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Tool To Reveal What Makes Young Thai Lawbreakers Tick


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The judge sentences them to alcohol and drug treatment centers for 30 days in the USA. That's the big secret. Then they have to go to 'x' number of AA or NA meeteings per week afterward.

About 80% of prisoners are in the slammer behind drugs and alsohol.

For juveniles, watch for Conduct Disorder. CD is the precursor to what used to be referred to as a sociopathy (psychopathy, or antisocial personality disorder).


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There are several major causes for juvenile delinquency, one is indeed a lack of guidence/dicipline from parents, another one is boredom and group pressure also plays a very important role. Not to mention the fact that some people have a need for adventure and do things just for the kick. Some find it in being a figther pilote, others in being a criminal.

But society also makes criminals. The US prison system has never been so full since the war on drugs in the US. The fear is that Thailand will do the same. There are different categories of drug users. The biggest group are the ones, especially youngsters, who just experiment with them. Give them some time and they will stay away from drugs or only use it once in a while. Than there is a group that is really at risk and need some guidence to prevent them from becomming addicts and there is the group of addicts.

That the Thai justice system is trying to make a difference bewteen groups of juveniles is very possitive. Let's hope they will do the same regarding drug offenders.

+1 ... well spoken

I too like this post, and also came here for the iPhone app. I am interested in why Asian youth do not participate in flash mobbing as do British and American youth, and I wrote an article about that here.



Probably because they all cannot afford or have stolen an I-Phone yet. No I-Phone or Computer, no Flash Mob. Give em time !

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prevention is the key , .....cures are few and far between , the answer lies in the parenting, stop the kids having kids and then having to to sell their bodies to pay for the kids they have left with the grandparents that let the kids do as they please , most thais are not good parents , they place very little importance on education , getting a job asap is the priority,..........stop this chain reaction and you cure the problem .......... simples !

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Kids break the law because they watch adults do it and get away with it .

Yes I agree and it starts with all the civic leaders, police, polititians, ministers, prime ministers and ex-prime ministers. With all those, corrupt people, leading the country is it any wonder that the youth turn out bad. They are only learning by example.

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