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Abhisit Slams Thai Govt On Issues About Thaksin


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Democrat Leader Slams Govt on Issues about Thaksin

The Democrat Party leader is calling on the government to proceed carefully regarding issues related to former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, as many of the various transfers of state officials being carried out are seen as benefiting Thaksin's return to Thailand.

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said the government must clarify its latest transfers of state officials, particularly the post of the Corrections Department director general, which is seen by some as paving the way for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's return to Thailand.

Abhisit said the public begins to question whether this administration is working for the people or for Thaksin, because ministers are constantly speaking about issues related to the former prime minister.

The Democrat leader added that Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra cannot say the issue of a royal pardon for Thaksin is a personal issue.

Abhisit went on to say that Yingluck's responsibility as prime minister to advise the Crown on the royal pardon must precede her personal relationship as Thaksin's sister.

He also called on the government to clearly signal that it is not treating Thaksin specially.

Abhisit called on the Foreign Ministry to inform Cambodia about Thaksin's status as a convict in relation to his visit to Cambodia next week.

He said the government has the responsibility of enforcing the law and not to say who is guilty or innocent, as that is the judiciary branch's work.

On Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's criticism against him, Abhisit said he will continue to talk about Cambodia on issues that protect Thailand's benefits.


-- Tan Network 2011-09-14


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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

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One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Ouch !!!

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his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.


And wasn't the AEC set up by the junta to show that Thaksin was unusually wealthy? But no one else, of course. Especially not them.

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his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.


And wasn't the AEC set up by the junta to show that Thaksin was unusually wealthy? But no one else, of course. Especially not them.

Of course, they would claim that they made progress by catching one man. Funny thing is he owned a company worth on paper a couple of billion USD. As for where the wealth created by say army personnel came from, I presume that is beyond the AEC's remit.

There is little or now way they can claim that all of these committees aren't politically biased, when they selectively chase after a few and let others get away untouched. But then, would you want a job on a committee like this if you were told to go after ANYONE who appeared to be unusually wealthy. The whole country is one mess of conflict of interest and dodgy deals.

I don't think that job would be particularly good for one's longevity.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

Edited by ralphlsasser
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his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.


And wasn't the AEC set up by the junta to show that Thaksin was unusually wealthy? But no one else, of course. Especially not them.

This reminds me, when do old and new MPs and cabinet members have to submit their asset declaration ?

Do cabinet members who stepped down as MP still have to submit an asset declaration?

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

In posting the above drivel it shows that you misunderstand Abhisit and the true nature of democracy.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

Not at all. Abhisit is acting in the best interests of Thailand and democracy. It is the role of the opposition to oppose where they think they need to intervene and support where that is needed too. This is democracy at work. Fortunately Abhisit is better placed to understand the true nature of democracy that the despots currently in power. That he lost the election has nothing to do with democracy. It has a lot to do with the campaign of villification against Abhisit in a way that would never be accepted in true democracies. This campaign extended to the heartlands of the North East where 'training in democracy' (ie propaganda and indoctrination) were key tools to use on the masses against the Democrats. During the election I drove from Chiang Mai to Chantaburi. On the way I must have passed a thousand or more posters advertising the Democrats - 99% of these were defaced. I also passed the same number of Red posters. Only one was defaced. In true democracies you must let all sides have a voice. The reds, under Thaksin's evil guidance, ensured that Abhisit's democratic voice was taken away. Indeed all the lies and filth spoken against Abhisit (including the carefully manipulated red riots in BKK and the associated deaths) were a successful long term strategy to overturn the Democrats. But was this a democratic campaign? Not at all!

And is Thaksin and his family not part of the elite? Although he comes from a wealthy and privileged background did Thaksin not add to his considerable wealth by stealing from the Thai people? For every 100 baht that he claimed to give to the poor through his various schemes, I think a figure of 94 baht was the sum that ended up in the Shinawatra family coffers.

Those who cannot see the truth here will no doubt be singing from a different song sheet in the next two years. There are many examples of despots grabbing power then emptying the wealth of their country into numbered Swiss accounts. Idi Amin? The Marcos? Gadhaffi? Many many more and Thaksin is of the same breed. He is the worse kind of anti-democrat because he has the gift of twisting events and circumstances, fact and truths to such an extent that he creates his own truth. So forcefully done that the dispossessed, the uneducated and the poor farmers actually believe him.

Abhisit fought his own people because they did not want the corruption to end. There is no evidence of Abhisit being personally corrupt. And if he is the monster that you make him out to be, then why did he not flee the country when the fascists won their manipulated election with the support of 35% of Thai people??

Referring to Abhisit as the back of a person's bottom is ill considered and rude. What qualifies YOU to make such a judgement? Fascism, dictatorship and the like feeds on such ignorance.

Edited by ianf
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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

Imagine an opposition criticising a government. Must be a conspiracy.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

Maybe you weren't here when they had the election. 52% is not a landslide.

Pretty well speaks to your credibility. Perhaps you are a sore loser who Abhist would not give special favors to so you post negative as well as wrong information.

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Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

I think perhaps the wording has mislead you. Of course Thaksin is a special case and there is so much that is unique about it and him, not least his role in directing the constant attempts to undermine and topple the Abhisit administration, and all that justified, in my eyes if not yours, the attention that that administration was forced to direct his way - attention that i have no doubt would have barely existed had the man led a quiet and simple life away from Thai politics.

Abhisit's call i believe to the current government is not so much to not treat Thaksin specially, but rather to not treat him preferentially. I don't find there to be anything hollow about such a call, and indeed i applaud it. It is of course though wishful thinking. Still, if nothing is said, if no pressure for fairness is applied, then the injustices will grow even larger.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

Not at all. Abhisit is acting in the best interests of Thailand and democracy. It is the role of the opposition to oppose where they think they need to intervene and support where that is needed too. This is democracy at work. Fortunately Abhisit is better placed to understand the true nature of democracy that the despots currently in power. That he lost the election has nothing to do with democracy. It has a lot to do with the campaign of villification against Abhisit in a way that would never be accepted in true democracies. This campaign extended to the heartlands of the North East where 'training in democracy' (ie propaganda and indoctrination) were key tools to use on the masses against the Democrats. During the election I drove from Chiang Mai to Chantaburi. On the way I must have passed a thousand or more posters advertising the Democrats - 99% of these were defaced. I also passed the same number of Red posters. Only one was defaced. In true democracies you must let all sides have a voice. The reds, under Thaksin's evil guidance, ensured that Abhisit's democratic voice was taken away. Indeed all the lies and filth spoken against Abhisit (including the carefully manipulated red riots in BKK and the associated deaths) were a successful long term strategy to overturn the Democrats. But was this a democratic campaign? Not at all!

And is Thaksin and his family not part of the elite? Although he comes from a wealthy and privileged background did Thaksin not add to his considerable wealth by stealing from the Thai people? For every 100 baht that he claimed to give to the poor through his various schemes, I think a figure of 94 baht was the sum that ended up in the Shinawatra family coffers.

Those who cannot see the truth here will no doubt be singing from a different song sheet in the next two years. There are many examples of despots grabbing power then emptying the wealth of their country into numbered Swiss accounts. Idi Amin? The Marcos? Gadhaffi? Many many more and Thaksin is of the same breed. He is the worse kind of anti-democrat because he has the gift of twisting events and circumstances, fact and truths to such an extent that he creates his own truth. So forcefully done that the dispossessed, the uneducated and the poor farmers actually believe him.

Abhisit fought his own people because they did not want the corruption to end. There is no evidence of Abhisit being personally corrupt. And if he is the monster that you make him out to be, then why did he not flee the country when the fascists won their manipulated election with the support of 35% of Thai people??

Referring to Abhisit as the back of a person's bottom is ill considered and rude. What qualifies YOU to make such a judgement? Fascism, dictatorship and the like feeds on such ignorance.

Great post. It never ceases to amaze me how farongs can forget so soon when the facts don't go along with their little dream world. Thaksin is a convicted criminal for what he did. There are other charges awaiting his return. Then there is his bankrolling the red shirts in there illegal armed attack on The nation of Thailand.

How quick they forget.

Thaksin should come home and pay his debt to society for his actions. People should ask them selves if they could have gotten away with what he did.

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his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.


Fair point, but Kamnan Poh and Vattana are keeping relatively quiet. The Abhisit policy for Taksin was to as far as possible 'let sleeping dogs lie', and if PTP continued that policy in the spirit of reconciliation Thailand would make more progress a lot quicker than it is presently. Unfortunately Yingluck and Co seem intent on waking the whole kennel and upsetting their entire political neighborhood.

As for the posters who harp on a bout being a sore loser, its not just Abhisit but the 12 million people that voted Dem that are also very pissed off. Is alienating 12 million people a good way to start reconciliation ??

You'd think that PTP would want to consolidate its position and appeal to Dem voters to join their party, strangely they are doing the exact opposite. Their majority won't last forever. If they continue in this vein and people take to the streets watch their coalition partners become jumpy.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Do you really think Abhisit wanted to win the last election... just sit back and watch as this government rips itself apart... I personally know 2 PTP MPs who are shaking their head about their leaders... and what has happened to the 300 bahts per day for the workers who voted them in... Hammered you certainly are...

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You'd think that PTP would want to consolidate its position and appeal to Dem voters to join their party, strangely they are doing the exact opposite.

If PTP were able to speak for itself, so to speak, then i'm sure they would wish to get on with the business of running the country, thereby proving their credibility, and further cementing their position - which long term would i'm sure be to Mr Thaksin's benefit.

Problem is that PTP can't speak for itself. It's aware that it earnt its current position thanks to Mr Thaksin, and what he says goes (even their campaign slogan echoed this); and what he currently seems to be saying is "let's strike whilst the iron is hot regarding dealing with my problems" and "let me see some immediate return for all that i have done and all that i have sacrificed for you guys".

Just as with the red shirts, the PTP would be strengthened ten-fold if they could find a way to continue to exist without Thaksin. Sadly i don't think they can, any more than a chicken can continue to exist without its head.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

Not at all. Abhisit is acting in the best interests of Thailand and democracy. It is the role of the opposition to oppose where they think they need to intervene and support where that is needed too. This is democracy at work. Fortunately Abhisit is better placed to understand the true nature of democracy that the despots currently in power. That he lost the election has nothing to do with democracy. It has a lot to do with the campaign of villification against Abhisit in a way that would never be accepted in true democracies. This campaign extended to the heartlands of the North East where 'training in democracy' (ie propaganda and indoctrination) were key tools to use on the masses against the Democrats. During the election I drove from Chiang Mai to Chantaburi. On the way I must have passed a thousand or more posters advertising the Democrats - 99% of these were defaced. I also passed the same number of Red posters. Only one was defaced. In true democracies you must let all sides have a voice. The reds, under Thaksin's evil guidance, ensured that Abhisit's democratic voice was taken away. Indeed all the lies and filth spoken against Abhisit (including the carefully manipulated red riots in BKK and the associated deaths) were a successful long term strategy to overturn the Democrats. But was this a democratic campaign? Not at all!

And is Thaksin and his family not part of the elite? Although he comes from a wealthy and privileged background did Thaksin not add to his considerable wealth by stealing from the Thai people? For every 100 baht that he claimed to give to the poor through his various schemes, I think a figure of 94 baht was the sum that ended up in the Shinawatra family coffers.

Those who cannot see the truth here will no doubt be singing from a different song sheet in the next two years. There are many examples of despots grabbing power then emptying the wealth of their country into numbered Swiss accounts. Idi Amin? The Marcos? Gadhaffi? Many many more and Thaksin is of the same breed. He is the worse kind of anti-democrat because he has the gift of twisting events and circumstances, fact and truths to such an extent that he creates his own truth. So forcefully done that the dispossessed, the uneducated and the poor farmers actually believe him.

Abhisit fought his own people because they did not want the corruption to end. There is no evidence of Abhisit being personally corrupt. And if he is the monster that you make him out to be, then why did he not flee the country when the fascists won their manipulated election with the support of 35% of Thai people??

Referring to Abhisit as the back of a person's bottom is ill considered and rude. What qualifies YOU to make such a judgement? Fascism, dictatorship and the like feeds on such ignorance.

Well said. You know what you are talking about. Those farangs who are brainwashed by their up-northern and eastern partners could learn a lot from your post.

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This reminds me, when do old and new MPs and cabinet members have to submit their asset declaration ?

Do cabinet members who stepped down as MP still have to submit an asset declaration?

30 days after assuming office, which means, AFAIK, were due Sept. 9.

It'll be interesting to see Yingluck's, Yingluck's husband, and Yingluck's son's imaginatively-created declarations whenever they are released publicly.... presumably which will be soon.

The requirement is still there for Cabinet ministers, including those that stepped down from their MP positions (at Thaksin's behest).


Edited by Buchholz
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why was there no reporting of a lady who told Abhisit not to teach Yingluck on how to run the country; and to explain where did the money go previously budgeted for the floods during his administration

Hey Sul thanks for the laugh ,Of Course public funds were never ever misused or simply just disappeared under Thaksin's administration were they , Why not try Thaksins "soft loan to Burma" for openers :lol: :lol: :lol: Edited by Colin Yai
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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Do you really think Abhisit wanted to win the last election... just sit back and watch as this government rips itself apart... I personally know 2 PTP MPs who are shaking their head about their leaders... and what has happened to the 300 bahts per day for the workers who voted them in... Hammered you certainly are...

I suggest talking to amy establishment figure including Dem Mps if you think Abhisit didnt want to win the last election or get near enough to allow PTP to fail to get seated in government. The Dems failing on both respects has been the establishments biggest nightmare

No need for the insults

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It is quite amusing to see how so many on here go on about how Abhisit is the best thing for Thailand and democracy just after he got it handed to him by the Thai electorate who obvioulsy dont agree with the finer minds of the TV community. Dont wory Im sure if there is a coup or some other shenanigans he will get his chance to once again be PM. He may even get to have a bunch more people shot on his carefully engineered PMship again too. I guess that would make those on here that cannot accept he and his party are not wanted by the people happy.

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He may even get to have a bunch more people shot on his carefully engineered PMship again too.

With regards, "He may even get to have a bunch more people shot", and the implied characterisation of Abhisit as being some sort of trigger-happy despot with no regard for human life, i find it sad to see a well-respected member of this forum speaking so flippantly and sarcastically about such a serious matter.

Almost as if someone has hacked into your account.

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It is quite amusing to see how so many on here go on about how Abhisit is the best thing for Thailand and democracy just after he got it handed to him by the Thai electorate who obvioulsy dont agree with the finer minds of the TV community. Dont wory Im sure if there is a coup or some other shenanigans he will get his chance to once again be PM. He may even get to have a bunch more people shot on his carefully engineered PMship again too. I guess that would make those on here that cannot accept he and his party are not wanted by the people happy.

I don't think you read my post.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Double standards at their worst. Poor deluded leader of the opposition is thinking he will get back into power by his normal route. Somebody give him a nudge and let him know coups are out this season and any other season. Judging by his performance and that of his party who never won an election for 20 years I truly believe the Dems are finished without that dirty c word coming to their rescue. 20/20 vision was a little modest from the PT. 20/40 was more realistic.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

In posting the above drivel it shows that you misunderstand Abhisit and the true nature of democracy.

Your comment is worse than drivel. "true nature of democracy". Let me see coalition bought and paid for, on command from the invisible one, done deal in an army camp. Mass murder of its own citizens(which will be proved by that 'name and shame committee') Army chief abusing his power and using popular tv to tell the electorate to vote for good people. Do me a favour - clock off

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Referring to Abhisit as the back of a person's bottom is ill considered and rude. What qualifies YOU to make such a judgement? Fascism, dictatorship and the like feeds on such ignorance.

Hear hear, a balanced remark. I wish more of the posters here (especially the anti T, anti Y, anti PTP) would take your advice and discontinue with their inane comments and remarks.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

Maybe you weren't here when they had the election. 52% is not a landslide.

Pretty well speaks to your credibility. Perhaps you are a sore loser who Abhist would not give special favors to so you post negative as well as wrong information.

You may find that 52% was not the true figure and the persistent rumours of vote rigging in Bangkok will not go away. How could a certain, previously most accurate poll for election, get it so wrong in Bangkok and so right in every other part of the country. 7,000,000 extra ballot papers unecessarily printed will fuel this fire. The fact that PT still won has kept this theory very quiet but if there is any truth in the chatter it will be used to put another nail in the coffin of the floundering Dem party. Word in my area is that the rigging was done not to so much gain extra seats but purely to save face by still be able to say " at least the middle classes voted for us".

This rumour is on the back burner but It will not be reported in the popular press, do some research about the inaccuracy of the election exit polls in Bangkok.

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Abhisit positions himself as the (seen) leader of the prevent Thaksin from returning side.

Abhisit's criticism of the transfers wouldnt be as hollow if his government hadnt made many many times more to fill positions with their political mates.

Abhisit's call on the government to state they were not treating Thaksin specially would not ring so hollow if his government hadnt made Thaksin a special case with a foreign minister dedicated to houding the man around the globe while doing utterly nothing to bring home such notables as Kamnan Poh and Vattana who reportedly reside just over the border.

Two sides of the same coin with power reversed but this time by a decisive electoral decision. One would think that Abhisit would be concentrating on a different issue to that which saw his party thumped at the recent election if he were looking to future electoral success. Maybe he isnt looking at that route to power however

Abhisit is nothing more than a sore looser. He needs to be reminded that the people showed he didn't do anything while in office and they disapprove, not by a little, but a landslide. He acts like a child and therefore needs to be treated as such. Just pat him on the head when he speaks and tell him to be a good boy and sit down. He is part of the Bangkok elete born with a silver spoon in his mouth and wants to have a voice. He had a voice and blew it. He needs to go back to England where they put up with a$holes like him and get a real job. Something he has never had.

Maybe you weren't here when they had the election. 52% is not a landslide.

Pretty well speaks to your credibility. Perhaps you are a sore loser who Abhist would not give special favors to so you post negative as well as wrong information.

You may find that 52% was not the true figure and the persistent rumours of vote rigging in Bangkok will not go away. How could a certain, previously most accurate poll for election, get it so wrong in Bangkok and so right in every other part of the country. 7,000,000 extra ballot papers unecessarily printed will fuel this fire. The fact that PT still won has kept this theory very quiet but if there is any truth in the chatter it will be used to put another nail in the coffin of the floundering Dem party. Word in my area is that the rigging was done not to so much gain extra seats but purely to save face by still be able to say " at least the middle classes voted for us".

This rumour is on the back burner but It will not be reported in the popular press, do some research about the inaccuracy of the election exit polls in Bangkok.

That is a new one. Will have to research that a little.

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