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What Do Reckon "Is It Me Or What"


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Amzing - would it be too much to learn 'Malbooro daeng song' (one pack of malboro red)

or 'malboro daeng song song song on' (2 soft packs of malboro red)

You shouldn't be surprised that a number of long-timers whom still haven't mastered even basic conversational skills.

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Cant smoke a battery

Try dynamite, its a quicker death than cigarettes and less painful, and if you do it in a field you won't pollute other peoples airspace. :)

Take it as red your antii smoking then ? :D

There is nothing worse and pretentious then those whom have the fashionable PC afflictions.

Airspace, indeed.

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Take it as red your antii smoking then ? :D

Umm, yeah, to be pro smoking would be absolutely insane, expensive, smelly, anti social, your hair stinks, your clothes stink, your breath stinks, if you smoke at home your house stinks, they give you cancer and make you look old, so yes, you can take it that I'm anti smoking, especially when a smoker lights up withing my airspace and wants to take me with them on the cancer trail.

They don't even get you high, what's the point in smoking them ? blink.gif

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Cant smoke a battery

Try dynamite, its a quicker death than cigarettes and less painful, and if you do it in a field you won't pollute other peoples airspace. :)

Take it as red your antii smoking then ? :D

There is nothing worse and pretentious then those whom have the fashionable PC afflictions.

Airspace, indeed.

What does this mean in English, remember, i aint got long to live ! Could be dead within 1 minute or 30 years who knows ? Sure waitng for the grim reaper, aint you ! lol :o :o

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Amzing - would it be too much to learn 'Malbooro daeng song' (one pack of malboro red)

or 'malboro daeng song song song on' (2 soft packs of malboro red)

You shouldn't be surprised that a number of long-timers whom still haven't mastered even basic conversational skills.

It's hardly conversational skills. How can someone go to a place every single day and have problems and not even think of asking what it's called? Malboro daeng but instead take the time to write about it here with the nerve to blame them.

I wonder if he knows how to say, "what do you call this?"

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Amzing - would it be too much to learn 'Malbooro daeng song' (one pack of malboro red)

or 'malboro daeng song song song on' (2 soft packs of malboro red)

You shouldn't be surprised that a number of long-timers whom still haven't mastered even basic conversational skills.

It's hardly conversational skills. How can someone go to a place every single day and have problems and not even think of asking what it's called? Malboro daeng but instead take the time to write about it here with the nerve to blame them.

I wonder if he knows how to say, "what do you call this?"

To be fair, if you have to rely on language for communication, then you are on a hiding to nothing, Our ancestors were able to productively subjugate and enslave native races with no linguistic ability, so surely buying a packet of fags should not be beyond us? I am embarrassed to imagine that the OP may be British, but sadly, that could be a possibility


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....but instead take the time to write about it here with the nerve to blame them.

Naturally. Instinctive to lay the fault on Thais.

Funny. So many farangs have that attitude. Or at least those on TV...

This general character isn't just reserved for TV. Many Thai fora are burdened.

Which should simply tell you that if these attitudes persist greatly throughout forums, a better chance that it exist highly in the physical world.

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I always get my money in thousands, then make sure my bill comes to close to round figures.

I'd you are sitting on 1370, and only have 1,000 notes, buy another couple of rounds. If you only have 10,000s, start a party.

Small notes are for suckers :)

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Amzing - would it be too much to learn 'Malbooro daeng song' (one pack of malboro red)

or 'malboro daeng song song song on' (2 soft packs of malboro red)

You shouldn't be surprised that a number of long-timers whom still haven't mastered even basic conversational skills.

It's hardly conversational skills. How can someone go to a place every single day and have problems and not even think of asking what it's called? Malboro daeng but instead take the time to write about it here with the nerve to blame them.

I wonder if he knows how to say, "what do you call this?"

To be fair, if you have to rely on language for communication, then you are on a hiding to nothing, Our ancestors were able to productively subjugate and enslave native races with no linguistic ability, so surely buying a packet of fags should not be beyond us? I am embarrassed to imagine that the OP may be British, but sadly, that could be a possibility


Gunboats are pretty fluent in any language by their very presence. If only we all had one, there'd never be a miscommunication.

To be fair to the OP with regard to not learning the lingo, smoking is thought to kill brain cells, so that's an explanation. I know mine have been killed off, but curiously only the ones involved in deciphering the actions of the opposite sex, and those of teenagers.

I smoke to invade others' airspace, it's a hobby. It's also why I fart in elevators.


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