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Pattaya One Paper


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I just read the latest edition and it says they will move online totally from October, not bothering with the print costs any more probably.

I mostly download it in Bangkok, or back in England, and enjoy it, but there didn't seem to be much advertising in it.

Will people in Pattaya notice or care, as there is still too much press around. That "just" leaves the Pattaya Times, Pattaya Mail, Pattaya Today and Pattaya People as the mainly English language newspapers to fight it out for smaller advertising revenues in the city.

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Let me try and explain our thinking behind moving from print to internet-only.

1. Why wait for up to 2 weeks to publish our content when we can publish it much quicker online.

2. Our internet stats were so strong they eclipsed our sales figures locally.

3. Print costs are very high and cut into our profit in a big way. We were lucky to make profit from Issue 1 I don't think there are many newspapers in Pattaya that can honestly say they are doing the same.

4. Previous posters are correct, advertising is getting harder to secure here in Pattaya but we are still here to compete for what there is, but on a different platform!

5. There are so many other ways to make money from moving our unique content to the internet as part of a dedicated website, it was a simple decision to make.

6. We can constantly expand or even remove items at the click of a button and respond quicker to comments received from readers.

7. Our content will be FREE to look at and our website will look fresh and unique compared to other general interest websites relating to Pattaya.

We hope you enjoy the finished product which we will begin soon. If you don't, tell us why and we can change it.


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Can you set up the website off shore...so you can be brutally honest about the REAL PATTAYA, as opposed to the sanitised "family-resort-with-world-class-facilities-cum real estate boomtown-cum-everything is hunky dory" versions we see in other papers.

Hmmm...not sure what papers you are reading, but the ones I've seen describe the area fairly well...as long as you avoid the articles written by the various sponsors. ;)

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Can you set up the website off shore...so you can be brutally honest about the REAL PATTAYA, as opposed to the sanitised "family-resort-with-world-class-facilities-cum real estate boomtown-cum-everything is hunky dory" versions we see in other papers.

Hmmm...not sure what papers you are reading, but the ones I've seen describe the area fairly well...as long as you avoid the articles written by the various sponsors. ;)

Overally, Pattaya still seems well served with English language press.

From my recent visit, when I bought all the papers to compare them, I thought Pattaya One was best for entertainment and an entertaining slant on news, and - I never thought this could happen - Pattaya Mail for more controversial local news. Pattaya Times and Pattaya People seem rather pointless and directionless, but no doubt fulfil a useful function for their owners (perhaps they might merge, but that would give rise to unthinkable consequences in terms of self-promotions :( ), and Pattaya Mail seems to have stagnated of late, which is disappointing as I rather enjoyed it a few years ago.

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Does anyone actually buy these papers?

I just read them for free in various restaurants.

I stopped buying them years ago. Outside Friendship, inside bangkok bank and other places you can take a copy of some of them for free. That indicate to me that they can't sell all the printed papers but have to give them away for free just to get rid of them.

The amount of free real estate magazines are staggering, hell they even print a Russian one.

So we have 4 (I think) local newspapers here in Patts, so the owners of those face stiff competition. There are as we know 2 main English Thai papers.

Good luck to the owners, you will need it.

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Let me try and explain our thinking behind moving from print to internet-only.

1. Why wait for up to 2 weeks to publish our content when we can publish it much quicker online.

2. Our internet stats were so strong they eclipsed our sales figures locally.

3. Print costs are very high and cut into our profit in a big way. We were lucky to make profit from Issue 1 I don't think there are many newspapers in Pattaya that can honestly say they are doing the same.

4. Previous posters are correct, advertising is getting harder to secure here in Pattaya but we are still here to compete for what there is, but on a different platform!

5. There are so many other ways to make money from moving our unique content to the internet as part of a dedicated website, it was a simple decision to make.

6. We can constantly expand or even remove items at the click of a button and respond quicker to comments received from readers.

7. Our content will be FREE to look at and our website will look fresh and unique compared to other general interest websites relating to Pattaya.

We hope you enjoy the finished product which we will begin soon. If you don't, tell us why and we can change it.


Looking forward to it - good luck

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