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Are Ladyboys Normal ?


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Saraburioz recently had a topic closed on this subject and I believe that to be a mistake.

The OP was all about trust and a belief that they are mentally ill. This is not a post (or a thread) that is derogatory to one group of people and is, therefore, not in breach of forum rules. A useful and interesting discussion was prematurely ended.

I believe it is worthy of further debate.

Saraburioz's original post is here:-

My brother in law is a ladyboy and a nice affable ladyboy. I like him but don't trust him with my kids as I have posted about on here before.

Many people say ladyboys are normal in Thailand but I believe they are mentally ill.

I discovered that they do, in fact, suffer from a psychiatric disorder, stated by the American Psychiatric Association.

This disorder is "Gender Identity Disorder" or GID for short.

I feel that is important that people in this country know this and NOT to let their child decide for themselves. A child or teenager should be sent to a professional mentala health expert to be helped. Too often these people are accepted to easily as just being a ladyboy when help could be available.

Also, do you think that a ladyboy should be put in a position of responsibility or trust?

I'm not so sure but would like some opinions.

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Suggesting that all ladyboys are psychos and not to be trusted isn't being derogatory?

The real worry here is that the bigots who hold these kinds of opinions are having kids and indoctrinating them with this rubbish.

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I wouldnt trust or distrust a Ladyboy any more or less than any other member of society. In my opinion Thailands relative indifference perhaps even slight acceptance of Ladyboy's makes it much easier for someone who is transsexual be who they truly are inside instead of what society expects from them. Call it a disorder, call it population control a big enough portion of the earth's population is born basically with the brain of a female in a male body or visa versa. This comes out in a number of ways Ladyboys, homosexuals and other transsexuals.

Either way they are perfectly normal both from a sociological and physiological standpoint.

I personally think the relative acceptance of Ladyboys in Thailand should be emulated throughout the world as discriminating against someone simply because they were born a certain way is not really fair.

Also many Pacific Island countries have a similar attitude towards Ladyboys, as in large families often 1 of the youngest males often took on the role of a female. Scientists believe that once a woman has had a certain number of children the testosterone levels in the womb drop to such a level that effeminate qualities and transsexual tendecies quite substantially increase.

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