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Welcome To Phuket: Swede Robbed Of B1 Million On Day One


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Well isn't it obvious? His girlfriend set-up this theft? Or am I being paranoid?

Guaranteed. She moved the bags etc. close to windows for easy reach. I mean, a 10 Mil house should have more packing place than close to a window especialy if there is 1 Mil in them.

6 PM. Broad daylight. New people. Nobody is going to think funny if the family come over for some help.

Quick move to Bangkok isn't it ?

This is why a put my girlfriend on an allowance, carry a weeks spending money, and my ATM card has fraud protection. I do smell an inside job

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Sadly naive he must be, or it's an insurance scam... nothing more to say, except that this has nothing to do with nationality.

Did you actually read it? He has no insurance

You're right of course. I blew it off with my comment only having read 90% and bored with it. Noticed it later but couldn't be bothered, the whole thing so spurious.

What is more telling is the way posters here like to jump on the reference to a particular Nationality if and whenever mentioned. One week it's the Germans, next the Swedes and so on. Such a load of shit-for-brains pub talk. It's a pity one has to wade through it to find anything worth reading. Enjoy yourself.

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I got robbed of 14M and a son.

Such is life, BEFORE you know its culture "and after", as long as you learn your way.

I picked up and started again.

So be it.

Such is life. More fool me! - as it was my error.

Believe me, I'm happier now with less than before! :rolleyes: , cos I now have nothing. :rolleyes:

Thailand is full of good women. It isn't as bad as many posters complain about. Have faith.

Don't put your assets into the view of anyone, apart from your accountant ABROAD. :jap:

Do that, and you are fine!


!0 million baht home and a million baht learning curve, not bad, not bad at all, many of us have much more expensive diplomas.

One licks their wounds, gets a tad smarter, and makes the best of the now's, that are left in ones life, nobody died.

I would still take Phuket over Bangkok 10 to 1.

Flash your worth and your asking poor people, that are trying to feed their family, to rip you off, so they can feed their kids, wife

and parents.

Consider it a foolish mistake and also a donation in helping the less fortunate, lose no sleep, just cover your back side better

and be grateful that have a roof, bed, food and coin in the bank.

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Well isn't it obvious? His girlfriend set-up this theft? Or am I being paranoid?

Listen to yourself...what a lame comment!

One should try not to let their mistakes and bad judgment on the people they get involved with,

be a guide on how they think others are.

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It is a good thing reading competency is not required to post on this board. Perhaps there are two articles and I missed one. Nobody left any cash lying about, especially not on the kitchen table. The man still has his entire ฿10,000,000. The thief or thieves stole valuables, things that must be fenced, which is when they become vulnerable and may yet be recovered. The only cash taken was from the gf's purse. If the jewelry was worth that much, there is a good likelihood that much of it will be recovered, especially if an appropriate reward is offered.

Edited by tonypace02
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Isn't it pretty silly to leave 1 mill THB jewelery in the small bag at the uninsured house rather than carry it around? It's probably silly even to buy a lot of gold and carry it around. Everybody wants gold now. But if you must buy gold please buy these big bars and bury it somewhere in the middle of the night making sure nobody's watching. When you're ready try to find the spot again and sell :-)

Henri Charrière (AKA Papillon) buried his treasure at the foot of an ancient tree when he returned some time later the tree was gone and a main road had been built right over where the loot was, sometimes life just ain't fair eh?

A must read btw "Banco: the Further Adventures of Papillon".

Edited by Zammo
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Do I sound jaded if I say that I think the girlfriend was in on it? I wouldnt be surprised if the girlfriend is just waiting for the house to be sold so she can run off with 10 mill and her thai boyfriend.

Edited by Hawkup2000
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Well isn't it obvious? His girlfriend set-up this theft? Or am I being paranoid?

That was a goer before opening the thread. ;)

Don't put your assets into the view of anyone, apart from your accountant ABROAD. :jap:

Best sort of advice on here... and especially don't have the missus know, which will ultimately mean her family.

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Not a Swede a Turnip, who goes out and leaves 1 million baht's worth of goodies on the table, me thinks he has a good insurance policy...........

If he did have home insurance, most standard home owners insurance policies in Thaiand limit jewelry/cash coverage to around 150K-200K baht (with the cash coverage portion being a minor part of the coverage) assuming forceable entry is clearly evident. If you want higher coverage in that area then you have to take out a supplemental policy which can get pricey for coverage of jewelry/cash. And it wouldn't surprise me that trying to convince the insurance company jewelry/cash was stolen takes some effort and documented evidence you really had the jewelry.

Edited by Pib
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What sort of burglar uses a stick to pry open a screen? Around here even the most down on their luck burglar carries a pocket knife or box cutter that will quickly and silently cut through most screens.

ahhh the mosquito screen didn't deter them? now Sherlock, here's our case, it was either a 'blood sucking insect" or the "Thai gf"? but whats the difference. Watson?

I rest my case !


LOL :lol::lol::lol:

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Sadly naive he must be, or it's an insurance scam... nothing more to say, except that this has nothing to do with nationality.

Please learn to read an article thoroughly before assuming nonsense ..... as it seems that quite a few people think its an insurance scam read again before jumping to conclusion Sherlock :rolleyes: :::

they just bought the house and didn't even get the time to get an insurance yet .....

“Mr Lindgren said he had not had time to take out home and contents insurance.”

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Sorry to play the gumshoe here, but I think the stick is a diversion.

The bandits had a spare key from GF, walked in, took what they wanted, then slashed the door on way out. They then left the stick on the ground in order to confuse all the armchair detectives they knew would be trying to crack the case on this forum

Case closed, next please…..

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"The mosquito screen on the security door was broken open." I don't know if I would call that a security door if it had a mosquito screen

Mine does.

Mine too.....

The steel security door is made from square steel tube frame and flat bar cross ways and vertically so that the openings are 200mm x 100mm, the mosquito frame is secured behine it using plastic wing nuts. The whole door is padlocked from the outside. Common Thai practice is to leave this door open to air the house and keep it cool, hence the need for a padlock. I suspect that as it was a new house and the girlfriend said "mehn mahk" and they left the security door open but padlocked to air the house, which may have been an opportune time for a set up. However, anything inside the front entrance room near to the door could be pulled to the entrance with a stick or failing that a fishing rod, they would have known that.

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It is a good thing reading competency is not required to post on this board. Perhaps there are two articles and I missed one. Nobody left any cash lying about, especially not on the kitchen table. The man still has his entire ฿10,000,000. The thief or thieves stole valuables, things that must be fenced, which is when they become vulnerable and may yet be recovered. The only cash taken was from the gf's purse. If the jewelry was worth that much, there is a good likelihood that much of it will be recovered, especially if an appropriate reward is offered.

He does not have his entire B10 milllion, He already lost his B10 Million to his girlfriend, it will not be in his name. Excuse will be found by GF later to boot him out of Her house, when his money dries up and a replacement walking ATM found.

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final score thailand 1 sweden 0

Don't you mean final score: Thai: B11 million (= house + 1 million in jewelry)

Swede: Zero

There is no "final score" until the game is over. For long as there is a population of Thais in Thailand, and a steady flow of farang, and there remains gross inequity between the Thais and all those who come to exploit, or simply 'take advantage' of this, the game goes on.

It is rather naive to expect all Thais to play by the rules, 'rules' as perceived by most Westerners. I know of one 'Westerner' who is cheating Thai artists, and using the wealth he generates in a non-EU Scandinavian country, (wealth he denies having in order to evade taxes), to expand his property empire in Thailand, displacing Thais and shoving $millions off shore, to the benefit of no one except himself. The day I hear of him being tied between two buffalo, stretched, drawn and quartered, and whatever assets stolen, I will celebrate with the locals. And you can all have fun speculating, as to whether it was his Thai wife, a neighbour, or his almost Swedish name, that was the cause of his demise.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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It's called the California / Nevada border syndrome. Californians used to check their brains at the border, as they headed for Las Vegas (lost wages). Ain't love wonderful? The same holds true for Euro newbies. Another one bites the dust. wink.gif

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final score thailand 1 sweden 0

Don't you mean final score: Thai: B11 million (= house + 1 million in jewelry)

Swede: Zero

There is no "final score" until the game is over. For long as there is a population of Thais in Thailand, and a steady flow of farang, and there remains gross inequity between the Thais and all those who come to exploit, or simply 'take advantage' of this, the game goes on.

It is rather naive to expect all Thais to play by the rules, 'rules' as perceived by most Westerners. I know of one 'Westerner' who is cheating Thai artists, and using the wealth he generates in a non-EU Scandinavian country, (wealth he denies having in order to evade taxes), to expand his property empire in Thailand, displacing Thais and shoving $millions off shore, to the benefit of no one except himself. The day I hear of him being tied between two buffalo, stretched, drawn and quartered, and whatever assets stolen, I will celebrate with the locals. And you can all have fun speculating, as to whether it was his Thai wife, a neighbour, or his almost Swedish name, that was the cause of his demise.

Some say, let the law take its course. The Thai police are better than some think. It is their country, after all.

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That's the reason I stay in a condominium,much safer.jap.gif

With the appearance of a different topic, I wait for you to say: "That's the reason I stay in a condom, much safer."

.. sorry, it just crossed my mind :rolleyes:

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final score thailand 1 sweden 0

Don't you mean final score: Thai: B11 million (= house + 1 million in jewelry)

Swede: Zero

There is no "final score" until the game is over. For long as there is a population of Thais in Thailand, and a steady flow of farang, and there remains gross inequity between the Thais and all those who come to exploit, or simply 'take advantage' of this, the game goes on.

It is rather naive to expect all Thais to play by the rules, 'rules' as perceived by most Westerners. I know of one 'Westerner' who is cheating Thai artists, and using the wealth he generates in a non-EU Scandinavian country, (wealth he denies having in order to evade taxes), to expand his property empire in Thailand, displacing Thais and shoving $millions off shore, to the benefit of no one except himself. The day I hear of him being tied between two buffalo, stretched, drawn and quartered, and whatever assets stolen, I will celebrate with the locals. And you can all have fun speculating, as to whether it was his Thai wife, a neighbour, or his almost Swedish name, that was the cause of his demise.

Some say, let the law take its course. The Thai police are better than some think. It is their country, after all.

And I agree with you thaigold, but until there is sufficient support, quality, trust etc in the police and justice system, there will be an alarming number of both bandits and lynch mobs. Eventually the law will take a stronger hold and I welcome the day. But vengeance will always lurk in the shadows. It can only be minimised by a diminishing of the abovementioned inequitiy. Then, and only then will there be a predominance of tourists coming to see what is displayed in the tourist brochures. In my village, there is a guy openly pushing drugs. He did so to me as a welcome to the neighbourhood, and I see him stopping kids walking past to offer the same. I mentioned it my ex, and she adamantly insisted that I NOT tell the police. I will not repeat her reasons, but it was my welfare for which she was concerned.

I think back to last week of that horrible site of those dogs loaded in cages, destined for Vietnam or wherever. Today I envisage a similar picture. The same truck and cages, but filled with paedophiles, being sent to an abattoir for conversion to fertiliser. There is work to be done.

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He's still got the house !!

Yeah but with money borrowed from the Swedish bank, so he's probably broke now.

And trying to sell the house for 10 mill could take a long time..... :rolleyes:

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Yes as previously explained most security doors are grills rather than solid so you need a mosquito screen, mine even have cat flaps :lol:

This setup is pretty standard which is why most thieves now prefer to enter via the roof, just lift up a few tiles and you are in.

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