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I had a phone call from a friend the other day about his Thai wife, She has been in the UK for long enough to apply for her ILR Visa, They have just sent the file off to the Boarder agency for approval, She has had a job for over a year now working for an Employment Agency, because thats the only way you seem to get any jobs these days in the UK, Employers like Agency's because the Employee has no rights at all , Higher and fire thats the culture today , but thats another story, she has past her life in the UK test which is fairly hard to do, Jumped through all the Boarder Agency's Criteria for ILR and, paid there money for the Visa sent there file off. The prick at the Employment Agency has fired her because He says that she now has no Visa to stay in the UK, Which is totally wrong , her husband has been to see the idiot who still will not take it on board that she is still eligible to work as her visa has not run out, because she has applied for her ILR before the 27 months are up, and her husband has been in touch with the Boarder Agency to confirm this is correct. How is any body suppose to prove that you are trying to integrate into British Society when people like this keep knocking you back. now she has no Job and cannot claim any thing thats of use,It just seems that the People who do the job properly get knocked back all the Time , if you came from Eastern Europe you would get everything ,thats not racist thats a fact,us tax paying people always seem to get nothing. I think rant over now,


The problem is that her employer at the agency does not know the employment law; which I find surprising if they are a reputable employment agency.

This is not the fault of the UK as a whole, the UK Border Agency, the British Government nor the European Union. It is the fault of the employment agency.

If you must have a rant about citizens of other EU states, at least get your facts right.

EU citizens do not "get everything." They get the same rights as you would get were you to move to another EU state. That is the right to live in the UK while exercising an economic right, e.g. work or look for work, but no right to any benefits except those based on any NI contributions they may have paid while working. They are not entitled to social housing or any similar benefit.

As for what action your friend's wife can take, I don't know; it depends on the contract she had with the agency. Maybe her local Job Centre or CAB can advise.


The problem is that her employer at the agency does not know the employment law; which I find surprising if they are a reputable employment agency.

This is not the fault of the UK as a whole, the UK Border Agency, the British Government nor the European Union. It is the fault of the employment agency.

If you must have a rant about citizens of other EU states, at least get your facts right.

EU citizens do not "get everything." They get the same rights as you would get were you to move to another EU state. That is the right to live in the UK while exercising an economic right, e.g. work or look for work, but no right to any benefits except those based on any NI contributions they may have paid while working. They are not entitled to social housing or any similar benefit.

As for what action your friend's wife can take, I don't know; it depends on the contract she had with the agency. Maybe her local Job Centre or CAB can advise.

So are you saying that stories about East Europeans coming to work in the UK and receiving Child Benefit for children back in their home country are simply not true ?

If you can confirm this 7x7, I know many friends who may take a slightly less jaundiced view of the UK governments welfare policies.

Please confirm.


why should it matter if a person is working or not, I have stated that my wife will not be working during her time in the UK, She wont have any need to really, but that does not say that she might find work if she is granted a visa.

when we seen the question, will you be working in the UK, it sounds like the person is only wanting to be in the UK only to earn money and not to be with your spouse.



The problem is that her employer at the agency does not know the employment law; which I find surprising if they are a reputable employment agency.

This is not the fault of the UK as a whole, the UK Border Agency, the British Government nor the European Union. It is the fault of the employment agency.

If you must have a rant about citizens of other EU states, at least get your facts right.

EU citizens do not "get everything." They get the same rights as you would get were you to move to another EU state. That is the right to live in the UK while exercising an economic right, e.g. work or look for work, but no right to any benefits except those based on any NI contributions they may have paid while working. They are not entitled to social housing or any similar benefit.

As for what action your friend's wife can take, I don't know; it depends on the contract she had with the agency. Maybe her local Job Centre or CAB can advise.

So you are saying that I can get the same living standards and rights which my forefathers fought for in two world wars and payed taxes to be ruled from a foreign country, and seem to get less rights in your own country. Have you tried to claim anything that is your rights to be told Sorry you are not on the Dole so you cannot claim. But this is another thing end of my comment, but thanks for you input you are oner of the ones who knows what they are saying is correct.


So are you saying that stories about East Europeans coming to work in the UK and receiving Child Benefit for children back in their home country are simply not true ?

If you can confirm this 7x7, I know many friends who may take a slightly less jaundiced view of the UK governments welfare policies.

Please confirm.

An EU national exercising an economic treaty right in another EU state can only claim certain funds. In the UK this includes contribution based benefits, provided they have paid the contributions of course! I think that they can, if they are working, also claim various tax credits. I have to admit that I am not sure about child benefit; but I doubt it.

Certainly the right wing propaganda about EU nationals swamping the country and living lives of luxury on benefits paid for by British taxpayers are complete pony.

From Rights and responsibilities

Public Funds

You do not need to work while you are living in the UK. But if you do not work, you must be able to support yourself and your family in the UK without becoming an unreasonable burden on public funds.

It should also be remembered that, as already said, UK nationals have exactly the same rights in all other EU states. OK, not many will want to live in Poland, but what about the thousands of Brits living in Spain?

So you are saying that I can get the same living standards and rights which my forefathers fought for in two world wars and payed taxes to be ruled from a foreign country, and seem to get less rights in your own country. Have you tried to claim anything that is your rights to be told Sorry you are not on the Dole so you cannot claim. But this is another thing end of my comment, but thanks for you input you are oner of the ones who knows what they are saying is correct.

Sorry, not sure what your point is.

Two comments, though.

The parents and grand parents of the people you complain of suffered far more in the Second World War than anyone living in the UK did. Do you know, for example, how many Poles died in Nazi death camps? Whilst there is much about the EU with which I disagree, it must be remembered that one of it's purposes is to stop such horrors happening again in Europe.

Anyone claiming any benefit in the UK, UK national or not, obviously has to show that they qualify for the benefit they are claiming. If they don't qualify then it is not their 'right.'


Sorry about your conundrum and though it won't appease your frustration just realise you're not alone and it's not just the UK.

Next year I'll be leaving here with my boys in tow and leaving their mother behind due to not being able to legally meet the requirements to bring her with, since being here I can not meet the income requirements. A legitimate eight year marriage with 2 children and we have to separate in order to return home, it sucks! But... If I had come across the border like so many others have I'd have virtually no problem, but we have considered the legal way and gotten slapped in the face..

The States touts it's policy to keep "families" together and yet look? Shameful for a country built on immigration and people like me who have paid their taxes and tried to follow all the rules.. They need a policy beyond a fiancee visa that considers length of marriage and factors such as having a legitimate family over these financial requirements none of which apply to the people in the slums back there who get married and have children just so they can sponge off of welfare for each child and live off it. Where we/I on the other hand have never even come close to government assistance..


i agree 100% if you were polish or lithuanian you would get everything on a plate, these people dont even integrate with us the same as the thai,s and chinese , indians etc.

WILL THE TORIES GET IN AGAIN ? I DOUBT IT !! sure then it was under labour that they were allowed in the first place


The above post shows that this topic is inevitably sliding down toward merely repeating of the ignorant propaganda put about by extreme right wing groups.

I have already explained and demonstrated that this propaganda is completely untrue.

I feel that there is no hope of this topic now rationally discussing the issue raised in the OP, which is employment rights.

Therefore; closed.

Forum Rules: 7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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