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Thai Wife Vs. Farang Wife


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my wife (thai) was cooking dinner and i asked her what i can do to help. she said "drink beer".

my ex wife (english) would have said "cook dinner, wash the dishes, clean the house, put the kids to bed, then go f yourself!". actually she wouldn't have said any of that because she would not be home, she would just assume i would do it all!

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If this is going to be another "Thai women good, Farung women bad" topic you can stop right now. These threads are lame and usually an indication of someone who never aquired the social skills to deal with a relationship, and then lucked out by stumbling upon a woman who was willing to play a mommy role.

Just my opinion though.


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Thai Wife >> eat rice

Farang Wife >> eat bread

all are food, just different taste ..and make you all feel full the same..sort of preference

you know ,what i mean? :o

BTW.. its not stereotype.. plenty farang wives are good, and plenty thai wives love gambling and have sick buffy..

it depends on each person

and good to know all you guys have nice wife/partner/gf/bf even she/he is TH or Farang

Edited by BambinA
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my wife (thai) was cooking dinner and i asked her what i can do to help. she said "drink beer".

She obviously wanted you drunk because she had just prepared the worst dinner of her life that only a totally inebriated person would eat. The family dog had already turned its nose up at it. :o

Just kidding of course. :D

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