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Broke Brit In Pattaya Fed By Thai Beer Bar Hostesses


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Broke Brit in Pattaya Fed By Thai Beer Bar Hostesses


A middle-aged Londoner wants return to England after hitting rock bottom in Pattaya. Kind Thai people have given him food everyday. He is upset with the British government for not assisting him although he has paid taxes throughout his life. He is grateful to the Thai police since they will send him back to the UK. If he has the chance he wants to return to Thailand again.

Pattaya, August 24, 2011[PDN]; Police Colonel Chusak Panasumporn, Immigration Director, Chonburi, together with Police Lieutenant Colonel Prapansak Prasarnsuk, Deputy Immigration Director , Chonburi were notified of a destitute foreigner walking around beer bars near the Beach Road in Pattaya.

Upon arrival police find the foreigner: Mr Smit Chistopher Paul age 57, British citizen. Mr Smit is glad to see the police team and he gives them his passport. He tells them that he is down and out, hungry and thirsty but the beer bar women buy him food and drink. Since he ran out of money on July 2011 he had no where to sleep. He added that the persons responsible for English people in Thailand never helped him.

Full story and pictures HERE

-- Pattaya Daily News 2010-08-26


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I have a friend with the same problem in Chiangmai, I have contacted the Embassy and they will contact him.

The guy in this story must realise that he will be detained in the IDC until the ticket and his fines can be purchased.

If he really needed money he could have pawned his rings and the watch.

And I think he is called Christopher Paul Smith.

Edited by beano2274
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You reckon the bar girls concerned are giving him money to send back to his family in the UK for the sick cows and sheep on the farm.

"He added that the persons responsible for English people in Thailand never helped him"

Big rich dont you think...."What persons are responsible for English people in Thailand"......surely he doesnt mean the British consulate/embassy...:blink:

Mr Smit Chistopher Paul....We know you come from mud island AKA the nanny state....but only you are responsible for your actions...because you came to Thailand and drank and whored all your money away....please dont try and pass the responsibility for your actions onto someone else.

Further based on the photo, the man is scamming people..."down and out"... but manages to have a watch on and gold rings on his fingers and looks reasonbley well kept...destitute my ar*e

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I think Mr Smith will find little sympathy from fellow Brits and other Falangs.

A 57 year ne'er do well who expects his government to support "because he has paid taxes" will find that his bleating will fall on stoney ground.

Responsibility starts, and remains always, with the individual.

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You reckon the bar girls concerned are giving him money to send back to his family in the UK for the sick cows and sheep on the farm.

"He added that the persons responsible for English people in Thailand never helped him"

Big rich dont you think...."What persons are responsible for English people in Thailand"......surely he doesnt mean the British consulate/embassy...:blink:

Mr Smit Chistopher Paul....We know you come from mud island AKA the nanny state....but only you are responsible for your actions...because you came to Thailand and drank and whored all your money away....please dont try and pass the responsibility for your actions onto someone else.

Further based on the photo, the man is scamming people..."down and out"... but manages to have a watch on and gold rings on his fingers and looks reasonbley well kept...destitute my ar*e

I totally support the view that he and only he is responsible for his lifestyle, and physical, mental and financial condition. In the photograph he doesn't look to be in a distressed condition. His hair has been cut recently and his beard is tidy so he has had cash money in his pocket until fairly recently. If he doesn't have any folding stuff then it isn't a scam but I would stop short of replenishing his coffers. What he need is a ticket out of here, the UK Government to withdraw his passport until full repayment of the airfare with interest has been made and the the Thai immigration police to black list him.

We have no idea of how he arrived in the mess that he is in so that accusations that he hissed his assets up the wall and lavished much gold upon enticing Thai ladies are, at this stage anyway, totally unjustified.

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Came here the same as every year but ran out of money? And oh yes my passport has expired!

Just and idea, when you are down to last 400 pounds, but a ticket home not spend it on beer and women.

And if he has family back home he wants to return to why don't they help?

Oh I forgot the Goverment must pay for my Jollies to Pattaya.

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He actually looks in better nick than most of the farangs I see hanging around beer bars!

Probably hasn't had the funds to get completely drunk every night, so maybe has recovered a bit to appear (stress on appear) somewhat normal.

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Perhaps I might have felt more sympathy if the story had read "Broke Brit in Sakhon Nakhon fed by Thai farmers and local families. 57 year old Londoner supporting family after Thai wife dies"etc

Another Londoner loses the plot in Asia, Pattaya of all places, after too many "good times". Maybe there's a larger story here, but it amazes me that he allowed himself to get to that stage (if he really did). Wonder what visa he's on?

I imagine a few days in theImmigration cooler and then ship him off home with a "No return" label.

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I totally support the view that he and only he is responsible for his lifestyle, and physical, mental and financial condition. In the photograph he doesn't look to be in a distressed condition. His hair has been cut recently and his beard is tidy so he has had cash money in his pocket until fairly recently. If he doesn't have any folding stuff then it isn't a scam but I would stop short of replenishing his coffers. What he need is a ticket out of here, the UK Government to withdraw his passport until full repayment of the airfare with interest has been made and the the Thai immigration police to black list him.

We have no idea of how he arrived in the mess that he is in so that accusations that he hissed his assets up the wall and lavished much gold upon enticing Thai ladies are, at this stage anyway, totally unjustified.

Didnt say anywhere he was buying gold to entice Thai ladies....:D

If he didnt have any folding stuff..should he not sell his gold rings on his fingers at least then he can show people he has at least tried to make effort to get some cash together...

My logic for making the comments I did....I went with Occams razor.....with all things being considered equal, the simpliest explanation is usually the correct one.

He has blown all his cash on wine,women and song and expected the British govemrent to bail him out

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Maybe there's a larger story here, but it amazes me that he allowed himself to get to that stage (if he really did).

Because where he comes from there is no accountability for your actions, get yourself in a bind of your own doing and go bleating to a goverment department....poor me, not my fault..you have to do something....and has applied the same approach here....I have spent all my money, so British Goverment must fly me home, its not my fault.

IMHO...he is playing the system, same as people do in the UK all the time.

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He added that the persons responsible for English people in Thailand never helped him. He has been coming to Thailand every year for four years continuously, but this time he he ran out money.

Yeah I bought a new S500 Benz from a Thai dealership and a 50 million baht condo on the drip and couldn't make the repayments after I ran out of money. The British Embassy wouldn't lift a finger to help. Bastards.

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I think there's really a need for foreigners to secure their financial concerns especially when they wish to stay here longer.

That's a nice way of putting it Buzzybee as opposed to " I'm dumb as dogshite because I blew every baht I had and then walked around hungry. It wasn't stolen from me. I didn't lose it. I just ran out."

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I have seen that guy few weeks ago when I was in Pattaya. Most of the day, he did sit behind Central Festival on second road and tried to borrow cigarettes from every falang he did see... and told everybody about his story and that the police allowed him take showers in their stations... and that of course, he got ripped and it is all not his fault... and that the Brit gov is treating him so badly...

And don't judge him by the picture. He looked like shit when i saw him beginning August....

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You reckon the bar girls concerned are giving him money to send back to his family in the UK for the sick cows and sheep on the farm.

"He added that the persons responsible for English people in Thailand never helped him"

Big rich dont you think...."What persons are responsible for English people in Thailand"......surely he doesnt mean the British consulate/embassy...:blink:

Mr Smit Chistopher Paul....We know you come from mud island AKA the nanny state....but only you are responsible for your actions...because you came to Thailand and drank and whored all your money away....please dont try and pass the responsibility for your actions onto someone else.

Further based on the photo, the man is scamming people..."down and out"... but manages to have a watch on and gold rings on his fingers and looks reasonbley well kept...destitute my ar*e

Exactly what i was thinking . TiT , you take care your own ass .

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It was my understanding that most airlines insist that you have a return ticket if travelling on a tourist visa He does not look like a person with no money watch.ring clean smart dress so I dont see how he can be sleeping rough. Having lived here for over 5years I still pay my UK taxes does that entitle me to demand the UK government get me home because I run out of money the answer is no maybe he is trying to pull a fast one what was he on when living in the UK Benefits from the government no doubt !!!!!!

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Has anyone seen the 'down & out' foreigner that hangs around Sukhumvit?

- he has a small beard, a bad foot and crutches and a few plastic bags. (not sure what country he is from).

- I often wanted to find out why he is in this situation.

Does anyone know anything more about him?

Edited by easybullet3
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Has anyone seen the 'down & out' foreigner that hangs around Sukhumvit?

- he has a small beard, a bad foot and crutches and a few plastic bags. (not sure what country he is from).

- I often wanted to find out why he is in this situation.

Does anyone know anything more about him?

Sukhumvit is a rather long road. Can you be a bit more specific? Bangkok? Pattaya? Rayong?

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Typical atitude coming from a welfare state zombie.

When will people realise they are responsible for themselves, The taxes he said he has paid over the years are not there to rescue him after he has irresponsibly blown his money on Drinking and buying sex.

If the UK embassy were to bail him out that would be wrong.

Lets hope he stays away, as we don't want these leaches here.

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Police Colonel Chusak Panasumporn, Immigration Director, Chonburi, together with Police Lieutenant Colonel Prapansak Prasarnsuk, Deputy Immigration Director , Chonburi were notified of a destitute foreigner walking around beer bars near the Beach Road in Pattaya.

UPDATE: Upon investigation they returned to the police station with 2500 foreigners in tow being unable to single out the particular one they were looking for from the rest. :D

Edited by mca
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Maybe there's a larger story here, but it amazes me that he allowed himself to get to that stage (if he really did).

Because where he comes from there is no accountability for your actions, get yourself in a bind of your own doing and go bleating to a goverment department....poor me, not my fault..you have to do something....and has applied the same approach here....I have spent all my money, so British Goverment must fly me home, its not my fault.

IMHO...he is playing the system, same as people do in the UK all the time.

Too true too true, your forgetting one thing though (assuming you actually know in the first place). He is British! This means the British government will do sweet F A for him. Had he been of other nationality residing in the UK the they would have swept him up and flown him back first class.

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There are many thousands of homeless people in the UK. Why should the British government bail out this individual??

Typically the UK government through the consular offices will assist oeople in 'distressed circumstances' to obtain a ticket back to the UK. There must of course be some guarantee that you will pay back the money.

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Police Colonel Chusak Panasumporn, Immigration Director, Chonburi, together with Police Lieutenant Colonel Prapansak Prasarnsuk, Deputy Immigration Director , Chonburi were notified of a destitute foreigner walking around beer bars near the Beach Road in Pattaya.

UPDATE: Upon investigation they returned to the police station with 2500 foreigners in tow being unable to single out the particular one they were looking for from the rest. :D

This is going to be a bigger and bigger problem and many Brits will soon find they cannot even live on their pensions. The report on this guy is all rather suspect and beggars further detail, like where did his money go. He can be sent home even if he spent it all on 'working girls'. He just needs someone in the UK to deposit cash and a ticket will be bought for him. Of course the price will have gone up considerably as now his visa overstay has to be taken into account, first there is a matter of his fine, plus there's the 7000 baht taxi fee from the IDC to the airport etc. While the British Embassy was at pains to point out that the recent riots were not 'representative of the UK (They were not, they were part representative of England) it may well be soon that the long standing Thai image of Brits (poo di angrit) as gentleman will finally be laid to rest and be replaced by 'Pattaya Angrit". No insult to Pattaya intended.

Could the local police be on a new PR drive after the Richard Hewitt fiasco?

Edited by andrewdrummond
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