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Thai Govt Urged To Follow Up On Thaksin Amnesty


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I think that Thaksin could come back at any time he wants. The Chief of Police is a relation, the government is in his left pocket, I guess that the courts are in his right pocket going by the recent decisions in his clan's favour, and the Democrats have been squashed under his feet. I almost forgot ... he has his Red Guard to protect him from and to squash protestors.

But what would in his eyes likely raise him above returning as a victorious hero to a far more elevated status would be to come back after having shown patience and magnanimity in forgiving everyone through an amnesty and letting his enemies continue in the game albeit defeated and on his terms. The final act probably doesnt just involve unfettering himself and his acolytes but giving absolution to all the rest in a supreme act of genorosity from a victorious hero. Of course it is also humiliating in the extreme for those who have opposed him as that was meant to be their role when he had served his time outside the country and accepted his penance and of course that imagery is important to the main man. They tried to destroy him and failed but after he won, he still forgave them

The most glaring error in this post is that you have mis-spelled VICIOUS - it doesn't have a TOR in it. Once you correct that, you will realise that the whole scenario is simply mental masturbation.

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I think that Thaksin could come back at any time he wants. The Chief of Police is a relation, the government is in his left pocket, I guess that the courts are in his right pocket going by the recent decisions in his clan's favour, and the Democrats have been squashed under his feet. I almost forgot ... he has his Red Guard to protect him from and to squash protestors.

But what would in his eyes likely raise him above returning as a victorious hero to a far more elevated status would be to come back after having shown patience and magnanimity in forgiving everyone through an amnesty and letting his enemies continue in the game albeit defeated and on his terms. The final act probably doesnt just involve unfettering himself and his acolytes but giving absolution to all the rest in a supreme act of genorosity from a victorious hero. Of course it is also humiliating in the extreme for those who have opposed him as that was meant to be their role when he had served his time outside the country and accepted his penance and of course that imagery is important to the main man. They tried to destroy him and failed but after he won, he still forgave them

How likely do you think this scenario is?

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it is wrong if that is going to happen,he should have served his time.it would be over by now.but his sister in power and his money he escaped justice.

The danger of serving his time was that it would allow several other cases that are currently suspended to proceed against him. It could have been a very long stay. And it would have ruled out his being an MP again.

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I am a farang so have no voice in this debate - the Thais are digging the hole themselves , so let them continue to dig and perhaps cause a fatal collapse , or they can stop digging , which , of course , they will not do because their 'paymaster' won't let them.


Classic case of "newbie gibberish" - I would love to see your other 6 postings!!! EVERYONE has a voice on a debate as that is what debates are for, you know, debate to get your voice and opinion on a matter over to other people to promote your side of events :blink:.

Your posting makes no sense at all I'm afraid. What's all this rubbish about digging holes and paymasters???? Sorry, but you will have to do better than this nonsensical rubbish if anyone is to take you seriously, my friend!!! I'm only responding to this to inform you that you will be ridiculed by postings that attempt to make you look clever but in reality only succeed in having the opposite effect!!!:jap:

Now! Now! Lets be nice to the new guy! I believe his point is that the Thai people have voted this govdernment in so let them bear the brunt of any of their mis-deeds.

His second point is very clear IMMHO, the Thai voters having taken the "sweeterner" must now continue to support the "paymaster" as they will suffer real damage by his "canvassers" if they stop! Or something like that?:jap:

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it is wrong if that is going to happen,he should have served his time.it would be over by now.but his sister in power and his money he escaped justice.

The danger of serving his time was that it would allow several other cases that are currently suspended to proceed against him. It could have been a very long stay. And it would have ruled out his being an MP again.

The irony is if Max hadn't been so greedy and power crazy he would probably have celebrated more than a decade of rule by now and be regarded as one of Asia's great leaders.

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He'll probably be back in late November... or no later than December 5. With all of the festivities going on at that time, no-one will want to ruin things by arresting him and starting a war.<_<

lol....the second he set's foot in Thailand it will spark another military overthrow.

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I am a farang so have no voice in this debate - the Thais are digging the hole themselves , so let them continue to dig and perhaps cause a fatal collapse , or they can stop digging , which , of course , they will not do because their 'paymaster' won't let them.


Classic case of "newbie gibberish" - I would love to see your other 6 postings!!! EVERYONE has a voice on a debate as that is what debates are for, you know, debate to get your voice and opinion on a matter over to other people to promote your side of events :blink:.

Your posting makes no sense at all I'm afraid. What's all this rubbish about digging holes and paymasters???? Sorry, but you will have to do better than this nonsensical rubbish if anyone is to take you seriously, my friend!!! I'm only responding to this to inform you that you will be ridiculed by postings that attempt to make you look clever but in reality only succeed in having the opposite effect!!!:jap:


I have to be honest and say that the only person trying to post something that makes them look clever and it having the opposite effect is you.

As you ridicule 'newbies' (a silly thing to do on any forum as it could be a long time member who has just had a name change), perhaps as an experienced hand here you also need some advice. If you really want to see his other 6 posts then don't wish for it, just click on his profile and read them.

The terms about digging holes and paymasters is hardly rubbish the terms are quite clear in their use and meaning.

You moan at him for being a newbie (you once had only 7 posts) you read one post and haven't read his others then you adopt a condescending tone by saying 'My Friend' ! He isn't is he?, nor is he likely to be.

Confucius he say If you have nothing worth saying, then don't say it.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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it is wrong if that is going to happen,he should have served his time.it would be over by now.but his sister in power and his money he escaped justice.

The danger of serving his time was that it would allow several other cases that are currently suspended to proceed against him. It could have been a very long stay. And it would have ruled out his being an MP again.

The irony is if Max hadn't been so greedy and power crazy he would probably have celebrated more than a decade of rule by now and be regarded as one of Asia's great leaders.

You gotta problem with Great Leaders, punk? smile.gif

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I think that Thaksin could come back at any time he wants. The Chief of Police is a relation, the government is in his left pocket, I guess that the courts are in his right pocket going by the recent decisions in his clan's favour, and the Democrats have been squashed under his feet. I almost forgot ... he has his Red Guard to protect him from and to squash protestors.

But what would in his eyes likely raise him above returning as a victorious hero to a far more elevated status would be to come back after having shown patience and magnanimity in forgiving everyone through an amnesty and letting his enemies continue in the game albeit defeated and on his terms. The final act probably doesnt just involve unfettering himself and his acolytes but giving absolution to all the rest in a supreme act of genorosity from a victorious hero. Of course it is also humiliating in the extreme for those who have opposed him as that was meant to be their role when he had served his time outside the country and accepted his penance and of course that imagery is important to the main man. They tried to destroy him and failed but after he won, he still forgave them

Strewth Hammered ! your coming over all Religeous,you almost had me in tears!

Surely you don't expect us to agree with this sanctimonious Bunkum?

Edited by MAJIC
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All is takes is one signature to request a pardon, but the request must be from a family member or the prisoner himself. The request must be certified that the requester is who he/she is reported to be.

If they hadn't had submitted millions of names, the request could have been certified ages ago.

What the Red Shirts thought was a very good plan ("see, we have millions wanting a pardon to be granted"), was actually a very stupid plan ("sorry, it's going to literally take years to certify each and every one of these signatures").

Besides the certification process, there's quite a few other criteria that the Red Shirts failed at with their petition, eg. the convicted has never spent any of his sentence behind bars, the convicted has never admitted guilt for his crimes, the convicted has never expressed remorse for his crimes.

In short, the pardon will never be approved.


Edited by Buchholz
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Oh, I guess it must be lost in that great big bureaucratic process that is slowing down all those other cases against Thaksin ;)

If the Red Magazine wants something to write about, why not query the court case against the PAD, I'm sure that one will speed up now eh?

I think you'll find the red shirts are well into the PAD not suffering through the courts too. The ones more likkley to end up on charges are the to date teflon Dems and allies. Note the secret talk with Cambodia thing plays into PAD hatred for the Dems too. Also note that when the Dems shut down nearly all the red TV. The reds to some degree started watching ASTV to get anti-Dem gossip as at this point the Dems and PAD were broken. Im not saying the reds and PAD are allies but they do have a common interest in terms of court cases. No doubt the new government will also unfetter the two bright yellow activists in Cambodia. Its all about reconciliation. On red terms of course but the PAd can probably look forward to some headaches they have going away. Funny that but the dems and estbablishment sacriifced the yellos as a sop to even handedness and now the yellows see a brighter future with a red government

Of course a few things could go wrong as how the return of the evil one is managed with the PAD also being reconciled is a tad difficult but far from impossible.

Yes, the two have a common problem, the difference is, the UDD would happily climb into bed with the PAD to get the charges dropped and the whole thing forgotten about, but the PAD have already said they have principles, and would rather show up in court and be tried along with everyone else.

What the govt can do to move the Pardon Petition along, is persuade Thaksin to come home and do some token jail time (on assurances of course that the pardon will be granted), but I'm guess his ego is too big for that. Besides, how do you grant a pardon to someone who has spent years evading his jail term and actively trying to bring down the govt so he can arrange his own pardon.

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How can this country pardon somebody who has blantantly abused the trust given to him in electing him a public official.

Giving him an amnesty is like saying..."come on any future public offical..rip us off...steal public money...do as you like to line your pockets...we don't care..we'll soon forget and give you an amnesty."

If this amnesty happens the Thai people deserve everything that future govenments take/steal from them.

Has Thailand no backbone?

Edited by KKK
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This article is another one of those "exclusives" from The Nation

ie : no one else cares.

Certainly the party responsible for granting an amnesty has no care for the petition, which is why it has remained with no action. BTW, it's not for the Government OR the courts to grant such an amnesty.

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Hi All.

I just cannot see how a whole Government can get behind a convicted criminal to bring him home to a hero's welcome,time used at the expense of much more important business.

What Thailand needs now is the same thing that the creator of frankestein used to stop his invention when it ran amok, A silver bullet,


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I am a farang so have no voice in this debate - the Thais are digging the hole themselves , so let them continue to dig and perhaps cause a fatal collapse , or they can stop digging , which , of course , they will not do because their 'paymaster' won't let them.


Classic case of "newbie gibberish" - I would love to see your other 6 postings!!! EVERYONE has a voice on a debate as that is what debates are for, you know, debate to get your voice and opinion on a matter over to other people to promote your side of events :blink:.

Your posting makes no sense at all I'm afraid. What's all this rubbish about digging holes and paymasters???? Sorry, but you will have to do better than this nonsensical rubbish if anyone is to take you seriously, my friend!!! I'm only responding to this to inform you that you will be ridiculed by postings that attempt to make you look clever but in reality only succeed in having the opposite effect!!!:jap:

Now! Now! Lets be nice to the new guy! I believe his point is that the Thai people have voted this govdernment in so let them bear the brunt of any of their mis-deeds.

His second point is very clear IMMHO, the Thai voters having taken the "sweeterner" must now continue to support the "paymaster" as they will suffer real damage by his "canvassers" if they stop! Or something like that?:jap:

Glad someone could understand it - although you do finish with "or something like that".

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I am a farang so have no voice in this debate - the Thais are digging the hole themselves , so let them continue to dig and perhaps cause a fatal collapse , or they can stop digging , which , of course , they will not do because their 'paymaster' won't let them.


Classic case of "newbie gibberish" - I would love to see your other 6 postings!!! EVERYONE has a voice on a debate as that is what debates are for, you know, debate to get your voice and opinion on a matter over to other people to promote your side of events :blink:.

Your posting makes no sense at all I'm afraid. What's all this rubbish about digging holes and paymasters???? Sorry, but you will have to do better than this nonsensical rubbish if anyone is to take you seriously, my friend!!! I'm only responding to this to inform you that you will be ridiculed by postings that attempt to make you look clever but in reality only succeed in having the opposite effect!!!:jap:


I have to be honest and say that the only person trying to post something that makes them look clever and it having the opposite effect is you.

As you ridicule 'newbies' (a silly thing to do on any forum as it could be a long time member who has just had a name change), perhaps as an experienced hand here you also need some advice. If you really want to see his other 6 posts then don't wish for it, just click on his profile and read them.

The terms about digging holes and paymasters is hardly rubbish the terms are quite clear in their use and meaning.

You moan at him for being a newbie (you once had only 7 posts) you read one post and haven't read his others then you adopt a condescending tone by saying 'My Friend' ! He isn't is he?, nor is he likely to be.

Confucius he say If you have nothing worth saying, then don't say it.

You are entitled to your opinion on me of course!!!

I just think that his post was not particularly good, that's all.

OK, "I am a farang and so have no voice on this debate" - well what is he posting for as what he say's doesn't count according to him??? Farangs cannot vote or participate in politics so we hold no influence or position on anything Thai in this respect so why do we discuss these things on TV in the first place??

The terms "digging" and "paymaster's" do not really fit into the general thread content as far as I'm concerned and are fairly meaningless in the context of the report.

No, he isn't my friend, nor is he likely to be as the chances of us corresponding or meeting up in Sichon or Bangkok and saying "hello, you are not williamp, are you?? are pretty remote.

I probably won't bother to read his other posts as if this one is to go by then to use your philosophy - if it's not worth reading, then don't read it!!!!:jap:

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I don't know why they want to go with the royal pardon.

Change the constitution put in an amnesties for everyone, red, yellow and Thaksin and sell it as the big step for uniting Thai people.

At all the media put red polit commissar who ensure honest reports. Additional peoples courts should be founded which takes political cases. Like the punishment of judges who undermines peaceful development of the nation.

For safety on the streets I would found, additional to the police, a peoples police which are accompanied with a red judge to decide the punishment.

Surely a certain recipe for another Coup-d'Etat ! !

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Abhisit: Only Relatives Can Petition for Thaksin's Pardon

The Democrat Party leader has voiced opposition to a petition seeking royal pardon for deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, while Prime Minister Yingluck has denied that she has sped up the process to help her brother.

Democrat Party Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva questioned the appropriateness of the red shirt's petition seeking a royal pardon for the fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the brother of the current prime minister.

Abhisit noted that according to the the law, a petition seeking a pardon can only be made by the relatives of the convict.

He added that the government should not support the petition to seek a royal pardon for Thaksin as he is a fugitive on the run, who does not deserve forgiveness.

In history, His Majesty the King had granted amnesty to those who repent their crimes.

Abhisit also called on Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to apply the same standard with similar convicts.

The Democrat Party leader urged Yingluck to base her decision on related criteria and regulations, not the fact that Thaksin is her elder brother as to prevent accusations double-standards.


-- Tan Network 2011-09-05


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Abhisit: Only Relatives Can Petition for Thaksin's Pardon

The Democrat Party leader has voiced opposition to a petition seeking royal pardon for deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, while Prime Minister Yingluck has denied that she has sped up the process to help her brother.

Democrat Party Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva questioned the appropriateness of the red shirt's petition seeking a royal pardon for the fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the brother of the current prime minister.

Abhisit noted that according to the the law, a petition seeking a pardon can only be made by the relatives of the convict.

He added that the government should not support the petition to seek a royal pardon for Thaksin as he is a fugitive on the run, who does not deserve forgiveness.

In history, His Majesty the King had granted amnesty to those who repent their crimes.

Abhisit also called on Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to apply the same standard with similar convicts.

The Democrat Party leader urged Yingluck to base her decision on related criteria and regulations, not the fact that Thaksin is her elder brother as to prevent accusations double-standards.


-- Tan Network 2011-09-05


I would have a thought a legislative amnesty would have been the tactic. After all that is what the coupmeisters did so they wouldnt face charges. Using the precedents of others is a usual Thaksin/PTP/Red side tactic as it emphasises the double standards charges they make.

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PM denies speeding up pardon process for Thaksin


BANGKOK, 5 September 2011 (NNT) – Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has denied speeding up the process concerning the royal pardon petition for her brother ex-Prime Minister Police Lieutenant Colonel Thaksin Shinawatra, which has been submitted by the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD).

Speaking about the UDD’s movement asking for a progress in the handling of the petition, Ms Yingluck responded that her government would not do anything to speed up the operation and would let everything flow according to the procedures to be taken by related units.

The prime minister said this issue was left from the previous administration, but she personally had not yet looked into its details. Asked if the ex-prime minister must serve his prison term before asking for pardon or not, she said it was better to let related units consider this issue.

Regarding the controversial removal of National Security Council (NSC) Secretary-General Tawin Pleansri, Ms Yingluck noted that her deputy Kowit Wattana, who is in charge of the NSC, was dealing with the issue because she was very busy herself.


-- NNT 2011-09-05 footer_n.gif

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All is takes is one signature to request a pardon, but the request must be from a family member or the prisoner himself.

Besides the certification process, there's quite a few other criteria that the Red Shirts failed at with their petition, eg. the convicted has never spent any of his sentence behind bars, the convicted has never admitted guilt for his crimes, the convicted has never expressed remorse for his crimes.

In short, the pardon will never be approved.

As said...

Abhisit: Only Relatives Can Petition for Thaksin's Pardon

according to the the law, a petition seeking a pardon can only be made by the relatives of the convict.

In history, His Majesty the King had granted amnesty to those who repent their crimes.

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I suppose the answer is that if it is supposed to be okay to grant a pardon or a successful appeal then that should equally be available to all other criminals from whatever part of society they come from whether a member of the ruling elite or an ordinary citizen. Let's be honest, pardons and appeals should only be issued in extreme cases where there is pretty hard evidence and grounds to uphold such an action. Thaksin by his bail jumping and creepy pathetic actions since his conviction have shown to anyone who can open their eyes and minds that there is no grounds for a successful appeal or pardon in his case, any other outcome would make Thailand an international laughing stock and lose them so much precious face showing that they have no respect for the equal and fair implementation of law.

I say this even though I am politically more in line with the PTP claimed Socialist philosophy rather than the Thai Democrats more right wing doctrine (though I did and still do like Abhist). I always though want to see fair law and order upheld, whether for political allies or enemies. Law should, in an idealistic and fair world, always be above and separated from politics and religions, and boy do we need to aim for some good sound ideals in current times.

Edited by rayw
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Not a bad idea to hold only two press conferences a week

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has denied speeding up the process concerning the royal pardon petition for her brother
she personally had not yet looked into its details
she said it was better to let related units consider this issue
she was very busy herself

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