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Jatuporn Wants Bt10M Paid To Families Of 91 Killed During Political Turmoil


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Jatuporn wants Bt10m paid to families of all 91 killed in crisis

By Somroutai Sapsomboon,

Piyanuch Thamnukasetchai

The Nation

The Yingluck government has been pressed by the red shirts to release their detained members and pay Bt10 million in compensation to families of the 91 people killed during the political turmoil in April and May last year.

Pheu Thai party-list MP Jatuporn Promphan told The Nation he discussed the matter a few days after being released from jail with Yingluck Shinawatra before she was confirmed as prime minister. He said Yingluck accepted the idea in principle for further discussion but they did not go into detail on the compensation amount.

But he said Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

"I have nothing to gain from this demand but I want to remind the government that it has risen to power because of these heroes and heroines who sacrificed their lives," he said.

Jatuporn denied that he was pressuring the government because he was disappointed at not getting a post in the Cabinet, saying he had not issued an ultimatum or a deadline for when the government must pay the compensation.

Jatuporn said Bt10 million was not a lot of money compared to the money the government spent fighting the protesters. He said the government paid Bt5 million in compensation to the firm that runs the BTS Skytrain for use of the its stations during the crackdown. He said a previous government paid US$500,000 or Bt20 million to a the family of a New Zealand man killed in the May 1992 uprising.

Jatupron said the money should be given to both officials and civilians killed during last year. More than 2,000 people injured during the crisis were also entitled to compensation of varying amounts depending on their condition.

He called on the government to allow red-shirt leaders detained in jails across the country to be freed on bail pending trials.

Adul Khieuboriboon, chairperson of the relatives committee of the May 1992 incident, said he agreed in principle for the government to compensate persons affected by all political crackdowns.

"The government should help them urgently without condition," he said, noting that compensation would be separated from charges. All people of all sides, including yellow shirts in the October 2008 crisis, should get payments, he said.

Justice Ministry permanent secretary Kittipong Kittayarak called on the government to pay people injured or killed during the red-shirt crisis more than the maximum Bt200,000 limited by the law because the drama was a special incident. But he refused to say if families should get Bt10 million as Jatuporn demanded.

Caretaker leader of the United Front Democracy against Dictatorship Thida Tawornset has urged the new government to provide justice by releasing red shirts in prison pending trial. "We are happy that a woman got to be PM but we are sad that many red shirt women are still in jail," she said.

Asked if relatives of people killed last year should get Bt10 million each in compensation, Thida said the figure could be adjusted according to each family's actual losses. The red shirts would meet again to decide on the figure.

Meanwhile Department of Special Investigation director-general Tharit Pengdit said the department had nothing to do with the decision to grant bail to red shirts, saying the matter was up to judges.

The red shirts had sought the release of members arrested during crisis four to five times but their requests had been rejected.

Tharit said the Department had not objected the bail requests. The matter is entirely up to the courts.

Department of Corrections director-general Chatichai Suthiklom said more than 90 red shirts are detained pending trial across the country on charges of torching provincial halls. He said they were fairly treated by wardens without special privileges.


-- The Nation 2011-08-15

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Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

And appropriately, Thaksin = PTP, and thus 10 million per each of his dead supporters and who gave their lives so that he can get his other money back and his power over the country restored is easily affordable from his own private accounts. It's the least he can do to show his appreciation for their sacrificing themselves for him.

Besides, he'll easily recoup it with just a few corrupt government deals in the future.


Edited by Buchholz
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Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

And appropriately, Thaksin = PTP, and thus 10 million per each of his dead supporters and who gave their lives so that he can get his other money back and his power over the country restored is easily affordable from his own private accounts. It's the least he can do to show his appreciation for their sacrificing themselves for him.

Besides, he'll easily recoup it with just a few corrupt government deals in the future.


Good post ,Of Course Buchholz you are 110% correct in your submission, Thaksin and the red shirts go together like Strawberry's and cream if it was not for him and his money the Reds would not be in existence in the first place ,it is he and he alone who should shoulder the responsibility financial or other wise, and for Jatuporn to expect the "blood money" should come out of the public coffers is total BS of the very highest order , after all the reds who sacrificed their lives did so IMHO on Jatuporns orders ,who duly received his from Thaksin , anyone believing any different should go and get a reality check.
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Now we understand that 11 billion tax refund, it is to fund compensation for the deceased Thaksin footsoldiers,. Indeed we have greatly underestimated the genorosity of Brother No 1 and the compassion he feels for those who gave their all to help him. Willing to donate from his personal purse to help those in need as promised in the election campaign by the P.T.P.

Already the P.T.P. campaign promise of " you will all be rich in 6 months is bearing fruit." To think that we have doubted the sincerity of Thaksin and Jatuporn and the P.T.P.

However there does seem to be a . "fly in the ointment " in the guise of one Thida Tawornset, who seems to be forgetting the principles of her political beliefs and movement.

Asked if relatives of people killed last year should get Bt10 million each in compensation, Thida said the figure could be adjusted according to each family's actual losses. The red shirts would meet again to decide on the figure.

The above comment leads to speculation that there are ranks of eliteness within the Red Shirt movement and they are not all equal even in death?

How nice to be able to afford ones principles.

Hypocrites to the core.

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Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

And appropriately, Thaksin = PTP, and thus 10 million per each of his dead supporters and who gave their lives so that he can get his other money back and his power over the country restored is easily affordable from his own private accounts. It's the least he can do to show his appreciation for their sacrificing themselves for him.

Besides, he'll easily recoup it with just a few corrupt government deals in the future.


With the 11 billion returned already, he could afford to pay them 100 million baht each and still have profit to spare

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Including the soldiers & civilians killed by the Red-Shirts ?

And perhaps the government should also reimburse the UDD itself for the cost of their protest ?

And shouldn't the government pay for the pig's-blood thrown at peoples' gates & walls ? Or will the people thus attacked be invoiced by the UDD ?

Why should the UDD's 'contributors overseas' not get their donations back too ?

And the travelling-expenses for the journalists & farang-supporters ?

The list is endless ... :oB)

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It's been almost two weeks since YL got officially endorsed as PM, and already we see them taking care of their mindless zombies, as well as we can see how they are already doing everything that they said they wouldn't do!!! Amazing Thailand!!!!!! I'll bet the bookies are already taking bets on when the next coup will be!!!

Also, to all those Reds who post on this forum, if they compensate the deceased, does that make this a legal coup, as you so childishly rely on in every one of you posts. No one has clarified the difference between a legal and illegal coup for me!

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Including the soldiers & civilians killed by the Red-Shirts ?

And perhaps the government should also reimburse the UDD itself for the cost of their protest ?

And shouldn't the government pay for the pig's-blood thrown at peoples' gates & walls ? Or will the people thus attacked be invoiced by the UDD ?

Why should the UDD's 'contributors overseas' not get their donations back too ?

And the travelling-expenses for the journalists & farang-supporters ?

The list is endless ... :oB)

Can't forget this one on the list...


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The list is endless ... :oB)

Some people weren't able to finish their looting before the flames got too strong, clearly in need of compensation

And still others, who were not Red Shirts, and who were just trying to get along with their lives.....


until Red Shirt Bomber Samai Wongsuwan... intervened

and ended all their aspirations.


A staunch red shirt supporter, Samai Wongsuwan, was earlier identified as the suspect in the bomb blast. Samai was arrested last year in connection with an assault on a group of yellow shirt supporters.

Police found a severed arm in the room rented by Samai Wongsuwan, a man earlier identified as the suspect. A driver's license with Samai's name was found near the body part, according to an officer at the Crime Suppression Division involved in the case.

Also dead at the scene were Apirak Sajjabanyongkij, age 20 and two others, who were a married couple, Jaturong Khamrod and Thassanee Larpcharoen, who all resided in adjoining rooms.


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Shit like this just makes you sick.

But I do believe that karma will come back to bite jatuporn in the butt. Hopefully the Ratchaprasong business and their insurers will demand several billions from the UDD for the damage it did to their lively hoods.

My own view is that Yingluck won't consider this - Shes says "yes" to everything when first asked, then follows it up with a "be patient" a few days later,

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Everybody should be compensated according to the Thai laws and people involved on both sides should be judged by the Court according to the law, nobody should get away from killing anyone ... former DP Suttep insist that he did not order any soldiers to shoot and kill ... so they will have to be dealt with by the Law as well .. wearing a uniform is a not a license to kill.

Unfortunately more than a year has passed without anything happening, hopefully evidence is still available although that might be wishful thinking.

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Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

And appropriately, Thaksin = PTP, and thus 10 million per each of his dead supporters and who gave their lives so that he can get his other money back and his power over the country restored is easily affordable from his own private accounts. It's the least he can do to show his appreciation for their sacrificing themselves for him.

Besides, he'll easily recoup it with just a few corrupt government deals in the future.


Only 3 words into your reply and theres that dirty word 'Thaksin' , dont you get bored because I do. Compo for reds , yellows, officials nothing mentioned about Thaksin. Dems lost their credibility and the election because all their policy where either slagging Thaksin or trying to copy him. Bit like you really.

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Only in Thailand: a group of demonstrators is paid by Thaksin and his co-horts to attend a rally in the capital city. Then........

Rather than stage a peaceful demonstration as advertised, they begin to erect barricades, effectively strashing and shutting down central Bkk - the same city where a non-smoking farang can be fined 2,000 baht for a cigg butt he didn't drop on the pavement. Gun toting thugs are embedded in the crowd, also paid (directly or indirectly) by Thaksin. Bullets get fired, bombs get lobbed by demonstrators, and (and here's the best part) ......now the demonstrators want to get paid yet more money ...for what? For trashing downtown Bkk for two months, and causing nearly 100 deaths!

Thailand gets yet another 'HUB' accolade. This time, it's 'The hub of paying big money to arsonists.'

Including the soldiers & civilians killed by the Red-Shirts ? ......

Expecting Jatuporn to think logically would be like expecting a fish to build a tractor.

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Everybody should be compensated according to the Thai laws and people involved on both sides should be judged by the Court according to the law, nobody should get away from killing anyone ... former DP Suttep insist that he did not order any soldiers to shoot and kill ... so they will have to be dealt with by the Law as well .. wearing a uniform is a not a license to kill.

Unfortunately more than a year has passed without anything happening, hopefully evidence is still available although that might be wishful thinking.

"....... wearing a uniform is a not a license to kill." Apparently wearing a red or black shirt was.

I find it interesting that a figure of B10,000,000 was picked by Jatuporn as it represents around 100 years wages @ B300/day, Perhaps he wants everybody to get the same payment that he received.

If he had announced at the time, it could have boosted the red shirt attendance manifold. Every family in Isaan would have sent their grannie.

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So I'm the only one wondering if this wont cause a spat between UDD & PTP.

Everyone seems to think this is endorsed from above. What if it isn't? What if Jatuporn is more red that PTP, more red than Thaksin?

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Everybody should be compensated according to the Thai laws and people involved on both sides should be judged by the Court according to the law, nobody should get away from killing anyone ... former DP Suttep insist that he did not order any soldiers to shoot and kill ... so they will have to be dealt with by the Law as well .. wearing a uniform is a not a license to kill.

Unfortunately more than a year has passed without anything happening, hopefully evidence is still available although that might be wishful thinking.

Just because the army were not ordered to kill people, doesn't mean they broke the law. In a lot of cases, they would have been well within their rights to shoot back at people shooting at them and attacking them.

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Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

And appropriately, Thaksin = PTP, and thus 10 million per each of his dead supporters and who gave their lives so that he can get his other money back and his power over the country restored is easily affordable from his own private accounts. It's the least he can do to show his appreciation for their sacrificing themselves for him.

Besides, he'll easily recoup it with just a few corrupt government deals in the future.


Only 3 words into your reply and theres that dirty word 'Thaksin' , dont you get bored because I do. Compo for reds , yellows, officials nothing mentioned about Thaksin. Dems lost their credibility and the election because all their policy where either slagging Thaksin or trying to copy him. Bit like you really.

There are many reasons why Democrats lost elections but trying to copy Thaksin is not one of them. A short while back i read about a university poll conducted all over the country that presented the platforms of different political parties without identifying which and asked the respondents to indicate their preference. Even in the North East Democrats' policies were deemed the most favorable. So the issues are not in the policies, it's about the perceptions. And when your sworn and convicted enemy is sitting abroad and is using every day and his billions for propaganda campaign of the feeble minded peasantry, while you have the country to run, the results are not surprising.

Most of Thaksin's policies were a straight up bribery of the plebs. The 20 Baht medical services forced a lot of rural hospitals to shut down because they ran out of money making the people to travel farther to larger towns to get even basic medical help. The easy taxi permits caused the flood of new taxis that drove the competition up and profits down making it that much harder to earn an honest living driving a cab. Rice subsidies made a lot of rice brokers very wealthy but didn't really make any difference to the farmers. Etc, etc.

These were handouts to the political base rather than sound long term public policy. But these people are too short-sighted to see that so, as their entire village, they are putting on red for brother T without really questioning of the reasons. It's a religion now. Thaksin is a smart but corrupt politician. He symbolizes the worst of Thai politics and that is why he's the wrong person to lead the country into something better.

I've had a lot of hopes for Abhisit, most of them were in vain. The lesson of his government is that in Thailand even good guys must play dirty. In many respects it's very similar to the Obama administration in the US. A new, promising young leader arrives with the vision of the better future only to get bugged down in the swamp of special interests, lack of civility, and corruption. In retrospect they both should have thrown the old rules out, stopped thinking about re-election, and just used their term to blaze a new trail regardless of how many people that would have upset.

Now we're back to the hopelessness of "business as usual".

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I find it interesting that a figure of B10,000,000 was picked by Jatuporn as it represents around 100 years wages @ B300/day, Perhaps he wants everybody to get the same payment that he received.

If he had announced at the time, it could have boosted the red shirt attendance manifold. Every family in Isaan would have sent their grannie.

Please explain the payment to Jatuporn. You state that he recebved 10million baht. please substantiate your claim. When did Mr. Jatuporn receive 10million baht compensation and who paid it? You can backup up your allegation right?

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They were breaking the law, looting and disrupting hospitals, threatening to burn down Bangkok, firing RPGs at the skytrain. They want to play like that, then accept the fact you may end up with extra unwanted holes in your body. They are lucky not to be in prison for the chaos and lawlessness they caused everyday Thai people to suffer.

Let Daddy Thaksin pay the 10 million.. He's the one with their blood on his hands.:angry:

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Red-shirt Leader Demands Justice for Jailed, Killed Comrades

The acting leader of the red-shirt movement has called on the prime minister to ensure justice for victims who died in last year's protest crackdown and the group's members who are still being jailed.

Chairman of the red-shirt Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship or DAAD, Thida Thawornset noted that members of the red-shirt group have recently joined the governemnt, while almost 100 fellow red-shirt members, who had stood and fought together, are still being held in prison while many were killed and injured.

Thida said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra must work to the best of her ability to lead her nation, while at the same time, she must not leave her friends behind.

She said that the struggle for justice over deadly protests last year has to be continued after the government solves the country's economic issues.

As for red-shirt leader and Pheu Thai Party list MP Jatuporn Phrompan's demand for the government to pay compensation of up to ten million baht to each family of victims killed in last year's political violence, Thida said the 10-million-baht proposal had been floated a long time before Pheu Thai won the July 3 election.

She noted that the amount of compensation can be adjusted according to the actual loss.

Further discussion for the compensation's details is needed.

Meanwhile, Kittipong Kittayarak, Permanent-Secretary for Justice, in his capacity as the Independent Truth and Reconciliation Commission Chairman, said the panel's meeting to discuss compensation for those injured and killed during the clashes between red-shirts and the military in April and May last year have been held many times.

The panel has resolved that the compensation should be higher than that currently stipulated in the law.


-- Tan Network 2011-08-15


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Pheu Thai Party must "keep its word" because the party promised, after the crackdown, to give families of red-shirt protesters who died in the turmoil Bt10 million each.

And appropriately, Thaksin = PTP, and thus 10 million per each of his dead supporters and who gave their lives so that he can get his other money back and his power over the country restored is easily affordable from his own private accounts. It's the least he can do to show his appreciation for their sacrificing themselves for him.

Besides, he'll easily recoup it with just a few corrupt government deals in the future.


Only 3 words into your reply and theres that dirty word 'Thaksin' , dont you get bored because I do.

- flame deleted -

Bored? and so soon after joining Thaivisa?


great nick, btw...


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