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well...I could handle any credit check inquiry based upon 10 years' activity for an european VISA gold card with a GBP10k limit but someone said that banking rules in Thailand prohibit loans to foreigners without a guarantor...seems discriminatory to me...I just want to buy a new pickup fer fcuks sake, not threaten the integrity of the thai banking system...

read again, they said unsecured loans

I used to pay tax of 10-14 million baht annual income back home. didnt give me any creditscore in the us or here. as you seem to want to borrow money here, play the local game, not a gbp game

when you have played the local game good for a while, you will never again be asked for a Th guarantor

and while uk and us banks went belly up, Th banks didnt, wonder why?

bbbut...if they won't give me a loan for a new pickup and won't give me a thai credit card then how am I ever gonna establish a thai credit rating...oh, catch-22....

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well...I could handle any credit check inquiry based upon 10 years' activity for an european VISA gold card with a GBP10k limit but someone said that banking rules in Thailand prohibit loans to foreigners without a guarantor...seems discriminatory to me...I just want to buy a new pickup fer fcuks sake, not threaten the integrity of the thai banking system...

read again, they said unsecured loans

I used to pay tax of 10-14 million baht annual income back home. didnt give me any creditscore in the us or here. as you seem to want to borrow money here, play the local game, not a gbp game

when you have played the local game good for a while, you will never again be asked for a Th guarantor

and while uk and us banks went belly up, Th banks didnt, wonder why?

bbbut...if they won't give me a loan for a new pickup and won't give me a thai credit card then how am I ever gonna establish a credit rating.,.oh, catch-22....

I can say it again

monthly good cashflow in Th bank account for you and guarantor

secured CC, you deposit 120% of CC limit in issuing bank

no catch 22, simple as bread and butter


yeah...good cash flow in my local bank account I can demonstrate but who wants to tie up thousands as a guaranty for a local CC? credit cards are for credit based on your ability to pay...not like: 'you give us your money first, falang...'

I dunno...better get out the war paint again...


but who wants to tie up thousands as a guaranty for a local CC?

those who want a TH CC and want to build TH creditrating I guessgiggle.gif

ability to pay, perhaps next week you get caught drunkdriving after having 3 beer, then deported. your ability and willingness to pay your TH CC all the sudden lost

besides its peanutmoney, 80k baht secured is 64k baht gold card. If you cant afford it, dont buy a financed car


but who wants to tie up thousands as a guaranty for a local CC?

those who want a TH CC and want to build TH creditrating I guessgiggle.gif

ability to pay, perhaps next week you get caught drunkdriving after having 3 beer, then deported. your ability and willingness to pay your TH CC all the sudden lost

besides its peanutmoney, 80k baht secured is 64k baht gold card. If you cant afford it, dont buy a financed car

well, if 80k baht is all that it takes to establish a credit rating in Thailand then cool...I spend more than that on a short trip to the west so long as the price of burgers hasn't gone up...I'll keep it in mind and thanks for your input...this forum is for a useful exchange of information and the present has been enlightening...thumbsup.gif


For the happily married guys, you can set up the purchase in your wife's name and avail yourself of the best available terms and more payment options. After the car note is paid off, you can then transfer the ownership into your name.


For the happily married guys, you can set up the purchase in your wife's name and avail yourself of the best available terms and more payment options. After the car note is paid off, you can then transfer the ownership into your name.

works fine if you are happy to pay it in full, and own it 50/50 with your wife

if you split up, she keeps it until all is settled, 1-5 years

those of us who used to be married may not chose this option


For the happily married guys, you can set up the purchase in your wife's name and avail yourself of the best available terms and more payment options. After the car note is paid off, you can then transfer the ownership into your name.

what I wanna do is purchase on credit in my name with my wife as guarantor...then she will hold the note for the car until it's paid off just like the bank would if it was purchased in her name...and everyone is happy...

not much logic to it but the idea makes me feel more secure when the slavering inlaws come wantin' to borrow my new ride when I'm away at work and I'm not around with a bullwhip shouting: 'get back ye beasts!'

  • 3 weeks later...


I like to get a car in Thailand, I have a Thai girlfriend but she has not a study income to show the bank

I am locking at a 2 hand car 2.6m with a down payment of 30%, can she get a loan if I guaranty for the loan


I have just been through this to buy a new car I have a long term Thai GF we were able to show that I send money regular through Western Union (she kept the reciepts) and we own our house I have a thirty year lease on it in the chanote.

The finance copany wanted forty percent down and two repayments up front on a new Nissan Navara, My GF phoned Pattaya Nissan and they came to our house that afternoon and took all of our details what car what extras etc two days later the finance guy came to our house and arranged the finance, this was over the new year, one week later everything was sorted. We pick up the car in three weeks. I only did it through finance so we could get a credit rating. We have always paid cash for everything.

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