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Thai Court Refutes Classification Of Katoeys


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Court refutes classification of transvestites

BANGKOK: -- The Administrative Court Tuesday revoked the Defence Ministry's conscription records that described transvestites as people with a "permanent mental disorder." It also urged the Defence Minister to amend ministerial regulations making statements that transvestites had "a sexuality that doesn't match the inborn gender" more accurate.

Transvestite Samart Meecharoen petitioned the court against the Defence Minister, Army Reserve Command, and Lop Buri registrar to revoke the conscription records, which described him as ''psychotic.''

Samart claimed the description was a violation of human integrity and prevented him from working in the civil service or private bodies.

The Administrative Court cited medical opinion that transvestites who had yet to undergo a sexchange operation but chose a breast enhance procedure were not ''psychotic.''

It also recognised the Defence Minister and Army Reserve Commands were trying to amend the ministerial regulation by adding a description of "having a sexuality that doesn't match the inborn gender" - which was now awaiting the Council of State's consideration before submission for Cabinet approval.


-- The Nation 2011-09-13

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Please be careful. Most lawyers will always tell you to go thru the civil courts way but if you have a good lawyer with the necessary police and prosecutor and court connections, almost everything can be made into a criminal case and until the case is fought in the courts and judgement made, you can use this as a manner to get the parties who cheated you to cough up the monies to you. The lawyer will be able to get either the police to arrest them when the case is lodged and with a bit of money, bail can be denied esp if they are a foreigner. And while they are sufferring in prison, you can always pay the rpison guards a bit of moneyto make their lives miserable so that they rather pay up the money and the case dropped. I have done this at least 3 times involving unscruplous foreigners and it worked. Civil cases will lead you no where. Most lawayers will always calim that the case cannot be made criminal but a good lawyer can find the way. PM me if you need more details or help for free.Saty away from so called International Lawa Firms or those with British staff, etc...

Here above is a quote from that Christian Jainvin that God created,

<snip> and an open lover of corrupt practices What a character to spout on about God!!!

Edited by soundman
No name calling.
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Always gets me cracking up to see those idiots spout off about the sancitity of whatever. Live and let live. If every other swinging d!ck in the world was gay (or transexual or transvestite or whatever) there would be a whole lot of p00n for me!

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I have removed a derogatory post and all the associated replies.

Please respect Thai Visa forum rules or you may find your privilege to use the forum removed.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
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Could be good progress for a segment of society.

You can see why the below would be insulting to

someone in full collection of his/her faculties,

with the single exception of their gender disforia.

Many places will hire transgenders and transvestites in female positions, but would likely think twice with the psychotic definition attached to the transcript.

Medical Dictionary

1psy·chot·ic definition

Pronunciation: /sī-ˈkät-ik/ Function: adj : of, relating to, marked by, or affected with psychosis

psy·chot·i·cal·ly Pronunciation: /-i-k(ə-)lē/

2psychotic definition

Function: n

: a psychotic individual

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

psy·cho·sis definition

Pronunciation: /sī-ˈkō-səs/">Function: n ">pl -cho·ses ; Pronunciation: /-ˌsēz/

: a serious mental disorder (as schizophrenia) characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Edited by animatic
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Could be good progress for a segment of society.

You can see why the below would be insulting to

someone in full collection of his/her faculties,

with the single exception of their gender disforia.

Many places will hire transgenders and transvestites in female positions, but would likely think twice with the psychotic definition attached to the transcript.

Medical Dictionary

1psy·chot·ic definition

Pronunciation: /sī-ˈkät-ik/ Function: adj : of, relating to, marked by, or affected with psychosis

psy·chot·i·cal·ly Pronunciation: /-i-k(ə-)lē/

2psychotic definition

Function: n

: a psychotic individual

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

psy·cho·sis definition

Pronunciation: /sī-ˈkō-səs/">Function: n ">pl -cho·ses ; Pronunciation: /-ˌsēz/

: a serious mental disorder (as schizophrenia) characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

It's an unfortunate state that we all fall under the categorized spell of officialdom. Politically defined, less social or familial.

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Transvestite classification refuted




The Administrative Court yesterday revoked the Defence Ministry's conscription records that described transvestites as people with a "permanent mental disorder". It also urged the defence minister to amend ministerial regulations making statements that transvestites had "a sexuality that does not match the inborn gender" more accurate.

Transvestite Samart Meecharoen had petitioned the court against the Defence Minister, the Army Reserve Command, and the Lop Buri Regis-trar to revoke the conscription records, which described him as "psychotic". Samart claimed the description was a violation of human integrity and prevented him from working in the civil service or private bodies.

The Administrative Court cited medical opinion that transvestites who had yet to undergo a sex-change operation but had chosen a breast-enhancement procedure were not "psychotic".

It also recognised that the defence minister and the Army Reserve Command were trying to amend the ministerial regulation by adding a description of "having a sexuality that does not match the inborn gender" - which was now awaiting the Council of State's consideration before submission for Cabinet approval.

The conscription committee had described transvestites as having a "permanent mental disorder", which the court deemed inaccurate, shaming the plaintiff before society, lessening his human integrity and possibly leading to damage.

Network for Sexual Diversity representative Jessada Taesombat thanked the court for bringing down such a verdict, which he said would help the military lift its conscription standards in future.


-- The Nation 2011-09-14

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As i am a heterosexual i was still shocked at first reading this. We are all children of this world.


In 1973, the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association voted to delete homosexuality as a mental disorder from the seventh printing of the second edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM-II. Twenty-three years later, the inclusion of diagnostic categories for Gender Identity Disorder and Transvestic Fetishism in the fourth edition of the DSM continues to raise questions of consistency. In this paper, issues of gender identity and sexual orientation are compared in light of current definitions of mental disorder.

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