumane, many die already in transport. suffering and bearing horrible fear animals pass on this negative energy on the ones who lateron munch on their flesh.

if slaughterhouses were made of glass, if advertising for meat would not show happy piglets but the reality, if you could hear the screams of cow and other animals to be slaughtered inhumanely (what it is almost always) would you still enjoy your steak? well i guess many would as mankind is an intelligent animal but also has especially cruel abilities.

no one needs to eat dogs or any meat as such to such extent. dog is no food for the poor, it is expensive meat. cruelty to animals has no limits in horror on this planet. but what do you expect from humans who kill and torture each other and not care much for each other?


Read and learn about dogs:


See also: Dog food

Golden Retriever gnawing a pig's foot.

Despite their descent from wolves and classification as Carnivora, dogs are variously described in scholarly and other writings as carnivores[131][132] or omnivores.[3][133][134][135] Unlike obligate carnivores, such as the cat family with its shorter small intestine, dogs can adapt to a wide-ranging diet, and are not dependent on meat-specific protein nor a very high level of protein in order to fulfill their basic dietary requirements. Dogs will healthily digest a variety of foods, including vegetables and grains, and can consume a large proportion of these in their diet.[3]

A number of common human foods and household ingestibles are toxic to dogs, including chocolate solids (theobromine poisoning), onion and garlic (thiosulphate, sulfoxide or disulfide poisoning),[136] grapes and raisins, macadamia nuts, as well as various plants and other potentially ingested materials.[137][138]

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog

By the way, 75% of the food consumed by the dogs fed by our family is RICE. Surprise or possibly just because Thailand is a rice land? In our house about 50kgs of rice go to the dogs (and cats). :whistling:

Tell me, but I feel this thread starts to come to an end and well, we seem to reach a stage that the battle is lost by the dog dodgers just due to facts versus ignorance. What a shame? Nope, I don't think so. Humans superior abilities can be beneficial if employed properly. Even to a seemingly minor creature such as a dog. Case closed. :rolleyes:


One more inflammatory troll post removed. If you can't post without trolling then don't post at all. I have issued multiple warns regarding this and yet people fail to heed. Please be aware that you will be suspended if you troll.


Accept the facts; some countries eat dogs.

Sorry, but this is NOT a fact. However, some people in some countries eat dogs for dubious reasons is a fact. :rolleyes:


Richard Hall - I always thought REAL Buddhism was about not killing anything as it could be your father/grandfather/uncle etc. etc. (reincarnation)??

Anyway, back to the point - as previous posters have pointed out again and again its not about eating dog, its about how they are treated and killed. Those who ill-treat ANY animals will hopefully get their come-uppance in any after-life.

Richard Hall - I always thought REAL Buddhism was about not killing anything as it could be your father/grandfather/uncle etc. etc. (reincarnation)??

Are you sure that this is REAL Buddhism because in Buddhism there is no soul? Hence, how can reincarnation be possible after physical death if their is no "self" that can make a comeback? :rolleyes:


....a dog is bred as a pet,who becomes part of your family,loyal,intelligent and a freind for life.....

Dog's were not bread to be pets. They were bread for use in hunting to collect food. .....

Dogs descended from wolves. Wolves don't bark, dog's do (pun intended). The main reason dogs were adapted to use for humans were their barking to alert and keep strangers at bay. They'll also bark at more ferocious animals (big cats, bears) to keep them away.

There are 3 reasons why the sort of headline in this thread happens in Thailand and not in a first world country.

>>> There are simply too many dogs per capita in Thailand. About 15% are abandoned and over half the remainder are not cared for remotely well. When one species overuns a habitat, they will be culled, one way or another.

>>> there are countries nearby which want dog products, primarily Vietnam and China (for fur also).

>>> Thais have little compuction for selling anything that might earn a few baht. There are some folks in my area who string nets to catch small wild birds - to sell in the market. The ones which aren't sold, what happens to them? I saw a hill tribe kid carrying two owl chicks by the feet (upside down) - I tried to buy them from him (to set them free) but he avoided me. Currently there are no more owls in the cliffs nearby - where there used to be dozens just 10 years ago.

Thais suck at animal husbandry and environment al awareness. I doubt it's taught in schools.

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