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This Is Very Serious ! I Need Genuine Answers Only


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Some of you maybe interested in a few of our scorpio`s other posts:





Sorry, but now I am having doubts regarding the whole story.

I can also remember that scorpio became quite aggressive in some of his replies.

Thought the named ringed a bell from somewhere, then suddenly I remembered.

No matter, because the advice given could be of use to another who is in a similar situation.

beetlejuice i do n ot see your point in casting up some of my old points, the second post was regarding my very best friend who was heartbroken when she left him to return to thailand when hee lost his job in uk, also phoned him 3 weeks later to say she had lost the un born baby, what reflection does that had on me ? i do my best to help others out, as proves that ive basically been a dumb assed sh*** and given my lifes savings away to my wife ( nothing in my name !!!! ) i do not know any posts where i became aggrassive so youve got me mistified there on that one .

anyway i would be more than happy for the houses to go into my daughters name, she is 2years 4 months has a uk passport , can obtain a thai passport when we get back to los. then again if she gets a thai passport my wife may try and keep her in los ? i dont know what the future holds for us at all..... by the way i am now unemployed in uk due to recession.

what i am hoping for is if i can keep my cool, dont rock the boat, get back to thailand sell the car and house 50-50 , leave the house in isaan as its no use to me whatsoever if we divorce, my wife knows that if i divorce her now in uk she can still reside here as she has uk resident stamp (5 years ) running untill march 2013 then she can apply for ILR. she knows uk government cannot throw her out of uk or even stop her re entering uk at a later date as she is the mother of a baby with uk passport who was born here . wife is here on E.E.A PERMIT.

i want things to work out, i cant live my life without my kid or i would rather just finish it, ive nothing else in my life, im hoping things will be ok in future, we are on speaking terms now but at the flick of a switch she will go off on one so im basically walking on egg shells here at minute. shes been on anti depressants for few months but stopped them after around four months as she said she still felt they were not working, she has hep b ( carrier ) as i have myself . im waiting to see specialist to see if i have cleared the acute stage of it and my body has rid itself of the infection.

yeah basically an effin nightmare rolleyes.gif fingers crossed !!!!! cool.gif

Edited by scorpio
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"she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

She will get 50-50, like it or not.

I fear she will get the lot!

For one she can't sign land titles over to a foriegner.

And second, like another poster wrote, once she is in Thailand she can basically say "F off your getting nothing" and there isn't a dam_n thing he can do about it!

I wish the OP all the best...don't make rash desisions...think before you act.

If it was me I would kiss and make up...wait untill the dust settles and then tell her about the enourmous profit that you both can make by selling the Thai property and buying in England (this needs carefull planning and traceable varefiables) and when the money arrives...."bye bye, see you in the next life!"

Think before you act dude.

THANKS PAL...... its all about the jai yen yen then wink.gif

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"..... i cant live my life without my kid or i would rather just finish it, ive nothing else in my life, im hoping things will be ok in future,...."

Yeh. "I want to kill myself" would work just fine.

Now that you mention it, for the time being anyway, ignore the child. Show her (your betrothed, that is) it's not a trump card she can use. You can straightan it out with the child later. Do not let her use the child in this matter. If push comes to shove, we can discuss other options later.

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Some of you maybe interested in a few of our scorpio`s other posts:





Sorry, but now I am having doubts regarding the whole story.

I can also remember that scorpio became quite aggressive in some of his replies.

Thought the named ringed a bell from somewhere, then suddenly I remembered.

No matter, because the advice given could be of use to another who is in a similar situation.

beetlejuice i do n ot see your point in casting up some of my old points, the second post was regarding my very best friend who was heartbroken when she left him to return to thailand when hee lost his job in uk, also phoned him 3 weeks later to say she had lost the un born baby, what reflection does that had on me ? i do my best to help others out, as proves that ive basically been a dumb assed sh*** and given my lifes savings away to my wife ( nothing in my name !!!! ) i do not know any posts where i became aggrassive so youve got me mistified there on that one .

anyway i would be more than happy for the houses to go into my daughters name, she is 2years 4 months has a uk passport , can obtain a thai passport when we get back to los. then again if she gets a thai passport my wife may try and keep her in los ? i dont know what the future holds for us at all..... by the way i am now unemployed in uk due to recession.

what i am hoping for is if i can keep my cool, dont rock the boat, get back to thailand sell the car and house 50-50 , leave the house in isaan as its no use to me whatsoever if we divorce, my wife knows that if i divorce her now in uk she can still reside here as she has uk resident stamp (5 years ) running untill march 2013 then she can apply for ILR. she knows uk government cannot throw her out of uk or even stop her re entering uk at a later date as she is the mother of a baby with uk passport who was born here . wife is here on E.E.A PERMIT.

i want things to work out, i cant live my life without my kid or i would rather just finish it, ive nothing else in my life, im hoping things will be ok in future, we are on speaking terms now but at the flick of a switch she will go off on one so im basically walking on egg shells here at minute. shes been on anti depressants for few months but stopped them after around four months as she said she still felt they were not working, she has hep b ( carrier ) as i have myself . im waiting to see specialist to see if i have cleared the acute stage of it and my body has rid itself of the infection.

yeah basically an effin nightmare rolleyes.gif fingers crossed !!!!! cool.gif

Then it appears you are a big softy and this is the problem, as hard and cold as it may sound. I quoted your previous threads to try and establish the facts here, but nevertheless, this is an extremely sad state of affairs, so many evil people in this world, heartbreaking for sure.

From experience I can tell you that these women can be merciless. In their hearts they are colder than ice. Whatever you do, she is not suddenly going to see the light and become the loving wife and mother in the future.

They have an art of manipulating their situation where they gain the advantage and the upper hand on a man as a fast track method to secure their own future. After that the man becomes superfluous to needs as far as she is concerned.

In your case, the wife has all the advantages over you and she knows it. If she didn’t at first, then I have no doubts that there are others who are only too keen to show her the way. It appears that she is playing games with you.

Somehow you must reverse the situation for yourself. You may have to make losses to make gains.

I would first make sorting the affairs of yourself and daughter out in the UK as your top priority and if necessary let the property in Thailand and wife go. I’m sorry to say, but you are not going to come out of this completely intact, but you will find it would have all been worthwhile in the end, a better life for you.

As I said; go and seek professional advice, don’t do anything on the spur of the moment, where you could end up putting yourself in the deeper manure than you are now.

Sometimes we fear that the worst may happen, and when it does, it`s not always as bad as we first thought it would be. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

I know that in life we can find ourselves alone and isolated, having to deal with crap like this. For these reasons we have to take on board a somewhat selfish attitude, put the needs of ourselves first, because no one else will and no one else will care.

Firstly, don’t try and take on too much in one go. Fight this in stages. Concentrate on your health, accommodation and custody of your daughter first, than worry about Thailand after.

Being in the UK and also being unemployed could be to your advantage. You should be eligible for legal aid, local authority housing and free health care. Make the most of it now.

Recognise your situation for what it is, don’t be a willing participant in her games, do things on your terms and you will win.

Good luck old sport

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Good advice by beetlejuice.

She's playing you, and has been from the start. The mood swings, telling you she is dying from a headache, saying she will give you all assets. All a little act. She's a bargirl and probably a card-played. A professional bullshitter. You have been a dutiful and diligent husband. Something this kind of woman sees as a weakness to be exploited.

The main concern should be the child. If she wins custody in the UK you are in trouble. If she wins custody in Thailand then at least you won't go to prison for not paying child support. I recommend that you bargain for custody in Thailand. Sell the car and take the money and put it towards the custody case. Bargain in the early court hearings. Give the rest of the assets to her in exchange for custody of your daughter. If you don't your daughter will probably grow up to be just like your wife and someone else will be in your shoes in twenty years time.

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anyway i would be more than happy for the houses to go into my daughters name, she is 2years 4 months has a uk passport , can obtain a thai passport when we get back to los. then again if she gets a thai passport my wife may try and keep her in los ? i dont know what the future holds for us at all..... by the way i am now unemployed in uk due to recession.

what i am hoping for is if i can keep my cool, dont rock the boat, get back to thailand sell the car and house 50-50 , leave the house in isaan as its no use to me whatsoever if we divorce, my wife knows that if i divorce her now in uk she can still reside here as she has uk resident stamp (5 years ) running untill march 2013 then she can apply for ILR. she knows uk government cannot throw her out of uk or even stop her re entering uk at a later date as she is the mother of a baby with uk passport who was born here . wife is here on E.E.A PERMIT.

i want things to work out, i cant live my life without my kid or i would rather just finish it, ive nothing else in my life, im hoping things will be ok in future, we are on speaking terms now but at the flick of a switch she will go off on one so im basically walking on egg shells here at minute. shes been on anti depressants for few months but stopped them after around four months as she said she still felt they were not working, she has hep b ( carrier ) as i have myself . im waiting to see specialist to see if i have cleared the acute stage of it and my body has rid itself of the infection.

yeah basically an effin nightmare rolleyes.gif fingers crossed !!!!! cool.gif

Reading through all this and as harsh as it sounds, you need start being selfish and start looking after yourself....everything I am reading is about "her" .

My advice while still in the UK.... trial separation, go and live with a family member somewhere until you get your head sorted out, pretty obvious you can't think straight being in the thick of things and she will manipulate you as regards the child, set up a visitation schedule for your child and stick to it, but for all intents an purposes go and do your own thing for while, and do not sit around moping.

If you start bowing down and conceding to every whim, even if the relationship survives, you will end up as a doormat as you are so desparate to keep the realtionship going.

And before sugests I am talking through my ar*e....been there, done that, got the T-shirt, it took a good friend of mine who literally punched in the mouth and told me to wake up and see what was happening before I realised it was happening and can see some of this in the OP posts

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Didn't really want to raise this point but seeing you're suggesting that life is over if you cant see the kid(s) than its harsh reality time.

Was she a former bar girl ?? No sense in using P word.

You can absolutely take it from me that your wife(ex) will not win custody of the children IF you play hardball and accept that you're going to lose lose of face by previously admitting that you married a P.

You to come out with as much bullshit as you can muster about forced circumstances,you thought you were doing the right thing etc etc.

Again I speak from personal experience as per previous poster. My brief made it clear that never in a million years would my ex wife have sole custody if I spoke up likewise.

Fortunately her solicitor knew the score and advised joint custody and in the end no order was made at all. Always ensure obviously that you have possession of Passports etc.

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It looks like 50/50 case , I would give her the house in her home village,

and you take the house in Pattaya, sell the car, share 50/50.

If she is a good mother she will not want to give up her child so again share 50/50

So far we only have the op side of the story,why is everybody going on about his wife.

We really dont know her. As far as I can see both parties are suffering with depression.

and need medical advice to help sort themselves out first. maybe get some counselling.

I would be careful about blaming anybody at this time as there is aslo a child involved.

Please have some compassion on this couple.

Go easy on this family.

Pat :jap:

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Put everything up for sale - maybe she will not want to sell the issan house, in which case get it valued - and split the proceeds -- and start again with your life in pattaya or UK. The *only+ way to quickly resolve a split like this is to sell everything - accept the hit in terms of loss of value - and split the cash.

Your child is another matter -- you need joint custody and very clearly agreed visits all written and agreed between a thai and a UK lawyer in both languages. My daughter has a similar international custody situation and even though she started out with a friendly agreement, and in writing by respective countries lawyers - it soon starts to unravel after some time and circumstances change (like if your ex- meets a new "husband"):blink:

fwiw - don't let your kids uk passport out of your sight -- she can get a thai one as well B)

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<br />If your wife is willing to let you have everything then I fail to see a problem.<br /><br />Have her give you some form of signed official document and come to Thailand and see a lawyer.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Well, lucky you. She is willing to sign; then you need to get a power-of-attorney. You need this in duplicate for each an every transaction (i.e. per car, per house two each):

a) power-of-attorney to pass on the power to a lawyer to represent her

B) power-of-attorney to pass on the power to a lawyer to sell on her behalf

I know, it does not make sense but that's the way it is. Ensure that the POAs show for what particular transaction it is issued (all in Thai obviously).

You will not get any money upfront as you will have to arrange for selling all the assets yourself. And, in all fairness, you might want to tie her into the revenues, after all everything was purchased apparently during your marriage.

Keep her happy and ensure good moods; if she refuses to sell then you get absolutely nothing and you can walk away with empty pockets. There is no legal power to force her to do anything (except possible the vehicle); the law is very much pro-Thai and you will not succeed without her signature.

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"she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

She seems keen to wanting you to want the money as well. Don't rent any rooms above the 3rd floor for your next couple of stays.

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<br />If your wife is willing to let you have everything then I fail to see a problem.<br /><br />Have her give you some form of signed official document and come to Thailand and see a lawyer.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Well, lucky you. She is willing to sign; then you need to get a power-of-attorney. You need this in duplicate for each an every transaction (i.e. per car, per house two each):

a) power-of-attorney to pass on the power to a lawyer to represent her

B) power-of-attorney to pass on the power to a lawyer to sell on her behalf

I know, it does not make sense but that's the way it is. Ensure that the POAs show for what particular transaction it is issued (all in Thai obviously).

You will not get any money upfront as you will have to arrange for selling all the assets yourself. And, in all fairness, you might want to tie her into the revenues, after all everything was purchased apparently during your marriage.

Keep her happy and ensure good moods; if she refuses to sell then you get absolutely nothing and you can walk away with empty pockets. There is no legal power to force her to do anything (except possible the vehicle); the law is very much pro-Thai and you will not succeed without her signature.

True you need her signature but if she wants to stay in the UK and decided to be difficult than you need to start making HER life miserable.They soon come around to a sensible compromise....

Quite simple and I have tried and tested methods !!

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How can she give you a house when a farang cannot own a house? Be careful. Liquidate everything, give her half the cash. If she won't go for this you are in trouble.

Scorpio, how is that getting only genuine answers working out for you?

You've exceeded the point of diminishing returns on advice to your thread by now. The above post is just one example of incorrect answers or bad advice. For example, this guy has confused owning the structure/house with owning the land.

But I digress, there has been good advice given earlier along with several other typical trolling posts, now go forth and implement the good advice and ignore the trolls and uninformed. Good luck to you.

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How can she give you a house when a farang cannot own a house? Be careful. Liquidate everything, give her half the cash. If she won't go for this you are in trouble.

Scorpio, how is that getting only genuine answers working out for you?

You've exceeded the point of diminishing returns on advice to your thread by now. The above post is just one example of incorrect answers or bad advice. For example, this guy has confused owning the structure/house with owning the land.

But I digress, there has been good advice given earlier along with several other typical trolling posts, now go forth and implement the good advice and ignore the trolls and uninformed. Good luck to you.

The OP hasn't done himself any favours. Coming on here asking for serious advice has to be stupid.

Get yourself a Lawyer in the UK who knows something about thai law But you will need a Lawyer you can trust here in Thailand. Or be preprared to walk away with nothing. I wonder if this is a genuine post. how could anyone be so stupid not to have his name on documents relating to homes. You won't sell the house in Pattaya so quickly unless you loose a lot on the asking price, the car is worthless as far as what you will get back on it. It will cost you as much with solicitors as you are likely to get back. UK and Thai Law both split property 50/50 when divorcing your partner, Which you can only do here in Thailand.

A fool and his money :jap:

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How can she give you a house when a farang cannot own a house? Be careful. Liquidate everything, give her half the cash. If she won't go for this you are in trouble.

Scorpio, how is that getting only genuine answers working out for you?

You've exceeded the point of diminishing returns on advice to your thread by now. The above post is just one example of incorrect answers or bad advice. For example, this guy has confused owning the structure/house with owning the land.

But I digress, there has been good advice given earlier along with several other typical trolling posts, now go forth and implement the good advice and ignore the trolls and uninformed. Good luck to you.

The OP hasn't done himself any favours. Coming on here asking for serious advice has to be stupid.

Get yourself a Lawyer in the UK who knows something about thai law But you will need a Lawyer you can trust here in Thailand. Or be preprared to walk away with nothing. I wonder if this is a genuine post. how could anyone be so stupid not to have his name on documents relating to homes. You won't sell the house in Pattaya so quickly unless you loose a lot on the asking price, the car is worthless as far as what you will get back on it. It will cost you as much with solicitors as you are likely to get back. UK and Thai Law both split property 50/50 when divorcing your partner, Which you can only do here in Thailand.

A fool and his money :jap:

And good luck finding a UK lawyer who "knows something about thai law".

Good luck too finding a "Lawyer you can trust here in Thailand".

At the end of the day the OP needs to accept that at least 50% is going to his wife as everything of value is in Thailand.

Previous posters have pointed out that you need to concentrate on your child and pretty much forget the money. Your wife will use your child as a bargaining tool - give her what she wants and the odds are that she will let you have your child.

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she has security !!! she has money in a thai account and a uk account which i do not want !!! she is the one giving me the headache right now, our daughter is suffering through this so its time to move on, all i want is my money back, ive made and given her enough money in uk and thailand i.e house in isaan, all i want is my house and car in pattaya ( or at least a paper to say that i have the right to live there in the pattaya house)

im not prepared to walk away empty handed leaving myself with nothing and her with everything .

I think when you build a house in thailand you should be prepared to lose that money... If she gets to thailand then in my opinion you wont get anything.. be careful

True, they always say never invest more in Thailand than you're prepared to lose. However, I can certainly sympathise and I'll bet this guy can get the ball rolling http://www.udonrealestate.com on the property side anyway while you're still in the UK?

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How can she give you a house when a farang cannot own a house? Be careful. Liquidate everything, give her half the cash. If she won't go for this you are in trouble.

Scorpio, how is that getting only genuine answers working out for you?

You've exceeded the point of diminishing returns on advice to your thread by now. The above post is just one example of incorrect answers or bad advice. For example, this guy has confused owning the structure/house with owning the land.

But I digress, there has been good advice given earlier along with several other typical trolling posts, now go forth and implement the good advice and ignore the trolls and uninformed. Good luck to you.

The OP hasn't done himself any favours. Coming on here asking for serious advice has to be stupid.

Get yourself a Lawyer in the UK who knows something about thai law But you will need a Lawyer you can trust here in Thailand. Or be preprared to walk away with nothing. I wonder if this is a genuine post. how could anyone be so stupid not to have his name on documents relating to homes. You won't sell the house in Pattaya so quickly unless you loose a lot on the asking price, the car is worthless as far as what you will get back on it. It will cost you as much with solicitors as you are likely to get back. UK and Thai Law both split property 50/50 when divorcing your partner, Which you can only do here in Thailand.

A fool and his money :jap:

And good luck finding a UK lawyer who "knows something about thai law".

Good luck too finding a "Lawyer you can trust here in Thailand".

At the end of the day the OP needs to accept that at least 50% is going to his wife as everything of value is in Thailand.

Previous posters have pointed out that you need to concentrate on your child and pretty much forget the money. Your wife will use your child as a bargaining tool - give her what she wants and the odds are that she will let you have your child.

It is quite possible that the mother will recognise it's in her dauthers interest to get an education in the UK etc. Also That she might not want to fight because she will have to spend as much money as the father on lawyers etc. documents having to be in English as well as Thai! That's why I suggested he GO FIND A LAWYER who knows something about this and not get confused by comments such as yours.

Which at the end of the day can only inflame the OP imagination as to what will be the outcome! And has nothing to do with the reality of his situation.

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she has security !!! she has money in a thai account and a uk account which i do not want !!! she is the one giving me the headache right now, our daughter is suffering through this so its time to move on, all i want is my money back, ive made and given her enough money in uk and thailand i.e house in isaan, all i want is my house and car in pattaya ( or at least a paper to say that i have the right to live there in the pattaya house)

im not prepared to walk away empty handed leaving myself with nothing and her with everything .

First you must realize that you do not have a house in Pattaya, nor do you have a car. Who paid for them is totally irrelevant. Once you come to grips this reality, you may actually be able to salvage a bit on the rules of community property. She will beat you on the property unless she is feeling very kind. Likely, that will change. Like others have said, sell it all from the UK. Do not try to resolve it from Thailand.

Edited by Pakboong
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The only leverage you have right now is to not sign any divorce papers.

Under Thai law, it is difficult for her to divorce you if you do not agree, so line up what you want her to do and sign, get that done, then sign the divorce afterward.

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We all think when divorce comes along we should get everything,

just because we paid for everything. But the law says different, Every body knows when you divorce

everything is split ,in your case there are three people involved you, your wife, and your little daughter. I have made the same mistakes myself. Get some sound advise

You have got lots of advise here,pick the best and move on.

I trust you will do the right thing. I hope everything works out for you and your family.

Pat :jap:

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This is my last piece of advise. Some have already given it, but for emphasise, I'll be repetitive.

Do not get a lawyer. At least not one for a divorce. If you have any leverage at all, it will be your unwillingness to divorce.

Do what I've already suggested. She will eventually get tired at looking at your miserable face.

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She is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

If what you want is all the money out

I would suggest to you that a 50/50 split, will be the very best deal you will get, if all the assets where aquired after the marriage, and this is what you should be going for, as it appears all the assets are in her name, so in fact she could stitch you for the lot.

Further do you have any assets in the UK, which were aquired after marriage, as if she is in the UK as a legal spouse she could have you for 50% of that as well, if she decided to go that route.

Try to get this fiasco taken care of while she is in the UK.

Once she gets in Thailand you may as well write it on your belly and wipe it off with your T-shirt.

Okay everything is in HER name.

First thing the Land Office will ask were do you farang come into the picture.

Oh you paid for the property.

Were did the money come from? Oh you brought it to Thailand. How, in a suitcase?

If he made a bank transfer to buy property and told the bank so then the bank has to prepare a T……T….. 3 Form. Note: the TT3 form must be completed at time of money arriving in Thailand NOT 3 or 4 years down the Pike. Banks absolutely refuse to get involved with TT3 at a later date. Aim well familiar of several of these cases. Were I live there are two such cases.

One guy lucked out, he found out just at the last minute that he could buy the property in his name, which then of course he did. But he had already bought a SUV and a Camry in the demimondaines name. After a couple years he conned the demimondaine in that it was time to trade for newer models so they went to the dealer and used the SUV and Camry as down payment for a new SUV and a new car, and she signed the 2-bleu books and gave then to the dealer. Well right after that she learned that she got f**cked because the car she got for the Camry was one of the inexpensive bottom of the line models, plus she was handed a payment book for monthly payments.

The other guy cost him in excess of a million Thai Baht to live in the house HE paid 5-million for money from business dealings he never paid Thai tax on. Get the idea that is how these guys land up in these predicaments. They think they are smart by circumnavigating Thai systems but in the end they fly up against a reinforced concrete wall. Now he lives in a house that the demimondaine legally owns. My suggestion was go to a law firm and have the law firm draw up a loan agreement using the Land Paper which she is in possession of as collateral. The Law firm was able to con the demimondaine in to accept a million baht loan from the guy so now he has paid 6 million for the house - and she signed the loan agreement and walked out the law firms office with a million cash and the law firm registered everything with the Land Office that there is a million baht loan against the property, which must be cleared before the property can be sold. This way she cannot sale the house from under his ass. But it still is her house. You would think that would be the end. Not in LOS. When he was out of Thailand she walked up, opened the door of the top of the line pickup, and drove away, by then she has a Camry and a Pickup, after all it was in her name, same as the Camry, and she had the Blue books saying so. Some body phoned him wherever he was and he hurried back to Thailand and to the law firm, again. This time the law firm convinced her to sale the pickup to him for 250,000 Baht, which she did and signed the Blue book, and the law firm registered it in HIS name. LOL in LOS.

Edited by metisdead
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Things sure went downhill from your first post to your second. If by remote chance you have been imbibing in the sauce you may want to sleep on things.

Why don't you get yourself an Ufustruct on the property. At least you will have a place to live until you kick the bucket (if your wife is agreeable and will consent to the procedure). This would also provide you with extra time to sell the property if that is what you want. Don't know if this can be done from overseas with a lawyer but obviously the land deed would be required.

Usufruct can be easily cancelled by the wife , if they werent married legally it would be different

, i will tell all again, we are legally married and everything was bought after marriage . thanks for your replies

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How can she give you a house when a farang cannot own a house? Be careful. Liquidate everything, give her half the cash. If she won't go for this you are in trouble.

Scorpio, how is that getting only genuine answers working out for you?

You've exceeded the point of diminishing returns on advice to your thread by now. The above post is just one example of incorrect answers or bad advice. For example, this guy has confused owning the structure/house with owning the land.

But I digress, there has been good advice given earlier along with several other typical trolling posts, now go forth and implement the good advice and ignore the trolls and uninformed. Good luck to you.

The OP hasn't done himself any favours. Coming on here asking for serious advice has to be stupid.

Get yourself a Lawyer in the UK who knows something about thai law But you will need a Lawyer you can trust here in Thailand. Or be preprared to walk away with nothing. I wonder if this is a genuine post. how could anyone be so stupid not to have his name on documents relating to homes. You won't sell the house in Pattaya so quickly unless you loose a lot on the asking price, the car is worthless as far as what you will get back on it. It will cost you as much with solicitors as you are likely to get back. UK and Thai Law both split property 50/50 when divorcing your partner, Which you can only do here in Thailand.

A fool and his money :jap:

90% of farangs married to thais must be stupid then ? or do only the smart ( or as i would say "stingy bas*****s" ) buy condo,s and not give their wives nothing , show them no respect whatsoever, its the same same whinging farangs on here day in day out crying about paying a £1000 sin sod to the thai wives family. at the end of the day if you had a farang wife you would buy her a house and a car if you were married with a child would you not ? WE WERE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER ONCE YOU KNOW. a fool takes all his money to the grave and dies a lonely old C***t as far as i am concerned wink.gif

Edited by scorpio
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Things sure went downhill from your first post to your second. If by remote chance you have been imbibing in the sauce you may want to sleep on things.

Why don't you get yourself an Ufustruct on the property. At least you will have a place to live until you kick the bucket (if your wife is agreeable and will consent to the procedure). This would also provide you with extra time to sell the property if that is what you want. Don't know if this can be done from overseas with a lawyer but obviously the land deed would be required.

Usufruct can be easily cancelled by the wife , if they werent married legally it would be different

I think that statement is &lt;deleted&gt;.

If you can support with evidence (of cancelled usufructs - Sunbelt may disagree with you) or you can provide the Thai Land Code that confirms your assertion, I will gladly retract.

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How can she give you a house when a farang cannot own a house? Be careful. Liquidate everything, give her half the cash. If she won't go for this you are in trouble.

Scorpio, how is that getting only genuine answers working out for you?

You've exceeded the point of diminishing returns on advice to your thread by now. The above post is just one example of incorrect answers or bad advice. For example, this guy has confused owning the structure/house with owning the land.

But I digress, there has been good advice given earlier along with several other typical trolling posts, now go forth and implement the good advice and ignore the trolls and uninformed. Good luck to you.

The OP hasn't done himself any favours. Coming on here asking for serious advice has to be stupid.

Get yourself a Lawyer in the UK who knows something about thai law But you will need a Lawyer you can trust here in Thailand. Or be preprared to walk away with nothing. I wonder if this is a genuine post. how could anyone be so stupid not to have his name on documents relating to homes. You won't sell the house in Pattaya so quickly unless you loose a lot on the asking price, the car is worthless as far as what you will get back on it. It will cost you as much with solicitors as you are likely to get back. UK and Thai Law both split property 50/50 when divorcing your partner, Which you can only do here in Thailand.

A fool and his money :jap:

90% of farangs married to thais must be stupid then ? or do only the smart ( or as i would say "stingy bas*****s" ) buy condo,s and not give their wives nothing , show them no respect whatsoever, its the same same whinging farangs on here day in day out crying about paying a £1000 sin sod to the thai wives family. at the end of the day if you had a farang wife you would buy her a house and a car if you were married with a child would you not ? WE WERE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER ONCE YOU KNOW. a fool takes all his money to the grave and dies a lonely old C***t as far as i am concerned wink.gif

Well said Scorpio, You tell em. Now your talking. Wow i love TV. ( I think this tread is a joke) Pat :jap:

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How can she give you a house when a farang cannot own a house? Be careful. Liquidate everything, give her half the cash. If she won't go for this you are in trouble.

Scorpio, how is that getting only genuine answers working out for you?

You've exceeded the point of diminishing returns on advice to your thread by now. The above post is just one example of incorrect answers or bad advice. For example, this guy has confused owning the structure/house with owning the land.

But I digress, there has been good advice given earlier along with several other typical trolling posts, now go forth and implement the good advice and ignore the trolls and uninformed. Good luck to you.

The OP hasn't done himself any favours. Coming on here asking for serious advice has to be stupid.

Get yourself a Lawyer in the UK who knows something about thai law But you will need a Lawyer you can trust here in Thailand. Or be preprared to walk away with nothing. I wonder if this is a genuine post. how could anyone be so stupid not to have his name on documents relating to homes. You won't sell the house in Pattaya so quickly unless you loose a lot on the asking price, the car is worthless as far as what you will get back on it. It will cost you as much with solicitors as you are likely to get back. UK and Thai Law both split property 50/50 when divorcing your partner, Which you can only do here in Thailand.

A fool and his money :jap:

90% of farangs married to thais must be stupid then ? or do only the smart ( or as i would say "stingy bas*****s" ) buy condo,s and not give their wives nothing , show them no respect whatsoever, its the same same whinging farangs on here day in day out crying about paying a £1000 sin sod to the thai wives family. at the end of the day if you had a farang wife you would buy her a house and a car if you were married with a child would you not ? WE WERE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER ONCE YOU KNOW. a fool takes all his money to the grave and dies a lonely old C***t as far as i am concerned wink.gif

What has that got to do with anything? You have asked for serious genuine answers on a forum where most couldn't give a dam_n about your situation, don't know much about Thai law or come up with stupid responses! So sorry for saying how stupid that is.

Get yourself a solicitor when/if you come back to Thailand, only then will you know what will happen. But if you really feel that your last rant is where it's at? Then walk away from it or you might be concidered a stingy bas****d or a lonely old C**T going after what will probably be not a lot in return. Especially by the time the lawyers have had their share!

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