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I May Be Killed In Thailand 17Th Of October 2011

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Hello all hope your well apoogies I have been offline for a while , for anyone who has followed some of the topics I have posted will be aware that I have a property issue in thalland ie 30 year lease trying to enforce it etc yep I am that sucker :) any way the bottom line in whilst I have been offline I have been awaiting a court date in Phuket this has now been granted me on the 17th of October the case will be heard at Phuket Provincial Court I am not expecting to win or lose but I need closure on this property problem as it is worth 10 million baht and even though we finished 2 years ago she will not leave yep I am that sucker :whistling:

I have it on good authority that I may be murdered by my ex thai girlfriends family before I get to court I am arriving on the 16th of October with the court date the day after on the 17th. Some will argue that I am being stupid even attempting to try and get the leae enforced however in life I have faced many challenges and this is one which I want closure on. The reason as I am sure you will all undersrand why i may be murdered is quite simply becasue Thais see this as natural justice and that the property belongs to them .

it feels strange wrtiing this post today as it could be my last :( . I was thinking of sending an email to the Phuket Gazette the BBC , the the british embassy in thailand , the mayor of phuket the governer of phuket making them all aware of what is likely to happen to me british citiizen on the 17th of October , however as well all know and me in partcculer having spent 10 years in thailand a British life lost or a farang death is not big news these days and is more often brished under the carpet.

not sure what responses I am expecting back but thanks for reading my posts .

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I don't think that this will be your last post

Bring your lawyer to the police station at your arrival and make a simple police report on that you have received death threats - then your lawyer should clearly make sure that it is noted in the court records that you have received death threats. The lawyer have to formally send in what he will do 30 days before court I think it is so hurry and tell him that you want that in. It is likely that the court will pick up on this, not do anything formal of course but they actually dislike murders very much so they will probably be happy to explain the consequences to the ex girl friend

Ask the lead judge to tell the ex girl friend that murdering someone will give several years in in jail also if that person happens to be a farang and that the police are'nt stupid

An ex bar girl is most likely to totally ignore if you or your lawyer says it but not so if a judge tells her

She may not leave though :unsure:

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All Thai's claim to have mafia connections, most of them are unfounded. As said make it known and get it documented you have received these threats.

Things to bare in mind, safety in numbers / stay in public places / let as few people as possible know where you are staying / stay in a respectable hotel etc etc


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All Thai's claim to have mafia connections, most of them are unfounded. As said make it known and get it documented you have received these threats.

Things to bare in mind, safety in numbers / stay in public places / let as few people as possible know where you are staying / stay in a respectable hotel etc etc


thanks for your support JH I wish i knew someone there I could trust who speaks English and Thai.

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yes I read your previous posts, therefore I am quite interested in the outcome.

I'm especially interested in whether a court will accept a foreigner to control land through a lease contract (i.e. deciding to whom to sell and at what price).

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I dunno your story but the main risk is that you'll finish in jail.

If they kill you they could have some troubles (4 years sentence and they'll do 2). As they don't want to spend 2 years in prison, they'll push you inside. Don't worry about the reason, they'll find.

Police will find 20 gr of heroin in your suitcase. They'll find more easily because they'll put it inside before.

What? Your lawyer? He works for both sides or, at least, he'll not risk any trouble helping a famous drug trafficker.

Edited by geovalin
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You are not the only one who predicted his own death: British man murdered by his Thai bride and lover. You seem to be street smart enough to be aware of the possibility of getting murdered like the guy in the article, and, being aware at least be able to anticipate it! You know it can happen, I mean getting killed over assets in Thailand, it is not too difficult to find stories like dying Briton killed by Thai wife for his money or barbecued by Thai bride. Your message is probably not to get involved with buying property in a Thai person's name, or if you really cannot resist the pressure to bring money into Thailand to buy real estate to use a Thai company, though illegal and still you could loose all, but you at least deal with the gov and you won't get killed laugh.gif

Edite, note: foreigners, often pensioners, getting killed in Thailand by their Thai partners is not so different from Pakistani women getting killed by kitchen fires, you do not often read about them, but that does not mean they do not happen.

Edited by kimmy
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just make sure all your money goes to charities if you get killed, not that wh....

good luck. Lots of cheap hitmen in phuket. According to some, the people from the south are clones of "greys" so they're copy of a copy of a copy of an already corrupted soul.

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All Thai's claim to have mafia connections, most of them are unfounded. As said make it known and get it documented you have received these threats.

Things to bare in mind, safety in numbers / stay in public places / let as few people as possible know where you are staying / stay in a respectable hotel etc etc


thanks for your support JH I wish i knew someone there I could trust who speaks English and Thai.

And so yet another barfly, with no knowledge of his adopted country "I wish I knew someone who spoke English and Thai". soaking up the relentless bullshit over equally ignorant patrons of whatever establishment you found your sweetie in.

Forget the lawyer crap, 99% will take you and your white ass for all you have and you'll get a different 'opinion/advice' from every single one of them.

All police stations on Phuket have English speaking cop/cops. Just pop yourself into one and get them to write up a report re any concerns/threats, have it laminated at your nearest photo processing outlet, and pin the bloody thing to whatever property you are in dispute with for all and sundry to see, and they'll all back off. Promise. Wuss. And DO try to learn more re the mores of this country, via interaction with the locals, other than those working in bars or drinking in them.

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just make sure all your money goes to charities if you get killed, not that wh....

good luck. Lots of cheap hitmen in phuket. According to some, the people from the south are clones of "greys" so they're copy of a copy of a copy of an already corrupted soul.

See what I mean? Jeezuz ...

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just make sure all your money goes to charities if you get killed, not that wh....

good luck. Lots of cheap hitmen in phuket. According to some, the people from the south are clones of "greys" so they're copy of a copy of a copy of an already corrupted soul.

Looks like you live a sad life in you own world. :annoyed:

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Pay a few police to guard you. They will do it. If you can not find any who will, there are security companies in Bangkok who will.

With that said, she is probably blowing hot air to scare you. Most Thais (not all) only talk a mean talk. If they scare you out of going to court, they win.

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I'm actually Thai man 100%. I'm never go to one side of those street women. I'm telling you, if you want to find a true love in Thailand; you shoud looking for a working Thai woman who works for a company, business owner or whatever that first she try to work on herself, but not being as the prostitute in a bar.

I supposed that about 90-99% bar girls are prostitute. They are all trying to take all your money and property. I meant, 100% bar girls are looking a (stupid pig) farang! Who keep having drink, spending money for sex. If you felt in love with her, she will then plan to take over on your life.

I'm so sorry if this post is being an upset to someone. And, sorry for my bad English.

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I'm actually Thai man 100%. I'm never go to one side of those street women. I'm telling you, if you want to find a true love in Thailand; you shoud looking for a working Thai woman who works for a company, business owner or whatever that first she try to work on herself, but not being as the prostitute in a bar.

I supposed that about 90-99% bar girls are prostitute. They are all trying to take all your money and property. I meant, 100% bar girls are looking a (stupid pig) farang! Who keep having drink, spending money for sex. If you felt in love with her, she will then plan to take over on your life.

I'm so sorry if this post is being an upset to someone. And, sorry for my bad English.

Hi Paksant...Good post and very true!

What you say is good advice for all Farang that look for love in Thailand.

It\s very good to hear about Thai man point of view.

Thanks again!

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All Thai's claim to have mafia connections, most of them are unfounded. As said make it known and get it documented you have received these threats.

Things to bare in mind, safety in numbers / stay in public places / let as few people as possible know where you are staying / stay in a respectable hotel etc etc


thanks for your support JH I wish i knew someone there I could trust who speaks English and Thai.

And so yet another barfly, with no knowledge of his adopted country "I wish I knew someone who spoke English and Thai". soaking up the relentless bullshit over equally ignorant patrons of whatever establishment you found your sweetie in.

Forget the lawyer crap, 99% will take you and your white ass for all you have and you'll get a different 'opinion/advice' from every single one of them.

All police stations on Phuket have English speaking cop/cops. Just pop yourself into one and get them to write up a report re any concerns/threats, have it laminated at your nearest photo processing outlet, and pin the bloody thing to whatever property you are in dispute with for all and sundry to see, and they'll all back off. Promise. Wuss. And DO try to learn more re the mores of this country, via interaction with the locals, other than those working in bars or drinking in them.

I agree fear mongers are an industry in Thailand and depend on farang cowered.

You don't need a lawyer, yet- just a strong commitment to standing up for yourself. I would take someone who is fluent in both languages, Just ask around.

I had a western neighbor who won out over a Thai over a lease on land so if your contract is sound, and I hope you got a certified translation into English- you have a good chance of relief.

Good luck and keep up posts. .

However I have often thought that between a Thai and her property, at the end of a 30 year lease after exponentially increased value- may not be the best place to stand.

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  • 1 month later...

hi .if you are concerned about your safety .talk to a security company about getting some muscle to keep a eye on you while you are in phuket .you will be surprised the effect it has on your ex. and her family if they see you are prepared to use a little force to get what is yours. most of these security comp use ex cops who still have connections with the force. in thailand its not who you are .but who you know . please keep us updated. james B) ps your lawyer might be able to buy her off before it goes to court. a bag of money may do the trick .

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