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Biggest Waste Of Money In Phuket

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How about the Non Thai idiots that sold up or moved to live there ,as Ex-Pats... actually believing they belong in Thailand....and can own FREEHOLD land/property there...paying the extortionate prices charged.

As apposed to the idiots that never have the imagination or finances to live more than 10 miles from where they grew up, which is the case with most Western people.

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@David006 - there is no swing section on the new bridge, (it doesn't need one - it is high enough).

Do you maybe mean the center section of the oldest bridge, which has been raised in height to allow passage of boats beneath, and which has a feature building?

Biggest waste of money? I go with KarenBravo on this. The Welcome Gate, (which has been deserted since it was built) and the Patong sign. Just think how many school books, community health center supplies etc etc etc could have been bought with this money.

So who was it who dreamed up these 2 white elephants?


hmm..well I read someplace that it would swing or lift to accommodate high air draught vessels and give ready access to the Andaman from eastern side recreational mariners/marinas..not that it would be advisable to take any vessel of any draught across that "bar", The structure is on the western side of new recently opened part of the bridge. If it is a "feature" building... I would say that it seems superfluous


The "shortcut" that runs behind Homeworks for which a lot of time & money was wasted to remove a squatter who years ago originally agreed to move when the land was needed. Another new "shortcut" which runs from the back of PSU through to Wichitsongkram Rd. This made the news a while ago when well into the construction they stated it was not feasible due to it being too steep. It now appears to be almost complete.


Rawai Pier! has only ruined my view while having a beer at nikitas!

No way,.....money well spent,its used for numerous good things,fishing etc,nice strolls,embarking from boat trips at low tide, also the longtails use it for loading etc,,great project...sorry it spoils your view fom Nikitas..try talking a walk along the pier and look at the good view from there..


hmm..well I read someplace that it would swing or lift to accommodate high air draught vessels and give ready access to the Andaman from eastern side recreational mariners/marinas..not that it would be advisable to take any vessel of any draught across that "bar", The structure is on the western side of new recently opened part of the bridge. If it is a "feature" building... I would say that it seems superfluous

Perhaps you mean the 'rotunda and raised span of the revamped Sarasin Bridge' as described with photo here


I think that mention should at least be made of the poorly located new bus terminal that no agency seems wiling to operate. But my vote for the biggest waste of money also goes to the Phuket Gateway, a horrible misuse of a very valuable piece of property. That site would have been perfect for the new Lotus that's being completed in Thalang. I could have seen the Lotus along with a Home Pro and misc. other stores including a true drive through hamburger place like In and Out Burgers (from California). That land package would have been perfect because the highway splits going along the sides of it making ingress and egress terrific in both directions.

About the new Sarasin Bridge, the height over the water is much improved, but that sandbar is still a barrier. Since Phuket is being marketed as a yachting destination, why don't they just dredge the channel through that sand bar? The boats in the Yacht Haven and Ao Po marinas would save many Kilometers of travel if they were venturing into the Andaman, and the Thai fishing boats would have a much easier time of it too..


Lets expand it to Thailand and the 8 million thb they want to spend on the new "Miracle Thailand" campaign.

I cant think of any thing that is a waste of money, money well spent though is the new traffic lights by TOT and the new lights and traffic calming measures by Wat Chalong, excellent, now all the wan*ers that use that stretch of road as a race track are now frustrated and forced to slow down, unfortunately I have seen many people ignoring the lights and driving straight through, I always call these people <deleted> wan*ers(under my breath of course!!


Lets expand it to Thailand and the 8 million thb they want to spend on the new "Miracle Thailand" campaign.

The original article quoted 8 billion. Remember they need plenty to spread around plus 1st class junket trips for roadshows.


The "shortcut" that runs behind Homeworks for which a lot of time & money was wasted to remove a squatter who years ago originally agreed to move when the land was needed. Another new "shortcut" which runs from the back of PSU through to Wichitsongkram Rd. This made the news a while ago when well into the construction they stated it was not feasible due to it being too steep. It now appears to be almost complete.

that shortcut is really the biggest waste. Even a good driver can't follow the lines.


I cant think of any thing that is a waste of money, money well spent though is the new traffic lights by TOT and the new lights and traffic calming measures by Wat Chalong, excellent, now all the wan*ers that use that stretch of road as a race track are now frustrated and forced to slow down, unfortunately I have seen many people ignoring the lights and driving straight through, I always call these people <deleted> wan*ers(under my breath of course!!

I dont agree with all the traffic lights on chao fa rd. but some are needed. i have seen some real hoons racing along there in some high performance cars. I reckon have seen some going at 160+


I cant think of any thing that is a waste of money, money well spent though is the new traffic lights by TOT and the new lights and traffic calming measures by Wat Chalong, excellent, now all the wan*ers that use that stretch of road as a race track are now frustrated and forced to slow down, unfortunately I have seen many people ignoring the lights and driving straight through, I always call these people <deleted> wan*ers(under my breath of course!!

I dont agree with all the traffic lights on chao fa rd. but some are needed. i have seen some real hoons racing along there in some high performance cars. I reckon have seen some going at 160+

Yep and the scary thing is if you are in their way, well you can guess what might happen.


yes, those two extra sets of lights are frustrating when you are travelling down Chao Fah road West, but, they are a God-send if you are trying to turn right out of a side soi.


yes, those two extra sets of lights are frustrating when you are travelling down Chao Fah road West, but, they are a God-send if you are trying to turn right out of a side soi.

If you are in a big hurry and have no patience and do not care about road safety then indeed these new lights will be frustrating, any thing that helps to keep people safe is a very good thing!!

Not accusing any one as I am sure every ex-pat in Thailand is very considerate of others!!


WHen they took down the nice sculputure and at the Chalong circle and made a 4-way intersection.. Remember that? It lasted about a day with tail back to the pier! F*ing morons.

Now the waste cones to create and encourage a u-turn.

Yes Anchalee and her great ideas too.. the Patong sign instead of resurfacing the road.

Splash Jungle was a huge waste as it destroyed all the land and remember the 100 year old Tree that was chopped down?

Lots of developments in the north especially ...

Puravarna.. and now that guy is out of jail.


That long empty row of shops on north end of patong beach road must have cost a mint... Im guessing only a matter of time before they are knocked doen and one of the big hotel chains snatches it up.


How about the new illuminated signs on Chaofa West, indicating a speed limit of 30kph around the bends?

I tried to do it at 30kph this morning just to try it out and it was practically impossible, With several vehicles rapidly catching me up I went back to normal speed. Maybe they have their miles and kilometres mixed up.


How about the new illuminated signs on Chaofa West, indicating a speed limit of 30kph around the bends?

I tried to do it at 30kph this morning just to try it out and it was practically impossible, With several vehicles rapidly catching me up I went back to normal speed. Maybe they have their miles and kilometres mixed up.

At least they are making the effort to make the roads safer, although saying this people will continue to ignore signs and traffic lights!! I now feel so much safer on that stretch of road due to the new lights and lane barriers, turning out of Luangporchuang Road(just before Wat Chalong, is now excellent and very safe,


What is it with those shops and buildings. The shutters are rusting and it looks derelict and old, but are fairly new. No doubt that it is owned by someone who is asking far too much and will not charge a reasonable rent to save face! It is an eyesore.

That long empty row of shops on north end of patong beach road must have cost a mint... Im guessing only a matter of time before they are knocked doen and one of the big hotel chains snatches it up.


How about the Non Thai idiots that sold up or moved to live there ,as Ex-Pats... actually believing they belong in Thailand....and can own FREEHOLD land/property there...paying the extortionate prices charged.

As apposed to the idiots that never have the imagination or finances to live more than 10 miles from where they grew up, which is the case with most Western people.

Nicely put Ian.


Splash Jungle was a huge waste as it destroyed all the land and remember the 100 year old Tree that was chopped down?

They got a stunning mature Banyan this past week, on Rte 402 just north of By pass road. I remember when the hundreds of those fragrant , indigenous trees were chopped down on 402 and then sugar palms were replanted. Yeah that was the biggest waste and biggest crying shame, too..

Something about Thais and trees, they gotta cut em down.

I noticed a whole line of mature trees sacrificed for widening airport road. I have never seen a hazard on that road other than speeding taxi vans, it does not need widening, which will encourage even more supersonic speeds.


How about the new illuminated signs on Chaofa West, indicating a speed limit of 30kph around the bends?

I tried to do it at 30kph this morning just to try it out and it was practically impossible, With several vehicles rapidly catching me up I went back to normal speed. Maybe they have their miles and kilometres mixed up.

Yeah that is a funny one. 30kph? That's 18.6mph. :blink: The weirdest thing is if you look 20m past them there are 60kph "curve ahead" signs. So which is it?

I don't see the sunken airplanes and helicopter artificial dive site on the list. Dragged away in less than a season by currents, surge and trawlers nets. Did anyone actually dive it?

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