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Should I Take Anything When I Finish My Sustanon 250 ?


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Question: I have been taking 1ml of Sustanon 250, injection, every week and 1 Provironom (25 mg tablet) everyday. I have been doing this for about 7 months. If I want to stop should I take anything ?? or just stop and wait for my balls to kick-in and normal hormones levels to return ? I am Not very experience about this so I would appreciate any help. Also and costs involved for the drugs and what benefits I will get from taking them. So far, I have been happy with the Sustanon 250 and don't seem to have any side effects. Thanks

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Look it up in a bodybuilding forum your probably not getting any good awnsers here. I also find it real stupid that you start a cycle without proper reading up about it.

You really have to take something to get it going again. You are lucky your at a real low dose.

Just think about taking nolvadex.

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i dont recommend getting of trt(testoserone replacment therapy) but if you do then i suggest picking up CLOMID at a local pharmacy and maybe such HCG to help your boys grow back if theyve gotten smaller

Dosage--then after last injection wait 2-3 days and start clomid at 50 mg a day for 4 weeks, i recommend throwing in HCG also because it helps increase sperm count.

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i dont recommend getting of trt(testoserone replacment therapy) but if you do then i suggest picking up CLOMID at a local pharmacy and maybe such HCG to help your boys grow back if theyve gotten smaller

Dosage--then after last injection wait 2-3 days and start clomid at 50 mg a day for 4 weeks, i recommend throwing in HCG also because it helps increase sperm count.

This dose was not for TRT but for gain of muscle. The dosage was much too high for TRT.

Clomid and nolvadex basically do the same thing. Most bodybuilders use Nolvadex.

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i dont recommend getting of trt(testoserone replacment therapy) but if you do then i suggest picking up CLOMID at a local pharmacy and maybe such HCG to help your boys grow back if theyve gotten smaller

Dosage--then after last injection wait 2-3 days and start clomid at 50 mg a day for 4 weeks, i recommend throwing in HCG also because it helps increase sperm count.

This dose was not for TRT but for gain of muscle. The dosage was much too high for TRT.

Clomid and nolvadex basically do the same thing. Most bodybuilders use Nolvadex.

I know that but cloimd is more available in Thailand than Nolva, i prefer Nolva but have only found clomid, I also reccommend buying liquid nolvadex on http://www.rui-products.com/. Cheapest and safest way to buy pct medicine.

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i dont recommend getting of trt(testoserone replacment therapy) but if you do then i suggest picking up CLOMID at a local pharmacy and maybe such HCG to help your boys grow back if theyve gotten smaller

Dosage--then after last injection wait 2-3 days and start clomid at 50 mg a day for 4 weeks, i recommend throwing in HCG also because it helps increase sperm count.

This dose was not for TRT but for gain of muscle. The dosage was much too high for TRT.

Clomid and nolvadex basically do the same thing. Most bodybuilders use Nolvadex.

I know that but cloimd is more available in Thailand than Nolva, i prefer Nolva but have only found clomid, I also reccommend buying liquid nolvadex on http://www.rui-products.com/. Cheapest and safest way to buy pct medicine.

I have found nolva in the past. Its available around nana for sure.

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While there are several testosterone preparations licensed for sale in Thailand, Sustanon is not one of them. it ios not registered here and its sale/purchase thus illegal.

As for Nolvadex, it is a controlled drug.

Per forum rules on discussion of illegal activities, thread is closed.

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