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PM Yingluck Assigns Red Shirts To Deal With Protests


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An attempt to address problems before they arise/escalate-seems like a good idea to me or am I missing something?

More like throwing fuel on the fire. How would PTP feel if a bunch of yellow shirts were put in charge of the police AND put in charge of dealing with demonstrations. I don't think that would go down very well.:(

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Unbelieveable. Some of these red shirt leaders should be in jail for some of the deaths from last year's riots!! Incredible.

I haven't really seen a list of which red shirt leaders should be in jail and which deaths would be accorded to each.

(honestly) Is there such a list?

so when Army takes the power next coup

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An attempt to address problems before they arise/escalate-seems like a good idea to me or am I missing something?

On the surface, it seems like a good idea.

But can you really see them "dealing" with any yellow/coloured shirt protesters?

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Thailand fast becoming the Zimbabwe of Asia, I really hope there are demonstrations , Yellows and others and then other governments condeming Thailand. but ,well I guess they wont, all the investment foreign companies have in cheap labour in Thailand the PM can do what she wants.

And the next military intervention will be completely justified when politicians behave this way

Edited by KKvampire
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An attempt to address problems before they arise/escalate-seems like a good idea to me or am I missing something?

I think you see it rather clearly.

First, this is a story only in the mind of "The Nation".

So far, the "facts" appear to be :

1 : a panel has been created by the prime minister to pro-actively address grievances

2 : the deputy secretary general to the prime minister has been put in charge of the panel

3 : members of the panel will (naturally) come from the current government and some of these officials are also UDD members

4 : the objective of pro-actively dealing with issues is to avoid protests in the first place, and

5 : should protests begin, the panel's job is to deal with the issues as fast as possible so that the protests will end as soon as possible.

That is not a sugar-coated nor demonized description, that is just what is actually in the article.

Sounds like someone had a good idea.


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An attempt to address problems before they arise/escalate-seems like a good idea to me or am I missing something?

I think you see it rather clearly.

First, this is a story only in the mind of "The Nation".

So far, the "facts" appear to be :

1 : a panel has been created by the prime minister to pro-actively address grievances

2 : the deputy secretary general to the prime minister has been put in charge of the panel

3 : members of the panel will (naturally) come from the current government and some of these officials are also UDD members

4 : the objective of pro-actively dealing with issues is to avoid protests in the first place, and

5 : should protests begin, the panel's job is to deal with the issues as fast as possible so that the protests will end as soon as possible.

That is not a sugar-coated nor demonized description, that is just what is actually in the article.

Sounds like someone had a good idea.


Keep Waving your red Flag we know where you stand.violin.gif

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At least she,the puppet PM,kept her promise for once that the posts in her cabinet would be given to people who qualified for it judging by their past experience................................and you can't say that those red shirts don't have any knowledge about protests.:lol:

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A panel has been created

of people who listen to know one but their own leaders,

to 'deal with' grievances of those who disagree with them,

and would prevent any attempt at them starting demonstrations about said grievances.

The panels brief is to stop these grievances from becoming group actions.

And thus theoretically reasons for street actions against the government.

It's put in flowery speech but this is the essence.

Little agressions against small groups shouldn't bring out the army,

so that is safer to crush opposition when small, like these two wreath layers,

rather than letting it get big, and giving the military a big enough excuse of 'public disorder' to quell.

This is the foxes guarding the chickens against protecting their own eggs

without the bosses say so. And beating and eating an occasional chicken as payment.

Edited by animatic
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I really didn't think that even they would be this obtuse.


They have a good majority which even their opponents appeared to respect.

A terrific opportunity to govern sensibly -- even if a little socialistically, people would have copped it. But laying it on like this, trouble lies not far ahead.....

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How Sad and predictable!

The same Redshirts who thought they had a right to protest in a very nasty, illegal, bloody fashion,

are now employed to stop the legitimate protests of their own people.

you couldn't make this up,in your worst nightmare scenario!

George Orwells "Animal Farm" revisited.

Edited by MAJIC
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It really would appear they are working hard to set the stage for a civil war....

Reconciliation has nothing to do with their current set of actions.

They could be purposely antagonising certain groups of people (PAD, Multi's, army etc), baying them for a negative reaction which could ultimately lead to "clampdowns" and "shake ups" which will assert PT/red shirts even more control...

I'm sure your user name is insight for a good reason.

And in this case could very well be an exellent Insight!

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An attempt to address problems before they arise/escalate-seems like a good idea to me or am I missing something?

I think you see it rather clearly.

First, this is a story only in the mind of "The Nation".

So far, the "facts" appear to be :

1 : a panel has been created by the prime minister to pro-actively address grievances

2 : the deputy secretary general to the prime minister has been put in charge of the panel

3 : members of the panel will (naturally) come from the current government and some of these officials are also UDD members

4 : the objective of pro-actively dealing with issues is to avoid protests in the first place, and

5 : should protests begin, the panel's job is to deal with the issues as fast as possible so that the protests will end as soon as possible.

That is not a sugar-coated nor demonized description, that is just what is actually in the article.

Sounds like someone had a good idea.


Same as Chairman Mao had a good idea, the great leap backwards.

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An attempt to address problems before they arise/escalate-seems like a good idea to me or am I missing something?

I think you see it rather clearly.

First, this is a story only in the mind of "The Nation".

So far, the "facts" appear to be :

1 : a panel has been created by the prime minister to pro-actively address grievances

2 : the deputy secretary general to the prime minister has been put in charge of the panel

3 : members of the panel will (naturally) come from the current government and some of these officials are also UDD members

4 : the objective of pro-actively dealing with issues is to avoid protests in the first place, and

5 : should protests begin, the panel's job is to deal with the issues as fast as possible so that the protests will end as soon as possible.

That is not a sugar-coated nor demonized description, that is just what is actually in the article.

Sounds like someone had a good idea.


Ya sure,let's hope they don't handle it the same way as they handled the two protesters that left a wreath outside of Parliament eh?

Sorry, but there is more than a touch of the thoughts of Chairman Mao in your post,he thought he had some good ideas as well, but only for him!:sorry:

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An attempt to address problems before they arise/escalate-seems like a good idea to me or am I missing something?

I think you see it rather clearly.

First, this is a story only in the mind of "The Nation".

So far, the "facts" appear to be :

1 : a panel has been created by the prime minister to pro-actively address grievances

2 : the deputy secretary general to the prime minister has been put in charge of the panel

3 : members of the panel will (naturally) come from the current government and some of these officials are also UDD members

4 : the objective of pro-actively dealing with issues is to avoid protests in the first place, and

5 : should protests begin, the panel's job is to deal with the issues as fast as possible so that the protests will end as soon as possible.

That is not a sugar-coated nor demonized description, that is just what is actually in the article.

Sounds like someone had a good idea.


1. A panel of people who were responsible for riots, burned buildings and civilian deaths. Doesn't sound like a good panel to me?

2. This is the same person who objected to evacuation of patients from the hospital during the siege last year being covered by the media?

3. UDD members who were just put into positions of power by the elected officials. They were not elected themselves.

4. Good objective, wrong tactics.

5. Can't wait to see these guys stop a red shirt rally from interrupting business in Bangkok. Doubt that will happen. If it was yellow shirts, they will be stopped for sure. But time will tell.

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How Sad and predictable!

The same Redshirts who thought they had a right to protest in a very nasty, illegal, bloody fashion,

are now employed to stop the legitimate protests of their own people.

you couldn't make this up,in your worst nightmare scenario!

George Orwells "Animal Farm" revisited.

Can't recall which UK group recorded the theme song for all this, but I clearly recall the title and chorus:

"The lunatics have taken over the asylum!"

Maybe we can get that played here?

Or have the reds taken over EVERY radio station by now?

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An attempt to address problems before they arise/escalate-seems like a good idea to me or am I missing something?

I think you see it rather clearly.

First, this is a story only in the mind of "The Nation".

So far, the "facts" appear to be :

1 : a panel has been created by the prime minister to pro-actively address grievances

2 : the deputy secretary general to the prime minister has been put in charge of the panel

3 : members of the panel will (naturally) come from the current government and some of these officials are also UDD members

4 : the objective of pro-actively dealing with issues is to avoid protests in the first place, and

5 : should protests begin, the panel's job is to deal with the issues as fast as possible so that the protests will end as soon as possible.

That is not a sugar-coated nor demonized description, that is just what is actually in the article.

Sounds like someone had a good idea.


It'd be like asking me to referee all matches my favourite football team play in. We'd be champions by Christmas and win every cup competition we enter.

That sounds like a good idea to me too.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Heartfield versus Hitler: Gallery


Cover: AIZ, October 1932 Translation:

Der Sinn des Hitlergrusses

The real meaning of the Hitler salute

Kleiner Mann bittet um grosse Gaben

The little man asks for big gifts

Millionen stehen hinter mir!

I've got millions standing behind me

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Another member raised what seems to me to be the key issue above....

There's nothing wrong with a government forming a panel whose mission is to listen to and respond to grievances from the public...including those who may be protesting over whatever issue....

With that as their charge, they could respond by talking, negotiating, mediating and changing government policies...

Or, they could do as has occurred lately with the television reporter who was the subject of a threats email campaign, or the folks who were roughed up at Parliament the other day when they made a symbolic political statement -- both of those episodes occurring at the hands of the Reds....

Given the way the government and its minions have been acting lately, hope for the first course seems slim.

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The foxes are truely in charge of the hen house. What a brilliant decision. Almost as good as "I will visit country B,I,C>>>".

It gets better by the hour.

Or to put it another way the Jailers have swopped places with the inmates!

Or even more to the point the Lunatics have taken over the Asylum!

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Maybe her next plan is to put her brother in charge of the thai banking system?

Let me correct that for you...

Maybe her next plan is to put her brother in charge of the thai banking system? .

I was a bit optimistic, thanks for the correction.

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