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Legal Advice Please..Or Where Can I Find Help?


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Usually I send my wife back to her hometown every year for 3 months for holidays - new year and everything..

This year, she's gone for 6 months now and refuses to come home, and is keeping my daughter. My daughter doesnt hold a Thai passport, but I suspected that she would have done something for my daughter to allow her to continue staying - ie - got her a Thai birth certificate etc

I want my daughter back,

I want to sue her for kidnapping my daughter.

Where can I seek for legal advice - divorce and custody etc...

Any and all advice appreciated.

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Firstly, what is your situation?

Are you permanently living and all above board in Thailand?

Do you own or rent the family home?

Are you financially secure enough to support your family?

Have you remained faithful to your wife during the marriage?

These are questions the police, your lawyer and the courts will probably ask, because your ever loving caring wife is going to portray you as the biggest piece of scum on Earth and accuse you of committing all sorts of atrocities against her and your daughter. So be prepared with some good answers.

Next: You must become your own detective.

Any details you have regarding your wife, such as: phone numbers, email addresses, name, any nick names she uses, you can use these to do some checking up on her online activities, which may strengthen your case and used in evidence against her if she's up to no good and also may give clues as to her whereabouts, if she is working and where plus who she's with; new boyfriends and so on.

Then your next course of action should be is to visit the police and inquire if they can do anything for you. Offering a few thousand bahts towards the police fund should give them an incentive to investigate your case.

If you do not gain any results from the above, then you have 2 options.

Either hire a couple of heavies and retrieve your daughter or hire the services of a reputable lawyer, go via the legal system and take the matter to court.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Firstly, what is your situation?

Are you permanently living and all above board in Thailand?

Do you own or rent the family home?

Are you financially secure enough to support your family?

Have you remained faithful to your wife during the marriage?

These are questions the police, your lawyer and the courts will probably ask, because your ever loving caring wife is going to portray you as the biggest piece of scum on Earth and accuse you of committing all sorts of atrocities against her and your daughter.

Next: You must become your own detective.

Any details you have regarding your wife, such as: phone numbers, email addresses, name, any nick names she uses, you can use these to do some checking up on her online activities, which may strengthen your case and used in evidence against her if she's up to no good and also may give clues as to her whereabouts, if she is working and where plus who she's with; new boyfriends and so on.

Then your next course of action should be is to visit the police and inquire if they can do anything for you. Offering a few thousand bahts towards the police fund should give them an incentive to investigate your case.

If you do not gain any results from the above, then you have 2 options.

Either hire a couple of heavies and retrieve your daughter or hire the services of a reputable lawyer, go via the legal system and take the matter to court.

Some good advice above and I feel really sorry for you.

Unless, you are financially stable and established in Thailand, you are in an awful position.

Hiring heavies is always tempting, but before you get to the airport my guess is that immigration will have been alerted and don't forget you need her passport, preferably with the TM card in - can the heavies get this?

I'm afraid it's going to be a long and winding road, that will probably cause you endless grief and hundreds of thousands of baht.

Can your sanity and bank balance bear the weight?

Good luck - I feel for you.

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