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Expirience With The True Move Customors Care&The Endless Try To Apply For A Direct Bank Debit!

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with this topic,i want to try find out of other experince peoople may have with the true move customors support!

in my a sign up in tesco lotos chaweng for the 599 thb package,everything works good,so long i pay my monthly bill in 7 eleven,!

because i stay not always in thailand,i sign up for direct debit,that true can take my money from the bank acount,no problem,the true move hotline told,you can do this in any true move store,the fax the papers to us,after sign up for direct debit!

on the next day i go to true move store in nathon,and fill out the nesarsary paper,then the woman in the shop has some problems to sign up for direct debit on my kasikorn bank,she can only use scb and bangkogbank she told,

the hotline did not confirm this,and after talking over a half our with my iphone,with the stuff from the shop on the hotline in bangkok,the apply process was finish,i signature everything,and then the woman says you have to pay 100 thb service charge ,without say any word,i leave the shop!

to days,before i leave thailand,the chancel my internet and all the phone services,i ask what happen,and got the answer,that the never receive any faxpaper from any shop,the "recomend" me to pay the monthly bil on 7 eleven before i leave thailand,but i told them,for what i pay the service charge,talk with the shop,i will not pay the bill,unless i signature everything,and direct debit process was already complett,the man on the phone was very angry and told me,you have to pay before i leave thailand,but,then it can happen i pay,and the take the same amount again,from my bank after the receive the payment!

the make copy of my passboard,but i dont know what happen now,in one word,never true move again,here the left hand,dont know what the right hand will do!

the funny part was also,i ask,how i can chancel the service,can i go back to the same true move shop i sign up for the package,then the hotline told me,sorry sir thats not posible,you cannot cancel on the island,you have to go to surathani mainland or big city,to chancel the contract,indead very strange!

after spending 2 hours in true move store,and over 2 hours on the hotline,i think i should choose another operator in the future !

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