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Windows 8 Blue Screen Of Death Now Includes A Sad Face :(


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Windows 8 BSOD now includes a sad face :(


Microsoft’s Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) now includes a not so smiley face.

The sad face is displayed on the BSOD screen in the latest Windows 8 developer preview build. The typical full page of information with STOP codes and detailed hardware or software error details has been removed and replaced with a simple interface that mirrors the rest of the operating system. Geek.com spotted the sad face BSOD and notes that most people were expecting a black one.

Early leaked builds of Windows 8 included a black screen of death with similar information on the status of why a machine crashed. The switch to the black screen was clearly a temporary one. Microsoft did the same thing with Longhorn build 5112 throughout Vista’s development stage. Microsoft has only ever used a Black Screen of Death in Windows 3.x when DOS-based applications failed to execute correctly. Microsoft typically uses Black screens when its operating systems are attempting to load following the power-on self-test (POST).

Microsoft has used the Blue Screen of Death since early copies of Windows 1.0. The first Windows error screen composed of code page 437 symbols against a blue background. The first proper Blue Screen was present in Windows 3.x. Microsoft started using a Red Screen of Death inside early Windows Vistabuilds. The company also used Red Screens inside early beta copies of Windows 98.

Source: http://www.winrumors.com/windows-8-bsod-now-includes-a-sad-face/

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Apple computer now for 2 years... never seen a blue screen or what so ever...keep on trying MS!

It really irks me that every time there's someone reporting about a problem on Windows, there's the "clever guy" who suggest "buy a mac" as a solution.

I think I haven't seen a BSOD for years either. And I'm running Microsoft.

My 4 year-old Dell runs Windows 7 continuously for 2 years now and has been rebooted only a few times for some updates. Better: my parents have exactly the same computer and while they use it daily and I didn't upgrade it to Win7, they have yet to have a problem.

People blaming Microsoft on BSODs are wrong, because failures are actually caused in the very wide majority of the cases by faulty hardware drivers... which are the responsibility of the manufacturer of the device, not Microsoft. This is the advantage and the drawback of Windows. You can plug anything you want... including crap that will crash your computer.

Last time I tried to transfer pics from my SD card to my friend's Macbook , the picture viewer crashed and we had to reboot the Mac. Well.. sh**t happens. I didn't tell my friend he should change his laptop.

I like Apple computers. Mac OS is really neat, but dam_n those fanboys are annoying!

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Apple computer now for 2 years... never seen a blue screen or what so ever...keep on trying MS!

It really irks me that every time there's someone reporting about a problem on Windows, there's the "clever guy" who suggest "buy a mac" as a solution.

I think I haven't seen a BSOD for years either. And I'm running Microsoft.

My 4 year-old Dell runs Windows 7 continuously for 2 years now and has been rebooted only a few times for some updates. Better: my parents have exactly the same computer and while they use it daily and I didn't upgrade it to Win7, they have yet to have a problem.

People blaming Microsoft on BSODs are wrong, because failures are actually caused in the very wide majority of the cases by faulty hardware drivers... which are the responsibility of the manufacturer of the device, not Microsoft. This is the advantage and the drawback of Windows. You can plug anything you want... including crap that will crash your computer.

Last time I tried to transfer pics from my SD card to my friend's Macbook , the picture viewer crashed and we had to reboot the Mac. Well.. sh**t happens. I didn't tell my friend he should change his laptop.

I like Apple computers. Mac OS is really neat, but dam_n those fanboys are annoying!

I have to agree here i have been running windows 7 for ages now. It has not given me a single blue screen. Its a legal version and i update it.

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I have to agree here i have been running windows 7 for ages now. It has not given me a single blue screen. Its a legal version and i update it.

Ditto :thumbsup:

Actually, I haven't seen a BSOD since Windows XP sp 2. Never bothered with Vista (it was bad from the get-go). Always keep system, compatible drivers, and a good antivirus software up to date and never use dodgy copies of software.

Edited by BB1950
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I have to agree here i have been running windows 7 for ages now. It has not given me a single blue screen. Its a legal version and i update it.

Ditto :thumbsup:

Actually, I haven't seen a BSOD since Windows XP sp 2. Never bothered with Vista (it was bad from the get-go). Always keep system, compatible drivers, and a good antivirus software up to date and never use dodgy copies of software.

I used to have loads of problems but then i had a illegal version of windows. I think that was part of the problem.

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I skipped Vista and am happy I did.

My Windows XP SP3 had been running fine for years but I needed to move on just to keep up-to-date.

I have to admit Win 7 is pretty great, definitely better than XP. No problems at all, totally stable. I don't like everything about it, but the flaws (to my mind anyway) can be worked around.

Linux doesn't run all the software I need. Otherwise, I'd gladly use it.

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This proves Bill Gates is secretly a Muslim. The star and crescent are cleverly disguised with an extra star at the bottom (actually it's a period . . . Arabic reads right to left). It is probably a signal to give courage to his followers. They are legion, they are everywhere.

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I havent seen a BSOD for several years either... and i use Windows everyday for both work and home :)

In fact, the last time i did see a BSOD was due to a hardware failure... dead sound card i think it was.

Ditto for me....been a long time since I've seen a BSOD on Windows...and the last time was due to some type of hardware failure....hard drive if I remember right.

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I have been torchered by a Vista laptop for 3 years ..... it's time to skip Windows 7, 8 and 9 and go for Apple or Linux

You never upgraded from Vista????!!!!!....my gosh man, you must love pain. I wiped Vista from my hard drive the first month that Windows 7 was officially released...Windows 7 has been rock solid for me.

But I'm still undergoing therapy to wipe all the Vista bad memories from my brain....fortunately, Windows 7 has really helped the healing process. ;)

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I have been torchered by a Vista laptop for 3 years ..... it's time to skip Windows 7, 8 and 9 and go for Apple or Linux

You never upgraded from Vista????!!!!!....my gosh man, you must love pain. I wiped Vista from my hard drive the first month that Windows 7 was officially released...Windows 7 has been rock solid for me.

But I'm still undergoing therapy to wipe all the Vista bad memories from my brain....fortunately, Windows 7 has really helped the healing process. ;)

As 'Familyonthemove' post shows, Microsoft is still paying a great price for the disaster that Vista was. It understandably disgusted a lot of users to the point they still don't feel like giving a chance to Win7 and others.

I feel sad for anyone who got stuck with a Vista OS. Furthermore, most of them were casual users (because those with a bit of knowledge quickly understood you better stay with XP), therefore more likely to suffer from Vista's poor quality.

I sure hope Microsoft understood the lesson. Win7 is really a great OS, they should take all the time needed to make Win8 a worthy upgrade.

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I have been torchered by a Vista laptop for 3 years ..... it's time to skip Windows 7, 8 and 9 and go for Apple or Linux

You never upgraded from Vista????!!!!!....my gosh man, you must love pain. I wiped Vista from my hard drive the first month that Windows 7 was officially released...Windows 7 has been rock solid for me.

But I'm still undergoing therapy to wipe all the Vista bad memories from my brain....fortunately, Windows 7 has really helped the healing process. ;)

As 'Familyonthemove' post shows, Microsoft is still paying a great price for the disaster that Vista was. It understandably disgusted a lot of users to the point they still don't feel like giving a chance to Win7 and others.

I feel sad for anyone who got stuck with a Vista OS. Furthermore, most of them were casual users (because those with a bit of knowledge quickly understood you better stay with XP), therefore more likely to suffer from Vista's poor quality.

I sure hope Microsoft understood the lesson. Win7 is really a great OS, they should take all the time needed to make Win8 a worthy upgrade.

It's funny because when Vista was introduced, the know-it-alls on this forum absolutely loved it as exciting hot new technology; and when I compared it to Windows Me (as many did, elsewhere) and said I was skipping it for 7 SP1, whenever 7 SP1 would come out, I was thoroughly poo-pooed as living the past etc. I pointed out that the Usenet Vista forum was overrun with complaints and problems to no avail . . . . I've been happy w/ my XP SP3--it was tweaked up & ran beautifully, never needed to re-install it (which is almost never necessary anyway).

In the end those who waited were proven right. I'm nobody's fanboy, but I have to admit that Windows 7 rocks, overall. The annoyances aren't hard to workaround. Solid as rock!

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The biggest single problem I had with Vista was "drivers"---Microsoft and the some hardware/software manufacturers basically took months and months and months after release of Vista to get workable drivers developed/distributed for many harware devices/software. And in some cases update drivers for certain hardware/software was not developed for Visa...you had to buy new hardware/software. I know that happens to a degree with all new operating systems but with Visa it went over the top.

Microsoft really dropped the ball in ensuring workable/updated drivers were available....both drivers developed by Microsoft and ensuring a supportive arrangement was in place to ensure third party hardware/software companies got drivers developed.

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