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EU prepares humanitarian aid for Tripoli as Gaddafi's regime nears end


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EU prepares humanitarian aid for Tripoli as Gaddafi's regime nears end

2011-08-25 07:41:08 GMT+7 (ICT)

BRUSSELS (BNO NEWS) -- The European Union (EU) on Wednesday announced that its Commission has confirmed complete preparation to carry out its humanitarian response in Libya once rebels are in full control of the country.

Following the dramatic events in Libya with the fast progress of National Transition Council (NTC) troops into Tripoli, the EU noted that out of the €80 million ($115.4 million) which its Commission has allocated to respond to the country's conflict, funding of €10 million ($14.4 million) was reserved to provide assistance once Tripoli and the coastal cities open up for delivery of relief.

The European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) said it will initially focus on support to the health care sector, notably the provision of war surgery and assistance to hospitals which are dealing with a probable large number of war-wounded and with the immediate emergency needs of the general population.

As the Commission continues to fund the provision of relief to vulnerable Libyans and to the refugees who have been trapped in the country by the violence of the last months, ECHO said another priority was protection - including education on demining and identification of risk areas allowing for the safe return of civilians.

"The Commission has been planning for this event for months now," said Kristalina Georgieva, the European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response."We have prepositioned humanitarian stocks in the accessible zones of Libya and have coordinated all efforts with our humanitarian partners."

"We are ready," Georgieva underlined. "Europe will continue to help in an efficient and non-discriminatory way all Libyans who need humanitarian assistance."

International humanitarian partners, which are already positioned in Libya's East and other regions already occupied by the opposition, have been supplying locals with basic need, particularly medical supplies.

Therefore, the Commission noted, humanitarian assistance will be able to be delivered efficiently. The EU's international partners include the International Committee of the Red Cross, UN agencies and NGOs.

The EU has been the largest donor throughout the Libyan crisis, with over €150 million ($216.5 million) worth of humanitarian aid, which is part of the wider package of assistance that the EU is providing in response to the uprising in Libya.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-08-25

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