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Migrants Tell Of 'Ruined Lives' In Thailand


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We all know how Thai scammers cheat/lie to white western Falang , we can only imagine how much further they take it with poor migrants from neighbouring countries

So much better to be a farang in Thailand .. A poor Asian is cheated and treated like garbage ..

Edited by Frankster
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why don"t these people try and change their own country,instead of looking for a pot of gold elsewhere.All people who come to another ilegal should just be locked up then kicked out.

You are very naive.

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Break the immigration law and then complain

but thats the way it is, its too difficult for immigrants ( mention mexico here too) to stay in their own lands and take it back from the corrupt govs. that make life difficult for those on the bottom of the order

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Reading stories like this you feel such pity for the people being forced to live like this in the search for a better life, but even more pity for the Thai people that find this sort of treatment of their fellow man is acceptable and their arrogance that they are in some way superior.

Unfortunately the government, like all the past governments will respond will do <deleted> all.

Khon Thai Jai Dee .....not

The situation is deplorable, but once again the ThaiVisa Thai bashers seem to take the view that Thailand is somehow unique in the world when it comes to such news. If you watch the nightly news or run any kind of Google search you'll find the exploitation of economic and political refugees worldwide is a growing problem only made worse with the current economic uncertainty but it's been going through good times and bad in the so-called developed world.

19 Asian cockle pickers die on UK beach

LONDON: Nineteen Asian shellfish gatherers died on Thursday night after being caught by a fast-rising tide on an English beach, prompting charges of exploited migrant labour.

The local member of parliament said the deaths in Morecambe Bay in Lancashire, northwest England, were a tragedy waiting to happen. "Those people that lost their lives last night were not just victims to Morecambe Bay, they were victims of exploitation," Geraldine Smith said.

"They were working probably for very, very little money, working in very dangerous and difficult conditions." The group of around 34 cockle gatherers were cut off from the shore late on Thursday. Police said 16 people, of oriental appearance and with little command of English, had been rescued and were being cared for.


Whilst you are right that this sort of thing happens elsewhere in the world most developed countries have tougher laws against this and it's unlikely the police would be involved as seems to have happened here. Of course whatever rules are put in place someone will break or try to get round them but at least some attempt is made to stop this sort of thing. Just because it happens elsewhere doesn't mean you should do nothing about it otherwise there is the possibility that everyone waits for someone else to deal with it first.

One other point to mention. The cockle pickers in Morecome, UK who died were I believe mainly Chinese. Those charged in connection with this were also Chinese.


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Please tell me you either

a.) were just kidding

b.) live in some hole under a rock

How can you not feel compassion with those people?

why don"t these people try and change their own country,instead of looking for a pot of gold elsewhere.All people who come to another ilegal should just be locked up then kicked out.

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Aren't you glad you're not in their shoes!? And what would you do if you were? Probably the same thing, if you're honest coming from an utterly hopeless place, like that.

Break the immigration law and then complain

but thats the way it is, its too difficult for immigrants ( mention mexico here too) to stay in their own lands and take it back from the corrupt govs. that make life difficult for those on the bottom of the order

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Please tell me you either

a.) were just kidding

b.) live in some hole under a rock

How can you not feel compassion with those people?

why don"t these people try and change their own country,instead of looking for a pot of gold elsewhere.All people who come to another ilegal should just be locked up then kicked out.

I haven't read his other post history but I have a feeling it's neither and he's just an arrogant idiot who doesn't realise how good he has it.

I'm sure if any Burmese were to read his post they would be like "Of course, that's brilliant, why didn't any of us think of that?! We will simply kick out the dictating military junta and then magically solve all of our country's problems and be prosperous overnight. Thanks oo7 for the enlightenment."

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I think the point that I was making earlier, that the mods appear not to have understood (hence their removal of a perfectly good post), is that the bad treatment of people runs throughout this society at every level. Which is why these things happen to poor migrants (at the bottom end), why in the middle we have 'perfectly respectable' and educated Thai wives treating decent farang husbands like Sh..... and why the things that happen in Government and politics happen. This is basically a me-first and selfish society. I see a Thai couple mistreat their Burmese maid on a regular basis - I wouldn't treat my dog like that!

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Yes, the history is there which creates prejudices.

Yes, Thailand is far from perfect in its treatment of migrants. Far far far from perfect.

But, it does shelter a shed load more refugees than a place, say like Australia, would contemplate. And does so with limited resources. It provides health care to them, and children of migrants born here can access the Thai school system.

It also has special permits for Lao, Cambodian and Burmese nationals to work here, which gives them access to jobs and government medical and social provisions, including school for their children.

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these Thai people do as they see fit, then go an make merit, wake up early and give food to a monk, visit a few temples, and all is forgiven and they continue their journey towards nirvana leaving behind the stench of their lies and abuse and corruption,

Sounds similar to a few other religions around the world.

Yes, rather interesting that even non-theistic religions can turn into death cults. I find one of the Thai variants, perhaps just a Sino-Thai variant, particularly interesting when some burn money, sometimes fake money at funerals to insure wealth in the afterlife.

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why don"t these people try and change their own country,instead of looking for a pot of gold elsewhere.All people who come to another ilegal should just be locked up then kicked out.

Well maybe, just maybe it is because those that did attempt to change their own country (Burma) were shot at and imprisoned. Perhaps we instead should ask the bankers in Singapore and elsewhere why they allow the national wealth of Burma to be deposited "offshore" into private accounts. Or perhaps we should ask the government in Beijing, as well as in Bangkok, why they continue to support a repressive regime that would make Saddam Hussein look like Mother Teresa. These refugees are not looking for a pot of gold, only a pot to piss in. And you would have them locked up?!?

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Yes, very important qualifiers:

"quite the fervor"

"never quite perfected".

When the Thais massacred all the Japanese in Ayutthaya and continued to do so all the way down the river and out into the Gulf of Thailand, how does one measure the "fervor"?

But I have to admit they have never been as adept at slavery as some other countries.

Why bring Thaksin into this discussion? The previous military junta and its successor administration led by Mr. Abhisit didn't make an effort in this regard did they? The treatment of foreigners goes far beyond politics and is symptomatic of the nation as a whole. However, before one embarks on a blame the Thai people campaign, just remember that there are many Thais that do have compassion and do care about the plight of others. Who do you think staffs the refugee centers on the Burmese border? Who do you think staffs the animal care facilities? Who do you think has to pick up the drunk farangs in Pattaya?

Also, keep in mind that Thailand was invaded and laid waste to by the Burmese and who destroyed the Ayutthaya Kingdom. The war shaped the mindset of Thailand. It is a country that would make treaties and give up land to try and keep its sovereignty. Of course the Thais are going to be wary of foreigners. It continually had hostile countries on its borders. The Japanese occcupation was a humiliating experience that has been covered up ever since. Yes there is barbaric behaviour in respect to foreigners, however the Thais at least never set up death camps to exterminate people as did one European nation which staffed the death camps with a cross section of various Europeans who all seemed to take great delight in their chosen occupations. Thailand has never massacred non Thai ethnic groups with quite the fervor as one saw in Rwanda/Burundi or Bosnia/Serbia and Thailand never quite perfected the institution of slavery to quite the same level as European or American or Arab nations. So, please keep it inperspective.

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these Thai people do as they see fit, then go an make merit, wake up early and give food to a monk, visit a few temples, and all is forgiven and they continue their journey towards nirvana leaving behind the stench of their lies and abuse and corruption,

Sounds a bit like Catholics and confession.

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