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<deleted> is going on with True and their ADSL service?? Is it so overloaded to the point where one cannot browse without receiving network errors, let alone decent download speeds? The quality of service has greatly deteriorated over the past several weeks and seem to be getting worse. 10M/1M plan and my line stats are good.

Note: These screens were taken earlier today.


Downloads from 3 different file hosting sites. Free or premium account, it makes no difference. I could use multi-threaded download manager, but speed still falls way short of what I should be getting...


Good ol' bit torrent. Throttling to the extreme... P2P is barely usable from 11AM onwards, especially for content that isn't hosted locally.



I've just about had it with this <deleted>' company. :angry:

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I get this with 3BB sometimes, and more often than not the errors seem to be down to the DNS servers.

You might like to try different ones.

After some experimenting, I find that one Thai and one foreign DNS like Google's seems to work pretty well.


Working fine for me. Maybe there are some other issues impacting your service? It looks like you are trying to do too much. Maybe just run torrents or FTP?

My line stats:

Downstream Upstream

SNR Margin (dB): 24.1 9.1

Attenuation (dB): 8.0 2.9

Output Power (dBm): 11.6 16.4

Attainable Rate (Kbps): 26180 1184

Rate (Kbps): 10597 1158

My plan is 9/1, not sure why I get 10.6?

FTP (intra-Thailand, from, seedbox) is running at near wire speed, 1+ Mega-Bytes per second. BT is only seeding, ~ 200 kB/s.

Since switching to True on 3 accounts here I have been very pleased.


Thanks for the response guys.


I've changed DNS so many times, I've lost count. Little did it do to remedy things. However, network errors don't occur as frequently as it did a month ago, but still annoying nevertheless.

After some experimenting, I find that one Thai and one foreign DNS like Google's seems to work pretty well.

It does indeed.

I've always had DNS configured this way.


I wasn't using bit torrent when downloading files via Firefox. Besides, I usually don't run any other downloads alongside bit torrent anyway (for obvious reasons).

My plan is 9/1, not sure why I get 10.6?

Likewise, my router also shows a downstream rate of 10599 Kbps, has been like this for 2-3 months. It used to be 9216 Kbps prior to that.




Could be True is filling up their capaciy and now they suck. Has happened before, first to TOT, then to CAT, then to 3BB.

I am wondering when they'll figure out to properly throttle BT - would probably be good for everyone. But since you are getting network errors as well, I don't think that's it. Line stats look good too so that rules out problems with the line.

Upgrades to the line speed usually means they have new promotions. Rather than reduce your bill for the same speed, they upgrade your speed and keep you at the same rate.


Trying to download files from MU and RS this morning... Average speed is less than 30KB/s -- pretty much unheard of. I usually get very good speeds from both hosts. I've to admit this is the worst it has been since I got the service back in February.

Some dslreports speed test results @ 6:30 AM; not that I have much faith in them to begin with, but what the hell... Again, the results are well below what I normally get. BTW, I cannot access the Microsoft online performance test site.




Since you're also on True, try running the DSLR java test.


Results, True Line 01 (Lines 02 and 03 have users, cannot dump them to test but expect similar results). All in ~ 12 True lines in metro-Bangkok all running great, haven't had a problem report in weeks.




TRUE has been really slow last couple of days but it seems to run fine today.


Last Result:

Download Speed: 9906 kbps (1238.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 1011 kbps (126.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 34 ms

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 11:35:44

speedtest.net server BKK


speedtest.net server LA, CA


The above speedtest result to L.A. is bogus. Notice the ping time of only 43ms (that's one of those faster than light ping times)...ping time to L.A. should be around 200-250ms. The 43ms ping time means your 9.21Mb results is really from a True hidden cache server within Thailand; not the L.A. server. I expect your actual speed to L.A. is in the 3 to 5Mb range (or less). If you enter True proxy server of "proxy.trueinternet.co.th" using Port 8080 into your browser's setup the proxy setting may eliminate the bogus results and also actually speed up your browsing speed as noticed by the eye/brain. I know it did for my True Cable 20Mb/2Mb plan.

And don't worry, if you do try the True proxy and your get the L.A. speed results I mentioned, you have not slowed down your internet speed; you have only made it give you real world/accurate results.

Example with True proxy turned on and turned off:

Proxy "On" Result to LA at 9:10pm/Wednesday night with True Cable 20Mb/2Mb (notice valid ping time...actually testing to L.A. server)


Proxy "Off" Result to LA at 9:12pm/Wednesday night with True Cable 20Mb/2Mb (notice faster than light ping time of 12ms....Speedtest.net result being fooled...really pulling download from a Thailand server...if it was daytime in Thailand (off peak time) I would pull an even more bogus 20Mb download speed)



This is the kind of sh!t I've had to put up with -- now into its fourth day. :angry:


^ As if that wasn't already bad enough... A few minutes later, this...



I was getting similar network errors reported by the OP (I'm using Chrome not Firefox so the message was different).

I switched to Google DNS ( and the errors went away.


Are your issues related just to rapidshare and megaupload?

Are these files being transferred from servers outside Thailand?

Approx. how many GB/month do you transfer?

Obviously not enough information to offer work-arounds.

True does have some pretty sophisticated DPI and monitoring capabilities now. Maybe you've hit some threshold, been tagged and restricted?

Or maybe it's a problem with the RS and MU servers?

Are other people using RS and MU on True or other ISPs having similar problems? Can you source the material locally?

Is it possible that your router can't handle the loads?

I confess I am not at all familiar with these downloading services so have no idea how they work. It seems like it might be a very inefficient utilization of bandwidth, I'm thinking every single user id transferring the same files across international links? If I were a bandwidth provider I might look to restrict that activity?


I've had similar problems with 3bb but using fileserve, and filesonic. Really bad connections, I tried changing DNS and also used a VPN and still the same problem.... It has been worse for me since 3bb changed their DNS settings 2 weeks ago. Gaming on PSN has become worse also... very hard to get connections without LAG


Are your issues related just to rapidshare and megaupload?

No. I experience the very same problem downloading from Fileserve, Filesonic, and Wupload. FWIW, I usually get very decent speeds (>250KB/s), with or without a premium account. The transfer rates I've been seeing lately are way off mark compared to what it used to be.

Are these files being transferred from servers outside Thailand?

Pretty confident that the servers aren't local.

Approx. how many GB/month do you transfer?


Or maybe it's a problem with the RS and MU servers?

Unlikely. I know of several others here and abroad who used the service regularly and have no speed issues with either host.

True does have some pretty sophisticated DPI and monitoring capabilities now. Maybe you've hit some threshold, been tagged and restricted?

That's a distinct possibility, but I wouldn't know for sure.

Is it possible that your router can't handle the loads?

I already tried swapping routers, still the same result.


It would be great to see what's happening on the connection. Some routers offer very detailed logging; I keep a D-Link (DSL-2640BT, ~ 1,500 baht) just for this purpose. It gives logs like this:

Jan 1 00:00:46 daemon notice pppd[573]: PPP: Start to connect ...

Jan 1 00:00:47 daemon crit pppd[573]: PPP server detected.

Jan 1 00:00:47 daemon crit pppd[573]: PPP session established.

Jan 1 00:00:47 daemon crit pppd[573]: PPP LCP UP.

Jan 1 00:00:47 daemon crit pppd[573]: Received valid IP address from server. Connection UP.

(just a sample, but it does show every activity including DNS disconnects)

We only use and for DNS. Others might work occasionally, and even have slightly better performance, again, occasionally.

I might test a single file download from within Thailand just to start to narrow down potential issues and bottlenecks.


I've checked the router logs, nothing out of the ordinary apart from kernel: intrusion alert messages which is normal activity. Bots or people scanning for open ports, happens all the time.


kernel: Intrusion -> IN=ppp_0_100_1 OUT= MAC= SRC= 
DST=124.xxx.xxx.xxx LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=97 ID=256 
PROTO=TCP SPT=6000 DPT=1433 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 


240GB / month?

Maybe they have a fair use cap and you just crossed it? When is your billing cycle over? See if speeds increase right after that...


I've been doing a lot of downloading this month, more so than usual. Whilst 240GB may seem like a lot, I think it's pale in comparison to those with 20M or 50M (cable) connections. Billing cycle ends on the 22nd of each month.

The thought of being capped has crossed my mind, although there's no way for me to find out. While on the subject of fair use, having torrent speeds limited to 512K (0.5M) for 14 hours a day does not constitute fair use in my books. Torrent throttling has been going on for almost as long as I've had the service. Not that it really matters, since I don't use torrents that often anyway. But when I do, I should be able to utilize one-third of my rated speed for that purpose, no matter what time of day it is. I don't think I'm being selfish or too unreasonable here.

UPDATE: Downloading from RS at decent speeds for the time being. Will see how long it holds out...


The problem is very likely your half-open connection and established connections (particularly if you use public torrent trackers).

Limit the half open to 15-20

Limit concurrent connections to below 200.

A quick remedy is to shut down your torrent client, turn off the PC, restart your ADSL modem, turn the PC back on, DO NOT USE TORRENT CLIENT, test connection.

Quite likely your connection speeds will be fine. Then try to open your torrent client, and after 5 minutes check your connection speeds overall again. Probably not so fine anymore.

If the connection is still crap even after following the above steps, the issue is most likely the transparent proxy servers that handles logging on behalf of the government and the implemented policies.

There are (legal) ways around this, but according to forum policies I am not allowed to speak of it publicly.


Well, TRUE's connection has been very laggy for a few days. Anyone else noticing the same? Time-outs and very laggy responses. Looks like there's something wrong with the nameservers.

I've had no such problems on my True cable 20Mb plan here in Bangkok. Late last week I was noticing some little slower than normal speed during the evening....really nothing to complain about it, but this week it's been all good/very normal/very good speed.


The problem is very likely your half-open connection and established connections (particularly if you use public torrent trackers).

Limit the half open to 15-20

Limit concurrent connections to below 200.

A quick remedy is to shut down your torrent client, turn off the PC, restart your ADSL modem, turn the PC back on, DO NOT USE TORRENT CLIENT, test connection.

Quite likely your connection speeds will be fine. Then try to open your torrent client, and after 5 minutes check your connection speeds overall again. Probably not so fine anymore.

If the connection is still crap even after following the above steps, the issue is most likely the transparent proxy servers that handles logging on behalf of the government and the implemented policies.

There are (legal) ways around this, but according to forum policies I am not allowed to speak of it publicly.

No offense, but I do know how to configure a bit torrent client. :rolleyes:

How many times do I have to say it? TRUE THROTTLES TORRENTS. How would you explain downloading at 400-500KB/s, then all of a sudden, speed is reduced to 30-40KB/s and stays like that for the next 14 hours or so?? This occurs EVERYDAY at 11AM precisely.

If you're on True ADSL and don't notice anything, chances are you're downloading from local peers -- which btw, aren't subject to traffic-shaping rules. I can download at my full rated speed (9Mbps) whenever I connect to local peers, 24/7. However, the same cannot be said of "non-local peers", which all face the axe come 11AM. I've verified this time and time again. Same old sh!t.

Well, TRUE's connection has been very laggy for a few days. Anyone else noticing the same? Time-outs and very laggy responses. Looks like there's something wrong with the nameservers.

I've had no such problems on my True cable 20Mb plan here in Bangkok. Late last week I was noticing some little slower than normal speed during the evening....really nothing to complain about it, but this week it's been all good/very normal/very good speed.

Consider yourself lucky to be on cable.

ADSL has been pure crap for over a week now. Even the locals are starting to complain... Something is definitely going on, I just don't know what it is.


Now when the locals/Thais start complaining I definitely agree it's getting bad. Hard to get most Thais to complain about a lot of things until it really gets bad for an extended period. Personally, I wish Thais would complain much more about poor services/products from many Thai companies/individuals....it should get these individuals/companies to improve there service/product (or not).


The problem is very likely your half-open connection and established connections (particularly if you use public torrent trackers).

Limit the half open to 15-20

Limit concurrent connections to below 200.

A quick remedy is to shut down your torrent client, turn off the PC, restart your ADSL modem, turn the PC back on, DO NOT USE TORRENT CLIENT, test connection.

Quite likely your connection speeds will be fine. Then try to open your torrent client, and after 5 minutes check your connection speeds overall again. Probably not so fine anymore.

If the connection is still crap even after following the above steps, the issue is most likely the transparent proxy servers that handles logging on behalf of the government and the implemented policies.

There are (legal) ways around this, but according to forum policies I am not allowed to speak of it publicly.

No offense, but I do know how to configure a bit torrent client. :rolleyes:

How many times do I have to say it? TRUE THROTTLES TORRENTS. How would you explain downloading at 400-500KB/s, then all of a sudden, speed is reduced to 30-40KB/s and stays like that for the next 14 hours or so?? This occurs EVERYDAY at 11AM precisely.

If you're on True ADSL and don't notice anything, chances are you're downloading from local peers -- which btw, aren't subject to traffic-shaping rules. I can download at my full rated speed (9Mbps) whenever I connect to local peers, 24/7. However, the same cannot be said of "non-local peers", which all face the axe come 11AM. I've verified this time and time again. Same old sh!t.

So did you try (shut down your torrent client, turn off the PC, restart your ADSL modem, turn the PC back on, DO NOT USE TORRENT CLIENT, test connection.)?

You have problems with your connection... I'm on the same ISP as you, and yet I have full bandwidth for anything I do - at anytime.

I was foolish enough to share my experience (that works by the way). Take it or leave it.

Very rarely do my torrents connect to the True bitcomet servers since I mostly use private trackers, and rarely use public ones. (You do know that True cashes torrents from the most popular public trackers, right? This has a 2 fold benefit, True saves some international bandwidth, and we get our torrents a bit quicker.)

True does NOT throttle torrent peer speeds. They limit the number of half open connections and concurrent connections. Even if you configure your torrent client "correctly" you WILL see problems when using a public tracker.

You can very easily verify that True does not limit peer speed by using a private tracker where seeds have 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps connections (Not local Thai peers. Most my torrent downloads are from seedboxes hosted with OVH in France). I CONSISTENTLY 24/7 receive 1.05-1.09 MB/s download speed. No limit at all. I, in fact, max my torrent speed with a single seed.

Please, before offering your retort, stop and think about what I have told you. There is no reason for me to give you false or incorrect information.

(and thanks for reminding me why I stopped posting here at Thaivisa...)


The problem is very likely your half-open connection and established connections (particularly if you use public torrent trackers).

Limit the half open to 15-20

Limit concurrent connections to below 200.

A quick remedy is to shut down your torrent client, turn off the PC, restart your ADSL modem, turn the PC back on, DO NOT USE TORRENT CLIENT, test connection.

Quite likely your connection speeds will be fine. Then try to open your torrent client, and after 5 minutes check your connection speeds overall again. Probably not so fine anymore.

If the connection is still crap even after following the above steps, the issue is most likely the transparent proxy servers that handles logging on behalf of the government and the implemented policies.

There are (legal) ways around this, but according to forum policies I am not allowed to speak of it publicly.

No offense, but I do know how to configure a bit torrent client. :rolleyes:

How many times do I have to say it? TRUE THROTTLES TORRENTS. How would you explain downloading at 400-500KB/s, then all of a sudden, speed is reduced to 30-40KB/s and stays like that for the next 14 hours or so?? This occurs EVERYDAY at 11AM precisely.

If you're on True ADSL and don't notice anything, chances are you're downloading from local peers -- which btw, aren't subject to traffic-shaping rules. I can download at my full rated speed (9Mbps) whenever I connect to local peers, 24/7. However, the same cannot be said of "non-local peers", which all face the axe come 11AM. I've verified this time and time again. Same old sh!t.

Well, TRUE's connection has been very laggy for a few days. Anyone else noticing the same? Time-outs and very laggy responses. Looks like there's something wrong with the nameservers.

I've had no such problems on my True cable 20Mb plan here in Bangkok. Late last week I was noticing some little slower than normal speed during the evening....really nothing to complain about it, but this week it's been all good/very normal/very good speed.

Consider yourself lucky to be on cable.

ADSL has been pure crap for over a week now. Even the locals are starting to complain... Something is definitely going on, I just don't know what it is.

Since when does TRUE offer cableinternet? I thought they only offered ADSL?



Regardless of what you may think, I appreciate every single bit of advice / feedback that's been given.

So did you try (shut down your torrent client, turn off the PC, restart your ADSL modem, turn the PC back on, DO NOT USE TORRENT CLIENT, test connection.)?

I've been through the shutdown PC routine, power-cycled network devices, swapped routers etc. No effect. Perhaps I should've mentioned this earlier.

True does NOT throttle torrent peer speeds. They limit the number of half open connections and concurrent connections. Even if you configure your torrent client "correctly" you WILL see problems when using a public tracker.

Makes sense, I'm inclined to agree with you on this one.

FWIW, my torrent program settings are configured rather conservatively.

Very rarely do my torrents connect to the True bitcomet servers since I mostly use private trackers, and rarely use public ones. (You do know that True cashes torrents from the most popular public trackers, right? This has a 2 fold benefit, True saves some international bandwidth, and we get our torrents a bit quicker.)


You can very easily verify that True does not limit peer speed by using a private tracker where seeds have 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps connections (Not local Thai peers. Most my torrent downloads are from seedboxes hosted with OVH in France). I CONSISTENTLY 24/7 receive 1.05-1.09 MB/s download speed. No limit at all. I, in fact, max my torrent speed with a single seed.

I don't doubt the benefits of caching. But as you mentioned, connecting to True bitcomet servers doesn't happen very often.

As for seedboxes, I haven't considered that option due to the simple fact that my torrent usage has dropped in recent years. Since the demise of OiNK and several other private trackers, I've moved to file hosting services which (until recently) has been very reliable.

  • 2 weeks later...

Supernova, thanks for directing me to this thread.

Yes my problem is exactly the same as supernova, and I've experienced this slow down for 1-2 months now, cant really remember. I am on a 7mb adsl plan and I ALWAYS download from filesonic/megaupload/etc. with 750kb/sec+ anytime, up to me. But now... it's always &lt;deleted&gt; 7-15kb. Back to 56k modem age?

I'm quite pissed and annoyed at this, because things were just perfect before and now this


One thing that seem interesting is, that you guys mentioned that we could been tagged and placed on restriction with capped speeds.

Supernova, mind telling me whereabouts are you? The next possible thing I am targetting is..... maybe location. The internet box near us is failing or something.

And yes recently seemed better, like 2-3 days ago. I might get lucky with 100kb, then halfway it drops to 30-50kb. But still that's not acceptable to what I used to get 750kb/sec full speed all the time.

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