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U.S.A. Threatened With Most Overtly Ant-Gay President In History

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Hillary for President?

And please don't take this seriously!!!

Why? I think she's great. I think she would have been much better than Obama, as do most Americans according to polls.

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OK, I get it why people are disliking Perry, but why all the hating on the Beiber?


Rick Perry Ad Generating Epic Hate on YouTube

Perry's ad may not actually have the highest number of dislikes of any YouTube video ever—that distinction is held by Justin Bieber's "Baby" video with over 2 million haters—but it nonetheless seems to be the most loathed video on the Web percentage-wise.


Hillary for President?

And please don't take this seriously!!!

Why? I think she's great. I think she would have been much better than Obama, as do most Americans according to polls.

I agree with you, JT... but I knew from the start, as I think everybody else did, that she was a complete non-starter. I put the post in as a joke... but also as a positive reaction to that speech.


Yes I feel it has been a big loss not having Hillary as president. If she had been nominated in 2008 of course she would have won the presidency. It was her fault though that she lost. She messed up her strategy big time in the first part of the primary and had assumed she was going to be coronated. She didn't bother to fight properly in those early states and by the time she woke up, it was too late. Nobody could have expected either the Spanish Inquisition or the Obamania phenom.


Let's get down to the grits,. If you're gay and don't know the candidates history, you're screwed. I'm sick of pseudo bread crumbs tossed to us from Obama. Mathew Shepard Act. big win? Anyone?

Without Kucinich 2012, our only hope is Ron Paul. Let's hope the lame "Bruno" parody movie hasn't soured him too much. Obama has and will continue to toss us under the bus at every given chance and will take credit for any wins, but he is not nor has ever been our ally.

So which evil do we choose, the one we know or the one we don't know?

I'll go Ron Paul unless my only choice is Obama vs a greater evil come polling at the deadline.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Thank goodness for the lameduck session, or we wouldn't have ever had the DADT semi-repeal. Don't EVER forget that it was THE Obama admin that compared homosexuals to Pedos and Zoophiles.


Not exactly. Worry about Ron Paul if he is nominated. Which he won't be. He has hinted he will run as a third party candidate if not nominated. He has nothing to lose by doing that as he is finished with being a congressman. If Paul runs as a third party candidate, he will guarantee an Obama victory. Thank you in advance Mr. Paul if you do that. While Paul may be sort of OK on gay freedom issues (that is doubtful) on other issues such as access to health care he is a horror show.

BTW, Paul is for gay marriage to be a STATE issue only and he is NOT in favor of legality at the federal level, the only REAL equality. We know Paul will NEVER be in favor of legal gay marriage at the federal level because he is ideologically inflexible, but at least Obama MIGHT get there. So not really different than Obama's position. Obama at least has made it very clear he is moving towards support of federal gay marriage and we KNOW the supreme court picks he may get in his second term will be decent chances to vote for our rights when gay marriage reaches the supreme court, which it will.

Here is a call for Obama to get there sooner than later. Doubtful but possible. Paul? Impossible.

Now is the time for President Obama to complete his evolution on the subject of same-sex marriage.

Supporting the right of all Americans to marry the person of their choice would be the right thing to do. Strange as this may sound, it might also be good politics.



Not exactly. Worry about Ron Paul if he is nominated. Which he won't be. He has hinted he will run as a third party candidate if not nominated. He has nothing to lose by doing that as he is finished with being a congressman. If Paul runs as a third party candidate, he will guarantee an Obama victory. Thank you in advance Mr. Paul if you do that. While Paul may be sort of OK on gay freedom issues (that is doubtful) on other issues such as access to health care he is a horror show.

BTW, Paul is for gay marriage to be a STATE issue only and he is NOT in favor of legality at the federal level, the only REAL equality. We know Paul will NEVER be in favor of legal gay marriage at the federal level because he is ideologically inflexible, but at least Obama MIGHT get there. So not really different than Obama's position. Obama at least has made it very clear he is moving towards support of federal gay marriage and we KNOW the supreme court picks he may get in his second term will be decent chances to vote for our rights when gay marriage reaches the supreme court, which it will.

Obama has "God in the mix". No way he is personally for gay marriage. He's "evolving" on the issue. Since gays are already tossed in the trash, best to vote for the best president aside from gay issues which is still sadly Obummer or Paul..


I made my case. It is totally irrational to favor Paul over Obama on gay rights issues. Paul will NEVER support federal gay marriage and I wouldn't trust his supreme court picks either as they would be right wing states rights whack jobs.

Its fine and dandy to be a Ron Paul groupie but don't try to sell a bill of goods of how great he would be on gay rights.

Also note, Ron Paul would have never sent his secretary of state to Geneva to argue the case for gay rights as human rights INTERNATIONALLY, and to put pressure on regimes that are murdering their gays, because Ron Paul is a radical ISOLATIONIST. If that's really what you want, by all means waste your vote.


I made my case. It is totally irrational to favor Paul over Obama on gay rights issues. Paul will NEVER support federal gay marriage and I wouldn't trust his supreme court picks either as they would be right wing states rights whack jobs.

Its fine and dandy to be a Ron Paul groupie but don't try to sell a bill of goods of how great he would be on gay rights.

Kucinich fan here. Voted for Obama myself (Mr. God/States rights), just not happy with his cowardice or lack of cowardice when it come to vengeance against the gay community. Let's never forget pastor Rick Warren delivering the invocation to his inauguration.


Obama isn't perfect but by suggesting Paul as an alternative, you're asking for worse. That's irrational.

Obama is not my friend. Paul is not my friend. Why is choosing Paul over Obama irrational? Obama has proven time and time again why he doesn't give two sh*ts for the gay community? He just takes the the victory for victory's he doesn;t own, and refuses to enforce the victories he does own? He's quite the loser in chief IMO.

And HOW MANY TIMES has the Obama admin contested the supreme court on gay rights? Umm....yeah...


No point arguing with you. I didn't realize you are ignorant of how the system works. A president NEVER takes cases to the supreme court. He appoints new justices when openings occur and those have to be approved by the senate. We've talked enough on this. Cheers.


No point arguing with you. I didn't realize you are ignorant of how the system works. A president NEVER takes cases to the supreme court. He appoints new justices when openings occur and those have to be approved by the senate. We've talked enough on this. Cheers.

Political analyst vs Jingthing.

" LOL" for you, enjoy your bubble.

  • 2 weeks later...

Some dirt coming out now about Ron Paul. Relevant now as he is surging in the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire. Racist stuff. Anti-gay stuff. (Suggestion that societies are better off if gays are oppressed and in the closet.) Antisemitic stuff. Wacko conspiracy theory stuff. Far right wing stuff. 911 "truther" stuff. Dissing Martin Luther King. I sure hope gay people won't be pulled in by this eccentric conspiracy mongerer.


Other newsletters had strange conspiracy theories about homosexuals, the CIA, and AIDS.

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