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Teenage Sexual Assault Victim Hangs Herself In Lampang


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Teenage sexual assault victim hangs herself

By The Nation

A ninth-grader was found hanging at her home in Lampang's Sop Prab district, a few days after a teacher, who was arrested in Pathum Thani for allegedly raping her over the past five years, hanged himself last Saturday.

The 15-year-old girl's mother said her daughter appeared distraught after Phayonsak Udom was arrested last Friday. "I keep her under close watch and she hanged herself in the 15 minutes I spent outside," she added.

Phayonsak, 58, killed himself in his jail cell in Lampang after he was recaptured by Pathum Thani police. He had escaped after being granted bail by the Lampang Court, where he was standing trial against rape charges.

According to police, Phayonsak had allegedly been raping the girl since she was nine and used recordings of the act to continue forcing himself on her.

The provincial public health office had counsellors visit the girl at home and instructed her mother to keep a close eye on the teenager, as she appeared tense when the crime was uncovered last month. After he was granted bail, Phayonsak fled with the girl on August 21 and was arrested in Pathum Thani last week.


-- The Nation 2011-09-15

related topic:

Teacher Held For Child Assault Hangs Himself In Police Cell

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There certainly appears to be more to this than meets the eye, running off with the girl as soon as he was released on bail, doesn't sound like coercion to me; and now he is dead the girl commits suicide too. R.I.P to both of them!

I won't speculate but I definately think there is a great deal more to this story than meets the eye.

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I dont mind speculating...


He shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near any kids ever!!

Surely his behaviour was inappropriate and his peers were aware of it!!

How could this happen??

And, where else is it happening right now??

Poor Child!!

Teachers MUST be VETTED to at least give the parents a chance at avoiding the predators!!

More than meets the eye?? i doubt it, MUCH more common than the eyes want to accept.

In any typical school day ANYONE can witness UNACCEPTABLE behaviour from mostly male staff and not only with female students!!

I Blame the pathetic schools inaction, FOR YEARS!!!

More concerned with 'face' than anything else, except "maybe" profit!!

The school should be held accountable, all children are IN THE CARE of teachers!!


Edited by craigt3365
removed foul language
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It has already been disclosed in the other thread that this was a relationship, however the law states otherwise.

Whether she started as willing or she was unwilling and it became a sort of 'Stockholm syndrome' i do not know, one thing is certain, a young girl has taken her life, but the law is the law and the teacher should have known better and kept his distance from before it even started.

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Relationship my ass, the bastard took video's to blackmail the girl , who was only 9 years old when it all started, hardly old enough to know right from wrong. By the time she was 15, she was completely brainwashed.

Some of you need to learn how to read, and more importantly to comprehend.

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and I think someone else needs to read a bit deeper also and try and comprehend.

Lets get one thing clear here, i am not defending this pr1c, I am responding to the post which says there is more to this than meets the eye and i am pointing out the 'relationship' as mentioned in the other thread.

Edited by random
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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but as a young kid of nine, wouldn't a fit parent or parents have spotted the difference in a kids behaviour ??? at nine I would certainly know--her manner--her movements over 6 years- where were the family during this 6 year stretch ?? Sorry again but parents were not very interested in the kid, and I would say negligent and should have to bear some guilt. Her friends didn't know or speak ??? Someone somewhere at the onset with her being 9 would have known, and to go 6 years sort of without being brought to task. Hey what about the other teachers in the school they also didn't know ?????...

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We have 2 daughters at home 12 and 16. My wife has been talking to the girls for years on exactely this sort of thing. They both have a pretty good idea of right and wrong. This is because the wife took the bull by the horns and didn't wait for the school to try to keep this sort of thing from happening to them. However I still worry everyday about guys like this.

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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but as a young kid of nine, wouldn't a fit parent or parents have spotted the difference in a kids behaviour ??? at nine I would certainly know--her manner--her movements over 6 years- where were the family during this 6 year stretch ?? Sorry again but parents were not very interested in the kid, and I would say negligent and should have to bear some guilt. Her friends didn't know or speak ??? Someone somewhere at the onset with her being 9 would have known, and to go 6 years sort of without being brought to task. Hey what about the other teachers in the school they also didn't know ?????...

Pardon but the article said 9th grade or Mor 3.. Not 9 years old.

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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but as a young kid of nine, wouldn't a fit parent or parents have spotted the difference in a kids behaviour ??? at nine I would certainly know--her manner--her movements over 6 years- where were the family during this 6 year stretch ?? Sorry again but parents were not very interested in the kid, and I would say negligent and should have to bear some guilt. Her friends didn't know or speak ??? Someone somewhere at the onset with her being 9 would have known, and to go 6 years sort of without being brought to task. Hey what about the other teachers in the school they also didn't know ?????...

Pardon but the article said 9th grade or Mor 3.. Not 9 years old.

Read it properly!

'According to police, Phayonsak had allegedly been raping the girl since she was nine and used recordings of the act to continue forcing himself on her.'

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There certainly appears to be more to this than meets the eye, running off with the girl as soon as he was released on bail, doesn't sound like coercion to me; and now he is dead the girl commits suicide too. R.I.P to both of them!

I hope you're not implying this was some kind of consensual relationship. By definition, given the age of the girl, there was no consent.

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A really sad twist to this story. RIP

I only hope that now the authorities and school governors can put their heads (brain cell) together and attempt to come up with some form of a solution and try to avoid anything like this happening in the future. Sad thing is though, it just will not happen


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Relationship my ass, the bastard took video's to blackmail the girl , who was only 9 years old when it all started, hardly old enough to know right from wrong. By the time she was 15, she was completely brainwashed.

Some of you need to learn how to read, and more importantly to comprehend.

This is a terrible and tragic case of child sex abuse. When I read the initial reports my first thoughts were that the girl should be closely monitored on a "suicide watch". I believe this would have been done in a more "developed" country with assistance from a psychologist or social worker. Sadly the issues here are not clearly understood because of the repression of taboo subjects. I am sure the mother knew of her daughters depression and probably thought a few minutes away from her would be OK. There's no mention of a father involved with the family and I'd suspect the poor girl was preyed on because she wanted a surrogate father figure.

Sadly I think it's going to be a long time before society wises up to the social cost of suppression, denial and ignorance. Some of the writers in this forum don't inspire me to think so either...

My deepest sympathies to the remaining poor mother.

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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but as a young kid of nine, wouldn't a fit parent or parents have spotted the difference in a kids behaviour ??? at nine I would certainly know--her manner--her movements over 6 years- where were the family during this 6 year stretch ?? Sorry again but parents were not very interested in the kid, and I would say negligent and should have to bear some guilt. Her friends didn't know or speak ??? Someone somewhere at the onset with her being 9 would have known, and to go 6 years sort of without being brought to task. Hey what about the other teachers in the school they also didn't know ?????...

That was the first thing I asked myself when this news appeared: "How could a kid be raped for years and the mother never notice anything askew even once?"

After letting it go on for all that time, it is not surprising at all that she also let the suicide happen. A real attentive mum.

God help our kids.

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I am sure the 'teacher' is in his own hell now... I feel for the girl, whether in Year 9 or 9 years old, this is not about adult consent...

I wanted to respond to the posts questioning the devotion of the parents, and why they didn't notice changes in their daughters behaviour, and immediately assume she was being molested...

The fact is, loving families all over the world have exactly this kind of tragedy fall upon them... sure some of them happen within broken homes, where the mother or family are emotionally absent, or choose to ignore the signs... that does NOT mean it is the case in this or most cases...

Anyone with children, or experience with children and young people, will tell you that they go though many behavioural changes, and emotional periods through out their lives... sure, in The West, the family might rush them to the doctor to be told 'it is a stage they are going through' or 'they will grow out of it', and sometimes the doctor might pic up on something more... In Thailand, I guess that is less likely to be available to a family, or have the same results...

I can tell you, if my 9 year old (my oldest is actually 7), started acting differently, this would be well down the list of reasons I would be looking for... the longer it went on, the more I might accept it as part of The Childs nature...

I can completely see how the family might have been blind sided by this revelation... I feel that since we have moved on from blaming the victim, it has become acceptable to blame the family, blame the school, blame the politicians...

Some monster did this, think not about blaming others, but about how we can help people prevent this from happening to another family...


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It has already been disclosed in the other thread that this was a relationship, however the law states otherwise.

Whether she started as willing or she was unwilling and it became a sort of 'Stockholm syndrome' i do not know, one thing is certain, a young girl has taken her life, but the law is the law and the teacher should have known better and kept his distance from before it even started.

It has already been disclosed in the other thread that this was a relationship ??

She was 9 years old, for god's sake !!

And then the remark: "however the law states otherwise"

What is wrong with you ??

9 year old girls do not willingly start sexual relationships with 40+ year old teachers, you sicko.

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There certainly appears to be more to this than meets the eye, running off with the girl as soon as he was released on bail, doesn't sound like coercion to me; and now he is dead the girl commits suicide too. R.I.P to both of them!

I hope you're not implying this was some kind of consensual relationship. By definition, given the age of the girl, there was no consent.


Given the tragic circumstances of this case, I will refrain from any further comment!

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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but as a young kid of nine, wouldn't a fit parent or parents have spotted the difference in a kids behaviour ??? at nine I would certainly know--her manner--her movements over 6 years- where were the family during this 6 year stretch ?? Sorry again but parents were not very interested in the kid, and I would say negligent and should have to bear some guilt. Her friends didn't know or speak ??? Someone somewhere at the onset with her being 9 would have known, and to go 6 years sort of without being brought to task. Hey what about the other teachers in the school they also didn't know ?????...

Perhaps we should ask the question in her classroom, did her schoolmates know anything about this and did the teacher have relationships with other girls simultaneously that the girls would like to talk about at this juncture !!

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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but as a young kid of nine, wouldn't a fit parent or parents have spotted the difference in a kids behaviour ??? at nine I would certainly know--her manner--her movements over 6 years- where were the family during this 6 year stretch ?? Sorry again but parents were not very interested in the kid, and I would say negligent and should have to bear some guilt. Her friends didn't know or speak ??? Someone somewhere at the onset with her being 9 would have known, and to go 6 years sort of without being brought to task. Hey what about the other teachers in the school they also didn't know ?????...

Pardon but the article said 9th grade or Mor 3.. Not 9 years old.

Pardon me-but the thread said since she was 9.

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A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

Very sad for all those involved.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but as a young kid of nine, wouldn't a fit parent or parents have spotted the difference in a kids behaviour ??? at nine I would certainly know--her manner--her movements over 6 years- where were the family during this 6 year stretch ?? Sorry again but parents were not very interested in the kid, and I would say negligent and should have to bear some guilt. Her friends didn't know or speak ??? Someone somewhere at the onset with her being 9 would have known, and to go 6 years sort of without being brought to task. Hey what about the other teachers in the school they also didn't know ?????...

Pardon but the article said 9th grade or Mor 3.. Not 9 years old.

Read it properly!

'According to police, Phayonsak had allegedly been raping the girl since she was nine and used recordings of the act to continue forcing himself on her.'

Re-read it... yes, since nine... oops.

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None of us know how or when this "relationship" actually started or how it developed over time. All we know is that this unfortunate young girl did not want to live after Khun Phayonsak killed himself. They both must have suffered terribly. Very sad...

What? Are you being serious or just trolling? It does not matter how it started, she was 9 years old.

The pedophile did not suffer enough. He should have been tortured to death with a blow torch.

Edited by ricku
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None of us know how or when this "relationship" actually started or how it developed over time. All we know is that this unfortunate young girl did not want to live after Khun Phayonsak killed himself. They both must have suffered terribly. Very sad...

What? Are you beeing serious or just trolling? It does not matter how it started, she was 9 years old.

The pedophile did not suffer enough. He should have been tortured to death with a blow torch.

Satisfying your wish to torture is not the purpose of the law.

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