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Chiang Rai Citicens

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A question asked many times is how many people live in Chiang Rai City.

I really dont know is my answer then, but yesterday a beautifull lady asked me this question and i was emberrased.

So maybe this is a good question for the forum?

Maybe someone knows how many expats we have, but i guess this is not easy, because expat means all nationalities.

ps. can somebody tell me something about Tommy Row ? :o

A question asked many times is how many people live in Chiang Rai City.

I really dont know is my answer then, but yesterday a beautifull lady asked me this question and i was emberrased.

So maybe this is a good question for the forum?

Maybe someone knows how many expats we have, but i guess this is not easy, because expat means all nationalities.

ps. can somebody tell me something about Tommy Row ? :o


I think there is a population explosion.

Check out http://www.citypopulation.de/Thailand.html

Who's TommyRow

A question asked many times is how many people live in Chiang Rai City.

I really dont know is my answer then, but yesterday a beautifull lady asked me this question and i was emberrased.

So maybe this is a good question for the forum?

Maybe someone knows how many expats we have, but i guess this is not easy, because expat means all nationalities.

ps. can somebody tell me something about Tommy Row ? :o

Chiang Rai City - 30,000. Expats - 5,000 Dutch and 500 of other nationalities.

Tommy Row? He's sitting behind Alan Aisle.

:D Homealone


People just can't count anymore (maybe because they don't count, maybe because of "bad education" or TV, maybe because they just don't like to learn...)

I love the 'statistic' of a ChiangMai pop. of 136,000. Sure. Chiang Rai City has at least that - well, if you count Den Ha (but not even Ban Du). Go up to Doi Khao Quai viewpoint and guestimate the number of structures you can see...

Asking about potential tartets for English language news and advertising here, I got the idea it's about 800 Farang in the city, 5000 in the Province (some own homes but often are not in residence...).

The official pop. of the city seems to have risen from 36,500 several years ago to over 40,000, but remember, that's registered citizens. The many, many students breathing, walking and sleeping here (and using public infrastructure) are not counted as their household registrations are in some village (where they are not using much of what the gov't provides, but where headmen still want government allocations). Then there are hill-tribe peoples, illegals, people from other countries not considered Farang (many Pakistanis) and beggars who may have no papers though they are Thai. Also, in the area are many, many homes owned by people usually working in Bangkok... but enjoying the nicer air here when they can.

It's as surely over 100,000 here as it is over a million in metropolitan Chiang Mai, and maybe twice that in both instances (particularly during the 'holiday' season coming up - note the BKK plates on the clogged highway New Years)!

Asking about potential tartets for English language news and advertising here, I got the idea it's about 800 Farang in the city, 5000 in the Province (some own homes but often are not in residence...).

5000 in the province?? You got any substantial evidence of this mr. Chiangrai expert. I think you are way off. :o

A question asked many times is how many people live in Chiang Rai City.

I really dont know is my answer then, but yesterday a beautifull lady asked me this question and i was emberrased.

So maybe this is a good question for the forum?

Maybe someone knows how many expats we have, but i guess this is not easy, because expat means all nationalities.

ps. can somebody tell me something about Tommy Row ? :o

Erquin I`m not dutch. :D

Mae Sai Immigration good enough for you?

Assuming there are 1000 farang in Chiang Rai town, some 800-900 seem to be Dutch. Any explanation of this phenomenon?

Just asking.

No Joel, the answer 'Mae Sai Immigration' is not good enough for me.

The overwhelming majority of foreigners from the Province Chiang Rai (and from elsewhere) have to make visa-runs for extending their right to stay in Thailand.

Depending on the kind of visa they do this once a month or once in three months.

Passing through the office they only leave information about where they INTEND to stay. Hardly a base for reliable statistics. I don't see a reason for the Immigration Office to spend time on it, with thousands of real and semi tourists passing the border everyday.

The only permanent registration at Maesai is concerning foreigners, who are

permanent residents, who hold visa based on retirement, work-permit, etc.

I am not sure if this registration is done categorially according to provinces.

An officer can have made a guess, better, múst have made a guess.

I will ask the captain next time I visit.

And Dear Mr. Ottokar, it might be the dominant presence of relatively big and tall foreigners, proudly showing their hairy legs and impressive knees, thereby sometimes even louder than our Thai hosts, which makes us over-estimate their numbers.

OK, if you do some shopping in Big C ( :o ) you would notice an average presence of 5 foreigners (including yourself). Let's say they need 45 minutes for their shopping (I don't count the beer-restaurant) and they do this once a week. Twelve hours in a day would give us 16 shopping periods of 45 minutes. So, it is a guess, 16 x 5 x 7 = 560 foreigners would be shopping once a week in Big C ( :D ).

If the bigger half of foreigners living in and not too far away from Chiang Rai town does one Big C tour a week ( :D ), then the total number of foreigners living in 'greater' Chiang Rai will hardly be one thousand.


Mae Sai Immigration good enough for you?

Assuming there are 1000 farang in Chiang Rai town, some 800-900 seem to be Dutch. Any explanation of this phenomenon?

Just asking.

The simple reason for this Autocar is that the dutch are the new master race. Almost all of the new bars or restaraunts in the town are set up by dutch people. They have an idea that they can take over in Thailand and oust the chinese who are the real masters of business in this country.

The newest Dutch person in town is a guy who goes by the name of Tommy Row. I`ve heard his name on a few posts already. I think Erqwin is especially worried about him as he was the first person to show concern regarding him. Maybe Erqwin thinks that Tommy will open a bar/restaraunt and steal some of his customers.

I hope that is not the case Erqwin, because all of the dutch people that I know in town are really nice guys (except Limbo. He`s a really nice guy).

Back on the topic. The real number of Farangs living in town is quite hard to judge as there are many people living here on tourist visa`s. Including half of the"teachers" who are working here. Some people will mention Chiang Rai as their place of residence but may only be here for 6-7 months of the year due to work commitments etc.

Does the immigration regard the people who obtain a 30 day tourist visa every month as someone who stays here/is an expat.

We see people almost every day that we don,t recognise, so let`s not fool ourselves that we can judge the amount of expats on our own.

Where was I, oh yes, I know 6 dutchmen. :o

Mae Sai Immigration good enough for you?

Assuming there are 1000 farang in Chiang Rai town, some 800-900 seem to be Dutch. Any explanation of this phenomenon?

Just asking.

The simple reason for this Autocar is that the dutch are the new master race. Almost all of the new bars or restaraunts in the town are set up by dutch people. They have an idea that they can take over in Thailand and oust the chinese who are the real masters of business in this country.

The newest Dutch person in town is a guy who goes by the name of Tommy Row. I`ve heard his name on a few posts already. I think Erqwin is especially worried about him as he was the first person to show concern regarding him. Maybe Erqwin thinks that Tommy will open a bar/restaraunt and steal some of his customers.

I hope that is not the case Erqwin, because all of the dutch people that I know in town are really nice guys (except Limbo. He`s a really nice guy).

Back on the topic. The real number of Farangs living in town is quite hard to judge as there are many people living here on tourist visa`s. Including half of the"teachers" who are working here. Some people will mention Chiang Rai as their place of residence but may only be here for 6-7 months of the year due to work commitments etc.

Does the immigration regard the people who obtain a 30 day tourist visa every month as someone who stays here/is an expat.

We see people almost every day that we don,t recognise, so let`s not fool ourselves that we can judge the amount of expats on our own.

Where was I, oh yes, I know 6 dutchmen. :o

My dearest Limbo. My last post was shown before your last post on this topic. I saw that you were replying whilst my post was already on the page. But now suddenly your post is shown before mine. Does your power as Moderator enable you to do this or is simply a spanner in the works. Because I`m sure someone of your integrity would never abuse the position to which you so richly deserve to be in. :D


Assuming there are 1000 farang in Chiang Rai town, some 800-900 seem to be Dutch. Any explanation of this phenomenon?

Just asking.

Dear Ottokar,

Many foreigners develop the so called 'tulip-shape' after being a longer time in Thailand (good food, a good glas of beer once in a while, not too much physical exercise and so on ....).

This however doesn't mean that they are Dutch!

I guess there are about 25 Dutchies in and around Chiang Rai.

I know 23 by name and I guess I missed some. Myself?

I think recently American families became the greatest group, among them many who came with a mission.

Because they are families, often with children, they hardly find time to socialize with others than themselves. So they are not noticed that much.

People from enormeous countries mostly have another attitude to the rest of the world than people from very small countries (in the second case 'the rest of the world' is much bigger).

Inwards oriented respectively outwards oriented by necessity. So the Dutch might be a little bit 'noisier'.



My dearest Limbo. My last post was shown before your last post on this topic. I saw that you were replying whilst my post was already on the page. But now suddenly your post is shown before mine. Does your power as Moderator enable you to do this or is simply a spanner in the works. Because I`m sure someone of your integrity would never abuse the position to which you so richly deserve to be in. :o

Dear Chang35Baht,

Even if I, technically seen, would have the possibilty to do so, I probably would not know hów to do it.

At the Post Office and at the office of the TOT, where one pays his telephone bills, they use numbers nowadays. For me it makes a big difference.

Before it could take me half a day to pay a bill. Now I am out as quick as the others.

Thanks for you confidence anyway :D

Erckqvin, another beer for Chang35Baht!


My dearest Limbo. My last post was shown before your last post on this topic. I saw that you were replying whilst my post was already on the page. But now suddenly your post is shown before mine. Does your power as Moderator enable you to do this or is simply a spanner in the works. Because I`m sure someone of your integrity would never abuse the position to which you so richly deserve to be in. :o

Dear Chang35Baht,

Even if I, technically seen, would have the possibilty to do so, I probably would not know hów to do it.

At the Post Office and at the office of the TOT, where one pays his telephone bills, they use numbers nowadays. For me it makes a big difference.

Before it could take me half a day to pay a bill. Now I am out as quick as the others.

Thanks for you confidence anyway

Erckqvin, another beer for Chang35Baht!




Corect you are, Limbo, Mae Sai Immigration does not know, absolutely. But they can guess, and have, how many Farang are usually in ChiangRai. How many really live here regularly is another matter.

I feel need here, to note that I take unkindly to slurs from people unwilling to indentify themselves. I, at least, am willing to take some resposibility for my opinions, as well as to try being helpful.

As for BigC, I don't know when you visit - me, I avoid weekend crush overcrowding and like mid-day for a food-court meal. I usually see well over 10 Farang. Almost every time! Sometimes 20! It'd be easy to count them at the TescoLotus, but at BigC there's the size, and the many distractions...

Out in the countryside I encounter homes of Farang I've never seen but am told of, and Farang working at NGOs (schools, orphjanages, Akha places) and Guest houses, occasional restaurants etc indicating some people have happily 'gone native' enough to not be dependent on BigC. There have even been Farang farmers...

Friday I'll go see if my little solar collector worked, and consider moving out to the country myself! :o


Assuming there are 1000 farang in Chiang Rai town, some 800-900 seem to be Dutch. Any explanation of this phenomenon?

Just asking.

Dear Ottokar,

Many foreigners develop the so called 'tulip-shape' after being a longer time in Thailand (good food, a good glas of beer once in a while, not too much physical exercise and so on ....).

This however doesn't mean that they are Dutch!

I guess there are about 25 Dutchies in and around Chiang Rai.

I know 23 by name and I guess I missed some. Myself?

I think recently American families became the greatest group, among them many who came with a mission.

Because they are families, often with children, they hardly find time to socialize with others than themselves. So they are not noticed that much.

People from enormeous countries mostly have another attitude to the rest of the world than people from very small countries (in the second case 'the rest of the world' is much bigger).

Inwards oriented respectively outwards oriented by necessity. So the Dutch might be a little bit 'noisier'.


I prefer chang35baht's conspiracy theory.

25 Dutch in Chiang Rai ??!! There are 25 Dutch running pubs/restaurants, another 50 drinking beer and sometimes eating at these Dutch establishments and 100 more who are mad at the 75 others and 5 pretending they're not Dutch.

:o Mymechew

I feel need here, to note that I take unkindly to slurs from people unwilling to indentify themselves.  I, at least, am willing to take some resposibility for my opinions, as well as to try being helpful.

What is this identify hangup with you? We are not all international writers and publishers of books. Some of us are hiding from authorities, x-wifes, etc. and don't want are names plastered on the web (google search you know) :D

Jack down and move to the boonies. Take your soar panals and ...............where the sun don't shine :o

Sorry, drunk and out of line. I enjoy some your posts, but many have this attitude thing :D

The immigration 5000 thing is still boggling. I will ask my friend when up there next time. Maybe this includes other Asians and Burmese that have visas to stay in Chiangrai province :D


Well said MJ. Joel, If you showed your face around some of the places where we socialise then you may find out in conversation that sometimes we say things in jest and that in reality we probably know the identities of the Nom De Plums on the Forum. Nobody will be taking lawsuits out against you/me so I may not take responsibility for some of the stories, quips or information put on this site by me as I don`t need to.

Unfotunately Joel, you have the honour of being the 2nd person to which I have had to say this on this forum:LIGHTEN UP PLEASE.

That said. Keep on writing :o:D

Is the "German" microbrewery by the old airport actually Dutch?

Don't know who owns it but they're robbin,mother f**kers.............

30 baht extra for 2 small buckets of ice and a longggggggggg face when we did'nt

order the beer.

Food ok, but wont be back.

Don't know who owns it but they're robbin,mother f**kers.............

30 baht extra for 2 small buckets of ice and a longggggggggg face when we did'nt

order the beer.

Food ok, but wont be back.

Should have tried the beer=110 bt for 1/2 ltr and very good. I found the food crap there. Two people-two dif oppinions. I got burned on a bucket of ice last week(15 bt) at another establishment that brought me a hot beer-fridge broke. A bucket of ice must cost them at least 2 bt. Good profit :o

Is the "German" microbrewery by the old airport actually Dutch?

Dutch owned it is - 899,900,901, . . . . . .

:D Mymechew


As I said before: Not everybody who is tulip-shaped is Dutch as well!

The German microbrewery is from Chiang Mai!

Limbo :D

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